Nick did as Judy asked him to do.

Because of Judy being too exhausted after the hard working day and limp due to that, Nick had to carry Judy in his arms to the building's roof for his something "special" for alone him and Judy...

Which greatly amused him for the reasons.

Reason one; Judy was as heavy as the weather and was because of this easy to be carried in her arms without the difficulties.

Reason two; Judy's tiny little arms, her tiny paws, her long wide ears and her entire body in his arms felt so irresistibly soft and smoot.

Reason three; Judy looked so cute when she as asleep.

And the fourth reason whuich amused him even more, than every time when he carried Judy in his arms when he was carrying her to somewhere – mostly then when Judy was in fact asleep and too exhausted to resistanting the idea of being carried by Nick – Judy used often to curl into ball in his arms and nuzzle her head against his shoulder with the sweet moans of pleasure...

...especially then when he was topples. Then Judy was more eager to nuzzle her head against his shoulder to feel his fluffy fur.

And yet when the scent of the certain handsome fox of hers has filled her nose, her nose used always twitch by the pleasure.

This adorable sight of her always melt his heart... every time he carried her to everywhere.

And now, he had the opportunity and honor to do the same even this time.

And to make this moment much more interesting – also using Judy's exhaustion and half-sleeping state as her advantage – Nick stripped her from her regular pyjama shirt and dressed her instead into the white pyjama dress with the long hem and wide neckhile.

And after doing that, Nick at first carried larges mattress Judy had to the rooftop, as well as the largest pillow and blanket Judy had and carried them to the rooftop.

Luckily, Nick had watched today's weather report and was the lucky fox, because for tonight was the promised to be rainless weather 'till tommorrow's night, albeit a little cool air and a little wind was promised for tonight.

Just perfect, because Nick actually needed a bit wind for tonight.

However, Nick decided to take some lanterns around of the mattress to increase the warmth around of them in addition to the blanket.

And when everything was ready, Nick was finally able to carry Judy to the rooftop in his arms.

And, as promised, after Nick took off his hawaiian shirt and took Judy into his arms, Judy immediately sensed Nick's scent in her nose, which started rapidly to twitch and it was followed by Judy curling into the ball in his arms and nuzzling her head against Nick's bare shoulder's fur... causing her to moan sweetly in her sleep.

"Today is this lucky fox the luckiest day ever." Nick whispered silently, as he looked down and Judy's irresistibly adorable form in her sleeping state... as well as her soft and smooth fingers, arms and her ears.

"Indeed, slick." Judy sweetly though sleepily mumbled, much to Nick's amuse.


And once Nick had brought sleepy Judy to the rooftop of the building, to where civilians were generally denied to entry.

But Nick didn't care.

This height from the ground was perfect, as well as the wind itself.

Nick had also considered a bit about the Palm Hotel's frond rooftop, but because the hotel's doors were not only locked at this time of the night, but the doorways to the rooftop were also guarded and the guards did not allow anyone to go to the rooftop... besides, the wind was far more stronger in that height level and the air a bit colder.

So this was far more perfect than nothing.

Nick then locked the door behind of him, so that no one could come to disturb their common moment.

And after that, Nick lifted Judy over to the foortop's stone railing, before he climbed himself to the railing with her.

And then, Nick grabbed on still-sleepy Judy and lifted her limp body up into the upright position, before he moved Judy closer to the railing's edge... carefully, of course, and especially careful of not even accidentally dropping Judy over the edge.

The sight would not be so nice and the afterwards far more unpleased... for her bunny, if he even accidentally happens to make a wrong and unfortunate step, which would be fatal step for Judy.

And as the wind blowed to their faces, Judy's pyjama dress's hem fluttered smoothly with the wind, revealing her bare feets and upper body from beneath of it.

Nick then helped Judy to carefully fall on her knees next to the edge, holding her with both of her paws to prevent her to lean too far forwards to the edge that she would fall over of it... but settled her carefully on her knees that her pyjama dress's hem will not remain beneath of her knees.

Judy then started to tremble due to the cold air, which blowed to her faces and beneath of her dress' hem, despite about her current half-conscious and sleepy state.

"Slick, where we are?" Judy asked in slumber, trying to open her eyes to see but they were like glued to close.

"Sh, sh, sh, sh, fluff. It's okay, I'm here. Keep your eyes closed, you don't need them. There's nothing to be afraid of." Nick said.

Nick then kneeled down behind of Judy, so that Judy was kneeling in between of his curled knees.

Nick then lifted his paw up to the level of Judy's pyjama dress' neckline and gently and slowly along of Judy's bare hips Nick ran his paws through of Judy's dress neckline inside of her dress.

