Hi, friends! I'm still new and awkward with this whole fanfiction thing so this isn't a chapter update but a way for me to respond to the reviews (is it possible to reply to comments on the review page itself?). I can't find the right words to express my utmost gratitude to you guys for taking the time to read my fic and reviewing. I was so nervous that no one would want to read it, let alone enjoy what I had put out. So thank you guys for making me feel good and appreciated!

With you guys' words of encouragement, I do intend on putting more stuff out. I have another one-shot in mind but I don't know how it'll play out. As of right now, it's just a scenario that randomly popped up in my mind. I'm also looking for prompts in case the said one-shot doesn't work out, so if you guys have anything in mind, do drop one in the reviews or PM me! Thanks everyone!

Kataract52 – My first ever reviewer, hi! I appreciate how detailed you are here and it has given me some things to think about. Though I do agree that Romy has a lot of baggage, I think it'll be good for them to resolve whatever issue they have by acknowledging the mistakes of the past. Alas, they don't ever go about it in a mature way – a jibe here and there at each other is their way of 'talking' about how their relationship has failed. Not the best way to fix a relationship in my opinion. If Marvel ever has any plans of bringing them back together, I want them to see them as a grown, mature couple that I know they have the potential to be. Let's hope for the best!

JasmineBella – Thank you so much! I'm planning to put more stuff out, hopefully it pans out!

Spasticatt – Aw shucks, you're too sweet! This means a lot to me because I'm a huge fan of your stuff. Love your artworks and In Between

LEGNA – Thank you! Current Romy is pretty much non-existent… I refuse to acknowledge that thing with Rogue and a certain mercenary. Thank God for fanfiction!

J'sremy – You're very much welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read

Couplest – Phew, I was really worried that I had written them way out of character. I think that Remy harbours a lot of self-loathing beneath all that and I wish it wasn't so because he really isn't as horrible as he thinks he is (side note, I absolutely loved his mentor-ish relationship with Laura in her old solo book. That's the Remy we deserve.) I also read that issue of X-Men Gold and unsurprisingly, he blamed himself again for the mess… but Storm made up for that with a kiss (err, what was that? lmao). I may be the minority, but I don't want to see him in any future issues of XMG (and it has nothing to do with a possible relationship with Storm... I think). Rogue, on the other hand, has weird taste in men in my opinion. Also, I'm not on board with how she's perfectly fine hooking up with men who have done way worse things in the past but gives Remy a hard time for it, and he's not even half as bad. A little unfair, no? Welp, I guess every character has their flaws. Like you, I am also secretly excited for Astonishing X-Men but I know that I'll be disappointed too. If it's not character assassination, it's probably just another attempt to point out how their relationship will never work out. And that's why I love reading fanfics. Our little glimmer of hope!

Ludi First things first, I'm a huge fan of your work! I'm loving Coda and 52 Pickup right now and I feel honoured that you've actually read my work. So thank you! And yes, it has been a long time since we've seen them together as a couple, hasn't it? I thought that maybe we would see them in Uncanny Avengers but Duggan just dashed all my Romy hopes and dreams. Here's hoping that we can at least get some good moments in Astonishing X-Men!

Ana Xpert – Omg, you're too cute! Thank you for all the sweet words (and the Romy maniac fit that you had), you really made my day! I do have something in mind, but it'll probably just be another one-shot, unfortunately (I don't think I'm capable of writing a multiple-chaptered fic at this point). I hope you'll enjoy that if and when I put it out! Also, I'm sorry but I'm not the Portuguese reviewer that you were referring to (I'm South-east Asian btw). I had trouble coming up with a good title so I was googling words and I came across Saudade. I thought it sounded beautiful and captured the essence of the story well. I think Portuguese is a beautiful language

bustedflipflop – HAHA thank you! But I nominate Spasticatt instead to take one for the team and write Romy for Marvel!

Darklover – Thank you so much, that means a lot! It sure does give me motivation to write more in future. I'm glad that I was able to help you satiate your Romy need, I'm in need of one myself. Also, you're not missing out on much by not reading the comics. The current line of X-Books is massively disappointing, in my opinion. With regards to Rogue and Remy, I think their relationship has suffered from bad writing since the Bizarre Love Triangle story arc (you know, that whole thing where Mystique tried to ruin their relationship by sleeping with Remy? What was up with that?!). Everything just took on a domino effect from then on. It's a good thing we have fanfics to fix the mess that Marvel throws at us, right? Romy and every other couple in comics…