Ey fatties, I'm Akartoshi! I took my ten day break from this story but then I ended up getting food poisoning from the street food in Bangladesh. (I went back for Hari Raya.) so I ended up taking some extra time off. But hey, Roti (indian bread) is damn delicious! Wanna know what else is delicious? This story!

Nailed that transition. Enjoy!

P.S. Big thanks to Loremaster for the thumbnail!

Everything was so hot, burning through my sensitive skin. I could barely see anything through the effulgence that was hindering my retina from drawing any scenery. I tried my best and fought the omnipotent rays until I could finally make out objects through my blurred vision. It didn't take long before my cones flooded with chromatic colours, stepping aside to allow me to observe my surroundings. A bed, completely white, a person, by their attire a nurse and eight fluffballs with legs all stood before me. After a moment, I realized I was in a replica of a hospital, one I assumed envisioned for pokemon, which, speak of the devil, stood in front of me anxiously awaiting me to cease their fear.

"Phil! You're alive!" Ivy cried, running up to me and nuzzling my fur, where she was soon joined by the others.

"I think so too," I joked as they shot me a 'Really?' look, earning a chuckle from me, but it felt as if I had eaten really spicy food; my throat burned and stung when I tried to talk. I only managed to finish my sentence by turning it into a whisper.

"Don't speak, you're still not recovered. You know we all thought you actually died!" Crescent cried. I nodded. We all exchanged hugs, words of relief and even a few tears before someone spoke up.

"Hey, Phil. Glad to see you are okay."

My pokemon parted to reveal the source of voice; Sarina. I nodded in agreement before she spoke again.

"Though, I've got a lot of questions. I know that you were involved with that fire somehow."

I cringed momentarily thinking of a good way to explain this mess I was in, before thinking about it. It couldn't be that bad to have a human on my side who knew the full story and would hopefully assist. I tapped my wrist, waited for her to give me the pokedex and began to type out everything that happened. She then read it and I watched as she changed her facial expression multiple times.

"So… you're the famous Professor Phil?"

I nodded slightly.

"And team galactic did this all to you?"

I nodded again.

"Well… wow. I'm not sure what to say or think…" Sarina paused and trailed off into thought. "If what you say they are creating is true, I will help assist you as best I can."

I nodded and mouthed 'thank you' though I doubted she could understand. My attention was derailed and brought to Solareon as she started poking at my fur.

"You're a really, really, really stupid idiot, you know."

I just shrugged, not like I could speak anyways.

"You were going to die, had the fire department not come."

The fur on my back stood up as she mentioned that. "Th...they know…?" I grunted hoarsely.

"Well, I don't think you made it on the television because of your completely charred face, and luckily they didn't realize you were a shiny since you were so badly burned."

I sighed in relief.

"But, mentions of a pokemon in the building as it burned appeared in the news. It sparked controversy as the grunts claimed they didn't see any inside at the time. The police are after you now, they think you started the fire."

I slammed my paws angrily against the bed. Not only were the police worthless at catching the galactic grunts, who are the real criminals but they go after a random pokemon that may or may not exist.

"It's corrupt, the team galactic probably paid them to search for you."

I nodded sadly in agreement.

"Nevermind that. I'm not going to let you chase after them again!"

I opened my mouth in shock. "What?"

"We all almost lost you. Who knows what could happen if you went to the main headquarters? You're gonna die, Phil."


"Until you get a fuck ton more stronger, that's a no from all of us."

I sat there and sulked. I didn't want to agree but what they were saying was correct. More or less I think I'd accidentally kill myself by mistake. As we were talking, Sarina interrupted.

"We all decided to take a break until you are stronger and recovered again. Since I am from Alola, I thought it'd be a nice place to rest and relax."

I tapped my wrist and typed out; "Alola? I guess it could be nice."

"It is nice, don't worry. We'll leave for Alola soon."

I nodded. From the pictures I have seen, Alola's a beautiful island nation. Suddenly, the nurse from the back walked in.

"Hello, eevee. We need to do some checkups with your body, so please come this way."

