[Land Of Iron]

Today was a day of celebration. The Fourth Great Shinobi World War had come to an end. The plot that was constructed by Obito, Madara and Kaguya had been foiled and thanks to the power of the Rinnegan used by Obito in his final moments, all those who had died during the war were brought back without any memories of the terrible battle or of how they died. It was as if none of it had ever happened at all and it's all thanks to Naruto Uzumaki. Everyone saw him fighting and they thought it was unlike anything they've ever seen before. No matter what he was pit up against, no matter how bad things looked, no matter how high the odds were stacked against him, he fought on and never backed down. He didn't rest until he was sure he won.

And now, he was a Hero. Naruto was now one of the most famous men in all the world. Because of him, the Shinobi world was saved from destruction and everyone was able to live without the fear of being trapped in an eternal Tsukuyomi but live their lives they wanted to and in peace. And now, Naruto was gonna be addressed by the the five great Kages and be given a title that would last the ages. He stood now before a pair of massive wooden doors that swung open once it was time and looked inside to see a huge room filled with people from all over the Shinobi world, here to witness this historic event. He made his way down the clear pathway made for him and up to the Hokage, Mizukage, Tsuchikage, Raikage and the Kazekage.

Tsunade in her ceremonial robes stepped forward then with pride in her eyes as she took a moment to look over the strong young man standing before her. Memories flashed through her mind of when she first met him and how he was nothing more than just a loud mouthed and overconfident little brat who only knew how to talk big. So quickly had he'd grown into such a strong, smart and also very handsome young man who not only proved her wrong and was certainly more than worthy now of the title of Hokage, but has gone beyond that and had saved the whole world from ruin. Naruto was clad in a black coat decorated with red and orange flames with a yellow trim which went great with his white shirt, black pants and sandals.

After a moment when things were quiet, she spoke. "Naruto Uzumaki, you're here today for this historic moment to be rewarded for your role in not only defeating the Akatsuki and ending the war, but saving everyone here today." she began. "Because of you, those who we were prepared to mourn as lost have been restored to us once again." she told him as Naruto thought about his friend Neji who was in the crowd now and among one of many people restored to life after the war. Naruto then bowed his head as she placed a gold metal around his neck. "Naruto Uzumaki, as Hokage of Konohagakure No Sato, I hereby declare and appoint you Guardian and High Defender of the Shinobi World and Champion of the Five Great Villages." she declared proudly.

Naruto turned so everyone in the crowd would recognize him and once he turned, the whole place roared with a loud cheer that echoed throughout the whole room. When Naruto walked down the steps again to start shaking hands or hugging his friends as well as be swarmed by legions of love struck fan girls, many village elders started talking behind the backs of their village leaders.

"Are either of you familiar with Naruto's politics?" asked one Kumo elder to Homura.

"I'm afraid not." he replied. "Naruto was never really someone who got involved or even cared for politics." he explained to him.

"Then you should be careful as to who you let him speak to." said this time a Kiri elder. "The weight he carries with the common people could unbalance anything. Nobles and Clan Lords will start kissing his ass really soon and if we want to keep the peace, we'd better do the same." she told him.

While the party went on and the bureaucrats kept on bickering, Tsunade and Mei watched Naruto from a distance and both of them had the same plan in mind.

[Days Later]

Naruto would return to Konoha and much to his surprise, he no longer had to live in his old shitty apartment. Instead, he was given a new mansion in Konoha's upper district where most of the nobility lived. It was a very nice house too with many rooms, beautiful floors and walls and a massive backyard which was fenced off so he could train privately whenever he wanted to. So what was a young man his age supposed to do in such a nice house all by himself? Well, he cooked himself a huge dinner of instant ramen and ate his own body weight in the delicious noodle soup. Once that was done, he thought he'd go out back and take a nice hot soothing bath in his new onsen. He quickly got undressed and stepped into the pleasantly hot water.

