Danvers sisters Week Day #3 - Nerd sisters

So yeah, still working on Danvers sisters week. Eventually they will all be done, I swear! Thank for the reviews!

Alex received the first book for her tenth birthday from some family member or another that she hardly ever saw. Certainly one that didn't know her very well, in Alex's opinion. Otherwise they would have given her a book about astronomy or physics or even history rather than some fiction book about a kid wizard. She dutifully read it, though, if only so she would understand what the other kids at school were talking about. Mostly she just thought Hermione made the most sense and didn't need those silly boys mucking up her life.

When her mother asked if she wanted the second one the following year, Alex declined.

The kids at school kept going on about the books like they were the best things ever. Alex begged to differ. She was positive that Carl Sagan was an infinitely better reading choice.

She had to admit, she was mildly intrigued when she heard that Hermione got to slap someone in the later books. And that there was apparently a werewolf. But not enough to ask for the rest of them. Besides, The Elegant Universe came out the same year and Alex was too busy learning about string theory.

Then she suddenly got a new sister. And not just any sister. An alien sister who had just lost her entire world and whose powers regularly left her overwhelmed and who couldn't quite seem to figure out how to fit in at school. And on the one hand that was so cool and on the other hand it was not at all what Alex had in mind when she said she wanted a sister.

Kara was hiding in their room, as she had taken to doing every day since starting at Midvale Junior High. Alex had just received stitches four days before and Kara had started wearing new glasses. Ever since that incident, Kara had spoken even less at home, especially not to Alex, having apparently decided that Alex must hate her.

Alex sighed, looking down at the book in her hands. Given it had only been read once, it was still in pristine shape. She still wasn't entirely sure what to think about this alien that had, almost literally, crashed into her life but she couldn't just… leave her and let her hurt. And, well, Alex knew she liked new books when she was upset so maybe Kara would too. Taking a deep breath, she knocked softly. "Kara?"

There was silence then a very hesitant "Yeah?"

"Can I come in?"


Slowly Alex pushed open the door, trying not to make too much noise in case Kara didn't have her glasses on. Kara was sitting on the floor by her bed and looked up when the door opened, glasses firmly in place. "Hi."

Alex smiled slightly. "Hi. Can I sit with you?"

Kara nodded slowly, brow crinkling just a little in obvious confusion.

Alex sat down carefully so as not to jostle Kara. "I um, I know you think I'm mad." Kara's eyes opened wide. "But I'm not," she hastened to add. "I mean, I was. But, uh, not anymore. And um, well, I don't really know what you like to do when you're upset but books cheer me up and uh… here." She practically shoved the copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at Kara. "It's fiction, um, not real, but I thought maybe you'd like it. And a lot of the kids at school… they like it. So maybe if you read it you could, uh, you'd have something to talk to them about."

Kara was still gazing at her with wide eyes and Alex shifted uncomfortably. Really, they hardly knew each other but this was what sisters did. Right? Right.

When Kara didn't speak Alex shrugged awkwardly and stood back up. "Well, uh, yeah. I just wanted to say I wasn't mad. The scar is actually going to be kind of cool. And um, to give you that. So… let me know what you think." She nodded. "Right. I'll… get out of your hair, Kara."

She had just reached for the door to close it behind her when Kara finally spoke again. "Alex?"

Half turning, she cocked her head slightly. "Yeah?"

Kara smiled tentatively. "Thank you. For not being mad. And for the book."

Alex smiled back, just as tentative. "You're welcome. I… I hope you like it."

Kara did like it. Loved it in fact. Their mom picked up the next four on the way home from work the next day. In just a few days Kara had devoured them all and plopped herself next to a studying Alex with a curious and concerned look on her face.

Alex glanced over curiously before returning her attention to her book. "What's up, Kara? I'm trying to study."

"Aren't you a week ahead?"

Alex sighed but smiled ruefully. She looked up again, turning in the chair to face her sister. "Yeah, I am. What's up?" Things had smoothed out a lot between them over the past several days and Kara had quickly seemed to grasp that Alex's ideal situation was to be well ahead in all her classes. They hadn't exactly started sharing a lot about themselves but Kara had at least stopped hiding away and appeared to have accepted that Alex wasn't mad. Mostly Kara would just do her homework and then read her books in the same room while Alex studied ever further ahead in her classes, the most advanced ones the school would allow her to take at her age.

Kara's brow furrowed slightly and she now looked a little upset, as if whatever she wanted to ask was bothering her more and more the longer she dwelled on it. Alex cocked her head slightly, studying her younger sister in concern. "Kara?"

"Why does Harry always have to go back to the Dursleys?" Kara blurted out.

