rolls, Bergens…and Harry?!

Summary- Harry after a despite attempt to get away from everything finds himself in a whole new world…but what's the dealing with these singing creatures that call themselves trolls? And what are these creatures called Bergens that he is being warned against…and most importantly what happened to him and why does he now have wings….and are those 'trolls' calling him a fairy!?

Disclaimer-I do not own Disney's Trolls or Harry Potter in anyway nor do I make any money off of either one of them.

A.N- This is for my cousin and while it will be a very slow update story, I will do my best to keep it up. Also, if anyone like this idea and wants to make their own version of it they are free to do so, I'm sure Jayjay, even if that isn't her name on here, would love to read it.

Chapter one

Harry, had to get away, he just had to escape in some way. He had to get as far away as he could from everything that was happening. That had happened. He just desperately needed to finally find a way he could be completely and utterly lost from everything had happened; in one way or another.

Because honestly, he just couldn't take it anymore, the looks, the pit, the sneers. He just couldn't deal with any of it anymore. Hadn't been able to for a while now if Harry was really truthful to himself. But know Harry knew, without a shadow of a doubt in his mind, that if things stayed the way there were now, that sooner or later he would not only break but completely and utter shatter beyond all repair. If he wasn't like that already. Something which Harry wasn't completely sure about.

Especially now that he knew for sure they were all gone, and there was no way they would be coming back. Especially since his rocks, the very thing that had help kept him floating, were no long there to hold him up from drowned in the sea that made up the wizarding world, and its expectations of him; like they had been doing for him for so long.

To make it even worse for Harry, the wizarding world keep pressuring him to move on and do what they wanted him to do. As if he wasn't human and allowed to feel any emotions. As if he wasn't allowed to have the time to simply mourn the fact that they were actually gone. That everyone he cared about were now dead; that they had been cruelly cut from his life in such a brutal fashion. So soon after he had believed that he would actually be able to live his life with them in peace.

And boy did Harry wanted nothing more than to collapse to his knees and mourn for them…and perhaps never get up again once he did so. Yet, not once was Harry allowed to actually do so, not once was he allowed to morn for the very few that cared for Harry Potter and not the Boy-who-lived that the rest of the wizarding world saw him as.

They, being the very few people in this world that Harry knew were some of the very few people who actually saw the real Harry as he really was. Not the golden boy hero, the selfless self-sacrificing, born to fight for the side of the light warrior that everyone else saw. Not only that but they were also one of the very few people that Harry found himself getting along with. And this wasn't only in the wizarding world, but the entire world altogether.

Making it so that they were also the only people that Harry willingly called his own family. Seeing as the only real actual blood family Harry had venomously hated him; something which he returned with an equal amount of loathing directed at them. Making it so his blood was really no family of his, despite how much some may argue against that.

Hell, those that he had willingly called his family had been the whole reason Harry had fought, and eventual won, again Voldemort to begin with. In fact, it had only been for them that Harry had come back from the dead to finish the Dark lord one and for all when it came down to it.

Only to be nearly crushed as he found out that he shouldn't have come back at all, seeing as it was actually too late to save to ones, he had been fighting for all along once everyone was said and done with. As they had had died, or where dying, before he had managed to defeat the dark lord in the first place.

Them being Ron, Hermione, Neville, Remus, Tonks and of course his little sister in all but blood little Luna Lovegood. All who had died sometime during the final battle, two of which actually dying in Harry's very arms while he desperately tried to save them.

But was unable to as he didn't know enough healing spells to be able to heal them enough to save them from all the damage they had suffered through. Worst yet, there had also been some of his family that had actually been taken down by friendly fire from those behind them.

And all whom Harry hadn't been able to mourn for in the least bit. Unable to even go to their funerals as the press tried to overwhelm him when he attempted to go. Keeping him from going as Harry respected his family, and those morning for them, too much to allow the vultures that were the press into the funeral to ruin it; like Harry knew they would do if they were there. So, no, Harry hadn't been able to grief for any of them, nor had he had any time to come to terms with anything that had happened since then.

In fact, all that had happened to Harry, was that now that the Dark lord was at long last gone for good, was that the wizarding world keep pressuring Harry to become pretty much the figure head they wanted him to be. That or become their little weapon they could point and fire at anyone they thought had wronged them in some way. Both seemed to be things that ran along similar lines of thought when it came to the wizarding world.

