Hermione looked up in distress as she realized her best friend had wandered away from their group. It was after their finals, and Harry had begun to behave strangely ever since their Defense exam. She looked around the clearing in the Forbidden Forest, and when she didn't immediately see him, she almost called for Hagrid. Then she spotted him. Harry had retreated to the edge of the clearing where they'd been studying bowtruckles, and was kneeling in the lush grass under the shadow of a mighty tree. Hermione looked on curiously as Harry held his cupped hands close to his face, appearing to whisper into them.

Was Rita Skeeter back? But no, Harry would never converse with that awful witch. What was he doing? Hermione stood from the group, setting aside the diagram she'd been drawing, and started in his direction. Harry chuckled suddenly as if his hands had replied, and continued to whisper into his cupped palms.

And then, all of sudden, Harry's hands parted as if in pain, and he collapsed. Hermione froze. At first her friend convulsed, and then he began to scream. Hermione looked on in horror as he drew in on himself, curling into a tight ball, as he screamed and screamed in pain. The entire class turned to stare, and Hagrid lumbered quickly across the clearing, accidentally knocking aside a Slytherin girl who'd tried to stand. Hermione raced their half-giant teacher to her friend. She tried to roll him onto his back, calling out to him.

"Harry! Harry!"

He couldn't hear her over his own screams. Hagrid reached them and knelt down beside the Boy Who Lived.

"What happened?" The Care of Magical Creatures professor asked.

Hermione shook her head, tears springing into her eyes. "I-I don't know. I saw him over here, and then he just started screaming! Do something, Hagrid!"

The half-giant nodded and lifted the screaming sixteen-year-old into his massive arms.

"Class dismissed. Follow me out of the forest!"

The class immediately stood, gathering their things and following Hagrid out of the clearing, back to the path. Hermione realized, just as they saw the clear, open lawn of Hogwarts, that she'd forgotten her books. She turned to go back, but stopped when Ron pushed through a group of Slytherins, with her bag and his own. She took the bag gratefully, and turned back to following her prone best friend in the arms of their teacher.

Most of the students broke off as soon as they broke free of the Forbidden Forest, but Hermione and Ron followed closely as Hagrid carted their friend to the castle. Four floors up the Grand Staircase, and Hagrid seemed relieved to have finally reached the Hospital Wing. Harry's screams drew Madame Pomfrey even before Hagrid could lay the Gryffindor on a bed.

"What's happened?" She demanded, coming down the wing.

Hagrid sniffled, and Hermione realized the half-giant was crying. "Dunno, he jus' started screamin' while we were in the Forbidden Forest."

"He was talking to something," Hermione said. "I saw him. Just before he collapsed, he was whispering to something in his hands."

Madame Pomfrey sighed. "Well, that could be anything. Hang on," She said loudly. She turned on the Boy Who Lived and waved her wand in a complex pattern. The screaming stopped, and Harry uncurled, only to begin thrashing wildly. "Oh my."

"What? What did you do?" Hermione pleaded.

Madame Pomfrey shook her head. "I put him in a magical coma."

Ron gasped beside Hermione, and Hermione rounded on her other friend.

"What?!" She demanded.

Ron rubbed the back of his head, frowning. "Magical comas are powerful, Hermione. Harry should be…well, he should look dead. Whatever's happened to Harry is very powerful magic, probably dark."

"Don't be silly," Madame Pomfrey said. "Just because magic is powerful, it doesn't make it dark. You should do something about that prejudice, Mister Weasley."

"He's clearly in pain," Ron argued.

"Which means very little until we know what has happened," Madame Pomfrey insisted. She turned to go back down the wing. "I am going to summon the other professors. Perhaps they will have some idea of what has happened to Mister Potter. You three may remain, so long as you do not get in the way."

"Yes, ma'am," Hermione called down the wing, elbowing her red-headed friend.

Hagrid nodded, lowering himself onto a bed which sunk remarkably under his weight.

Hermione found a chair by one of the other beds and drew it over to Harry. She sat down and carded her fingers through his hair as he thrashed inconsolably atop the blanket.


Poppy Pomfrey sighed as she waited for the other professors to arrive. Pomona had been among the first to reach the Hospital Wing, but had only been able to say Potter's pain was not a result of any plant she knew of. Albus had been the first to come, and he was as baffled as she was. They simply didn't have enough information. Minerva and Filius had both arrived shortly after Pomona, and had verified that it was not some spell, dark or otherwise, which was causing their student so much pain. Horace assured everyone that it wasn't any potion he'd ever encountered. Nor was it alchemy, or runework.

