Chapter 1: Refugee Meets McDreamy

I wander through the dirt streets of District 4. When I got on the train at District 12, I promised myself that I would only go as far as what little money I had would take me. I guess this is my stop.

I can hear strange birds cawing to each other. The crash of the beach as I walk along the shore. How strange. I have never seen the ocean before. And yet, it is one of the only landmarks still here. The only other one I can see is the Victors' Village - or what used to be the district's Victors' Village - standing on a hill. It once used to stand, proud and silent. But it isn't anymore.

District 4 looks further in disarray than even District 12 did. There are not many buildings still standing, and few that are have yet to re-open, it appears. Some surviving structures still look abandoned. Not even the Justice Building made it. Which makes me wonder just who is in charge here? Of this district? So, since the Victors' Village is one of the few institutions left standing, I decide to lug my suitcase there.

The place looks like a ghost town. I hear that District 4 produced six Victors, so it must have been, at one time, much busier than the Village in 12 ever was. But even the houses that look like they have been lived in seem abandoned now. Fallen to neglect.

Except one. There are lights on in only one house. So I shoulder my things, bravely approach the front stoop and knock.

The woman who answers the door is very pretty. She has striking red hair and deep green eyes, and she carries a baby in one arm. I seem to recognize her... she was originally Reaped to go in with Katniss for the Third Quarter Quell, but that old woman took her place.

And from the way this girl peers at me, it is clear she must think that I am familiar, too... Though I can't imagine how.

"You're Katniss Everdeen's mother, aren't you?"

Oh, right. As the mother of the Mockingjay and hero of the Rebellion, I suppose I would have gotten some publicity. I shrug. "And a refugee like most others. I need to start my life anew, and a change of scene might be the best way to do that." I don't mention how, having lost one child, I can't seem to look my other one in the face. But Peeta will take care of Katniss. And so will Haymitch Abernathy.

Annie doesn't ask questions, except to confirm that I was a Healer in my district. Thrown by the question, I blink. "Yes..."

"Come with me!" And she takes me right to the probably the one other building in all of District 4 still in operation: the hospital.

The facility is still treating some of the last patents injured in the war. There is much work to be done.

"Dr. Lambert!" Annie calls to a man who seems to be about my age, maybe a little older. And I'm only 42! "It's Katniss Everdeen's mother! She can help! She's a Healer!"

Oddly, I find myself flushing. Dr. Lambert is very handsome, in a rugged kind of way. Pepper-gray hair, stocky build. And eyes as green as Annie's. He beams when he sees me. He asks me a few questions about my skills. I don't realize that I just went through an interview until he hires me on the spot.