Naruto was so into the warmth of the water and felt so relaxed that he didn't even hear someone else sneak in and enter the onsen with him. "This really is the best." he said out loud.

"Yeah, you got that right." said a familiar feminine voice.

"I could lay here all day." he replied.

"That does sound relaxing." said the female voice with him.

"It really i..." Naruto then realized that he was no longer alone in the tub and looked up to see who was with him only for his eyes to nearly shoot out of his head at the sight of who was with him. "B-B-B-B-B-BAA-SAN?!" he shouted when he saw Tsunade casually sitting in the onsen. "What are you doing here?!" he freaked.

She raised an eye brow when she heard him ask that. "Taking a bath and relaxing. Can't you tell?" she asked him.

"AND WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NAKED?!" he screamed as he turned bright red from seeing her fully exposed tits.

"Because you don't bath with your cloths on Naruto." she answered as if it was obvious.

"Okay, but why are you here in my bath with me?" he asked, trying to calm himself down a bit.

"Oh? I was just hoping to chat and spend some time with you." she told him. "I also thought it wouldn't hurt to have a little mixed bathing." she added.

"Mixed bathing?" he asked.

"You're not against that are you?" she asked with a smirk.

"Um...I guess not." he replied as he watched her get up and turn her back to him.

"Then would you do me a favor and wash my back for me?" she asked sweetly.

"Uhhhh." he replied.

"You're not disobeying a request from the Hokage are you?" she asked calmly but firmly.

'There she goes again, twisting my arm.' he thought. "No not at all." he answered before he sat behind her to begin washing her back and shoulders.

Tsunade let out a sigh as Naruto worked his hands over her shoulders and massaged her back as well. While he worked, Naruto tried his best not to blush or get excited but it was actually really really hard for him. Tsunade had really smooth and soft skin and her figure was amazing. Her slender and curvy shape definitely left much to the imagination and it got harder for him to keep himself under control and not get an erection while he did her back. The last thing he wanted was for her to suddenly turn around and see him with a hard on. She would no doubt break every bone in his body for being such a huge pervert. As he massaged her shoulders and back, Naruto was completely unaware of another unexpected guest walking out his back door.

The Mizukage, Mei Terumi had arrived just in time to see Naruto washing Tsunade's back and smiled as she looked the young man over and admired his well built body. Years of training have made Naruto's muscles become quite large and beefy and she thought he had a very nice ass to go with it. Mei let her towel fall off her naked body and then stepped into the hot water without Naruto even noticing she was there. Naruto didn't notice her until he felt a pair of hands rubbing his shoulders too. He looked behind and his eyes nearly pooped out of his head. He saw her fully exposed large breasts and hourglass figure right down to her curvy hips, her long legs and even a small patch of brown hair above her vagina. She giggled at his reaction.

"Why hello Naruto-Kun." she purred. "How are you doing this fine evening?" she asked him.

"M-M-Mizukage-Sama?! What are you doing here?! And how did you get in without me knowing?!" he freaked.

She giggled again. "I'm a Ninja too you know Naruto-Kun." she answered. "And you haven't answered my question yet. How are you this fine evening?" she asked again.

"I-I'm fine Mizukage-Sama. Thank you." he answered.

"Glad to hear it and please, there are no need for formalities anymore. Call me Mei." she told him.

"Um...Okay." he responded.

That's when Tsunade got back up and turned around to face the pair. "I'm glad you got here Mei, I was wondering when you were going to arrive." she told her.

"I had to prepare for tonight." she replied. "I want tonight to be very special and that means being ready for anything and everything." she told her.

"What are you two talking about?" Naruto asked them. "Why are we all in my bath and what's going on?" he asked them both.

Tsunade didn't answer but looked down as did Mei and both blushed at what they saw in between Naruto's legs. Naruto looked down and freaked out at the fact he was now fully aroused by the fact he was completely naked and in the bath with two gorgeous women who were just as naked as he was. He blushed and brought his hands down to try and cover but Tsunade just wrapped her arms around him from behind and hugged him against her massive breasts, squishing them up against his back.

