Hey babe

As you know I own nothing from PJO/HOO/TOA so no one recognized is mine. (sad for me.) This all started with one thought:

Nico is sitting alone at a bar and this guy won't leave him alone and no matter what he says the guy won't go away and he clearly looks uncomfortable so as soon as Will's shift ends in the kitchen he walks out with his jacket on and drapes an arm around Nico's shoulders and smiles at him. "Hey babe, sorry it took so long but my shift is over now, how about I make it up to you by taking you to dinner?"

I did change a couple of this but here you go.


Chapter 1

Nico had no idea how he had gotten into this situation, he was supposed to go out with his friends tonight and they had planned on meeting up at a local bar this evening since they hadn't seen each other in ages what with work and all. They had had this planned all week. Nico had agreed to come with them and had arrived a little earlier than planned so he had decided to just take the time to relax before the others got there; he had found a seat at the bar and sat down with his phone out and ordered soda while he waited.

Unfortunately one by one his friends ended up having to cancel, Reyna got held up at work and would likely be there till past midnight the way things were going, Percy couldn't find a sitter and Annabeth, Leo, and Jason were caught up in a new project at work, Piper had to fly out to see her dad on short notice, and Hazel had the flu so Frank was staying home to take care of her. All in all Nico's evening was going pretty shitty, and of course it only seemed like it could get worse.

While sitting there in between each cancelation text from his friends someone would approach him and really he was just getting tired of it, with the girls it was easy enough, he could just turn them down by saying things like "Sorry I'm meeting someone." Or "I'm flattered but I'm gay." That usually worked, the real problem was this one guy that chose to come and seat himself at the bar unreasonably close to where Nico was sitting and kept trying to talk to him, he just wouldn't take a hint.

"You know there are other seats right?" Nico asked as he glanced over at the guy leaning on the bar from the stool next to his. The guy just smiled and shrugged. "I thought you seemed lonely, so I figured I'd come sit with you. How about I buy you a drink?" Was this guy serious? Nico shook his head and motioned to his cola sitting in front of him. "Got one, plus I'm waiting for someone." He was getting so tired of having to tell people that. The man looked down at Nico's phone where it sat next to his drink. "I can wait with you until then, and if they don't show then you'll still have me." He seemed to be trying for a charming smile but Nico just felt repulsed.

"No thanks." He tried to ignore the guy but he just kept talking and would not go away. "Anyway, it's getting kind of late, aren't you feeling a bit lonely?" Nico wondered what it would take to get this loser to leave him alone, clearly his friends wouldn't be here anytime soon (if at all) to bail him out, so how did he get this guy to get lost? "I like my space." He said and moved his stool away from the guy a bit, but the guy only followed him, mimicking the action. "I hear that shared space is more comfortable." The guy said.

Nico wanted to snap at the guy but before he had the chance he felt an arm drape itself over his shoulders as the owner of the arm leaned in and though Nico knew he didn't know this person, there was just something comforting about the way the stood with him that didn't bother him. It almost felt comfortable to have this person so close to him, and when he spoke dear God was it amazing, that voice was amazing.

"Hey babe, sorry about that I hope you weren't waiting too long but I had to work a little later than expected. How about I make it up to you by taking you out to dinner?" Nico felt his heart race and changed a glance at the stranger that had come to his rescue and Holy Hell look at that smile. He tried to play along and found it surprisingly easy especially with the other guy now staring between the two of them trying to see if this was actually happening right now. "It's fine, I'm ready anytime you are." He stood from the stool as soon as the newcomer removed his arm and waited for him to pull on his leather jacket before walking with him to the door.

He could still feel that guys eyes on him so he found himself moving closer to the new guy as they walked and he felt his heart jump a little when he placed his arm around his shoulders again, this was so odd, Nico usually hated contact with people, most of all people he didn't know but he found himself leaning into this guy as they walked. After leaving the bar they walked to the end of the street and turned the corner before the guy removed his arm once more and Nico found himself missing the warmth it had provided.

"Uh heh um sorry about being all touchy and all, but I noticed how that guy wouldn't leave you alone so I thought I'd step in, sorry if I over stepped. My name is Will by the way, it's nice to meet you." He scratched the back of his neck as he spoke while looking away as though he were shy though with what had happened just a moment ago Nico was a bit surprised with how bashful this guy was even as he smiled at Nico again, he was so cute and Nico had no idea how his luck had changed so drastically for this guy to be the one to come to help him.

"I work in the kitchen at the bar and had noticed people bothering you, that guy seemed pretty dense plus I could tell you were uncomfortable so as soon as my shift ended I headed over, again sorry I know we've never even met before." He was running his hand through his shaggy blond hair now and Nico couldn't help but stare, then he realised that now would probably be a good time to say something so that this beautiful stranger didn't have to feel any more uncomfortable because of him.

"Nico," he said as he held out his hand to Will who didn't quite seem to know what to do with his hands all of a sudden. "Thanks for the help. I was supposed to be meeting some friends but they had to cancel and I was just trying to relax when that guy showed up and wouldn't go away, I really appreciate the help." He tried to give Will his best reassuring smile and maybe it worked because the blond's mood seemed to lift instantly. "That's good; I didn't want you to think I was just another creep making a move on you."

Nico felt himself blush slightly; he hoped it was dark enough out that it wasn't too obvious. "Not that I would, um you are very attractive but I'm not a creep like that and um I'm not really getting out this hole I've put myself in huh?" Will said with a laugh. "Under different circumstances I'd totally ask you out but I'd like to think I'd do a better job than this…" Nico tried to hold back a smile but he just couldn't fight it and eventually gave up and decided to save Will from himself now. "Well you already did, didn't you?" he asked, hoping this could still work out.

Will stopped and looked at him, momentarily confused it seemed so Nico thought that he should fill in the blank for him. "I believe that you promised me dinner." Will looked stunned, even more so with Nico's next words. "And I do believe I accepted, so Will, where shall we go? It's getting late and it's a bit cold to just be standing out here like this." Will's face lit up with the most breathtaking smile Nico had ever seen he was wondering if he would be able to make it through dinner.

"I know a great place not too far from here if you don't mind walking a bit more." Will said and Nico returned his smile. "Sounds good to me." As Will lead the way Nico walked alongside him and welcomed the arm that once again found its way to his shoulders, maybe it wouldn't be that cold after all. He was going to have to text the others later and let them know that he wasn't upset in the least with being cancelled on; after all he had gotten a date out of it so he wasn't complaining.

Well here's another one, hope you like it. I just wanted to try the whole fake date to chase away the creep thing and this is what I got. I liked the idea of Will acting all natural with Nico and getting him safely away from the creepy guy but then reverting to this bashful guy who just wanted to help and isn't sure if he made things better or worse and is just kind of tripping over himself to apologize and not make Nico any more weirded out after what had just happened. And I thought it would be kind of funny if during all this he totally blanks on actually promising to take Nico on a date and that he had said yes.

Please let me know what you think, if you guys like it enough maybe I'll add more but I need feedback.