Here is chapter 6, uploaded 7/10/17.





[Creature speech]


Disclaimer: See heading to chapter 1.

Chapter 6

Harry wakes up as the alarm clock goes off. Harry reaches over and turns the alarm off and notes that Daphne is still asleep. He gets out of bed and gets dressed in a guns-n-roses t-shirt and black khaki shorts. He goes downstairs and walks into the kitchen and starts to make breakfast. An hour later Harry feels a pair of arms wrap around him. He turns around and returns the hug and Kisses Daphne.

"Morning love." Harry greets. He notices that she is wearing one of his ACDC shirts and that appears to be the only thing she is wearing.

"Morning Harrison. What's for breakfast?" Daphne asks.

"I made pancakes, eggs and some hashbrowns." Harry says. Daphne goes to the cupboard and pulls down two plates and two glasses. She takes them to the kitchen bar as the table in the dining room is big for twenty people not two people. Harry brings over the food and the orange juice from the fridge and the two eat breakfast. Thirty minutes later Harry and Daphne work on cleaning the dishes and putting them away. The two return upstairs to get dressed for the day.

"So what's the plan for the day?" Daphne asks.

"Probably do something with Sam and as good as I know him he should call or ring the door bell!"

Ding-dong! The door bell chimes. Harry gets up from the couch and opens the door to see Sam.

"Morning Sam. Come in." Harry says opening the door wider. Sam walks in and greets Harry and Daphne when he sees her.

"Morning Sam." Daphne says.

"So what are your plans today Sam?" Harry asks.

"My dad is taking me to get my first car today." Sam says with a smile.

"Hey that's great! Now you won't have to mooch for a ride." Harry says with a smirk. Sam punches his arm.


"When are you going?" Harry asks.

"In an hour. You two can come if you want." Sam says.

"Sure." The two say.

One hour later they get ready to leave, but Ron's car seems to be having starting problems.

"Harry is it alright if we go in one of your cars?" Ron asks.

"Sure." Harry says. The group walks over to Harry's and he enters the garage code to open the door. The door opens and Ron and Sam stare at the three vehicles.

"You have a BMW?" Sam asks shocked.

"Yeah. I bought it before I returned to Britain." Harry says shrugging his shoulders. "We'll take my truck since I need to pick up some tires." Harry says.

"Okay." Everyone says. Harry unlocks the doors. Sam hops in the back seat and Daphne claims the front middle since she'll be near Harry and Ron takes the front passenger seat. Harry starts the F350 diesel pickup and a cloud of exhaust shoots out of the tail pipe when it starts. He shifts it into reverse and backs out of the garage and onto the street. The garage door closes and he shifts it into drive and they leave Harry's. Harry's truck has a slight whistle coming from the turbo as he gives it throttle. They make their way to a used car dealership for to find a car for Sam.

Six dealerships later they stop at one that has a man in a clown outfit holding a sign. They stop at the curb and get out. Harry locks his truck and the group enters the lot.

"Hello! How can I help you folks?" The owner asks.

"We are here to look for a car for my son." Ron says putting a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Okay! Let's find your car!" The man says.

An hour later after looking at almost all the cars, Harry notices a yellow 1979 Chevrolet Camaro with black racing stripes.

"Hey Sam! How about this?" Harry calls out. Sam looks at Harry and follows his finger and breaks into a smile at seeing the car. The group walks over and Harry pauses for a second at what he feels and looks around. He then looks at the car.

'What is up with this car? It fells...weird. Not a gloomy weird though.' Harry thinks.

"How much?" Sam asks after looking at it.

"Four thousand." The man says.

"Perfect." Ron says. Ron and Sam follow the man inside to fill out the paperwork. Harry and Daphne head back to the truck not noticing the headlights following the two. Twenty minutes later Sam walks over and starts his newly bought car and Ron rides with Sam. Harry pulls into his driveway and decides not to put his truck in the garage. Harry and Daphne walk inside and sit down on the couch and watch some TV.

"Hey Harrison do you think I can get a license and a car?" Daphne asks.

"Of course, but you'll need to study or we'll just got to Gringotts American branch and they can get you a license and we'll get you a car of your choice." Harry says.

"Okay." Daphne says.

The next day Harry and Daphne go to Sacramento Boulevard to do some magical shopping and visit Gringotts L. A's branch(1). The two walk into the lobby and walk up to a teller.

"Good morning master goblin. I wish to withdraw some money from my vault please." Harry says. The goblin looks up in shock.

"How much would you like to withdraw?" The goblin asks.

"$30,000 dollars in US currency please."

"Of course. What vault?" The goblin asks. Harry puts his hand on the counter and wills for the Eveningshade ring appear. The goblins eyes widens and he pales in fear.

"Of course my lord." The goblin writes the amount down and drops the paper into a box. A bell is heard and he pulls out a box. Harry grabs the box and thanks the goblin. They walk away and don't notice the goblin sighing in relief when they leave the bank. Harry and Daphne climb back into the F350 and head for the dealerships to look for a car for Daphne.
They end up looking at dealerships for five hours and they stop at a Dodge dealership. After spending an hour at the dealership looking at sedans and suv's, Daphne settled on a black 2007 Dodge Charger. Daphne follows Harry home and the two cars pull into the driveway and Sam walks over.

"This is a nice car. Who's is it?" Sam asks.