"It's alright Naruto." she spoke softly. "That's just the thing we were hoping for." she told him.

"What do you me-" he was about to ask when he was interrupted by her kissing his shoulder from behind. "W-W-What are you?" he began asking.

That's when Mei came in and wrapped her arms around him as well, squeezing her large tits up against his bare chest. He blushed even redder as he felt her hardening nipples against his skin. "Tsunade and I were both hoping for a very very special evening with you tonight Naruto-Kun." she purred.

"What kind of evening?" he asked her.

"I'll give you a hint." she replied before closing in and pressing her lips against his.

Naruto was shocked by the lip on lip contact he was experiencing with the beautiful and very powerful Fifth Mizukage from Kirigakure. After a couple of moments, Naruto was lost in the kiss and started kissing her back. As it deepened, Naruto felt her tongue pressing through his lips and against his teeth, waiting for permission to enter his mouth. Naruto complied and opened to let her enter his mouth and the both of them began a heated battle for control. Mei smirked when she forced his tongue back and won to which she was rewarded by having him submissively suck on her tongue. Both of them moaned into the kiss and enjoyed the taste of each other's mouths before finally breaking apart for some air and to catch their breath.

That's when Tsunade took hold on Naruto's face and gently turned him towards her lovely smiling face. "This is our way of saying thank you so much for everything you've done and for saving so many innocent people." she told him.

Naruto then watched as she leaned in to kiss him as well and once again, Naruto was locked in an epic make out session with another beautiful woman. Both of them swiveled and swirled their tongues around in and out of each other's mouths and both were moaning from the hot and steamy kiss shared between them. Finally, both of them broke again and all three decided to take this to a place where they could be more comfortable.

[Naruto's Bedroom]

Both Tsunade and Mei ran into Naruto's room, giggling like a couple of school girls for acting so bad. Here they were, the leaders of their villages who were supposed to set an example for the men and women they ruled over and instead, they were gonna act like a pair of sluts and have a threesome with a boy who only just turned seventeen. They both laid out on Naruto's new massive king sized bed and watched as he entered the room. Both of them smiled at him and he at them, taking a moment to admire one another's looks. Naruto was captivated by their amazing hourglass figures, their large and round soft breasts, their curvy hips, their now moist vaginas and even their lovely heart shaped asses whenever he saw them.

Tsunade and Mei were impressed with Naruto's body as well. His rock hard pecks and abs, his large and impressive biceps, well toned skin and what really made them excited was his huge now fully erected cock. Naruto had to be somewhere between eight, probably nine whole inches and they couldn't wait to have it all to themselves. Naruto walked forward and climbed up onto the bed and the both of them crawled forward to meet him. Both Tsunade and Mei placed hands on his shoulders and he brought his hands up to bring them closer to him. Naruto then locked lips with Tsunade again while Mei started kissing his shoulder. Once they got started, Tsunade then switched Naruto around and made him lay on his back while they kept kissing.

While they made out, Mei started kissing a trail down his body. First, she started with his shoulder and down to his chest. Naruto moaned into Tsunade's mouth when he felt Mei licking and sucking on his nipple. Then she started kissing a trail further south down his body. Naruto kept making out with Tsunade then gasped pleasantly into her mouth again when he felt Mei taking hold of his penis before she started pumping and massaging it in her hand. She then smiled as she saw how he reacted to her touch before she gave him a quick lick. Then she gave him an even longer lick, starting from the bottom of his shaft and all the way up to the top of the head where she swiveled her tongue around it. Naruto's eyes rolled back in his head from how good it felt.

Mei decided to take it a step further and then engulfed his cock completely in her mouth. She kept one hand on his shaft and would keep pumping it in her hand while she brought her head up and down on his cock, sucking hard and moaning from the rich flavor of his manhood in her mouth. Naruto finally broke the kiss to catch some air while Tsunade smiled down at him.

"Tsu-Hime, this feel incredible." he moaned as he did his best to remain focused.