"Um..." Alex scrambled for an answer, grateful for her good memory so she could even remember who the Dursleys were. "Because they're his family I suppose."

"But they're so mean! And Harry is so upset! Why does he have to go with them instead of someone else? It's not right!"

Alex grabbed Kara's hands which had started to flail a little. "Whoa, whoa. Calm down. What do you mean it's not right?"

"Because he just lost Sirius and everyone was so mean to him and now he doesn't even get to stay with people he likes and—"

Alex was lost but she tried desperately to calm Kara down. She really didn't need a superpowered panic attack right now. Last time that had happened they had lost a chair and two throw pillows to abrupt heat vision. "Hey, hey. Just breathe. It's ok, Kara. It's ok. There you go." Slowly Kara's breathing regulated. Alex studied her thoughtfully, setting aside the confusing ramble for a moment. "You really liked those books, huh?"

Kara looked at her in surprise, momentarily distracted from whatever had upset her. "Well, of course! Don't you?"

Alex shrugged slightly and asked, avoiding the question, "What makes you like them so much?"

Kara looked at her suspiciously for a moment, clearly not missing that Alex had refused the answer. But she didn't call Alex out on it, at least for the moment. "Harry reminds me of me," she stated simply. "Losing everything. Being left with the Dursleys without a choice. Not fitting in."

Alex stiffened. Sure, she may have only read the one book and that years ago but she did remember the Dursleys and Harry's situation. They—she—hadn't been that bad to Kara had she? Carefully she tried to extract her hands from Kara's. "Oh. I see." She couldn't entirely keep the edge out of her voice. Sure, things hadn't been sunshine and roses but surely it wasn't that bad. But maybe it was from Kara's perspective. Maybe she was as horrible an older sister as Dudley was a cousin.

But Kara was rambling again, not even seeming to have noticed Alex's reaction. "Obviously it's not exactly the same. I didn't have to go live with someone like the Dursleys for one. But see? Harry finds a family at Hogwarts when he didn't think he would and I found one here when I didn't think I would. And he doesn't fit in all the way even at Hogwarts and I don't either. But he managed to find friends and a family and his godfather and be a hero! And it just…" She trailed off, seeming to run out of steam. It was the most Alex had heard Kara speak about what it was like coming to Earth and moving in with the Danvers family. "It reminds me of me and that maybe I can do that too eventually," she finally added.

Alex sat back a little in surprise. From that point of view she definitely could see why Kara loved the books so much. "Oh. That… that makes sense." Alex cast about for something else to say. "What was your favorite part?"

Kara shrugged a little. "I don't know. Maybe the part where he finds Sirius. But that's also sad because he doesn't get to go stay with him. I also really liked the part where his friends come with him to the Ministry even though it was dangerous and he tried to stop them."

Alex tried to act like she had a clue what Kara was talking about but Kara seemed to still remember Alex's evasiveness prior and cocked her head slightly. "What's your favorite part, Alex?" she asked abruptly.

"Oh… um… well, the parts you just said are really good… I, uh…"

Kara smiled a little sadly. "You haven't read them have you?"

"I… well, no. I read the first one but… no, not the others."

"Oh." Kara was silent for several seconds. "Then why did you give me the first one to read? Why not one of the things you like?"

Alex shrugged a little. "I didn't know that you wanted to read about string theory for fun and relaxation. Besides, like I said, now you have something you can talk to some of the kids at school about. Help you fit in. Maybe find your Hermione and Ron or something. We don't have to like all the same things."

Kara seemed to consider this before nodding. "Ok. Thanks, Alex."

Alex smiled. "No problem, Kara."

Alex studied the colorful covers arranged neatly on Kara's bookshelf in their shared room. Kara had continued to love and read (and reread) the Harry Potter books over the years though she'd never really talked about them much with Alex after that initial attempt. Alex did know that Kara had found some friends at school who liked the books. Part of why Alex's—now ex—friend Josie considered Kara an unpopular dork. But now it was winter break her senior year, Alex was already accepted into Stanford and, well, after recent events she found herself wanting to actually get closer to Kara rather than sticking with the status quo of "siblings who generally like each other."

Alex was fairly confident Kara wouldn't mind her borrowing Kara's copies. They had loaned each other books before after all. Mentally making a note to still be careful with the books, Alex grabbed the first one and settled on to her bed to start reading. Maybe with Kara's perspective she'd enjoy the books more this time around.

Alex was right. Rereading the books with the insight into Kara's perspective on them made them far more enjoyable. She doubted she'd ever really adore them the way Kara did but she could see why so many people were obsessed with the books. And, she conceded, they were very good. She still firmly believed Hermione was the best but had found herself engrossed in the story of Harry and how he handled the increasing stakes, particularly in the later books.

