"Ezra." Chris looked at his undercover agent with an ice-cold emotionless glare. "Tell me they're wrong. Tell me they're lying."

No external reaction could be seen, but inside, Ezra died just a little bit. Given that he hadn't been surprised by the response, it was easier than it should have been to remain neutral. He hadn't just known what the reaction would be, he'd predicted it word for word. Exactly. He'd even heard the tone in his head long before the words were spoken. It would have taken so little to change all of this. To change everything. But he'd known all along that such was not his world.

He turned on his most disingenuous smile, the one he used on all his marks at that moment he let them know they'd been had.

"Why Mr. Larabee – why ever would I do such a thing? The veracity of their claims is clearly not in doubt."

Chris felt his blood chill as he continued to glare at the man he had, up to that moment, considered as a friend. Before he could find his voice, Vin entered the conversation.

"You're telling us that all this time everybody was right about you? The FBI, the cops, hell – half the ATF was right? You've been on the take this whole time? You sorry son of a bitch!"

"It astonishes me that you are all so surprised by the leveling of these accusations. Really gentlemen. You know my background. You've met my mother. You have witnessed on multiple occasions my manipulation of some of the smartest criminals the underworld has to offer. Why then are you so shocked when confronted with the notion that I have been playing you, all of you, right from the commencement of our relationship?"

Chris stood, but was blocked by Judge Travis. Looking at the older man, Chris could see the disappointment on his face, in his eyes. He had no doubt the same look was mirrored in his expression.

"Don't even think about it Larabee. As much as I am sure you feel you have just cause to lay him out, if you hit Standish you'll be on suspension too. Same goes for you Tanner. I do not need any more trouble right now."

He turned to look at the man who was clearly the centre of attention. "Think you best be getting out of here before I change my mind about holding them back."

"I suppose it would be futile to suggest I return to the office to retrieve a few items of a personal nature that have been left there. Yes, I suspected as much. Well, nothing there is irreplaceable."

"That go for friendships too?" Vin was almost trembling trying to restrain himself from moving forward. His jaw ached from being clenched.

"I wouldn't know Mr. Tanner, as I have never had any. I assume you gentlemen will inform the others of my altered status? Update them on the current situation?"

"Seriously Standish?" Chris looked ready to push past the judge to get his target. "That's what you call this – a 'situation'.

"Circumstance? Condition? Standing? I assume I am free to depart?"

"Hell, no."

"Yes, he is Larabee. At this time, we have no intention of pressing charges, but as there is an ongoing investigation underway," Travis turned to face Ezra, "you are on suspension. I'll take your gun and badge before you leave."

"Suspension with pay I assume," he asked, handing the items over. The judge growled a positive response. "Very well then. Good day gentlemen." Ezra saluted his farewell as he headed out.

Silence engulfed the room for several minutes. Chris finally raised his head to look at Ezra's accusers. In addition to the Judge, a federal prosecutor and the deputy regional ATF director sat in the room. The judge's assistant sat quietly in the corner taking minutes of the debacle.

The case against Ezra had been laid out in broad terms. Details, they indicated, were being withheld pending the outcome of the full investigation. Ezra had been offered legal counsel and union representation, but had shrugged both off.

Chris had watched him as the facts were laid out. He'd been stone still, his well-honed poker face in full use. There was no hint of anger, sorrow, remorse or repentance. He'd looked each man in the eye as they voiced the accusations. His focus actually had them averting their eyes as he sat in eerie calmness.

With a deep sigh, Chris found his voice and spoke again. "Who's heading up the investigation on all this?"

"Internal affairs is working with my office on this."

"Sorry – don't think I caught your name?" Chris turned to the prosecutor.


"Tell me Mr. Braverman – are we all being investigated?"

"No Mr. Larabee. You and your team are not under any scrutiny. We've got no grounds to suspect that any of you have been involved, or have had any awareness of what was going on with Standish. His questionable actions date back to long before he was with the ATF. We're working with the FBI as well, reviewing the indictment they had against him."

"No indictment." Vin corrected. "That never came to anything."

Chris reluctantly agreed. "I read the file. Innuendo, rumor and a lot of sour grapes. Came down to a lot of people leaping to a conclusion based on nothing but hearsay." He saw Judge Travis staring at him, undoubtedly surprised that he would appear to be coming to Ezra's defense. "Guess maybe there was more there then met the eye."

Braverman nodded. "True – he's always been a slippery bastard. In light of the new information, we're reviewing everything we have available."

"What started all this?" Vin wondered aloud. "Informant?"

"That, along with surveillance audio. We have the beginnings of a paper trail, but it's pretty spotty. Man isn't stupid – I'll give him that."

Chris looked to the judge, avoiding any eye contact with ATF AD Cavanaugh. "You've seen this evidence?"

"I'm aware of the details."

"He conned all of us Larabee." Cavanaugh spoke for the first time. "I took him on despite the questions because he was just so damned good at his job. He's a chameleon, and can make anybody believe just about anything. Never been one to let reality get in the way of the job at hand. That's the skill that let him pull this off. But inevitably, these things come to an end. It is just a matter of time until we can have the bastard arrested and show everyone what happens when you piss off the ATF. He won't be getting away again."


