Summary: Christian was sent comprising photos of Ana and an unknown man. He kicks Ana out without hearing her out. Not the usual.

Please pardon any misspelled words and/or grammatical error/s. Haven't proofread it. Just had to get it out of my head. Had to write this on my flight from Montreal to Calgary. ?

Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine.


The world of M&A has been extra tough this week, with companies left and right asking for more, and employees not doing their jobs properly. It's been a long day at Grey house and all I wanted to do was go home to my wife and make love to her. I just wish she has already snapped out of her funk today. She has not been herself lately and with the late nights in the office, I haven't really been able to grill her about it.

I've already sent Andrea home since it's really late so I had to inform Taylor myself that I'm ready to head home. It's odd that Ana hasn't texted me that she's home. I've tried calling her multiple times but I don't get an answer. My palm's already twitching. Answer your damn phone Anastasia. After multiple failed attempts, I had to call Sawyer on her whereabouts. "Sawyer, where are you and Mrs. Grey?" I asked.

"We're still at Grey Publishing boss. Mrs. Grey said she has some last minute editing to do", Sawyer replied. I checked my watch: 20:00.

"I've been calling her for nearly 30 mins. Tell her to head home now. I'll be waiting", I said.

"Yes boss. I'll tell Mrs. Grey", Sawyer replied.

Oh Anastasia, it's playroom time tonight. I told you not to stay at the office too late. We were already parking at Escala by the time I finished my call with Sawyer. I went straight to my office and poured myself a glass of bourbon upon reaching the penthouse. I rifled through my documents and came a cross a relatively thick brown envelope. This piqued my curiosity. I don't get these kinds of envelopes unless I asked something from Taylor and/or Welch.

I opened the envelope and took the items in my hand. At first, I didn't realise what they were. When I looked closely at the photos, I saw red. They were of Ana and a man I don't know. They were photos of Ana fucking the daylight out of the man. I took the closest thing in my desk, which happened to be my bourbon, and threw it against the wall with a scream. This must be why she's been off lately. She's cheating on me. Wasn't I enough for her Taylor must not have closed the door completely since he appeared at my door in an instant.

"Where's my wife Taylor?" I asked.

"Sawyer and Mrs. Grey have just arrived and are parking the SUV Mr. Grey," he replied.

"I want you to call Gail and have her pack all of Anastasia's stuff. Book a room at the Fairmont and bring all of Anastasia's stuff there," I commanded.

"Mr. Grey?" Taylor inquired while looking at what was on the desk.

"Do it Taylor. Do as I say or you're fired," I said.

"Mr. Grey, with all due respect, I believe there may be some explanations about those photos. Let me check it's authenticity of them before we do anything sir," Taylor calmly said.

"No Taylor. I pay you to do as I say. Get her items ready," I said while walking out with the photos in my hand.

Anastasia was just putting her bag down at the couch when I saw her. "Hi baby, sorry I was late. I lost track of time—" she said. I cut her off my taking her arm and making her sit on the couch. I threw the photos at the coffee table and looked at her.

"Why Anastasia? What did I do to make you cheat on me? Was I not satisfying you enough? No wonder you've been off lately. You've been fucking another man behind my back. Tell me, who is it?" I screamed at her.

"Cheating? What are you talking about? I haven't been cheating on you Christian. I haven't been feeling well lately. That's why I'm a bit off," she said. She looked at what I threw on the coffee table and gasped, tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Stop denying it Anastasia, I have proof that you've been cheating on me. Tell me why?" I stressed, taking her arm, making her stand up, and shaking her.

"You're hurting me," she cried, "This isn't me Christian. I'm telling you. I would never cheat on you."

"Just tell me why Ana? Why?" I cried.

"That isn't me baby. I'm telling you. I swear that that isn't me," she cried, cupping my face.

I took her hands from my face and dropped them to her sides and said, "If you're not going to tell the truth, it's best you leave. I've asked Gail to pack a bag for you. Sawyer will drive you to Fairmont. Expect to hear from my lawyers soon."

I turned around and stated walking back to our, my, bedroom. Anastasia ran after me and hugged me from behind saying, "You can't believe those photos over me Christian. I love you. I would never do that to you."

I took her hands from me and pushed backwards. I guess I might have pushed a bit too hard since she fell on her backwards. I'm concerned but my rage took precedence.

"I told you, leave. I won't believe anymore of your lies. Elena was right, you're nothing but a whore. A slut that can't keep her legs closed," it hurt to say those words but I continued, "Good thing I didn't really feel anything for you. You won't get anything from me gold-digger. Get out of my sight and never come back."


I kept crying as Christian, the love of my life, belittled me, called me awful names, and renounced his love for me. I cried as he turned his back and disappeared from my sight, while still sitting on the floor. Taylor and Sawyer helped me up to my feet while I muttered to no one, "It wasn't me. Please believe me. I would never cheat on Christian."

"We believe you Mrs. Grey. We'll get right to the bottom of this," Taylor stressed.

Both of them, along with Gail, helped me to the SUV until my room in the Fairmont. By the time we reached my hotel room, I've been staring into space with tears flowing from eyes. I plopped down on the bed and said, "Why won't he believe me? I would never cheat on him."

"I'll do my best to clear this up Mrs. Grey," Taylor said, "For the meantime, Sawyer will stay next door. Alright Mrs. Grey?"

"Might as well stop calling me that Taylor. You heard him, I'll hear from his lawyers soon," I said with no emotion.

I just kept looking at nothing. I can hear Taylor and Sawyer muttering but I don't bother listening in to their conversation. He doesn't believe me. He'd rather believe those wretched photos than his own wife. I cried. I cried for my husband, I cried for myself, and I cried for my unborn child.

To be continued...