Tsunade smiled from the new name he gave her (Better than Baa-San anyway because that would be really creepy since they're having sex now.) "If you like that, then you're gonna love this." she told him.

While Mei continued blowing Naruto with her head bobbing up and down on his cock, Naruto watched as Tsunade got up and turned around while climbing over him and facing his dick. From this angle, Naruto got a great view of Tsunade's dripping wet pussy and her puckered anus. She then gently sat down and waited for Naruto to act. He got what she was wanting and didn't waste any time leaning in to lick at her folds. Tsunade moaned when she felt his tongue working over her slit and started playing with her tits to try and heighten her stimulation. The results were more of her fluids dripping from her wet pussy and into Naruto's waiting mouth. Naruto moaned into her womanhood from the taste of her juices which only made her hornier.

Mei took her mouth off Naruto's member but kept pumping it in her hand to look up at Tsunade. "Care to join me?" she asked the blonde Hokage.

Tsunade smiled and leaned in to share in stroking and licking Naruto's cock together. Naruto thought that the both of them licking his manhood felt amazing and kept on licking into Tsunade's womanly glory. He stopped licking only on the surface and then dove his tongue inside of her, swiveling his tongue around inside her moist caverns. Tsunade and Mei then decided to take things a step further and then readjusted so they could sandwich his cock in between their massive tits. Naruto acting on instinct, started thrusting upward in between the two ladies breasts. Tsunade and Mei would lick away at the top and the shaft when they could while pumping Naruto's cock in between their huge tits.

As the three of them continued on, Naruto brought his hands up to take hold of Tsunade's plump ass and double his efforts. All the while, he could feel her moist caverns tightening around his tongue which meant that she was close to a climax. Mei decided to break off for a moment and let Tsunade take the lead with Naruto. Tsunade was bobbing her head up and down and stroking him in her hand to bring him to a finish, sucking him off as hard as she could. Mei enjoyed the sight of the two blondes in the sixty ninth position and started playing with herself. One hand squeezing and playing with one of her tits and the other one running in between her legs and along her slit as well as her sensitive clitoris.

Tsunade felt Naruto's member twitch in her mouth and knew then he was about to release. She herself was on the verge of an orgasm and doubled her efforts to bring Naruto to a climax. Mei continued masturbating furiously to the sight of Naruto and Tsunade pleasuring each other in such a hot position until finally, both of them moaned as they came at the same time. Naruto's erection blew several loads of cum up into Tsunade's mouth and she eagerly started swallowing as much as much as she could and moaning from the rich flavor. Naruto also felt Tsunade unleash a load of her womanly nectar which poured down his mouth to which he drank it viciously and enjoying every moment of it. This was easily becoming the best night of his life.

Tsunade finally rolled over and off of Naruto to catch her breath and clean off some of his cum which leaked from her mouth and down her chin by collecting in on her fingers and licking it off. Naruto lay there to catch his breath and then felt Mei over him. She enjoyed the show and leaned in to help clean off some of Tsunade's cum off his face, eagerly licking it off and moaning from her sweet taste. She then took a moment to make out with Naruto who kissed her back just as passionately. Once they were done, she broke this kiss with their tongues still connected for a moment by a stream a saliva before getting up next to Tsunade who had a nice quick break. Naruto smiled as Mei got up and climbed over him just as Tsunade did moments ago.

Just like before, Naruto watched with bliss as Mei climbed up over his face while she turned away, giving him an amazing view of her soaking wet snatch and her puckered asshole. She then smiled and sat down gently before moaning as Naruto wasted no time at eating away at her hot wet pussy. Tsunade then made her way over and climbed up on top of Naruto, straddling his waist. She smiled as she reached down take hold of his shaft before pumping him in her hand. She smirked when she saw Mei moaning as a result. Naruto moaning into her womanhood sent sock waves through her body. Once Naruto's cock was a full strength again, she lifted herself up, lined him up with her dripping wet pussy and sat back down, letting him slide into her.