Vin stood with his back to the room, staring out the window but seeing nothing. The tension was clear in his twitching neck muscles. That feeling radiated through the room, creating a deep feeling of apprehension. Chris had called all hands to the office and, with only a moderate amount of grumbling, the team gathered, with Josiah being the last to arrive.

"OK," he took a calming breath before starting. Even with time to prepare he hadn't figured out a way to say this without sending the team into a tailspin. "Now that we're all here –"

"What do you mean all here? Look around Chris. Notice anyone missing?"

"Yeah Buck I do, and that what this is about."

"Ezra hurt?" JD leapt to the logical conclusion. The undercover operative did have a unique ability to attract trouble, and Lord knows he had a long list of people willing to do him harm. The list was about to get longer.

"He's fine JD. Well, he's not hurt anyway." Not yet.

"Then there is some kind of trouble?" Josiah asked.

"Look, everybody. Just stay quiet for 2 minutes and you'll get your answers." The team exchanged nervous glances. Ezra absent and Chris pissed. This was not a good combination.

"As of 3:30 this afternoon Ezra Standish is no longer part of our team. He is on full suspension from the ATF pending completions of an ongoing investigation into allegations of gross misconduct. That includes taking bribes, disclosing classified information and conspiring with known criminals."

There was 10 seconds of silence before the room exploded. Chris let them all vent for a bit before signalling a halt.

"In no particular order, here are the answers: Yes Buck, this is serious. He'd got feds, the attorney general's office, IA and God knows who else going through every part of his personal life. No, they haven't charged him yet, but that's only a matter of time. Yes Josiah, they've got evidence. According to the judge, lots of it.

And to answer you JD – No, Ezra didn't deny any of it. Basically, all he had to say was that he was surprised to have gotten away with it for this long."

"He confessed." The young man looked shell-shocked. They all did.

"He's not stupid enough to come out and confess, but he left no doubt with anyone there about where he stood."

Buck couldn't wrap his mind around all of this. "All this time? He's been lying to us all this time. Shit, you were right all along Nathan. You never completely trusted him and I guess you had it right."

"No, I didn't trust him at first. But I ended up being taken in just like the rest of you. He convinced me he was the real deal. Son of a bitch. He got me to the point I didn't want to be right."

"We know Nathan." Chris looked away for a moment as everyone took time to catch up. "Look guys, I get it. This is a lot to take in. I'm numb myself. What you need to know is that Cavanaugh assures me we are not under suspicion. For now, we carry on business as usual."

Buck was snarling. "You know every case we ever worked is going to be appealed. Every job we did is tainted thanks to that bastard. All that work down the crapper."

"And no matter what Cavanaugh says we're all gonna look like we've been part of it."

Vin finally turned and spoke. "Don't think so Nathan. We had an established record in place before he showed up. That'll help balance things out for us. Still, we're going to need to review everything he's been involved in to be sure where we stand."

"Well we're not starting that now. Tonight, we are getting out of here. We'll go have some dinner, some beer-"

"Lots of beer." Buck interrupted.

"- some beer. And everything else will keep until tomorrow."

Ezra stood in the shadows across from the office, watching his six former colleagues leave the building. There was no need to be an expert at body language to read the mood, and the sensation of guilt was overwhelming to him. He knew exactly where they were heading, exactly what the plan for the evening would be. Well, would have been if things hadn't gone to hell this afternoon. The instinct to follow was almost irresistible. They were headed to "their place", Inez's Tavern, where they regularly unwound after a long day. There would be a pitcher of beer at the table the minute the staff heard them coming in. And a glass of brandy at his seat. A glass that, tonight, would be untouched.

He began the slow walk to where he'd parked, well away from the sight of anyone he might know. He couldn't help but let his mind wander back to all the times he had been on his own in his life, and realized that never, in all that experience, had he felt so alone, so lonely. Nothing could change that now. No miracle intervention, no startling revelations would change the simple reality that today had exposed.

Even lost to his thoughts and regrets, he hadn't missed the approach of a vehicle from behind. It slowed as it got closer. He turned to confront the driver, realizing a moment too late that the gun he was ready to reach for was no longer there. Not that he was unarmed, but the reflex reminded him of all that had changed. He waited as the rear window slowly slid down.

"Good evening Mr. Standish. It is Mr. now, is it not? My understanding is that Agent is no longer the appropriate term."

"Your sources are, as always, impeccable Mr. Chiarelli. I presume your presence in this neighbourhood is more than mere coincidence."

"I get around. Now, while it is a lovely evening for a stroll, I was wondering if you might prefer the comfort of my limo for a short ride?"

"Associating with someone of your background will not be favourable to my reputation."

"After today, wouldn't you say that ship has sailed? Come, join me for a drink. One never knows where things might lead. I do promise to have you safely home before bed time, if that is your concern."