Which was something Harry wasn't willing to become in the least bit, and something that was one of the leading reasons why Harry wanted to get away from it all to begin with. In fact, other than the deaths of his family, that still haunted him, this was one of the main of the reasons why Harry was now willing to do pretty much anything to get away from it all; and perhaps find his true family once more while he was at it.

Seeing as Harry knew he couldn't deal with everything that was going on much longer without either breaking or lashing out in some way. And he honestly didn't want to chance, no matter how small it maybe, becoming even remotely close to what him and his family had fought against for so long. He didn't want to risk ever become similar to what his family had died trying to stop.

Which is what lead Harry to where he currently was at the moment, standing in front of the veil of death having knocked out any, and all, of the Ministry employees that had tried to stop him from getting to it in the first place.

Not, that it had been really difficult to do so see as there had been so few guards in the ministry in the first place; the minster once again haven gotten overconfident now that there was a dark lord to worry about.

Not to mention, that Harry had been trained by the best of best in both the wizarding world and muggle world, on pure fighting and survival to best help win the war they were in; while the guards themselves seemed to be barley trained at all.

Something again that made Harry feel disgust for the ministry it was as if they honestly didn't try and always expected someone else to do things for them. Which given how they treated him Harry wasn't sure if he was that far off with the idea.

But that was beside the point, as all that matter to Harry right now was that currently he was where he wanted to be. Not to mention that, as it was, there was absolutely no one there to stop him from doing what he was planning on doing; had been planning on doing for a while now.

Which was going through the veil, like his Godfather had, and finally joining the rest of his family in death. Where Harry felt that he could finally be at peace with them at long last. Something Harry knew the wizarding world didn't want for him, seeing as they weren't done using him yet.

Harry knowing this couldn't help but feel that going through the veil was the best way to do this and wanting nothing more than to be with those he called family once more. To do this Harry opened his arms in an almost hug like fashion, like he was embracing everything in front of him, before letting himself freely fall into the veil of death. A peaceful smile finally making its way on his previously emotionless looking face as he did so.

Only things didn't go as Harry had wanted, as he had desperately hoped that they would. Because as he fell into the veil, which Harry felt would finally give him what he had wanted since he found the results of the final battle, he found himself being slammed in to from behind by three very familiar and very much hated items. Items Harry had taken special care to get rid of several different times before and had thought he had finally at long last lost; having actually thrown them into a volcano in his latest attempt to rid himself of them.

What had slammed into Harry back had been the so called deadly Hallows that were said to have been handed to mortals by death itself. A cloak of invisibility that was said to be able to hide the user from death itself, a wand if untold power that was said to be the most powerful wand in existence and a stone that let you see the spirits of the dead.

Seeing this and seeing them actually sinking into him becoming part of him, as he fell into the veil of death Harry suddenly knew that things weren't going to go the way he wanted them to.

Instinctively know this and knowing that the Hallows would never be parted from him once they were fully integrated with him, Harry desperately tried to catch himself before he fully fell into the veil.

Realizing deep within him that he wouldn't like where whatever was happening was going to lead to. But found himself too late to actual stop himself from falling. Leaving Harry cursing himself silently as he fully fell into the veil; he had once hoped would offer him everything he had believed he wanted.

So now worried about just what was going to happen to him, and strongly getting the feeling that he wasn't going to be see his family like he wanted. Harry watched as the Ministry of magic disappears from his view, as he was enclosed in the pitch-black darkness that made up the supposed veil of death. Feeling his heart break even more than it had been; something Harry hadn't thought possible as he had originally thought he hadn't enough heart left to break again.

Knowing this, yet at the same time not being able to stop himself from hoping that his gut feeling was wrong, Harry began to fight against the hold he could feel the Hallows were trying to take on him.

Began to fight with all his might as the three cured objects began to tie themselves permanently to him. Only to fail as he felt them latch on, as well as into, his magical core and merge completely into it, making it so he could never really lose them again; as his magical core was something that was tied to his very soul. Meaning that even if he did somehow die the three Hallows would follow him even in death itself.

