Chapter 1: 60th Reaping
I hate buses and trains and cars. All kinds of transportation.
You would think that building the parts for a vehicle would lead you to love the products you make. But not me. I hate travel except when it requires only my own two feet. District 6 of the nation of Panem. Here is where I'll stay.
Except maybe not. For at 16 years of age, I could be Reaped for the 60th Annual Hunger Games, a sick competition in which the twelve districts of Panem have to send one boy and one girl of teenage years into an outdoor arena to fight to the death. The last tribute standing wins, and becomes Victor.
As I stand in my age group, the Mayor gives the Dark Days treaty. Then, he reads the names of past District 6 Victors. In the history of the Games, we have had three. Three. In 60 years. Pathetic but fortunate - poor District 12 has only two, so at least we no longer have the worst Victory record.
"The Victor of the 5th Hunger Games: Tressa Spectral!" Given that most Victors don't live past their sixties, it is remarkable that our first Victor is still alive at 71.
"The Victor of the 51st Hunger Games: Ivo Lockhearst!" The handsome youth of 25 who was crowned almost a decade ago waves. And yes, you did just hear that correctly. It took Tressa 46 years to produce an heir. Ivo's Games was awful, because we had just been through a Quarter Quell worth two arenas, which District 12 of all places won. By the time Ivo triumphed, the whole nation was exhausted.
"The Victor of the 59th Hunger Games: Justin Hix!" We cheer for last year's champion, the Victory Tour still fresh in our minds. Justin was a classmate and friend of mine in school; we took many art classes together. I was so thrilled when he came back alive, even if he did it by hiding until everyone else was dead. His last opponent, a Career, ran himself to distraction trying to find the blended Justin, eventually dying of dehydration. But it took days. And Justin just sat there, becoming the underbrush surrounding him.
Our district escort - who is brand new this year - selects from the Girls Reaping Ball. "Megan Hayes!" I take the stage silently and terrified.
"Uber Crossinguard!" A boy of 14 joins me. We shake hands and are escorted into the Justice Building.
Technically, you only need one female and one male mentor to go to the Capitol. Tressa will mentor me, as she has done for decades and decades. Justin will mentor Uber, as he needs to learn the trade. But Ivo accompanies us anyway, even though he technically doesn't have an official job. Maybe he'll work sponsors.
The media launches on us more than they usually do because we are last year's winners. After meeting our stylists, we embark on the Tribute Parade in the City Circle, riding before the President in our chariots. After the parade, we head into the Training Center for three days of training, which begins the very next day.
Most of the tributes are a lot bigger than me, especially the Careers. Most can handle weapons, with the exception of District 12, but they are always weak. I stick by the camouflage station, following advice from Justin. I'm not supposed to show off my strengths, according to Tessa, but if my competition is as strong as it looks, I'm going to be dead in a matter of weeks anyway. So why bother?
At the end of three days, I show off my painting talents to the Gamemakers. It earns me a 5. Even Uber scores higher than me, though I am in such a funk, I don't know what he did to get it, or even remember what his score was.
The fourth and final day and night are devoted to the interviews with Caesar Flickerman. I don't pay attention to anyone's answers except for Uber, and only out of loyalty. And then it's my turn.
"Megan Hayes! We hear you are a talented painter. Think it can help you win?"
I shrug at Caesar's question. "I don't know."
"Can you give District 6 a second dramatic victory after last year's exciting one?"
I know that's a lie; Justin is considered an underwhelming Victor because he hid and didn't even kill anyone. I shrug again. "I don't know."
The buzzer sounds, but by the end of the evening, I am being called Megan "I don't know" Hayes.
I have horrible nightmares that night.