GUYYYYYYS!11111111111111111111111111 You can not believe how sorry I am for not updating, the problem is I wrote five fliippppiiin chapters but they are all gone I do not know how, but they are just gone and now I can not remember ANYTHING that I typed up there previously, So this chapter might have to be super short I hope that is okay with you! I no i have kept up a repitition of making my chapter longer than the on previous but that might have to change just for this chapter since I am really busy and I at least want to keep you guys updated! Also so non of you stop reading my work since I really enjoy it when i get feedback from you guys! But i am not sure if anyone even reads this anymore so please If you do read this give me a review and let me know! Also I know its been a long time since I last updated so please be patient with me and I will make more. Okay so without a further ado lets begin, shall we?



He plunged into the depths of the empty void that filled his heart from top to bottom, he wallowed into the murky blackness that held his stomach captive. He fell and fell and fell and fell, like an Alice going into wonderland. He wasnt sure how to feel, nor what was going on. Inuyasha let out scream that could be heard from miles and miles away. A flash of light danced before his eyes before bleeding into the inky blackness and evaporating completely before his eyes. The light danced like the flame on a wick that lay on a candle dancing to the crackles and licks of the fire. A smell that smelt so sweet to him filled his nostrils, followed by a bitter after taste, It was his most favourite place in the entire world... 'It has to be home, right?' Inuyasha thought to himself.

"Home, of course I am home. I never left I've always been here with mother and father and big brother Sesshomaru too!"

"Inuyasha, where are you?! You promised we would play together today!"

Inuyasha turned around to see a girl who looked only a few years younger than him,

"Who are you?" Inuyasha asked curiously,

"Me? You don't remember me? I'm Kagoe Mei,"

"Ka-go-iee May, So your first name is Mei? Kagoe Mei kinda sounds like Kagome, can I call you that?" He felt a pang in his heart, what was going on

"Ka-go-me, sounds cool, though you better not be calling me some other girls name, anyway Inuyasha, what do you want to play today?"

She grabbed Inuyasha's hand as they made their way throughout the garden, everything was so neatly put up and it looked so welcoming and inviting. Inuyasha looked at this girl she looked about eight whilst he looked about twelve. They walked throughout the rose garden whilst Mei named every flower on the way from fuchsia to carnations. She looked so cute through the summer breeze and Inuyasha couldn't help but be reminded of someone whilst looking at her. Kagome, something about that name seemed so familiar that he couldn't help but cry, it hurt his chest when ever he thought of that name and he chocked whenever he said it.

Inuyasha leaned against a bush, as he tried to figure out what was going on, it was like a memory that was forgotten but he needed to remember. What the hell was going on?

Mei turned to Inuyasha and pocked his cheek,

"In-uuuu-yah-shaaaaaaa," She said, "Inuyasha you promised we would play, but we are not playing anything at the moment!" Inuyasha looked at this girl demanding that they would play together and a voice rang in his head, like a constant bell,

"In-uuu-ya-shaaa, You promised that you would help me study my history of edo Japan today," a womans voice rang through his head. He whispered,

"Kagome, is that you?" he gasped because he was surprised himself, the girl replied,

"Sure I guess, but I prefer if you called me Mei, Inuyasha, is something wrong?"

"INUYASHA! Of course somethings wrong! You keep calling me Kikyo! I'm Kagome! Ka-go-me!" That womans voice rang through his head again it maid his head pound and then these words made their way through his lips,




Leaves and dirt crunched beneath her feat as she ran for her life. Sounds of her calling out to him filled her lungs as her tears streamed down her face. He was not any where to be seen. Colours flashed everywhere as everything went dark. It was like she was falling into her own void, her own pit of darkness but before she could see his in the rose garden, she was pulled out.


When her conciousness faded back to her, she saw to human-looking creatures with beautiful wings with cream and white feathers flowing on it. The female one had a long dress that was part of the feathers with a slit down the side for her leg, whilst the male had a tux part of his feathers with a slit down the front for his chest. Kagome had to admit she was quite attracted to both of them surprisingly. They made all her body feel warm and fuzzy inside but also eerie.

"You called mistress," They said in unison as they both went on one knee and kissed one of her hands,

"W-who are you?" Kagome asked,

"Well you called for us," The female one started, "My name is Ino princess of the albatrois helm, another dimension close by here,"

"And I am her older twin brother, Yashu, prince of the albatrois helm, me and my sister could both not find a sutible mate, so in old albahelm fashion... we have to wed, each other," Yashu finished as Ino started again,

"As much as we would prefer to do that then marry some one else, we do not get along, at all, so we were told if one of us could manage to marry the priestess Kagome, in the revealing clothing, the one married to you would be able to just straight up take the throne and become, emperess," Ino said

"Or emperor," Yashu inturupted Ino, "So we was hoping that when you called for Ino Yashu, you had finally noticed us following you everywhere and was going to take me or my sister's hand," Kagome just looked at them confusingly,

"You both want the throne, and to me you both look like you are secretly in love with each other... Which I guess is acceptable in your country? So just marry each other?" Kagome just slowly backed away kinda freaked out that they have been following her this entire time,

"I mean I guess we can do that but we are both completely infactuated with you madame Kagome," Ino whispered as she wrapped her hand round her waist, "Come, you should visit our dimension before deciding that!" Kagome took a step back,

"Really, no thanks, I like my home back in Tokyo just fine thanks,"

"Very well, we shall wed with each other but if Japan is destroyed by one of our arguments you will be coming with us,"

Kagome backed away and started her journey for looking for Inuyasha again, why did she eve bother turning them down, they seemed like nice people, well demons. It is not like Inuyasha had feelings for her anyway, he has already rejected her multiple times and it has been over five freakin seasons and they havent even kissed once yet! Wait what? Fourth wall break... anyway



Kouga looked back, he could not believe it, his luck, there standing before him was Kagome, KA FREAKING GOME! Kouga just stared, and blinked. Now was his chance to apologise! Kouga picked up a rose and put it through Kagome's hair, She turned around surprised as her eyes locked on to Kouga's. Kouga whispered

"Sorry," As he took her hand and kissed her fingertips, He patted her head before quickly escaping in a tornado. Kagome felt a blush rise on her cheeks, what was this feeling? Does she now have feelings for Kouga as well as Inuyasha?



Sorry guys that todays chapter was really short, I really have to hurry because i have work soon, anyway I really hope you enjoyed todays chapter, please give me review and tell me what you have thought about the story so far, I will make sure I reply to all of them, If I get another review by the time the next chapter is out I will continue the story, because I'm not even sure if anyone is reading these anymore, Sorry that I havent updated since late September I will make sure I update again before Christmas.