And then Severus arrived. Poppy had known he'd be the last, with his disdain for the student in question. However, as soon as he entered the Infirmary, Potter stilled. The large group surrounding the bed, most performing tests of one sort or other, paused, looking around at each other in question. Poppy looked from the Gryffindor to the Head of Slytherin.

"Severus," Poppy breathed. "Could you…go back out for just a moment?"

The Potions Master-turned-Defense professor frowned. "Poppy, I haven't time for games."

"Indulge me," The Matron insisted.

With a growl, Severus turned and stalked out of the Infirmary. As soon as the door had shut on him, Potter began to thrash uncontrollably again.

The gathered professors and two students either gasped or gaped in wonder.

"Oh dear," Albus murmured, the corners of his mouth lifting in a sly smile.

Severus came back into the Hospital Wing looking annoyed, and again Potter stilled. "Are you satisfied?"

Poppy frowned as Albus covered his mouth to hide a fit of laughter. "Severus…Perhaps you can tell us what has afflicted Mister Potter."

"Besides an over-inflated ego?" The Potions Master snarled. "Tell me what you know."

Granger spoke up. "We were in the Forbidden Forest, studying bowtruckles. I looked up and realized that Harry had wandered away. When I found him, he was sitting just outside of the clearing, whispering to something in his hands. After a moment, he seemed to drop whatever it was in pain, and then he collapsed and started screaming."

"He was brought here," Poppy continued for the girl. "I put him into a magical coma, but it didn't stop his pain. He began thrashing, and he hasn't stopped since."

Severus looked at the still form of the Boy Who Lived. "He seems to have stopped now."

Poppy nodded, a light blush tinting her cheeks. "Yes, it would appear he is somehow affected by your presence. It is why I asked you to go out for a moment. He only stopped when you entered the room, and started again as soon as you were gone."

Severus groaned. "It can't be."

Suddenly, Albus guffawed loudly, bent at the waist as he gasped for air past his laughter.

"It isn't funny, Headmaster!" Severus snarled, rounding on the aged wizard.

Albus continued to laugh heartily as the other professors and Poppy turned to look at the Potions Master expectantly.

Severus sighed, looking at Granger. "You say he was whispering to something in his hands?"

"Yes," Granger said immediately.

"Did it appear as if the something were speaking back?" Severus inquired further.

Poppy frowned as Granger replied. "Actually, yes, it did."

Poppy's frown deepened as Severus hung his head in apparent defeat.

"Damn," The Potions Master murmured. He looked up. "As Albus has apparently already devised," He sent a sharp glance to their esteemed Headmaster, who was still chuckling and trying to hide it. "Potter has been poisoned with a very ancient potion that only one magical creature can create or use. I cannot pronounce it in fairy tongue, but the wizard name for it is 'Aeternus Veritas', or 'Eternal Truth'. A stupid name, really, considering the potion's purpose is to lead you to your one true love."

"You can't mean-" Horace began doubtfully.

"I do," Severus assured the man.

Albus again began laughing uncontrollably, and the assembled professors shot him a dark look.

"But then, why is he in pain?" Granger asked astutely.

Severus sighed again, grimacing. "Because he cannot accept who his true love is. It is rare that someone be so set against their true love, but in that case they are faced with excruciating pain when so ever they are separated from this mythical soul mate."

"So," Weasley murmured quietly. "You're Harry's soul mate? But he refuses to accept it?"

Severus nodded.

"Well, at least we know he hasn't gone completely nutters," Weasley said, barking a laugh as he nudged Granger.

Poppy scowled at the young man, as did Granger.

"It isn't funny, Ron!" Granger seethed. "I know he's been acting strange, but what is he supposed to do now? He refuses to be around Professor Snape, but can't be without him."

Poppy frowned along with the others, save Albus, who was still snickering in the corner.

"Acting strange how?" Severus inquired with a growl.

Granger blushed, turning to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. "Well…Ever since your final exam, he's been acting…weird. Withdrawn, and irritable."

"He won't talk to us," Weasley added. "And he's been having bad dreams almost every night."

Poppy frowned as she turned on Severus. "What did you do?" She inquired, the other professors rounding on the Potions Master.

"I've done nothing," Severus snarled. "My exam was simple. My questions were no more challenging than any others, and the practical portion was merely a test of skill."

"He had us prove our silent casting with the Patronus Charm," Granger supplied. "Harry actually struggled to produce a corporeal Patronus for the first time since Lupin first taught him how. And then…" Granger looked uncertainly at Severus. "Well, then Professor Snape did something out of character. He…encouraged Harry, told him to focus. He was almost kind, and then Harry's Patronus burst forth. Harry even looked startled by his own Patronus."