"I fail to see what value I can be to you, given my recent falling out with the ATF. Clearly I am no longer in a position to offer you any access or favours."

"Don't need you for that. I have my sources. How do you think I discovered so quickly that your services are available? No, Mr. Standish. What you have to offer is still of great value to me. You have unique skills that were being wasted on the respectable side of the law. I would very much like to take advantage of them, and the broad base of knowledge that accompanies them. And, of course, you would be well compensated for your involvement."

"Precisely what ventures do you have in mind?"

"Oh, a myriad of opportunities await adventurous souls like us. I can tell you that it will provide you the chance to get a bit of payback against Travis, Larabee and the rest. Surely that must intrigue you at least a bit. Please, join me to discuss our options."

"Well, it would be rude of me not to at least hear you out. It does sound like an enticing offer, and as it happens, I have nothing else planned for the immediate future." Ezra smiled as he slipped into the limo.


The six men sat quietly at the table. The brandy had been removed, and another pitcher of beer was almost empty. Despite the mindset and the stated intention to forget the events of the day, no one had been inclined to get blind drunk. Buck was the only one on a third drink, and even that had barely been sipped.

"It isn't right." JD said for at least the tenth time. "He shouldn't have done that to us. Treated us like that. I thought he was our friend."

"Was our own fault." Nathan lamented. "We knew who he was – knew his past. Know the family story. Clearly the apple didn't fall far from the tree there."

Buck was allowing his anger to build. "He conned us just like he cons everybody. Made us think we mattered to him. Made us think he was better that he really was. Never should have believed a word out of his mouth. Shit, we knew how good a liar he was – saw it on every job he did. We were stupid."

Chris looked around at the dejected faces of his team, knowing he bore the same expression. Vin had been quiet this go around, but earlier had been unrestrained in his resentment of the betrayal he felt. They all felt. He and Ezra had connected at a different level though. Two lone wolves who had reluctantly joined a pack. Their independent natures had complimented each other perfectly, and in many ways this revelation was harder on him than any of the others.

Almost any of the others, Chris corrected himself. His gaze settled on Josiah. Senior team member, a profiler whose job was to read and understand people. He, too, had been completely taken in.

But is was more than that causing the distress tonight. From the beginning, there had been a connection between these two dramatically different men that was difficult to comprehend. Ezra, the flamboyant devil-may-care con man; Josiah, a quiet, disillusioned ex-preacher. Life of the party meets introverted sad soul. Yet the bond was there, even if no one, including them, understood why. The closest Chris had ever come to an explanation, (one he knew both men would laugh at) was an unspoken, unacknowledged need for a family connection that they somehow found in each other.

"Josiah, you've been scary quiet tonight. Don't know if you've said a dozen words since I briefed everyone. You OK?" Chris was aware of how foolish that question was.

"No, I'm not. I can't process this. It doesn't fit. Doesn't work. Something is wrong, but I'm damned if I can put my finger on it."

"What's wrong," Buck answered, "is that we were sold out by one of our own."

"Lied to and manipulated." Vin agreed.

Josiah shrugged. "Maybe. I just can't wrap my head around this. Maybe I just need to sleep on it some. See if it makes more sense in the morning."

"It's never gonna make sense." JD complained. "We trusted him and he betrayed that. How can that make sense?"

"OK – that's it. Enough for the night. Nathan, you're sober. Drive JD and Buck home. I'll take care of Josiah and Vin."

"I'm fine Chris." Josiah responded, pointing to the half full glass. "This is still my first of the night."

Getting no further arguments, the men headed out after agreeing to meet at the diner in the morning. No one was anxious to head back to the office quite yet.


On the other side of town, Ezra too was being dropped of at home.

"I'll make arrangements for your car to be delivered. I think you might want to consider my offer to relocate to my building Mr. Standish. I have numerous vacancies, and it will certainly make life much easier having you close at hand for future business consultations."

"I have not yet agreed to your proposal Mr. Chiarelli."

"Oh, come now Ezra – may I call you Ezra? We both know your options are more that slightly limited right now. And I am quite certain that you harbour no desire to spend time behind bars. Join up with me and I can assure you my contacts will make your troubles disappear. Or at least reduce them to a more manageable level."

"I have no doubt you have many such connections, but that will not address the main issue that remains."

"Ah yes, your colleagues. Excuse me – former colleagues. Do you truly believe they will make your life difficult?"

"You've dealt with them in the past. What do you think?"

"Yes, they do have a rather annoying sense of morality, don't they? How did you put up with it?"

"It is amazing the sacrifices one can make when the end goal is sufficiently motivating."

"Just how much of a nest egg did you build up for yourself Ezra?"

"A comfortable one should I be forced to leave the state, or the country, in a hurry. Well secured."

"Fine, keep your secrets. As I said, I will have your car delivered, and we can talk more tomorrow about our future endeavours. I have a very interesting plan in mind, and your input is essential to see it through. It will take care of our mutual annoyances."

Ezra stood on the sidewalk, watching the limo disappear from sight. He allowed a small smile to come to his face. Yes, things might just work out after all.

