Red lay as still as possible on her bed, staring up at the metal board that supported the snoring woman above her. Tears trickled down the sides of her cheeks as she felt every tiny spring in the mattress beneath her poke and prod her throbbing back. "I'm far too old for this war against Piscatella," she silently mused to herself in her sleep deprived mind. The inmate above her suddenly jerked in her sleep moving the frame of the bed with her, and Red allowed herself to let out a strangled whimper in protest.

"Good, you're already awake," Piscatella's voice boomed as he leaned against the concrete wall, smiling menacingly down at the Russian redhead, "time to get up, Resnikof".

"I can't move," she stated matter-of-factly, avoiding his gaze, "my back, it hurts."

Piscatella walked slowly towards her and leaned in, "Nice try, inmate. You're poor old woman act doesn't work on me" he grabbed hold of her arm and pulled, "Get up!"

Red let out a howl of pain, waking up the entire dorm, who turned to find the source of the commotion.

Piper awoke with a start and immediately noticed the looming figure standing over her crying friend. "what the hell are you doing?" she called out incredulously.

"Stay out of this inmate!" Piscatella warned her, lifting a screaming Red out of her bed and placing her into a standing position.

"You're hurting her!" someone cried out, as Red steadied herself against the metal frame of the bed.

"Get a move on," he ordered grabbing her by the shoulder.

"I can't," Red whispered meekly.

"MOVE IT, RESNIKOF!" he bellowed, shoving her harshly in the back. As he did, a loud crack filled the silent dorm. Red saw a flash of white and tumbled into a heap on the floor.

"Oh my god," Piper cried out, jumping out of bed towards the now seemingly tiny mass on the floor, "you need to get her to medical!"

"Relax," Piscatella sighed, "She probably just needs to sleep it off..." and with that he stepped over Reds body and walked out, eyes following him with a blaze of anger as he left.

"Watch her," Piper ordered her bunk mates, "I'll be back"

Piper raced down the hall towards Healey's office, on a hunch that he might still be there. She was proven right when she charged in and found him fast asleep at his desk, drooling into a stack of paper before him.

"MR HEALEY!" He awoke with a start, "I think he broke her back!"

"what?..." Healey murmured rubbing his tired eyes, "Chapman... What time is it?"

"It doesn't matter!" she placed two hands on the desk and took a deep breath, "Piscatella, he just beat her up. There in front of everyone! I think she needs to go to the hospital"

"He just beat up an inmate?" Healey asked, as he tried to wrap his head around what she was saying.

"YES! He's been torturing her for weeks. She was complaining about her back, and she couldn't move when he tried to get her up to cook breakfast, and now I think he's actually broken her back!"

Something seemed to click in Healey's mind. He stood up and grabbed Piper by the shoulders, staring intensely into her eyes, a look of panic taking over his face.

"Who did he hurt?" he asked, dreading the fact that he already knew the answer.

Piper looked at the panic stricken man before her and felt bad that she almost enjoyed the momentary power she seemed to have over him.

"Red," the word had barely left her lips before he was rushing out the door and down the hallway at an impressive speed for a man his size.

When Healey entered the dorm he spotted a crowd of women huddled around Red.

"Get back!" he yelled, "get out the way". His heart broke as he stepped through the crowd to see Red's limp body still crumpled on the floor. He rushed to her side.

"Should we get her up onto her bed?" one of the women asked.

"What happened?" Healey asked through a sigh of relief, once he had found a pulse. At least she was alive.

"Piscatella," Vause stated from behind him, arms folded. Healey turned to look at her, "He hit her in her back, we all heard something snap. Loudly. Then she fell to the floor, and he just... left her there."

"Okay," Healey sighed heavily, running a hand through his already ruffled hair, "nobody move her, we don't want to do any further damage to her back. Chapman!"

"Yes sir," Piper stood at the ready.

"Go back to my office and call an ambulance." She nodded and immediately ran back the way she came.

Healey sat down next to Red and softly stroked her arm, silently vowing to make sure that Piscatella regretted ever stepping foot in Lichfield.