=Harry as he felt this couldn't stop himself from passing out, from both the fact the Hallows had merged with him in a way that he would never be parted from them and the actual feeling of said hallows merging with him. Something that was a sheering pain unlike anything he had ever felt before.

As he did this Harry couldn't help but hope, that against all odds, when he did wake back up it would be to see his family by his side once more; however foolish said hope may have seemed to some. After all it was the only hope that he had, the only one he had for a long time now.

Harry found himself suddenly waking up to a really bright light shining directly on his face, as well as the smell of what he was pretty sure was lavender flowers surrounding him; or if not that something really close to it.

Not that Harry really cared at the moment just what the smell was exactly because right then all he really cared about was getting that annoying glaring light out of his face. So, groaning slightly Harry slowly sat up and placed a hand in front of his face to protect his face from what he could now see was the brightly shining almost high noon sun; glaring directly on his face.

That is when Harry remembered several different things at once. For one, and really the least important when it came down to it, Harry remembered that it had been around eleven o'clock at night the last time he had checked. Which meant that there really shouldn't be a sun shining in his face at the moment, or in the sky at all for that matter. Seeing he was pretty sure several hours hadn't past since the last time he had been outside.

Speaking of which, that brought up fact two, he had been in the ministry of magic stepping into the veil of death. So even if it had been a time where the sun should be shining, he shouldn't even be outside to see said sun; let alone be able to smell any flowers remotely similar to Lavender. Seeing as there really weren't any Lavender flowers anywhere near the Ministry; mostly because it was deemed a place that too busy for the flowers to be grown there.

Then finally three when he had entered the veil those twice damned Hallows had somehow merged with his core and Harry was sure he felt something change about him before he had passed out. A change Harry knew had to be a big one because Harry swore to himself that he had even felt changes occurring while he had been unconscious. And currently his body felt like he had gone through a round of deatheater training camp; as the testing dummy.

Realizing this, Harry leaped up from the grassy ground he had been laying on. Determined to find out just what had happened to him, wondering all the while just what type of changes having the three hallows merge into your core could cause as he did so.

After Harry jumped up he had expected to fall down quickly back to the ground, on his feet, so he could find the nearest reflective surface to get a quick glimpse of himself before he continued with his previous mission; finding a way to either find or join his family.

Only things didn't go quite like Harry had expected when after giving himself a small push off the ground to get up from it he suddenly found himself a lot high then he thought he would be. Not only that but floating softly instead of falling down like gravity usually demanded; like he had expected to when he had first jumped up.

Feeling this Harry decided that at the moment it would probably be best to see just what had changed about him. Just what had made it, so he was floating and whatever else there may be different about him then searching around himself to find out just where he currently was.

After all, it was better to be safe than sorry and who knows what having something unknown could do if he didn't know about them. Something which was a rather hard learned lesson during the war.

So, even if Harry desperately wanted to search around himself to see if any of his family was nearby. If this was somehow a place of death like the train station had been after he had let Voldemort kill him. Like part of him desperately wished it was, after all it didn't look like too bad a place to spend his undead life, right?

Yet, even as he thought this Harry knew in his hearts of hearts that he was in complete and utter denial and was just simply putting off finding out that what his gut was screaming at him was actually true. That his gut feeling had been right since the before he had even fully fallen through the veil. That in truth he wasn't going to be with his family by the time all this was said and done.

Ignoring this feeling and pushing the despair he had been feeling further back in his mind, Harry put all his focus into see what had changed about him. Trying to distract his mind from everything even if for just only a little bit long. Enough so he could see just what going through the veil, while having the hallows merging with him, had done to him.

What Harry saw when he did this left him stunned and actually falling from the air he had been gently floating in for the last minute or so. Because what Harry saw when he finally did look at himself was, well the biggest and most noticeable difference was that he was no long human but some type of light green skinned being; seeing as the new color tone his skin had taken was the very first thing Harry had noticed.

Harry after falling noticed even more about himself, like the fact he had wings that he had somehow missed until now. Wings that looked to him to be nearly twice the length of his now pale green arms and looked to be bigger than he actual was from the direction he was looking at them.