Attempting to run, jump or do anything still felt draconian on my body. "Try to lift your legs up for me?" The nurse asked as I complied. She examined my paws, which were gravely discoloured from the burn.

"You know, you are lucky to have such a helpful pack. They willingly gave their blood to you."

I nodded in agreement, they sure helped me in so many ways. I just hoped that I could help them in return one day.

"Anyways, that's all for today. You should recover in no time, you're already looking a lot better."

I nodded as a thanks and left the room. Sarina and the others greeted me, and we all headed home. Apparently, I had been flown back to Pastoria, which was good because I needed to go back and decrypt those addresses. Luckily for me, the USB didn't burn, so my effort was not in vain.

I arrived back in my lab with the other eeveelutions tailing behind.

"I really think you should rest," Candy told me. I just shook my head. "I rested for...days," I replied, almost choking on my words through the pain of speech. The others shrugged, watching as I picked up the USB and inserted it into the computer. I watched as a notepad file appeared and in it were lists of addresses that they had visited.,, 307.,

I smiled. It was too easy. Over the last twenty four hours, they had visited three times. I rolled my chair back with my paws and opened my IP tracker to find their global coordinates.

Latitude: 89.6 Longitude: -21.4

Directly after doing that, I popped open Pear maps and slammed the coordinates in. The location appeared to be a warehouse in Veilstone city, which I had heard was speculated to be their operating base.


Now, all I needed to do was to get there and then terminate whatever project they were trying to accomplish. That, and to heal. As I was typing, I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

"Phil... you still want to stop them?" Solareon asked. I nodded, still browsing for any information that could prove helpful for when I do go invade their base.

"I see. I guess I can't stop you." She added, somewhat disappointedly.

"But, I can do my best to help you. You ought to be able to fight, or at least use some of your moves."

I nodded again, it was all I could do.

"Anyways, I think that spending three days in Alola could be a nice break. Y'know... from all of the shit that has been happening."

I chuckled a little, though I was not that keen on going. "I know you probably still don't want to go, right?"

I nodded. Solareon sighed.

"Then, what are you going to do for three days instead? Either you're going to have to sit here and do nothing or at least get to enjoy the nice sun. You honestly push yourself too much, Phil."

I thought about it for a second. She did have a point. "Fine." I replied. Her face lit up and she tried to hug me. "Thanks Phil!" She cried enthusiastically, making me wince as she brushed my fur. Quickly, she retracted. "Sarina booked the flight for tomorrow. It'll be fun, I assure you."

Tomorrow came a lot faster than I thought, and Sarina came to my house. For the next six hours, she put me inside the pokeball as she boarded the plane until she finally released me in Alola. I was greeted with a very humid, tropical temperature next to a stunning beach.

"Welcome to Alola!" She exclaimed. I just looked at the beautiful scenery and palm trees. "Whoa!" I cried. Sarina smiled.

"I know you'll like it. Even lazing around is fun!"

I turned around to see the eeveelutions standing by her side. "Sure is beautiful!" Candy exclaimed.

"Oh, there are actually a lot of fairy types here, so maybe you can try and meet some of them!" Sarina told her. Candy's face lit up. "Wow! I never got to see any fairy type. I can't wait!"

"Well, I need to go visit my mother now. You guys have fun, I've got a house over there that you can use."

We all nodded and headed off to the small building, parting ways with her as she quickly ran off.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Blaze asked me. I shrugged.

"I dunno."

"Why not have fun in the water?" Neptune asked. I just shrugged again. My pokemon sighed at my lack of enthusiasm. "Come on, there must be something fun for you to do," Crescent told me.

"I know you aren't feeling that well. Maybe you can just lie down and get some rest until you feel more recovered," Sparky suggested.

"I already rested... for, two... days," I replied, chocking slightly on my words.

"Too bad, you're throat sounds like nails on a chalkboard," Sparky responded.

"Only my throat... hurts. I feel... fine though."

We finally reached the house, so I went inside and laid down on the first bed I found. Candy then went to go find some other pokemon, Sparky and Blaze went to look for food, Ivy, Crescent and Neptune went swimming and Solareon stayed behind. After lying down in silence for awhile, she finally spoke.

