Disclaimer: Harry Potter and The Inheritance Cycle belong to J. K. Rowling and Christopher Paolini.

Lily Potter quickly moved through the dark streets towards Number 12 Grimmauld Place. In her arms was a strangely quiet dark haired, green eyed baby that was looking at its surrounding curiously. As she reached the door of the ancestral home of the Blacks, Lily took out her wand and tapped the knob three times. Once inside, Lily quickly looked at the dark and foreboding interior of the house and then moved to the curtains that covered the portrait of the late Walburga Black. As the curtains were removed, Walburga Black prepared to scream her lungs out at the intruder that dared to break into the home of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, especially when she saw that said intruder was that mudblood that blood traitor Potter took for a wife and their filthy spawn. However before she could even get out the first syllable, Lily quickly explained why she was here.

"Lady Black, please calm yourself, you know that with the house locked down only a blood member of the house of Black could enter."

Walburga paused and thought about what that mudblood said.

"Yes, that is true girl; explain how you were able to enter my house, as far as I know you are a filthy mudblood, not a member of the glorious house of Black."

"That is what everyone believes, what I believed until recently. However is there a place where I could sit and tell you the truth? It concerns the future of your house. If there are more portraits here, then I would also like to tell them the truth as well."

"Very well girl you will follow Kreature- Kreature! Kreature! Come here at once!"

Walburga's first call was answered with a pop as an old house elf appeared and bowed before the portrait of his deceased mistress.

"Kreature's mistress called Kreature?"

"Yes, you will take Lily Potter and her son to the study quickly."

"Kreature will do as mistress commands."

As Lily followed Kreature to the study, she could hear him mumbling about the filth that has entered the house of his mistress. Once he led her up the stairs and stopped in front of a closed door, he said, "Here be the study." Kreature then popped away. Lily shook her head at the strange elf and entered the dark study. On the walls were five empty portrait frames and bookcases filled to the brim with what she was sure were books and scrolls on dark magic. At the back of the room was a heavy gleaming mahogany desk with a high backed leather chair behind it and two leather chairs in front of it. She chose to sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Soon afterwards, Walburga walked into a frame while three men filled the other frames, leaving the last one empty.

"Well girl, tell us your story and how could a mudblood have any connection to our noble house." That was one of the men who looked eerily like Sirius; he looked at Lily in disgust.

"Of course sir, but may I know with whom I am speaking?"

"Very well, I am Orion Black, father of Sirius Black and husband to Walburga." The same man replied in a pompous tone. "These are my father, Arcturus Black," he nodded at the man on his right who had shoulder-length salt and pepper hair, "and uncle, Pollox Black." He gestured to the elderly man on his left who was looking down his nose at her. "Now speak, why have you come here."

"Of course sir, you see before my sons Sam and Harry Potter were born, a prophecy was made about a child that would be born at the end of the seventh month who would have the power to defeat You-Know-Who, and my sons were born on the 31st of July. Because of this, when my twins were born, Albus Dumbledore insisted that we have them tested at Gringotts to see if they had an extraordinary power that would lead to You-Know-Who's defeat. It turned out that my younger son, Harry was a Djin; everyone believed that this power came from the Potter line, and now Dumbledore and my husband have been talking of using Harry to win the war. They even spoke of somehow aging Harry mentally and physically in order for them to use his ability quickly." She was interrupted by Walburga,

"I do not see how this concerns the House of Black girl!"

"Well, the truth is, when James and I went to Gringotts to have the twins tested, one of the goblins managed to catch me alone and told me that I had to visit a goblin by the name of Grimfang since it concerns my birth family. I was very confused about that since as far as I know, my family was all muggle. So one night when James was out with his friends, I left Sam and Harry with the house elves and went to Gringotts to have that meeting with Grimfang. When I met with Grimfang, he told me that when I entered the bank with my husband a while ago, a Black Family artifact in his office activated, he said that this only happened when a blood member of the family is in the bank. So on his recommendation; I had a Blood-Inheritance test done." Here she could see that all the portraits were leaning forward, interest gleaming in their eyes. In the corner of her eye she could see that a man with the traditional Black Family looks had appeared in the final empty frame, though when he entered, she had no idea.

"Through the test we were able to find out that I was never a muggleborn, and that the Evanses had adopted me. My birth parents were Marius Black and Regina Le'Strange." The portraits' eyes bugged out at that revelation. Walburga exploded in disbelief, "You?! You, the daughter of my squib brother?! I never knew there was a female Le'Strange, she must also be a squib."

Arcturus stood up from the chair in his portrait and tapped his cane, "So…you are the pureblood daughter of a squib Black and a most likely squib Le'Strange. You are a daughter of this noble house and you married a pureblood, even if it is a Light buffoon. However I believe that simply informing us of your heritage and your son's power is not the reason for your coming here."

Lily nodded, "Yes sir –"

"Call me Grand-uncle Arcturus."

"Yes Grand-uncle Arcturus, I came to you for help, I have found a way to send my son away from here, to spare him being used as a tool for this war. However, the only way for me to do this and not have Dumbledore or his followers try and track down my baby to bring him back was to create a ritual that would send my son to different world. A world that has magic. A world that would keep him safe from being used by greedy people, like Dumbledore or James, as much as it pains me to admit."

Pollox looked confused, "That is all well and good, Granddaughter, but I still fail to see why you came here, and call me Grandfather."

"You see, Grandfather, once I do the ritual, there will be now way back for my Harry to come home, that new world will be his home and the home of all of his descendants. Sam, as the older twin, will become Lord Potter when the time comes, and Sirius said that House Black had no heirs since the death of his brother Regulus, that is until I claimed regency in the name of my son Harry." At this the portraits all exclaimed in surprise while the fifth, unknown portrait merely stroke his goatee. Walburga was crowing in happiness, "At last the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black has a proper pureblood heir who is worthy of its magnificence." However Orion interrupted, " A minute Walburga…niece, you may call me uncle, you said that you intend to send your son and heir Black to different world, so how can he become Lord Black and why are you here telling us this."

"Uncle, I came here because I can send things with my son, already I have managed to gather all moneys, books and collective estate of House Peverell as Harry somehow was chosen to bare the Peverell Family Magicks instead of the Potter Magicks. I intend to send everything that belongs to the Peverells and Blacks with Harry to his new world."

At that the portraits began discussing among themselves while Lily waited anxiously, suddenly a voice was heard from the side and everyone whipped around to see that the fifth mysterious portrait had finally spoken, "Your plan is a good plan girl, a new beginning for t House Black. It is just what we need."

Lily looked at him curiously since he wasn't part of the introduction, "Excuse me sir, but who might you be?"

"Why, I am Polaris Black, the First Black."