Sometimes Draco could be the best boyfriend on the planet. Sure, he was a bit distant at times but he made up for those moments when, whatever problem he had been contemplating, had been solved by being even more attentive. Then there were the other times where I was convinced that he was the worse boyfriend on the planet.

"Draco," I pleaded, taking his hand in mine. He turned his eyes to meet mine briefly, raising an eyebrow at me before looking away.

"I said no, Embers."

"You only call me by my surname when you're annoyed," I mumbled petulantly.

"Then that should tell you about the way I'm currently feeling, shouldn't it?" He removed his hand from my hold and I frowned at his back.

"What's the big deal?" I protested, hurrying around him to block his path before he could walk out of his bedroom. "I just want to meet the team, please."

"I knew I shouldn't have applied for the job," he muttered under his breath, "Any other team and it would have been fine. But no – I had to apply for the team you've been supporting since the moment you learned to talk."

"Don't pretend you didn't do that to try and get brownie points with me." Crossing my arms, I narrowed my eyes at him as he continued to get ready for work, pocketing his wand as he went. "Draco."

"Don't you have work or something?" he threw over his shoulder as he disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, only to return with a mug of coffee.

"I told you I had the weekend off." I levelled him a flat look. "Come on, you've been working with the Montrose Magpies for over a year now. Why won't you let me meet the team?" When I realised that he had no plan on budging, I pouted and decided it was time to bring out the big guns. I sighed for effect before asking quietly, "Unless your embarrassed about me?"

His eyes rose in surprise as he set his mug down and hurried to my side, "Merlin, you infuriating woman, you know that's not the case." He took me in his arms, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking down at me with a frown. "Everyone knows you're too good for me."

"Then what's the problem?" I insisted, looking up at him curiously, "I want to meet the team and when you got the job you promised you'd let me. So, what's changed now?" He mumbled something under his breath and I frowned, not understanding what he had said. "I'm sorry?"

Sighing slightly, he repeated loudly, "That was before I found out you used to have a crush of bloody Davies."

"Is that what this is about?" I stared up at him incredulously, eyes rising into my hairline. "You have got to be joking." Only he wasn't – the way he was avoiding my eyes told me everything. "Merlin's beard you thick-headed man, I was in bloody third year when I had a crush on him. I think every girl in the house had a crush on him at that point. The man was handsome and he knew it."

"He still looks the same."

"He might do," I rolled my eyes, "But you're forgetting that I treated him in the hospital once. He's so bloody annoying. The moment he remembered that I was a Ravenclaw, he was citing house loyalty to try to convince me to allow him to sneak out. Besides, you're also forgetting about his very public proposal to his now fiancé."

Draco shifted a little at my words as if he had finally realised how ridiculous his behaviour had been. "Look, I know it's stupid, but just humour me."

"I knew we shouldn't have talked about the crushes we had in school." I sighed, "And it wasn't even my bloody idea – you were the one that suggested it."

"I was curious!"

"I didn't realise you were the insecure type," I mused, wrapping my arms around his neck to play with the hair at the back of his neck.

"Neither did I," he admitted, ducking his head down slightly to press his forehead against mine for a moment. "I feel like a bloody third year again."

"You have nothing to worry about Draco." Rolling my eyes, I rose to my toes to press a quick kiss to his lips, "Davies really isn't my type anymore. I don't even know what I had been thinking at the time."

"And what is your type then Embers?" he whispered as the arms around my waist pulled me into him.

"My type? Well if I had to pick then Maddock's more of my type." Before he could react, I slipped out of his hold. He frowned heavily at my words, moving to hold me again, "You don't want to do that Draco," I teased with a slight smirk, "You'll be late for work otherwise."

He glanced at the clock and let out a sigh. Straightening up, he straightened himself out all whilst keeping his solemn eyes on me. "You're in so much trouble when I get home Embers."

"That's assuming that'll still be here when you get back from work," I called out as he approached the fireplace. "You're forgetting that I don't live here."

"Oh please," he muttered, looking back at me so I could see him roll his eyes. "You're forgetting that there are more of your things in my home than there are in your home."