Judy moaned out of the pleasure, as she felt Nick's paws and fingers stroking the fur in her bare chest, her bare hips and her bare stomach inside of her pyjama dress. And make his bunny feel much more comfortable, Nick kept his paws and along of Judy's fluffy smooth body's fur "dancing" fingers on the move moving along of Judy's body inside of her pyjama dress.

Such of pleasure made her to pull her head backwards...

...of which Nick took the advantage and started to lick her neck with his tongue and gently nibble his jaws at the left side of Judy's neck.

This caused Judy to moan even more put of the pleasure.

"Oh, Nick." Judy moaned, as she leaned her head against Nick's head and let out the purr out of the pleasure as Nick kept strokking Judy's body and nibbling her neck.

Nick then placed his snout inside of Judy's left ear... and Judy shivered as she felt her beloved fox's hot breath travel down, tickling the fur in her ears and chills ran up and down along her furry body, as Nick started to whisper something into Judy's ear.

"Alright, Judy Hopps. Just relax. There's nothing to be worry about. There's nothing to be afraid of. Just relax and repeat after me. You're now on under of your charming fox's control." Nick whispered, licking with his tongue Judy's ears inside fur, causing her to let pout the moaning gasps as the chills took over her body once again.

"I'm under of my fox's control." Judy repeated, like she was under somekind of trance.

"And you will obey any command I give to you, will you?"

Judy let out the purr out of the pleasure, feeling the warmth of Nick's paws running along her body with the serpentine movement.

"I will. I will obey any command my beloved fox gives to me." Judy mumbled.

And as an respond, Nick blowed the hot breath into Judy's ear, causing the bunny to gasp and moan out of the pleasure.

"I'm taking you to the most fantastic journey you ever have experienced." Nick whispered into Judy's ear again.

"You're taking me to the most fantastic journey I have ever experienced." Judy mumbled.

"Are you afraid?" Nick asked gently, before he let out another hot breath into Judy's ear and danced his paws and fingers around of Judy's body's fur, causing Judy to shiver and moan in pleasure.

"No, I'm not afraid." Judy responded.


Nick then pulled his paws out from Judy's dress neckline, but quickly grabbed from around of Judy's armpits to prevent her from falling over the edge from beneath of Judy's dress, before he himself sneaked inside of Judy's pyjama dress.

Luckily for Nick, Judy favorited the shirts and dresses with the wide neck-openings, so that it wasn't so difficult for Nick to fit his own head through of it.

Judy let put the sweet purrs when she felt Nick's bare furry chest pressed against her bare back, and with her nose filled with her beloved fox's arom, she attemped to lean against Nick's chest to feel his chest fur.

However, Nick started to tickle with his fingers Judy from her armspits, causing his beloved bunny to giggle sweetly.

Nick then once again pushed his snout inside of judy's left ear and blowed another hot breath to inside, making Judy to gasp, shiver and moan again out of the pleasure.

"It is time, Carrots. It's time to go." Nick whispered.

"Yes... it's time. It's time to go." Judy repeated.

Gently and slowly Nick, started to ran his paws furry fingers along Judy's smooth and soft furry arms always to her soft paws... and the touch of them against his own fingers felt so irresistible than ever... as well as her bare back pressed against his chest.

"Allow the wind to blow to your face, Carrots... feel the power of the wind... keep your muscles relaxed... keep your eyes closed... you don't need your eyes or limbs... surrender to the power of the wind... allow it to take you with it... you're falling down." Nick whispered into Judy's air, still blowing the hot breaths after another into Judy's ears.

"I'll allow the wind to blow to my faces... I will feel the powwer of the wind... I'll keep my muscles relaxed... I'll keep my eyes closed... I'll surrender to the power of the wind... I'll allow it to take me with it... I'll..." Judy whispered between of the moans out of the pleasure, until she suddenly stopped.

Judy started then to let out the sounds which sounded like she was about to fall over the edge of the rooftop.

And breathing rapidly and loudly whimpering was the sign of what Nick just hoped.

Nick smiled out of realization that this had worked perfectly.

"Nick... Nick... Nickl, I'm... I'm... I'm falling down!" Judy whimpered, nearly in panic through still in hald-sleep.

"Yes, yes you are, Carrots. Don't be afraid. Deep breath, just the deep breath..." Nick whispered back into Judy's ear.

Judy did as Nick adviced her to do. She breathed slowly and deeply, a bit calming down piece by piece.

"There you go, Carrots. Don't be afraid. The fall will not kill you... if you go straight and spread your arms straigh to each side with mine... and allow the gentle wind to carry you with it forward like the free bird of the sky."

"The fall will not kill me... if I go straight and spread my arms straigh to each side with yours... and allow the gentle wind to carry me with it forward like the free bird of the sky." Judy repeated.

Nick then started to spread Judy's limp arms straight to both sides with his own, holding from Judy's tiny paws, until both of her arms were completely in straight position in both of her sides.

