Arriving home from Em and Rose's house I head upstairs to shower and relax before I think about the advice my friends gave me tonight. Grabbing some sweats and heading to the bathroom I start the multi-head spray and turn the jets to massage for my tense muscles. Undressing and stepping in i let the water work its magic. As I close my eyes the memory of Bella in her outfit today along with the cute little scowl on her face when I stepped into the lobby. She was a mix of sexy and innocent all at once. I quickly move my thoughts along if I keep thinking about her i'm going to have to resort to self love and I really need to focus right now.

Once done in the shower I head down to my study for a drink and to think out all the chaos in my head. I'm not even sure where to start. I have never had this type of attraction to anyone before. How is it this one person can come into my life and make me question everything I wanted? Who is this woman? Does she feel the same way? I barely know her and I just instantly claim her. Not to mention the age difference. She is 15 years younger than me for crying out loud.

I realize I am getting ahead of myself and start a different thought. We haven't even gone over our lists yet. I know Rose said we were compatible on paper but we still need to sit down and go through these things together ourselves. I'm not the type of Dom that has a playroom or a secret place in the house to have sessions. I do however have my favorite toys for pleasure and punishment. My list is pretty basic, red yellow and green apply and if it isn't on my list it is a strict no or hard limit. I can only hope things will work out at this point.

Trying to distract myself I pull out the paperwork we will need so it is on hand when i speak to Bells. I have no need to review them as they are my typical papers i have for all my previous littles. I just want them easily accessible for our discussion. I decided to call Bella to talk to her about helping out at the club. Dialing her number I sit back in my chair. I start to think it is going to go to voicemail when she answers somewhat out of breath.

"Bella, ji it's Edward. Am I interrupting something?"Realizing my tone is a little short I try to reel it in. This feeling of jealousy and thoughts of what she may or may not be up to s also foreign to me. I realize i need to try and control this feeling of possession and jealousy before she reads more into this than there is at this point. Maybe my friends are right and i just need to talk to her.

"No not at all. I was in the kitchen and left my phone in my room and had to run and get it." Well, nothing like I had in mind then. Good. I had to chuckle at myself and my run away thoughts.

"Okay. Well I won't keep you. I just wanted to talk to you about the club. Rose is looking for someone to do the books when she goes out to have the baby and I was wondering if you would be interested?" She was quiet for a moment before saying she would need to speak to Rose. She just wanted to assure it could work with her class schedule. I gave her Rose's contact information and made a mental note to inform rose she would be calling.

"I will try and call her between classes tomorrow. I have been wanting to find a job and this sounds easy enough." I was suddenly worried Bella was having a hard time making ends meet.

"Baby, why haven't you said something? You are new here and I would have helped you somehow whether it was finding work or financially. I would have been more than happy to help you out." She was quick with her response this time.

"Oh Edward money is fine. I just know my savings won't last forever and I don't want to touch it if I don't have to." I also didn't want to wait till it was almost gone and having to stress about it. Also having something to fill my free time while working somewhat in my field of study wouldn't be bad." Feeling a little bit better and knowing she was more mature than her younger age was reassuring that this might work.

We talked a few more minutes about mundane things before saying goodnight. I sent a text to Emmett telling him to let Rose know to expect Bellas call. As soon as I finished I went to bed happy with the knowledge that Bella would soon be back under my roof and hopefully back in my bed.