Tsunade blushed several bright shades of red and moaned deeply in pleasure from feeling how he stretched her open. For Tsunade, it had been so long since she had sex and the feeling of being filled with the body of such a strong young man again was like being in heaven. She then started rolling her hips over Naruto and moving him around inside her while she played with her tits. Mei also reveled in having Naruto lick around inside her body, feeling his tongue sliding around against her vaginal muscles and tasting her hot juices. Naruto was in heaven from tasting another beautiful woman's hot pussy and from feeling the inside of Tsunade's hot and tightening snatch. He understood now why Jiraiya was so obsessed with beautiful women.

Tsunade and Mei looked at each other while they rode Naruto's cock and face and then leaned in to embrace one another. Both of the wrapped their arms around the other, squishing their huge tits against each others and then they locked their lips together in a furious make out session. Tsunade and Mei swiveled their tongues around while exploring each other's mouths while roaming their hands around up and down their bodies from the top of their shoulders and backs right down to giving their partner's asses a nice squeeze and massage. All the while moaning into one another's mouths from the feeling of Naruto viciously eating out Mei's wet pussy and thrusting upward with great power into Tsunade's hot tight womanhood.

Finally, Naruto could feel the pressure building in his groin as he was gonna blow another load. Tsunade could detect it too from feeling him twitch inside her again. Both Tsunade and Mei broke the kiss and leaned back to double their own efforts to finish. Naruto could tell that both women weren't far from a climax from feeling Tsunade's innards tightening around his shaft while Mei's began to constrict around his tongue which he continued swiveling inside her. Both Tsunade and Mei started squeezing their massive breasts to raise their stimulation and bring themselves closer to another orgasm. Tsunade was bouncing up and down with Naruto's manhood sliding in and out of her body while Mei rolled her hips over Naruto's face with his tongue still inside her.

After a couple more moments, all three of them let out a pleasurable moan as they had a three way climax. Tsunade's vaginal muscles tightened around Naruto's cock to the point it almost hurt which resulted in Naruto finally exploding inside her. Tsunade started panting from the feeling of Naruto spurting several rounds of cum up into her body which made her feel really warm on the inside. At the same time, Mei moaned and blushed hot pink as she finally came with her womanly fluids pouring into Naruto's awaiting mouth. Naruto continued licking away and lapped up as much of her nectar which slithered down his throat. Both ladies finally rolled off of Naruto to his left and right and all three of them lay there for a moment to catch their breath.

Naruto was the first to recover and decided that he wanted more. He smiled and turned to Mei who was laying on her back now and panting hard, her massive breasts heaving with each breath she took. She looked back over at him and smiled, inviting him to come over and have some fun. Naruto crawled over to the gorgeous brunette Mizukage and loomed over her, smiling down at her lovely face while she smiled back up at him. He then closed the gap between them and started another furious make out session as her hands roamed up and down his back. As their tongues began another heated battle for dominance, Tsunade laid on her back and started playing with herself, teasing her own breasts and pussy while she waited for another turn.

Naruto and Mei then broke the kiss and Naruto started kissing his way down her gorgeous body. He then started licking and suckling her hardened nipples and smiled when she started whimpering and mewling from the sensation. She then let out a pleasurable gasp when Naruto also snaked a hand down her body and in between her legs to start playing with her soaking wet pussy. Naruto would continue switching back and forth between her tits while he ran his fingers in and out of her wet womanhood. Once he felt he did good enough, Naruto got back up and Mei smiled at the erotic sight of him licking his fingers clean of her womanly fluids. He then positioned himself between her legs which she spread for him and waited for him to enter her body.

Naruto grabbed hold of himself and lined his cock up with her pussy before sliding himself in. Mei let out a pleasurable moan from feeling him fill her up with his manhood and wasted no time in wrapping her arms around his torso and kissing him again. Naruto responded by pounding away within her as he made out with the gorgeous brunette. The room was filled with the sound of his bed slamming against the wall and of the wet slapping noise of Naruto's crotch making contact with hers. Mei then brought her legs up and wrapped them around his waste to hold him in place and much to her delight, he was able to reach even deeper inside of her to the point where the head of his cock was hitting her cervix.