And then, Nick started slowly and gently tilt Judy's upper body a bit forward and downward with his own body and holding from Judy's arms... before Nick then started to pull Judy's upper body to backwards... before she then started slowly to tilt Judy's body to the right.

And then Nick tilted Judy's body a bit to the left, again a bit to the backwards and then again to forward like the plane... and Nick also waved her arms upwards and downwards like the bird beating her wings between of the five minutes.

Though in the sleepy state, Judy suddenly gasped in amazement, before she took the wide smile on her sleepy faces.

Nick smiled as she saw Judy's such oif smile, knowig that she had got her right to where he wanted her.

"Nick... Nick... I'm... I'm flying!" Judy sleepily exclaimed.


In the mind of Judy's sleepy form the action was ongoing.

"I'm... I'm flying!" Judy exclaimed.

As Nick had directed her... Judy saw in her eyes herself flying above of Zootopia's streets, with her arms spread to stright to her left and right side and her legs locked together during of her "flying".

She was like floating in the air with the blow of the wind, but wheb she waved her arms and paws like the birds, she actually rose higher into the air... and when she stopped doing that, she floated with the air closer of the ground.

Judy smiled at this, both surprised and excited... though she did not know how in the earth she was even able to do this.

She believed this to be just the dream...

...Though Judy didn't knew how, Nick had somehow managed to manipulate her sleepy form's mind to imagine something like this and to see it before of her very own eyes, despite them being shut down...

...but despite being more obviously the dream, everything of this seemed to be so real.

The wind on her face, the sounds of the city, the surprised expressions of the other mammals walking on the streets as they saw Judy flying like the bird in the air.

Judy was extremely overjoyed of the fact that she was flying like this... like the superhero Hawkock in that superhero film with the same name or the cub who never grown up, Cheetah Pan.

"Nick was right! This really is the most fantastic journey I ever have experienced!" Judy exclaimed with the hearty laugh.


Nick felt good within himself as she heard Judy's hearty laugh, as she imagined herself flying like the bird above of Zootopia.

At first, Nick directed Judy to imagine her flying in the air space of the Downtown of Zootopia...

...making her to imagine herself to fly between, around or above of the Downtown's high skyscrapers of various sizes and other tower-like buildings, by moving her sleepy limp body alternately in both directions, forward and backwards with gentle and graceful movements.

Nick even made Judy to imagine herself to increase her flying speed into the high speed just like superhero Hawkock's flying speed while flying in the airspace of Downtown, making narrow turns, curves and sommersaults in the air.

And in Judy's mind, as Judy flied above of the Downtown's highest skyscrapers, from the upper heights the gallant outlook over all districts with their night lights: Savanna Central, Sahara Square, Tundratown and Rainforest District opened... as well as the sea itself.

And after the while, Nick then directed Judy to fly from the Downtown to the direction of south.

"Tell me, what do you see, Carrots." Nick whispered to her ear.

"I see... I'm at now in the Mid-Town of Savanna Central... I see the buildings such like City Hall, Zootopia Police Department, Natural History Museum, Zootopia Central Station..." Judy answered.

Nicck could not help but create the grin on his face, after realizing that Judy was flying in her mind right above of the Central of the City.

"...and I see Gazelle's concert in middle of the Town Central again." Judy added.

"Really? Then what she's singing this time?" Nick asked out of curiosity.

"I see you. From Zootanic." Judy answered.

Nick chuggled at this answer and at the mention of their both favorite romance film, especially that Gazelle was ironically performing the song relating both to the film and to what he himself was doing to Judy at the moment... like in one of his favorite moments in that film.

And in fact, his favorite scene in Zootanic film happened to be the inspiration for his tonight's plans and to what he was actually doing to Judy at the moment, following his favorite scene's example.

Nick then placed his snout again into Judy's ear, filling it with his hot breath, causing Judy to gasp again out of pleasure and the warmth in her ear.

"Now, my little furry birdy is about to change the course... toooooooowards Sahara Square." Nick said and started slowly tilt Judy to the right.

"Your little furry birdy is about to change the course..." Judy mumbled and allowed herself to be a bit tilted downwards to her right side.

And in Judy's sleepy eyes immagination, as Nick did this, Judy turned her flying course to the east and floated/flied with the wind away from the air space of the... as she started to head towards Sahara Square.

During of which, in Judy's immagination in her closed eyes and sleepy mind, Nick gently tilted Judy from her paws a bit to the right, then a bit to the left, then a bith upwards by pulling her a bit backward, and then a bit downwards by moving her forward.

Somehow, Nick was able to realize that where Judy was flying in her dreams, because he actually knew every street of the entire Mid-Town.