Once finished she plopped herself on the couch next to her sister with a sly smile. Their mom was at work, her last day before the holidays, and Kara looked at Alex askance. "Hey, Kara."

"Hey, Alex." Kara's tone was confused. "What's up?"

"I was just curious… do you think Snape is really evil? I mean, he killed Dumbledore and all but…"

Kara blinked. "What? Wait… you read them?"

"Yeah, well… you really like them so… I thought I'd give them another chance. They're good." Alex smiled.

Kara paused as if processing before her face broke out into a wide grin. And then she was off, asking a million questions about Alex's opinions. "Who's your favorite character? I bet it's Hermione, huh? I really like Remus. And of course Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Oh! I bet you really like McGonagall, too, huh? She seems like such a good teacher! It's too bad Harry couldn't have been raised by her!

What did you think about Sirius? It was so sad when he died, wasn't it? What about the Half-Blood Prince? Did you realize it was Snape? Do you think he's actually evil? He did help Harry a lot but he's also so mean! And what he did to Remus! But maybe he's just mean but still a 'good guy'? Oh! And what about Harry and the snake! Do you think Harry might be a horcrux too? Or is it just because of the scar like Dumbledore said? I think Dumbledore should have been training Harry in occlumency don't you? Snape was the worst choice!"

Alex laughed. "Whoa, Kara slow down. Yes, Hermione is my favorite. Now if you could repeat questions two through one million…"

Kara blushed and dropped her head slightly, smile dimming. "Sorry, Alex."

Alex frowned. "No, hey, it's fine, Kara. I just didn't catch all the questions. I'm happy to talk about the books with you; that's why I told you I'd read them. I can't guarantee I'm as enthusiastic about them as you but I liked them."

Kara grinned again. "We have to watch the movies! And the next one comes out this summer! So does the last book!"

Alex chuckled. "Sure, Kara. We can do that." She settled more comfortably on the couch. "So, what were the rest of your questions?"

Kara's grin seemed to brighten if that was even possible as she delightedly launched back into her questions, albeit at a more reasonable pace. By the time Eliza arrived home, she found both girls ensconced in the couch, good naturedly debating the changes made from the book to the movie version of Sorcerer's Stone.

When Alex received a handmade scarf in Ravenclaw colors from Kara for her birthday, she smiled and wore it proudly, if only because her sister had made it. When the seventh book came out, Alex went to the midnight release with Kara only slightly begrudgingly, wearing her scarf (at Kara's insistence). Alex didn't necessarily mind picking up their copies of the book at midnight—one regular and one deluxe edition—but she also hoped they didn't have to spend forever at the bookstore. While Kara was certainly going to stay up all night reading her copy, Alex just wanted to get some sleep and read it the next day. But Kara was so excited and Alex had a hard time telling her no, especially after how much closer they had become over the past six months.

Only a couple weeks later, Alex was sighing and shifting her weight in boredom next to a nearly vibrating Kara as they waited for the midnight showing of the fifth movie. Alex figured it was the least she could do since she would be leaving for college in just over a month and Kara would have to go back to Midvale High for her junior year. Things may have gotten slightly better for her sister but Alex knew Midvale High wasn't exactly Kara's favorite place. Even if Kara had gotten much better about human interaction, small towns weren't exactly known for moving forward or forgetting first impressions. So here she was, standing in line at eleven pm waiting for theater doors to open. At least book 5 was one of her favorites, though not quite as much as book 4. And, she had to admit, she was curious how they would handle Umbridge and the DA.

Over the years it became one of her and Kara's go-to topics of conversation. Happily rehashing old theories and newly noticed details. Alex had laughed but took the Pottermore quiz as soon as it was available at Kara's insistence, protests of working on her thesis falling on deaf ears. Seeing Kara glow upon realizing that her instinct that Alex would be a Ravenclaw was right made it worth it. Even if Alex had to ignore the niggling voice that told her it had been far too easy to game that quiz to make sure it would place her where she knew would make Kara happiest but… not necessarily where was most accurate.

When Kara happily bestowed an official Ravenclaw scarf on Alex one year for Christmas, Alex had just grinned a little and returned the favor with a Hufflepuff scarf and replica of Harry's wand. It was Alex who took the new Pottermore quiz first, grinning a little to herself upon being resorted into Slytherin. Kara was outraged until Alex had pointed out that Kara, of all people, should have realized Alex was a Slytherin upon the revelation of the DEO and Alex's actual job. Kara huffed but conceded, still seeming a bit put out that her sister was "evil." Kara, naturally, was promptly returned to Hufflepuff.

"So what about everyone else?"

Alex rolled her head on the back of the couch so she could see Kara better. "What about them for what?"