Wings that Harry swore looked stunning as they seemed to almost glitter in the sun light and looked quite similar to how butterfly wings looked. These wings were primarily a bright green and black color, though with the sun shining on it the way it was Harry swore he saw swirls of gold hidden in the green of his wings.

Not only that but after taking in more details of his wings Harry could tell that they looked to have glaring eyes on the back of them, which Harry was sure a defense mechanism that some butterflies actually had on their wings, and as he touched thing Harry felt a slight tingle in his fingers as a soft powder came from the wings.

Feeling this powder Harry suddenly knew that it was a form of both attack and defense if he wanted it to be; how exactly Harry was too sure about. But he knew it was there if he needed. He just would need to figure how what type of powder was on his wings, as well as how many that there may be; as he knew that there could be more than one type of power on his wings. After all there was more that on type of color.

Not only that but now that he was on the ground Harry noticed that he had also shrunk, and Harry didn't mean he had lost a couple of the precious inches that he had finally gained over years; after several years of grueling training and potions requirements. But the fact that somehow, he had gone from being a good five foot eight to maybe five inches tall all together; if that.

Seeing this Harry couldn't help but curse slightly he had fought hard to get to the height he had been and now he was shorter than he had ever been. To make thing even stranger Harry could now see that his hair had also changed as well becoming similar to his wings in color, except almost opposite in color arrangement being mainly black with strips of green, which now that Harry looked like it almost looked similar to leafy vines interwinding in his hair; but as he touched them Harry found only his own hair there.

Though that wasn't the only change his hair had gone through now it was wilder looking then ever not to mention longer than he had ever managed to make is hair grown; falling down to below his shoulder blades in wild waves that seemed to twist and turn in random directions. Looking all the while like it almost had a mind of its own yet seemed to really suit the new look Harry now had at the same time.

Taking all of these changes in Harry knew that he was in no way was he human, and on top of that there was no way he was still in the wizarding world. Because whatever he was wasn't a creature from that world; at least not any known one. Not as far as he knew that is.

And Harry knew a lot of the creatures that made up the wizarding world, as Hermione and Luna wouldn't have it any other way. One because she loved the knowledge the other because she loved to creatures, and both who teamed up to make sure Harry knew everything he could about them. And nothing he had just seen matched up to the knowledge he knew.

Knowing this Harry couldn't help but look around to see if there was anyone else around him or anything he could recognize. It was by doing this that Harry was able to see that he was in what most would consider a very lovely, very lively forest theming with life.

Seeing all of this Harry suddenly knew, he knew that without a shadow of doubt in his mind that the veil hadn't done as he had hoped it would have. He knew seeing all of this he could no longer keep on denying what he already knew. Despite however much he wished he could.

Once he realized this Harry felt the emotions that he had been trying his best to push back into the back of his mind rush forward; like water after a damn broke. And then before Harry could stop it, he felt himself be overwhelmed by the emotions.

He felt as he was going to be crushed by the overwhelming feeling of both defeat and depression at his failure to find his family once more. As everything he had been feeling before he had even jumped through the veil seemed to double leaving nothing but negative feelings consuming Harry's mind; leaving him with only the thoughts that he had failed.

As Harry was drowning in these emotions could only watch with dead eyes and a small bitter smile barely on his face as his wings, the stunning black and green wings he had just found out about, slowly began to drain of all their colors. Leaving them to be a dull grey and white colors then what they had been. Before turning rather ragged on the edges instead of the smooth curves and curls that there had been before. In fact, to Harry's apathetic eyes they now looked more like the wings of moth, then the butterfly like wings they had been before. A rather beaten and aged moth at that.

Harry as he watching this noticed that it wasn't only his wings that had lost color but he himself seemed to have lost his color as well turning grey and white; even the very clothes he had been wearing when he had gone through the veil in the first place, lost their colors as well.

As he saw this Harry could only give a very bitter smirk and think at least now his colors reflected how he truly felt and without his family he never really wanted to be in color again. That he didn't deserve to have any color in his life for living while they had all died. After all, if they couldn't have colors then why should he?

But even as Harry noticed all of this, even as he began to pass out from the pure mental stress of everything that had happened to him. He missed several things. One of them being something about himself that he really shouldn't have missed and the second being the fact he wasn't exactly alone the clearing he had been in; at least he wasn't anymore.