And knowing that sudden accident, like colliding to the buildings could suddenly awaken his sleepy bunny, which was the last thing he wanted to, Nick kept Judy relaxes by breathing the hot breaths into her ears and licking her neck, sending chills to ran along Judy's body and making her to moan out of pleasure... while holding from Judy's tiny shoft paws Nick directed her with his own knowledge about every street and corner.

"My little furry birdy... flies in between of the buildings... above of the streets, cars and walking animals... beats her furry wings harder... towers even more higher... against the dark blue but bright night sky... and the full moon." Nick whispered into Judy's ear, as he waved her arms like the birds beats their wings alternately up- and downwards.

"Your little furry birdy... flies in between of the buildings... above of the streets, cars and walking animals... beats her furry wings harder... towers even more higher... against the dark blue but bright night sky... and the full moon." Judu sleepily repeated what Nick had just whispered in her ear.

And after for a while.

"You're arriving to the walls between of Savanna Central and Sahara Square. You beat your wings harder... rising to higher... so that you can fly over the wall." Nick whispered into her ear, letting out more hot breaths into Judy's ear, pleasuring her even more.

"I'm arriving to the walls between of Savanna Central and Sahara Square. I beat my wings harder... rising to higher... so that I can fly over the wall." Judy repeated, afterwards she kept moaning out of pleasure, feeling Nick's hot breaths running along her ears inside fur.

"But first... you must turn to the the left... and then right."

"But first... I must turn to the left... and then right." Judy repeated sleepy.

Nick then tilted Judy at first to the left, before he tilted her to the right...

...until Nick started to move Juidy's sleepy form carefully towards the ventilator, out of which was towering the hot air, settling themselves over of it and allowing the hot air to ran upwards along their furry bodies... especially along Judy's bare body under of her pyjama dress.

Both mammals let out the deep purr out of the pleasure.

"You start to feel Sahara Square's hot air in your furry skin..." Nick whispered to Judy's ear.

In Judy's dream world in her mind, Judy also felt the hot air of the Sahara's Square once she flew into the air space of the Sahara's Square

"I feel Sahara Square's hot air in my furry skin..." Judy mumbled, moaning faster and louder out of the pure pleasure as she felt the hot air running upwards along her fur, making her feel so much comfortable.

The hot air coming from below of them - along with Nick starting once again to lick the left side of her neck, which touch against her neck's furry skin caused her to gasp -, caused Judy to reveal her neck even more out of the pleasure, and she even leaned her head to the right to reveal her neck.

Nick took advantage of this and started once again to nibble Judy's neck again with his fangs, being careful at the same time not to harm her with them.

Judy moaned again out of pleasure for this...

...especially then when she gasped and then moaned again out of the pleasure when Nick pushed his cold nose into Judy's left ear once again and blowed the hot breaths into it.

"You're now flying over the saharas of Sahara's Square... in the hot yet comfortable air space... and you're heading towards the Palm hotel with all those aurora borealis-like lights beaming in the air in the colors of shiny gold and blue." Nick whispered to Judy's ears.

"I'm now flying over the saharas of Sahara's Square... in the hot yet comfortable air space... and I'm heading towards the Palm hotel with all those aurora borealis-like lights beaming in the air in the colors of shiny gold and blue." Judy repeated.

"Fly lower..." Nick eventually said as he started to make Judy to bow a bit forward and pull her arms against her side.

"I'm flying lower." Judy repeated.

"Float with the wind along and above of the sahara's hot and sandy land and sand dunes like Lionaddin's magic carpet in thousand and one nights stories..." Nick side, while tilting Judy alternatingly to the right and left...

...imagining Judy's flying route in his own mind and closed eyes - and delivering those images into judy's mind by whispering them to Judy's ears and moving her from her paws along his own imaginationed sand lands.

"I'm floating with the wind along and above of the sahara's hot and sandy land and sand dunes like Lionaddin's magic carpet in thousand and one nights stories... with my fox prince of my side." Judy repeated, with a little extra, as Judy leaned her head against Nick's cheek, letting out the ourr out of the pleasure.

Nick smiled at this.

" over the rooftops of the town around of the Palm Hotel..." Nick said as he pulled Judy a bit backwards and waved her limps up and down, so that Judy can in her mind fly higher and above of the Palm Hotel surrounding town's rooftops.

"I fly over the rooftops of the town around of the Palm Hotel..."

"...float with the wind above of the water surfaces of the Water-Hole lake in the next. Lower your paw a little bit down that your paw touches the surface." Nick gently whispered as he made Judy bow to forward and gently pulling her arms against her body... that Judy would imagine in her mind her plunging downwards in the air and heading towards the lake next to the Palm Hotel, until Nick eventually spread her arms to the sides and moved her to make her imagine herself floating along the wind above of the lake's water surface.