Alex blinked, momentarily confused. One minute they were watching Homeland the next Kara was talking about houses. "Like Hogwarts?"

"No like HGTV," Kara deadpanned. Alex rolled her eyes with a smirk; she had taught Kara sarcasm well. "Yes, like Hogwarts."

Alex chuckled. "Ok, ok. What's the house for 'hides under tables?'" she asked innocently.

Kara narrowed her eyes at her sister. "Why? For who—for Winn? Alex! That's mean!"

"And yet accurate."


Alex laughed, taking a bite of ice cream. "Fine. Winn is a Ravenclaw, obviously."

"Like you."

Alex arched an eyebrow. "Pottermore was quite clear I'm a Slytherin."

"You can't possibly want to be a Slytherin!"

Alex shrugged. "Why not? It's fitting."

"No it's—"

"Kara. I spent two years lying to you and everyone else about what I did in order to protect you. And I would do it again. Whatever it takes to keep you safe. It fits."

Kara huffed. "Fine. So, Winn's a Ravenclaw. I agree."

"So glad." Alex smirked, snagging another bite of ice cream, making sure to get a large chunk of brownie, before her sister could swipe the carton. "Besides," Alex grinned slyly, "Cat Grant is definitely a Slytherin also."

"What? No she—" Kara paused then huffed again. "Ok, fine, yes she is."

Alex laughed. "Not all Slytherins are evil."

"Yeah, yeah. What about J'onn?"

"What do you think?"

Kara studied the ice cream thoughtfully for a long moment. "You know him better than I do."

Alex nodded. "True." She considered the question. "Hufflepuff I think. Maybe a Gryffindor. But I think a Puff ultimately."

Kara grinned, nudging Alex with her toes. "Like me. Now we're even."

Alex nudged back with a smile. "True. James?"

Kara blushed and looked back down at the ice cream. "Oh, um."

"You know him better than I do."

"Clark knows him best," Kara pointed out unnecessarily.

"Clark's not here." Alex nudged her sister again, grinning. "But feel free to take any statements he's made into account."

"Ok fine, fine. Hufflepuff."

"Aww like you? Convenient," Alex teased. Kara made as if to grab one of the throw pillows and Alex laughed. "Ok, I'll stop teasing about your crush."

"So that's what, three Hufflepuffs? We win!"

Alex rolled her eyes but laughed. "And two Slytherins. Winn is all by his lonesome I guess."

"He can hang out with the Hufflepuffs."

"What? No! Slytherin gets him so the numbers are even!

"You can't just claim him!"

"You just did." Alex grinned smugly as Kara opened her mouth to respond then closed it.

"That's… that's…"

"The exact same thing? Mmhmm."

This time Kara did hit Alex with the pillow, laughing. "Ok, fine. Slytherin can borrow Winn."

"Oh you're so gracious."

"What about Clark?"

Alex exchanged a look with Kara as they both said "Gryffindor" before laughing. Kara continued, still chuckling, "Yeah, Gryffindor for sure. Lois?"

Alex shrugged. "Ravenclaw with Winn I bet."

Kara pondered that before nodding. A passion for knowing what was true definitely fit her cousin's investigative reporter girlfriend quite well. "So Winn's not alone, I guess."

Alex chuckled. "Guess not. Clark is though."

Kara waved a hand with a grin. "He'll be fine. He would just hang out with James and Lois anyway. Hufflepuffs still win."

Alex rolled her eyes and settled back into the couch. "Sure, Kara. Whatever makes you happy."

Kara lightly whapped her with the pillow again before cuddling into Alex's side. "Yep."

Alex laughed softly and draped her arm around her sister. "I think we missed half the episode."

"So hit rewind."

"You have the remote." Said item immediately landed in her lap. Alex rolled her eyes again. "Oh, my mistake, I have the remote." She felt Kara nod against her side and grinned, knowing her baby sister was also grinning. Gently squeezing Kara's shoulders, Alex picked up the remote so they could properly watch their episode.

Despite the occasional good-natured rant about Alex being a Slytherin, Kara immediately bestowed a silver and green scarf upon Alex for her birthday. And she seemed to take a perverse sort of pleasure in being able to use it as a good-natured insult whenever Alex did something Kara didn't approve of. That summer, Kara surprised Alex with tickets, courtesy of Cat Grant's reputation, for Cursed Child and both sisters gleefully donned house scarves and flew Supergirl-express to London to watch it. And when Winn tried to tease her about it, a swift glare and quiet threat made him spin back around and never bring up the topic again (except to give Alex a wand remote control for her tv as a gag gift that Christmas. No one needed to know that Alex occasionally entertained herself by actually using it).