While Naruto and Mei continued fucking each other furiously, Tsunade was now on her knees and masturbating like there was no tomorrow. She was constantly squeezing her breasts, switching back and forth between the two and running her fingers through her wet snatch and from time to time, would lift her hand to her mouth and lick some of her own juices off her fingers which only made her hornier. She really wanted another turn with Naruto and wanted them both to finish really soon. She didn't have to wait very long since Naruto and Mei both broke the kiss and started moaning in a higher pitch which signaled that they were nearing the end. Naruto felt Mei tightening around his shaft and Mei felt him twitch inside her meaning he was gonna blow.

After a couple more thrusts, Naruto buried himself as far as he could within her and Mei responded by wrenching around his cock like a vice grip. Naruto felt the extreme tightness and unloaded another massive wave of cum, shooting several rounds into her body. Mei let out another moan from feeling him fill her up and once they both reached the end of their combined climax, Naruto gently pulled out and sat back while Mei lay there panting and breathing hard. Naruto then turned back when he felt Tsunade tap his shoulder. Naruto and Tsunade smiled at one another before locking lips again in another heated kiss. Naruto leaned forward and Tsunade let him push her back. She now lay on her side with Naruto straddling her leg.

Naruto stroked himself a few times which brought his cock back to full strength before lining himself up with her wet pussy and pushing himself into her body a second time. Tsunade threw her head back and moaned as Naruto wasted no time in pounding away within her, his crotch slapping against hers and making wet sounds throughout the bedroom. Naruto brought her leg upward and let it rest on his shoulder while he kept driving his cock in and out of her womanhood getting her to moan in bliss from each powerful thrust. Naruto smiled when he saw Mei again now fully recovered crawl over and behind Tsunade. She brought the blonde woman's face to hers and Naruto enjoyed the sight of two beauties sharing a hot kiss.

The room was filled again with the sounds of the headboard of Naruto's bed slamming against the wall and the moans of Naruto and both villages leaders as they continued to have hot and steamy sex as well as the sounds of Naruto's crotch slapping against Tsunade's. All three of them were drenched both in their own sweat as well as each other's. Naruto groaned when he felt Tsunade's caverns begin to tighten around his shaft again like it did before and doubled his efforts to bring her to another climax. Tsunade broke the kiss to whimper in another higher pitch while Mei just kissed her lovely neck and shoulder. Tsunade smiled when she felt Naruto twitch inside her again which meant that he was about to cum again and she couldn't wait.

Naruto quickened his pace and finally, he felt Tsunade cum and real hard. She let out another long and pleasurable cry as she started gushing her nectar out and coating Naruto's cock as well as drenching their crotches. Naruto continued fucking her hard and fast while riding out her orgasm until he finally reached his limit and exploded inside her again. Tsunade's mouth hung open and some drool leaked down her chin while she panted from feeling Naruto shoot several really large loads of his hot cum into her, filling her up to the brim. Once they were done cumming, Naruto pulled out again and sat back while Tsunade laid down to catch her breath again. Naruto didn't have too long to rest when he felt Mei begin to suck him off again.

She took her mouth of his cock but kept pumping him in her hand. "I hope you're not done yet Naruto-Kun." she said as she licked her lips.

Naruto's cock raised to full strength again almost instantly before Naruto smiled down at her. "I'm not done just yet Mei-Hime." he replied, getting her to smile again from the new honorific.