"I float with the wind above of the water surfaces of the Water-Hole lake in the next. I lower my paw a little bit down that my paw touches the surface." Judy repeated.

And after Nick said "Lower your paw a little bit down that your paw touches the surface." Nick tilted Judy to one o'clock and gently landed her tiny paw into the bowl full of water and watered her right paw.

Judy moaned as the perfectly warm water touched and surrounded her fingers.

"And then, rise to the skies..." Nick whispered, pulling Judy upright and waving her limps like bird beating her wings so that Judy would imagine herself raising from above of the lake's surface up to the sky.

"I rise to the skies..." Judy repeated.

"...rise among of the aurora borealis-like lights..." Nick said, causing Judy to imagine herself floating in the air through of the aurora borealis-like light around of the Palm Hotel and with the colors of Blue and Golden, causing her shadovy figure to fly among the light beams and along with her every movement.

"...I rise among of the aurora borealis-like lights..." Judy repeated.

" around of the hotel's massive palm trunk. Beat your wings and fly higher, to the top of the entire palm!" Nick whispered into Judy's ear.

"...I circle around of the hotel's massive palm trunk. I beat my wings and I fly higher, to the top of the entire palm!" Judy repeated, as Nick started to tilt Judy hard left, though waving her arms like bird beating wings... that Judy would imagine herself rising up to the hights while circling the trunk of the Palm Hotel...


...until the top of the Palm Hotel.

Nick made Judy to imagine to fly among and from between of the building's palm leaves without any kind of problem.

"Now, my the most adorable sweetheart, you turn your course towards the beaches of Sahara Square." Nick whispered, as he by following his own imagination directed Judy to fly towards the famous beaches of Sahara Square.

"I, your the most adorable sweetheart, turn now my course towards the beaches of Sahara Square." Judy repeated.

Nick smiled this, as he knew that Judy would allow anyone non-bunny to call her adorable nor cute, but because Judy was now under of trance caused by him, Nick was free to say anything about her.

Nick directed her to fly over the river a small distance away from the beaches full of the celebrating or around of the bonfire dancing teen mammals.

And Judy's only light while flying above of the surface of the entire city surrounding river, was only the bright full moon's light.

And during of this, Nick moved Judy and himself as well off ventilator, allowing the cold wind to blow to Judy's faces and beneath of her pyjama dress.

The cold wind actually, caused the chills to ran along the bodies of both of them.

And the only warm place was only Judy's back and Nick's furry front-side of his body against each others.

However, it was better than nothing for them at the moment.

"You fly, lower, lower, lower down, until you're floating along the wind above of the river's surface." Nick whispered into Judy's ear, bending her forward and down a little bit, and once again pulling her arms backwards, so that Judy could imagine herself to fly towards the surface of the river's sea water.

"I'll fly, lower, lower, lower down, until I'm floating along the wind above of the river's surface." Judy repeated.

Like with in the part of the sandy ground and sand dunes, Nick gently directed Judy's going in her mind as she flied above of the surface of the river.

"You fly through of the wave's tunnel." Nick whispered with another blow of hot breath into Judy's ear with Judy pleasuring effect... Nick tilted her body to the left, and then Nick started slowly tilt Judy to the right, while making her bowing a bit forward, so that Judy could imagine herself flying through of the wave tunnel, without even touching the waving water surface.

"I fly through of the wave." Judy repeated.

And then, Nick got into his mind something interesting, alone for Judy.

"You fly among of from the water jumping dolphins." Nick whispered.

"I fly... (gasp) I'm flying amongh from the water jumping flock of dolphins. Wonderful!" Judy said, quite amazed.

Nick had indeed made Judy to imagine herself to fly among from the water jumping flock of dolphins.

In fact, Nick was about to whisper Judy's ear originally about the dolphins with the ability to fly above of the water, but he had quickly tossed such of idea away, because Nick was trying to make Judy to feel her dream to be so much real as possible, or else Judy would find out it to be just the dream.

Instead, he started to move Judy's sleepy limp form, making her to imagine herself to fly either over, from beneath or a side by side with the dolphins.

And in her imagination, Judy looked at the dolphins with the amazed look.

Spending her childhood as a country bunny and her adulthood as the police officer, Judy has heard a lot but never seen any living dolphin in wild... and he has not even had time to pay the visit at Zootopia's greatest Aquarium building to see the sea life.

Judy has, in fact always wanted to pay the visit in here to witness some dolphins in real, but she had used most, if not all, her focus to become police officer.

Judy kept flying among from the water jumping dolphin flock through of several distance to the west, passing in the process the small tower islands standing in front of the mouth of the canal bordering both the Savanna Central and Sahara's Square.

And when she and the dolphin flock was approaching Savanna Central Bay of Beaches...

