A/N: And here we have a much awaited chapter! I'm sorry about the delay but I have been very busy lately and needed to rewrite many of my plans for future chapters and even an old chapter (Chapter V, be sure to re-read it!). So, without any further ado, I present to you, Chapter VII!

Jewel VIII

Jewel Gunderson was perched on a small branch outside her home in Rio. It was a warm night, full of anticipation. After all, it was midnight on New Years Eve 2020. In twenty-four hours, Jewel would welcome her ninth year of marriage, eighth year of motherhood, and the thirteenth year away from her tribe.

"I miss you guys" she said aloud, a tear in her eye.

"I just wish I knew if you were alive or dead. Doing well, or badly. I don't know why luck decided that we would be in that fire, or why mama had to die in it, but I now accept it. Finally, I found peace, and love. But I'll never forget it, and for as long as I live, Blu and my children won't know about or feel my pain" Jewel concluded, wiping her tears.

"That's not a good idea Jewel" a warm, honey-like voice she knew so well called to her.


"Yes Jewel"

"But… but you died?"

"Yes filha"

"Then how are you… why are you…?"

"I've always watched over you my angel, I would be a horrible mother if I didn't. It pained me every day not to speak to you, to watch you suffer. However, if I interfered, you would have never properly moved on. However, I don't have long, so I have to warn you, everything is about to change."

"How will things change? Will we be ok?"

"That, I cannot tell you, however, what I can tell you is that you must stick close to your family, and you must tell Blu everything when you both are ready. I must go now Jewel, I love you, take care of your family."

"Mom, wait!"

"Blu, help!" Jewel screamed at the top of her lungs while carrying a now unconscious Madelena in her talons. Blu, Eduardo, Mimi, and Rafael darted out of the hollow to Jewel and nearly fainted at the sight of Madelena. No words were needed as the group of adrenaline-charged birds quickly sprung into action. Mimi took the unconscious teen from Jewel's talons and flew into the hollow, propping the poor battered macaw on a bed and taking her vitals. Rafael and Eduardo, taking note of Jordana's absence, flew rapidly toward her hollow to pick up the beaten mother. Blu and Jewel flew back to the hollow alongside Mimi. Nico and Pedro, who were in the hollow watching the kids took note of the situation.

"Ay yo, what's goin on? Is that girl gonna be a'ight?"

"I don't know Pedro, I don't know" Jewel informed.

"Baby, what happened to them, who could have done this?" Blu asked his wife.

"Roberto did it… Madelena told me herself."

Blu shook in rage, "I never thought that he could go this far" Blu commented, face in wings.

"He can Blu" Jewel replied, "he has" she finished, looking down.

Blu lifted his face out of his wings, Nico's jaw dropped and Pedro stared, dumbfounded.

"When? How? How badly?" Blu asked, rage shaking his voice.

Broken bones and a black eye, he beat me with a stick, I told my dad it was a lilypad-surfing accident," Jewel sighed, holding back tears, "we were fourteen".

"I'm gonna kill him" Blu started "I'M GONNA KILL HIM!"

"Blu, I know it's hard to process, but that will bring more harm onto our family than good, he is still dangerous."

"But Jewel, he hurt you… he hurt you so badly"

"I know Blu, but I'm ok, everyone is going to be ok, but we need to take everything slowly."

"Jewel, mark my words, he won't get away with it. Nobody will EVER get away with hurting you EVER"

"I know Blu, I know, but first we have to take care of our guests."

Tiago, Bia, and Carla, hearing the commotion from the upstairs floor, ran downstairs.

"Dad, what's going on?" Tiago asked.

"Son, your unc… Roberto hurt Madelena and her mom pretty badly. Your mother found them when she went to pay a visit. Now, I know you're angry, but the best thing you can do right now is be near her, ok?"

Tiago, visibly shaken simply asked, "where is she?".

"The guest bedroom", Blu replied, causing the three Gunderson children to run off down the hall.

"Jewel, do you want something to calm your nerves?" Nico asked, concerned.

"Yeah, thanks Nico" Jewel requested, shooting a weak, but genuine smile at the canary.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, it's just that I had suppressed that memory, and it was pretty painful" she quietly said to Blu.

"No worries honey, you have nothing to apologize for" Blu gently replied, kissing his mate's forehead.

Nico put down a small, bird sized cup of herbal tea down in front of Jewel, which she eagerly drank. Not five seconds later, Rafael and Eduardo came in carrying the unconscious Jordana in their talons. The samba duo and macaw couple promptly came to help their comrades carry her onto a sofa where Eduardo began to dress the wounds that covered her. Not a word was said between the friends as they all sat down somewhere to try and process what just happened.

"Any broken bones Eduardo", Nico asked, breaking the silence.

"No, but she's lucky to be alive, Rafael and I scared away a group of goons Roberto sent to finish the job" Eduardo informed the group. "We have to face it, the tribe isn't safe anymore, the people may like you, but the council doesn't, you seven and the kids are in grave danger"

"Where do we go?" Rafael promptly asked.

"Manaus" Pedro suggested.

"Too close" Nico replied, shooting down the suggestion.

"Rio" Jewel chipped in.

"Too obvious, they will find you" Eduardo rejected.

"America, we will flee to America" Blu jumped in, settling the argument.

"But honey, Roberto isn't stupid, he'll just take a plane to Moose Lake. Based on what you said, it's a small town, he'll find us immediately."

"Not Moose Lake baby, New York." a deafening silence came across the room.

"So you're telling me we are going to go to a crowded city with god knows how many people, in America for god knows how long while a psychopath, and his father who will do anything to get rid of us, send people to kill us?" Rafael asked.

"What other option do we have?" Jewel retorted.

Blu shot a brief smile at Jewel in gratitude.

"Well homies, this is a lot to think about, I'm gonna go to bed to sleep on dis" Pedro told the group.

"I think we all should" Nico added. And with that, the group of birds all went to sleep, a much desired release from the plagues of the waking mind.

No worries, we will see plenty more of the tribe, I just thought it would be a good idea to send them off to America to explore Blu's past and let him tell it to Jewel. Let me know what you thought of the twist, peace!