Mei got up and leaned in to lock lips with Naruto again. This time while they made out, she pushed him back down onto his back before climbing up over top of him and straddling his waste. They made out for a few more minutes before she broke the kiss and sat back up, smiling down at him and he up at her. She then lifted herself up, reached down to grab hold of his manhood and giving it a few strokes before lining him up with her wet pussy again and sitting back down and letting him slide back into her once more. Mei's eyes rolled back in bliss from feeling his reach so far up into her. She then leaned down to lock lips again in another heated battle with their tongues. She moaned into the kiss when she felt Naruto's hands reach behind her and squeeze her ass.

Once they were done kissing, she sat back up again while keeping her hands on his chest and started rolling her hips over him, moving his dick around inside of her. Naruto groaned from feeling her hot and moist caverns engulfing his member. He then brought both of his hands up to start squeezing and massaging her breasts and smiled from seeing her moan in response. She brought her hands up to hold his in place while she continued rolling her hips over his and letting him upthrust into her. Both of them were breathing heavily from the sensation and soon, she switched from rolling her hips over him to bouncing up and down, letting his cock slide in and out of her. Naruto thought this felt even better and continued to squeeze her breasts.

Mei thought it wasn't enough and wanted more. She reached down and took Naruto by the face before lifting him up to her large breasts. "Suck on my tits again Naruto-Kun." she begged. "Please suck on my tits again." she pleaded.

Naruto didn't need to be asked twice. He wasted no time at all in licking and suckling her hardened nipples which got her to moan again even louder. Naruto would switch back and forth between her tits like he did the last time while he upthrust into her and causing her to bounce up and down on top of him. It didn't take long at all for Naruto to feel her caverns begin to tighten around him again and he heard her whimpering in a higher pitch which meant she wasn't far off from another climax. Naruto then lay back and doubled his efforts, focusing all his attention on her pussy and pounding it furiously which was getting her to cry out again in bliss. Mei smiled and blushed red again when she felt him twitch inside her again.

After a few more moments, both of them had reached the end and Mei finally cried out as she started cumming again. Naruto felt her wrenching around his cock till it started hurting and her womanly fluids started gushing out and soaking his crotch. Naruto let her ride out her orgasm until he finally felt he had to release and with one more powerful thrust, fired another huge load of cum up into her. Mei's eyes rolled back as she felt him shoot several more spurts of his semen up into her and once he was done, she rolled over and lay on her side breathing hard from the intense sex and from feeling him fill her body to the brim. Naruto then sat back up and much to his delight, Tsunade was ready for another round with him.

The blonde Hokage was on all fours and had her back turned to him. She looked back and smiled as she rested on her knees and elbows, waiting for Naruto to take her for a third time. Naruto marveled at her beautiful heart shaped pillow of an ass, her dripping wet pussy and her puckered asshole which all looked so inviting. Naruto got up on his knees behind her and grabbed hold of her hips before stroking his cock back to full strength and once he lined himself up, he pushed himself into her warm and wet vagina once again. Tsunade was in awe of how good it felt from this position. Naruto wasted no time at all in pounding away within her hot and wet core. Naruto threw his head back and moaned as he rammed his cock into her pussy.

Mei watched with delight and started masturbating again while she saw Naruto fuck her in doggy style while the sounds of his crotch slapping against her bare ass filled the room. The headboard was slamming against the wall again and Naruto picked up the pace when Tsunade screamed for him to fuck her harder and faster. Naruto then decided to stir things up and leaned in, laying his chest against her back while resting his head on her shoulder. She looked back at him and smiled when he brought her face to his and they locked lips in another searing kiss. She then broke the kiss and started moaning even more erotically when she felt him squeezing and massaging her breast with one hand while playing with her clit with the other.

Naruto kept on ramming his rod into Tsunade until he felt her about ready to climax once again. He then got back up and grabbed hold of her hips before he started driving his cock in and out of her pussy with such inhuman speed and power. Tsunade was so overcome by it she could no longer rest on her elbows and fell forward with her face looking off to the side. She was whimpering in such a high pitch now that it would have been impossible for the rest of the village to not notice. Naruto felt her cumming again and thought the feeling of her vaginal muscles constricting around his manhood felt incredible. Naruto then slammed his cock into her five more times before erupting inside her for a third time, filling her up her womb with his seed.