"Alright, sweetheart. It's time for you to change your course... towards the Savanna Central." Nick whispered into Judy's ear, and started to pull Judy's body backwards, and waving her arms and paws at the same time.

And in Judy's mind, a bit to Judy's disappointment, Judy departed from the flock of dolphins and started to rise up into the sky, against the full moon, as she headed neck towards Savanna Central.

"It's time for your sweetheart to change her course... towards the Savanna Central." Judy mumbled, a bit disappointment about departing from the dolphin flock and somehow sensing that this fantastic fly trip was soon about to meet its end.

And after Judy reached to the beaches in the bay...

...and was flying over the city...

...Nick directed Judy's mind to imagine herself to fly straight towards Judy's Grand Pangolin Arms.

And once Judy was above of the building in her mind, Nick directed Judy to imagine himself... standing at the rooftop, where Nick was in her mind like waiting for Judy's return.

"Alright, sweetheart. It's time for you to return from your fantastic flying trip and return into the arms of your handsome fox." Nick whispered into Judy's ear...

...and then started to gently pin Judy forward and pull her arms backwards, so that Judy was able to plunge from the sky like with the falling speed - with the help of the gust of the wind blowing into her face - towards her fox, who hand already spotted her coming right his direction.

But Judy was far from being afraid of imagining herself to be in the free fall from the sky towards the rooftops of the building.

"It's time for your sweetheart to return from her fantastic flying trip and return into the arms of her handsome fox." Judy mumbled, as she created the wide grin to her faces... she approached in her mind the rooftop of her building, where Nick was positioning himself ready and stretched his arms towards Judy's direction ready to catch Judy from the free fall in the air.

Nick them, pinned Judy a bit forward while pulling her arms from her pyjama dress sleeves inside of her dress...

...and after that, Nick started slowly but certainly to stand on his feets in the edge of the rooftop, lifting Judy's limp body from the edge of the rooftop as well while holding her from her waist.

"Prepare to land with the speed. Your fox is going to catch you." Nick whispered into Judy's ear, as he turned Judy around, her front side to his direction, before he placed both her paws and arms back into their sleeves and then stretched Judy's arm's forward, around of her neck.

"I prepare to land with the speed. My fox is going to catch me." Judy mumbled, with the wide grin in her lips.

Nick then draw Judy backwards - as far from himself as her pyjama dress allowed - while holding with both of his paws from her waist.

Judy was in her mind rapidly approaching Nick standing in the rooftop ready to catch her.

As well as REAL Nick prepared himself to catch her.

"I'm gonna catch ya! I'm gonna catch ya!" Nick increased his normal voice...

...until she suddenly - as Judy was about to land into her dream Nick's arms - Nick pulled Judy against himself with the hard force...

...and once he did, he jumped off the edge of the rooftop...

...and landed comfortably on his back to the mattress he brought to the roof.

Nick's loud grun to land between of the mattress and Judy's limp body like he had just catched her from the air - as well as the impact of their both landing on the mattress - got Judy immediately to wake up from her slumber and trace-like state...

...just like any other little kid having the nightmare of himself or herself falling down from the high fall and eventually making the impact against the ground.

Judy looked all around of her and breathed heavily like in panic... which Nick saw clearly from her panicking breathing and her shivering body.

No, no-no-no! S, s, s, s, shh, Carrots! No sweat, no sweat! It's okay, Judy, it's okay! Deep breath, deep breath! You're safely back your building's rooftop... and welcome back." Nick whispered gently and comfortingly into Judy's ear, releasing his hot breathings to ran along Judy's ears inside fur...

...and feeling her beloved fox's hot breath running along her ears inside fur, Judy shivered and let out the moans of pleasure, and with the feel of his arms arouns of Nick's neck and feeling herself lying safely over Nick's warm and fluffy furry chest, against which Judy started to nuzzle her head, as well as sniff into her nose her fox's relaxing scent, relaxing a bit piece by piece.

Judy eventually snapped out of this feeling and raised her head to look at Nick into his eyes.

"Nick? Wh-wh-what happened?" Judy asked, a bit confused of what had just happened.

But gasped out of embarrassment after realizing that she was wearing over her "the elephant-sized" pyjama dress, so to speak, and yet that Nick was inside of the same dress too, as his head was emerging out through of the same neckline.

Judy's ears fell against the backside of her head out of embarrassment and her cheeks turned the red like the roses.

"Nick, whatta..." Judy whispered awkwardly.

"You just returned from your the most fantastic trip ever." Was Nick's only response, with the wide grin on his face.

Judy tried to remember what had just happened to her, but the only clear memory she still had was that she was with Nick, nuzzling each others in her bed, until she had went both limp and into a near-sleeping state due to her exhaustion.

