Have you ever made a mistake that was so bad that you wish you can fix it? Have you ever wished you can go back in time and fix your life? Many mammals felt that way. One of them was a red fox, Nick Wilde.

Nick Wilde was thrilled! After being in a hosiptal for a year, he was finally released!

He was in a car crash that had put him in a coma for almost a year and now he has awakened.

During his time at the hospital, the only ones that visited Nick in the hospital were his mother, his friends Finnick (a fennec fox), Honey (a honey badger), and Clawhauser (a cheetah). They all brought him get-well cards, and flowers and always stayed with him until visiting hours were over.

It was very strange that during all that, Nick's girlfriend, Kathleen, never came to visit.

The red fox thought that was strange too, but had thought that she was busy in office.

"I have to see her!" He said to himself, excitedly. "Boy won't she be surprised once she sees that I am awake!"

He ran out of the hosiptal and took the bus downtown.

After reaching her three-story apartment in Savannah Central, Nick ran upstairs and rang the doorbell. Anticipating Kathleen's prescence, Nick made sure his fur was slicked back and his flowers were not ruined. The door opened and Nick held his breath. But instead of Kathleen, it was a different fox! A male fox! At first, Nick thought he got the wrong house, until his girlfriend appeared in the doorway.

Kathleen was a little surprised to see Nick awake and at her home. When asked by Nick who the male fox was, Kathleen showed him her wedding ring. Nick's mouth fell open and his eyes widened like pancakes. Flowers fell from his paws to the doormat. It turned that this male fox was her husband!

Nick asked Kathleen what was wrong with him. Whateve it was that he hfad done to her, he was sorry!

But Kathleen won't give him straight answers. All she told him was that he messed up. He was supposed to come to her party but messed up by not calling her he could not make it! And it was too late. She's married now.

It had been two years since that dark day. Nick had tried very hard to forget about Kathleen! He had tried dating other vixens but none of them lasted longer than three months! Now the red fox was lying around in his bed, looking dull and solemn. Beer cans were lying around the floor, his bed looked like it hadn't been made in days. Sad music blared from his radio.

"Why did she leave me?" the fox cried in his pillow. "Why did she leave me for another fox?" Doesn't she love me anymore? Where did I go wrong?"

Just then, there was knock on the door.

"Yo Nick, open up!" A deep voice yelled.

"Not now Finnick!" Nick whimpered. "Can't you see that I need to be alone?" He buried his muzzle into the pillow.

But the door swished open and it was a small and grumpy fennec fox. He marched over to Nick's bed and poked him harshly in the side.

"Look pal," Finnick grumbled. "It's been two years since Kathleen dumped you and you have got to stop this mourning!"

"Easy for you to say!" Nick groaned, his eyes wet. No one understood his heartbreak.

His friend rolled his eyes. Finnick felt sorry for Nick but seeing him in this pity state was a bit much. He roughly grabbed Nick's arm, pulling away from he bed.

"Let's get you out of your small and smelly apartment! We got plans!"

"Plans?" Nick's mind was a bit frazzled from all the mourning. "What plans?"

"Honey wants us over," said Finnick, grumpily as usual. "She wants to show off one of her crazy science experiments or something like that!"