It was a normal Friday evening in the Avengers tower; Steve and Sam had just finished their run; Tony was out on a date with Pepper; Clint was at his farm for the weekend; Wanda and Vision were sparring and training; Natasha was being cryptic and doesn't tell anyone what she's doing and Bucky was… well doing whatever he does when everyone's busy. Bucky moved into the tower along with everyone else after they all realised that the Sokovian Accords were not there to protect the people they were there to capture and experiment on physically and mentally enhances beings. Things were still a little ruff and awkward with some members of the team especially between Tony, Steve and Bucky.

Steve & Sam's POV

"Good run man" complimented Steve

"Very funny dude, again, I just do what you do only slower." Sam quipped

The two got in the lift laughing as Steve pressed the button for the lounge/hang out room.

"So, what do you think devil murder princess gets up to while were all busy?"

"Don't let Nat hear you call her that… she's a devil murder queen! Anyway I don't know, sometimes she like Fury with the whole her secrets have secrets thing. And to be honest I'm not about to face her wrath due to my curiosity. I am curious, though, as to what Bucky gets up to."

"I don't know man probably trying to sort through his mind, from what I've heard from Barton its dam Confusing!" Sam replied

The Two exited the lift laughing, when all of a sudden their breaths were cut off at the site in front of them. Bucky lay on the sofa with a James Bond movie playing on the TV in front of him asleep, however that is not what shocked them. It was the sleeping redhead that was wrapped up protectively in his grasp, she looked so weak, frail and small in his grasp.

"Mph!" Came the muffled response of Sam beside him

"Shhh" Steve fretted. He'd never seen the two of his Best friends look so calm, relaxed, and care free. Also if he wasn't mistaken Content.

With that he motioned to Sam that he was to stay quiet and that he was going to take photo. He got two steps in when … without even opening his eyes.

"Stephen Grant Rogers, if you either take a photo, wake her up or talk about this ever again I will not hold back in our next sparring session." Bucky whispered threateningly.

Steve went rigid and backed off very slowly and quietly out of the room.

"You to Wilson!" Bucky added.

*Next morning*

The Following Morning found the Avengers waking up to Bucky making them all breakfast as usual, he said it was his debt to them for letting him live there, they all told him it wasn't necessary but he did it anyway due to always being up early.

When Steve and Sam came in he sent them both cold harsh glares that got their message across pretty well *remember what I said* but his face quickly transformed into a bright smile when Natasha walked into the room.

"Morning boys!" She nodded to them

"Barnes." she said, with a slight blush and smile on her face, which were hidden very well.

"Romanoff." Bucky replied still with a smile on his face, not hiding his emotions since he knew the boys know. But he quite quickly joined Natasha with her no emotions look on his face when everyone else walked in.

"So, how long do you thing they've been in a relationship underneath our noses!" Sam whispered between himself and Steve.

"I don't know man, their super spies and assassins, they're both very good liars and are hiding in very well.

With that they never spoke of it again.