And much to Nick's surprise, Judywas like she did not remembered anything about the "fantastic trip" Nick was talking about.

Her only explonation to this was that her minds was like "turn off" for the moment.

And it was normal, because nobody actually ever clearly remembers their dreams after they have woke up... and Judy wasn't the exception.

However, Nick had the perfect idea in his mind to remind Judy about her "trip"

"Huh? Nick, what are you do...?" Judy was about to ask in confusion, as Nick grabbed her from the backside of her head and pulled her downwards against his body...

...and was immediately cut off her words, as Nick sudddenly pushed his snout deep inside of her ear, causing Judy to gasp by feeling Nick's cold nose in her ear, and when Rick released the gently hot breaths to ran along her ear's fur, the some odd feel took over Judy's mind and body again.

Nick's cold nose caused to her chills, along with the gentle cold gust of whind, which floated inside of her pyjama dress.

But Nick's hot breathing got Judy to close her eyes and moan out of the pleasure.

And, Judy then landed her bare chest comfortingly against Nick's bare furry chest and placed her head against Nick's head's right side and starting to nuzzle his head out of the pleasure she felt in her ear... purring out of the pleasure as she felt her beloved fox's cheek stroking against hers.

Nick kept his snout in Judy's ear for a while, as Nick started to tell piece by piece about Judy's the most "fantastic trip". From the fall off the rooftop of Judy's building in the beginning... to flying over the city's streets and between, around and above of the Downtown's skyscrapers like superhero Hawkock... to her flying over the Town Square, where Gazelle was performing her a new song "Can you fly tonight"... to her flying trip along the Sahara Square's sandly land like in Lionaddin's magic carpet... to her flying above of the Sahara's Square's Lake of Water Hole... to her flying circle around of the Palm Tree Hotel always to the top... to her night flight above of the moonlit river around of Sahara Square and Savanna Central's beaches... to her flight among the dolphins... always to her fly back into his paws.

And while telling this, Judy started to receive the dreamy memories of her flight trip above of the southern part of Zootopia.

Judy's purr out of pleasure just increased... so much, that Judy eventually lifted herself from Nick, but stayed still above of her sweet fox.

Judy then caught Nick off guard and pushed him to the mattres, that his snout slipped off from her ear.

And then, Judy leaned again downwards against Nick.

Inside of her pyjama dress' wide air space, Nick holded Judy from both of her left armpit and the right side of her waist... while Judy held Nick from his cheeks with her tiny and soft paws, now making Nick to purr out of pleasure.

Judy then placed her tiny nose against Nick's own, as they both purred out of the pleasure while keeping their eyes shut and the wide grins on their lips.

Judy was now either awake and fully aware of her little trip Nick imagined and whispered through of her ear into her mind... or then she was back in the same sleeping-like trance like during of her flying trip... But anyway, Judy was glad at Nick for making such of wonderful night and fantastic trip for her.

"Does my little bunny sweetheart want to thank her handsome fox for making such of fantastic flying trip just for her?" Nick asked from Judy, with the loving smile on his lips as he looked at his beloved bunny's amethyst eyes lovingly.

Judy then, with the wide and loving smile, pulled both of her arms through of the neckline of her pyjama dress - that her dress started to look like strapless dress, with the exception of Nick's head pushing through of it as well.

Judy wrapped her arms around of Nick's head while still keeping her nose in contact with Nick's and her eyes locked at Nick's emerald eyes, while Nick changed his paws positions around of Judy's bare waist, stroking them with his fingers and making Judy to purr sweetly out of pleasure.

"Does this bunny wants to thank her handsome fox for making such of fantastic flying trip just for her?" Judy repeated Nick's question, reffering with it herself and with the questioning - also a bit offensive - look in her faces after Nick had called her "sweetheard". Clearly proving that Judy wasn't anymore in the sleeping-like trance like she was a moment ago.

But then, Judy started to stroke her fingers along of Nick's furry cheeks, and turned her questioning and offended look from her faces into smiling and loving look.

"Yes... yes she wants." Judy said, until she unexpectedly leaned down and pressed her lips around of Nick's own into the passionate kiss.

Though Nick was taken by surprise by this, he quickly revovered from it and wrapped his paws around of Judy's upper body and pulled her downwards, deeper into their passionate kiss.

The red fox and rabbit in deep passionate love kept doing this for then minutes, tiredlessly sucking each others mouths, unwilling to departe their lips from each others - and when this happened, both of them passionately hunted each others lips with their mouths until their lips were once again locked together - while stroking their paws and fingers around of their furry bodies.

And after ten minutes, they eventually broke their kiss, opened their eyes and heavily breathing looked each others lovingly into the eyes.

Nick them once more pushed his nose and snout into Judy's ear...