Tsunade's eyes have rolled back and her drool was leaking onto the sheets as she felt Naruto fire so much sperm within her that it started overflowing from her snatch and running down both his shaft and balls and well as her thighs and legs. Naruto then pulled out of her again and sat back to catch his breath while Tsunade fell forward and let the ecstasy was over her and his extra cum ooze out of her now swollen pussy and onto the bed sheets. Tsunade was done now and just wanted to rest and enjoy the pleasure high Naruto put her in. Meanwhile, Naruto and Mei got together so they could have one more round of hot and steamy sex. She made the younger male lay back against the headboard while she sat on his lap facing away from him.

Mei then reached down to take hold of his penis like she did many times before and lifted herself up before lining his cock up with her pussy and sitting back down and letting him slide into her again. Mei wasted no time in bouncing up and down on Naruto's lap and the young blonde reached around to squeeze and massage her massive tits, earning an approving moan from the beautiful Mizukage. Mei looked back at him and locked lips with her young lover while she bounced up and down on him, sliding his manhood in and out of her and feeling absolute pleasure from the new angle he was fucking her in. Naruto wanted to raise her arousal even further and let go of one of her breasts to snake it down and play with her clitoris.

Mei let out another pleasurable moan into Naruto's mouth and brought a free hand up to play with her other tit. The bed was rocking and slamming against the wall of Naruto's bedroom loudly as Naruto continued fucking the lady of Kiri. Naruto then pushed her forward onto all fours and much to Mei's delight, he was fucking her even harder and faster than before. Naruto enjoyed slamming his crotch against her bare ass and Mei reveled in being on all fours and him fucking her like a little bitch. Naruto smirked when he heard her moaning in a higher pitch which meant she was about to cum again. Mei smiled when she felt him twitch inside her again and waited for the glorious moment when he'd ejaculate in her one more time.

Both of them finally reached the end and climaxed together with Mei's innards constricting around Naruto's cock like a Boa Constrictor which sent Naruto over the edge and fire another massive load of cum into her awaiting womanhood. Mei's eyes rolled back in their sockets from feeling his baby badder fill her womb to the brim and begin overflowing from her now swollen pussy and leak from her body, dripping onto the sheets on the bed. Naruto let her fall forward and then lay down himself, finally having reached his limit tonight. Mei laid on her side and smiled in heavenly bliss as the ecstasy washed through her body. Mei was so glad that she let Tsunade talk her into this because Naruto satisfied her like no man ever had before or ever will again.

Naruto was exhausted and breathing hard, trying to return to normal. He smiled when he looked up at Tsunade and Mei who smiled back down at him. Both ladies leaned in and kissed him passionately one more time each, first Tsunade and then Mei, before lifting the blanket over them and laying into Naruto's big strong arms, smiling as he held them close to him. Naruto smiled too, thinking that tonight was just the best. He never experienced anything like this before in his life and was glad he could have it with two such beautiful women. Little did he know as both Tsunade and Mei quickly drifted off to seep that this wasn't gonna be the last night of tumbling under the sheets. There were many more hot and sexy ladies who wanted to thank him for everything he had done.

Naruto would drift off to sleep quickly and completely unaware that this was to be the first of many hot and steamy nights for him.

[Author's Notes] I've been wanting to start a new story with a NaruTsunaMei threesome for a long time and boy am I glad that I did it. I hope that you all enjoyed reading this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. Feel free to try and guess which hot and sexy kunoichi will wanna send a passionate night with Naruto in the next chapter. As always, thank you all so much for reading my stories, please send me either a Review or a PM as I love getting them and reading what you have to say as well as hearing any thoughts and ideas from my readers. Also, please keep a look eye out for my new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Mortal Kombat Crossover story which I plan on doing really soon. (I grew up in the 1990s so I spent my childhood watching Power Rangers and playing Mortal Kombat.)

This is Dragon1990 signing out :-)