"Come on, have some fun, do something."

"What? I just want... to get revenge on them... not come here."

"Revenge, revenge, revenge. That's all you ever do. Just enjoy yourself for once. I feel like shit, not sending Neptune in. I should have, shouldn't I? Now... I'm responsible for all of this..."

I kept quiet until I heard sniffling coming from the left. "Solareon, are you crying?"

"N...no," she responded, though I turned around and saw she was. I sighed. "Please, don't feel responsible..."

"I could have saved you! It was all my fault!"

"No, I was stupid... I told you not to."

Sniffles still came from her, so I wrapped my paws around her neck. "I'm sorry..." I told her. "Nevermind, I'm still alive."

Once we retracted, she asked, "Are you in pain still?"

"No, just kinda... hard to talk. I feel fine though."

"So, you're feeling fine?"



We sat there in awkward silence, her head resting on mine. Soon, I started to feel something rubbing against my back. At first, it was unnoticeable but crescendoed into the pressure of a hand. I turned around to see nothing there. When Solareon giggled, I put two and two together.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you a psychic massage, that's all."

She resumed rubbing my back, which actually felt rather nice. Slowly, she spread to my mane and back, inching her way to my claws and rubbing my belly.

"I'm really ticklish, you know," I complained. She just giggled in response and inched her invisible hands down.

"Whoa, watch where you're touching!"

"Hmm? I know exactly what I'm doing," she responded, rather seductively. Her hands eventually reached my hindquarters.

"Wait, what are you do-"

Apples taste good, and so does a melon, but guess what bitch; You're in for a Lemon. (Submitted by SRG-SnakeRain)

I gasped as she grabbed my member with her psychic. Slowly, she pumped it slightly as pleasure started running through my veins. "Here's a good treatment," she whispered seductively. I was going to protest, but getting jerked off by a pokemon was not something I was going to object to. Not only that, but she used her psychic powers to increase the pleasure and pressure tenfold."Ghhh, I'm gonna cum if you keep that up!" I whined as she rapidly stroked my dick with her energy. She suddenly lifted me up and aligned my throbbing member with her mouth, putting it right in her sopping insides and bopping her head on it extremely fast. I reached my peak and without warning emptied into her mouth.

"What's with pokemon… and mating so much?" I asked, panting from release.

"You're the only male in the pack. It's only logical. Now come here and fuck me, I've been waiting for this!"

She didn't need to tell me again as I got up and tried to align my throbbing cock with her dripping insides. I didn't get the chance to, because I suddenly felt something wet and warm around my dick.

"Too slow, so I used my energy to teleport you."

"That's a little extra."

She ignored my last response, her tongue sticking out in ecstasy as we both rode each other, moaning and groaning slightly. Again, she increased the pleasure I was feeling, causing me to almost explode inside of her immediately. She waited until she too was about to release and finally we both grunted and came, our juices mixing together. Finally, I lay over, panting.

End of yellow fruit that is sour

"Best treatment, right!"


"Anytime you want to feel good, just tell me," she replied playfully. Suddenly, she stopped. "Hey, why's your fur pink?"

"It is?" I tried to look at my arm, which was a lot more grey now thanks to the fire. However, sticking out from it was a shade of vibrant pink.

"I don't know."

-To be continued.-

Hey guys, firstly, I'd really really like to stress the importance of following my twitter, @akartoshi. When I was sick, I had no way of telling you fans that I couldn't be active, and now I won't have any other way of telling you guys I'm going to write YMID / more of this. Follow me, and I'll update you on where I've been.

Also, I know that this whole going to Alola kinda seems farfetched but there are a couple reasons why. First, someone wanted him to meet Lilly, so I'll incorporate her into the story since she is from Alola. Second, I plan a season two, if you guys do like this, to take place here. That's why I brought him there. Mainly there will be lots of lemons in Alola, one with every eeveelution before I make him go back to Veilstone to wrap things up.

Finally, I'm still writing You're mine, I decided so excuse the less frequent updates. Again, my twitter, @akartoshi, will give you all more updates.

Akartoshi out!