While Judy placed her head to nuzzle Nick's head's right side, her mouth near of his right ear.

"I love you, my sweet honey-bunny." Nick whispered into her ear, once again releasing the hot breath to ran along her ears fur, causing Judy to moan out of the pleasure and then nuzzle harder against Nick's right cheek, while letting sweet bunny purrs.

"I love you two, my handsome foxy fox." Judy whispered into Nick's ear, which caused Nick in turn to mean out of the pleasure.

And then, they both pulled their snouts out of each others ears, made the brief eye-contact with full of deep love... until Judy fell over Nick once again and pressed her lips against Nick's own into the deep passionate kiss...

...which was soon disturbed by the laugh-like caw coming from the trio of crows standing in the edge of the rooftop.

Both Judy and Nick, frustrated of such of disturbance, turned their annoyed looks at the crows.

"What are you stormcrows looking or laughing at?" Judy said with the annoyed and stern tone to the crows.

The crows, eventually, stopped laughing-like caw like in the wall, after one of them realized that they have been spotted by these two love-birds, and quickly referred the other two of the trio to act like they had neither laughed at them nor saw anything reason to laugh.

Judy snorted loudly and annoyed at this pretense.

However, Nick then grabbed from Judy's face with his paw and turned her face from the crows to himself.

"If they think they can outsmart us with the cheap pretense, we'll outsmart them with the disappointment." Nick said slyly to Judy...

...before the sly fox pulled the blanket over both of him and Judy, blocking from the crows any chance to witness their loving moment.

This caused the crows to caw loudly in disappointment, after they realized that Nick had denied from them peeping their own common moment.

"Whose smart now?" Nick asked sarcastically from the crows...

...which was soon followed by muffled giggling of the bunny and hearty pay-back laugh of the fox.

"Now go away before I get intio my mind the desire to devour all you three as one piece down to my throat." Nick humorously threatened the crows from bellow the blanket.

"Wow, hold on, slick! I am in the menu of some handsome fox at first." Judy humorously complained from bellow of the blanket.

This was soon followed again by muffled giggling and hearty laughing.

The crows stared down at the bulge beneath of the blanket in anger and disappointment, and one by one turned around and took off to leave from the scene...

...until one of them did not turn around to leave, but unstead he landed to the rooftop and sneaked as quiet as he could, and was about to push its head to inside of the blanket to peep the action between of the bunny and fox in love.

This got the other crows to return back to the edge of the rooftop to suggest with the annoyed tones their friend to just leave "boring dumb mammals" alone and come with them to find some nicer place.

"Just one look." The crow stubbornly said, and pushed his head inside of the blanket.

However, as soon as the crow tried to peep under the blanket, the fox snout emerged from bellow the blanket and snapped its jaws and fangs at the crow, who instantly backed off to avoid the snapping jaws of the fox in ambush.

"I warned ya, didn't I!" the snout scolded sternly and pulled back to inside of the blanket.

And because the crow was caught by surprise, it was frightened so much, after realizing - or believing - the fox to be serious about his threat and instantly flied away from the area, and was soon followed by its surprised friends.

And after the birds were gone, there was only two love-birds beneath of the blanket on the rooftop.

"Blasted peepers!" Nick complained in annoyance.

However, his mood was instandly changed and attention tiurned back to Judy, as Judy grabbed from Nick's fluffy tail, and coiled it around of her bare upper body and then around of her neck, letting out the loud purr out of the pleasure, as she felt Nick's protective, fluffy and warm tail coiled around of her.

"Don't eat so much peepers, Slick, or else there's no room nor appetite left for your bunny. Besides, I think that it's time for you to focus to the main course, or what will you say?" Judy humorously asked, referring herself.

Nick chuckled at this and wrapped his arms around of his beloved bunny and looked down at her cute faces with love.

"Then let's get started." Nick whispered with love.

And Judy responded it with the loving giggle.

"Bon appetite, monsieur Nicholas." Nick whispered.

And then, there was heard the muffled gasps, purrs, moanings, chuckles, gigglings, hummings and kisses from bellow of the blanket.

And this time, Neither Nick nor Judy saved their energy but instantly unleashed their pleasures and enjoyment of each others.

After all, it was the first night of their common weekend without worries or busy things.

The night was only theirs.

"I love you, my sweet honey-bunny." Nick's muffled voice whispered from bellow the blanket.

"I love you two, my handsome foxy fox." Judy's muffled voice whispered back.

The End.

This is now my final chapter of this fanfic.

Thanks for all readers.


Films mentioned in Zootopia-universe style and the inspirations of the real world films.

- Hawkock - Hankock (2008)

- Cheetah Pan - Peter Pan (1953)

- Lionaddin - Aladdin (1992) and in thousand and one nights stories.

- Zootanic - Titanic (1997)