"What happened next?" Albus spoke up, suddenly done laughing.

Granger shrugged. "Nothing, I suppose. Harry's stag pranced around the room, and nuzzled everybody with it's nose. It nuzzled Professor Snape last, and then Harry verbally canceled the spell. He looked white as a sheet, too. Then he ran out, and Professor Snape went on as if nothing had happened."

Poppy looked to her employer as Albus hummed thoughtfully.

"Well, I suppose it is safe to say that Severus' actions were what helped Harry to cast his Patronus," The aged wizard said. "For some reason, Harry reacted to Severus' encouragement. Well, I say 'some reason'. Now I suppose we know it was because, though neither party was aware of it, that moment was the first fracture in the wall that separates them."

Poppy sighed. "Yes, but what is to be done? Is there a cure?"

Severus shook his head. "This is fairy magic. The only cure were to be if Potter accepted his true love. Beyond that, we must be in the same room together each day for a few hours at the least, or he will be faced with the pain you witnessed."

"Rotten luck."

Poppy couldn't help a small laugh when Granger smacked Weasley upside the head for his comment. Severus snarled, and the other professors looked at the red-head disapprovingly.

"What will we do, Albus?" Minerva asked worriedly. "I've no idea how we are going to explain this to the students."

"We won't," Severus assured her.

Poppy frowned at the Potions Master. "But, Severus-"

"He's right," Albus said calmly. "If we were to tell the students now, it would create havoc. Were Harry seventeen, it wouldn't matter, but he is underage right now. An announcement proclaiming Severus as Harry's true love would cause the parents, at the least, to say there is some impropriety going on. Not to mention how the students would react."

"Harry won't care about that," Granger said. "Not about the students, anyway."

"Even so," Albus continued with a nod to the girl. "Severus' job is at risk if we make what's happened known. We cannot make such an announcement at this time. If we have not found some solution by next term, then perhaps we will make some announcement then, when there can be no recourse for Severus. For now, we must keep Potter in his magical coma, here in the Infirmary. Severus can visit for a few hours every evening, to relieve Harry of his pain."

"Have I no say in this?" The Defense professor balked.

Stern eyes surrounding the lone occupied bed turned on him.

"You would rather see Harry in inescapable, unerring pain?" Albus asked calmly.

Severus frowned, sinking under the dark stares of the room. "As you wish, Headmaster," The man ground out.

Poppy smiled. "Well, I suppose now that's settled-"

"But wait," Weasley interrupted. "What about the summer? How're we going to explain Snape coming to my house to spend a few hours with Harry every day?"

It was Severus who answered. "Clearly, Potter will not be retiring to your home, Mister Weasley. He will have to spend the summer at mine."

Poppy gaped at the Defense professor, as did most of the others, including the two students. Severus scowled, but did not continue.

Granger spoke. "Harry's not going to like that," She murmured.

"It isn't exactly how I envisioned my own summer going," Severus answered with a snarl.

Poppy sighed. "Well, now that everything is settled, I think you should all leave Mister Potter to his rest. Severus, I'll set up a comfortable chair and, obviously, some privacy curtains. I'll expect you after the student curfew."

Severus sighed, but nodded. "If there is nothing else, I have a class to prepare for."

Poppy watched with a sigh of her own as the man stalked out of the Wing, and the other professors all turned to leave as well. Almost as soon as the door closed on the corridor after Severus, Poppy watched with no small amount of distress as Potter began thrashing violently on the bed. The other professors left looking slightly deflated, likely sharing in Poppy's distress. The matron silently cast a ward on the bed to prevent her patient falling out in his pained movements.

"The two of you should go to your classes. You can return following dinner," Poppy told the two students who had remained.

"But, Madame Pomfrey, we-"

"No arguments," Poppy said sharply. "I know you are concerned for your friend, but there is nothing you can do for him. Right now, I need to run some diagnostics and see what I can do."

Weasley looked ready to argue further, but Granger grabbed his arm. "Yes, Madame Pomfrey," The girl said quietly. "Thank you for taking care of Harry."

Poppy nodded and waved towards the door in dismissal. Weasley still looked prepared to argue, but Granger dragged him out. As soon as they were gone, Poppy moved around the lone occupied bed and sat heavily in the chair Granger had been utilizing. She placed her hand soothingly on the tossing forehead of her favorite patient. Potter showed no sign of acknowledging the comfort.

"You poor child," She commiserated. "You've suffered so much, and now this." Poppy glanced over her shoulder at the door to her Wing. "And you're both so stubborn. I can't see how this will end happily for either of you."

With another sigh, Poppy stood and went about setting up the necessary provisions for her favorite, and most often seen, patient.