"Mine. Harrison bought it for me. It cost $26,000 dollars." Daphne says shocking Sam.

"$26,000!" Sam exclaims.

"That's nothing. My truck was $32,000, the BMW was $44,000 and the Excursion was $38,000." Harry says shocking the two at how much he paid for each vehicle.

"What do you do again for to have that much money?" Sam asks.

"I am in the military and I own a company." Harry says.

"Really? What are you in the military and what is the name of your company?" Sam asks.

"I was recently promoted to the rank of Major and my company is called Eveningshade Technologies." Harry says. Sam's eyes widen.

"You own Eveningshade Technologies? That company makes almost one million dollars a year!" Sam says.

"Actually it makes about 300 million dollars a year." Harry says shocking the two.

"H-How long has your company been in business Harrison?" Daphne asks.

"Almost three years." Harry says shocking the two.

As weeks went by Harry would disappear for a few days as he was doing his job. He is a Major in the United States Army, but also is part of the Department of Defense or commonly known as DOD, but he has been listed in the reserves. He had to visit a few bases doing inspections and reports.

"Daphne! I'm home!" Harry calls walking inside and closes the door. He turns around and is tackled.

"Oof!" Harry breaths out as he falls against the door as Daphne wraps her arms around him.

"I've missed you!" She says as some tears run down her cheeks.

"I've missed you too Daph." He says. He kisses her and they lightly glow. They had discovered in their third year that they were soul bonded, which was a surprise to the two, so they decided to keep it a secret since when they completed the bond they were in the Room of Requirement. They still have the letters congratulating them on their marriage from the Ministry and Gringotts, but are waiting to have a wedding for their families although they have been married for two years. Harry then thinks about that night two years ago.


"Come on Daphne follow me I want to show you something." Harry says. She takes his hand and he leads her from the Great Hall to the Seventh Floor and to a corridor that has Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls to dance. He releases her hand and starts to pace back and forth.

"Harry did you bring me here to wa-" She trails off as he paces the third time and a large oak door appears shocking her.

"I had the same reaction. Come on." He takes her hand and leads her through the door. The doors close and vanish behind Daphne, but she does not notice this, instead she notices a table with roses and windows looking out into Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Daphne gets her thoughts back.

"This is a beautiful room Harry, but shouldn't we head to the Great Hall for dinner?" She asks.

"Nope. That is why this room looks like this because we are having dinner here." Harry says.

Harry helps Daphne into the chair and takes the seat across from her and the food appears and she notices that it is not what is served in the Great Hall. Seeing her surprise he smirks.

"One of the beauties of being the owner, the elves are loyal to me and I asked for two elves to make this dinner for us by asking them to learn some French cuisine." Harry says. The two have small conversation during dinner and Harry noticed Daphne was always looking at him then looking away with slightly red cheeks. They finish their meal and a couch appears. They stand and move to the couch and the table and chairs vanish. They sit down on the soft couch.

"Thanks for this Harry. It was beautiful." Daphne says.

"You're welcome Daphne." He says with as smile. There is a minute of silence. "Hey Daphne?" Harry says breaking the silence. She turns to look at him and sees that he is blushing and nervous about something.

"Yes Harry?"

"I want to er...ask you something."

"Okay." He turns to her and takes her hands in his.

"Daphne Anne Greengrass, will y-you be my girlfriend?" Harry asks. Daphne is shocked and is rendered speechless. Harry starts to worry since she hasn't said anything. He then feels Daphne's hands on his face and turns his head to face her. His eyes widen at her facial expression. He sees tears running down her cheeks and a big smile.

"Yes! Yes Harry! I would love to be your girlfriend." She says. She pulls his face towards hers and plants her lips on his. Their eyes close and they start to glow gold. A wave of magic explodes from them turning furniture in the room over, but they do not notice.

As this happens a book in the marriage department at the Ministry of Magic opens and two names are written with the date.

'Harry James Potter and Daphne Anne Greengrass, soul bonded November 22nd, 2005.'

The book closes and two letters are vanish with a flash.


Lord Ragnock and Griphook are doing reports on Harry's vaults, when all the paper, and parchment glow gold. They rub their eyes ten seconds later and see that there is now a second name below Harry's.

'Harry James Potter and Daphne Anne Greengrass, soul bonded November 22nd, 2005.'

The two goblins stare in surprise as two letters write themselves then vanish in a flash of light.

Harry and Daphne break for much needed air and then notice the state of the room.

"What the..." Harry says in surprise. He and Daphne are broken out of their stupor by flashes of light as they each receive two letters, one from Gringotts and the other from the Ministry. They open the Gringotts letters and gasp and hurry and look at the one from the Ministry to see the same thing.

"We were soul bonded?" Harry asks in shock.

"Appears so." Daphne says happily.

"You're happy?"

"Yes, because I am soul bonded to the person that I love." Daphne says shocking Harry and blushes.

"Really, you love me?"

"Yes." Daphne says. She feels Harry's lips on hers.

"So am I." Harry says smiling.

End flashback

"What are you thinking about Harrison?" Daphne asks seeing the smile on his face.

"I was thinking about the night we became married." Harry says. Daphne has a smile on her face as she thinks about that night.

"I love you Daphne."

"I love you too, Harrison." Daphne says kissing him again.

A few days later Harry notices something strange about Sam's car as it leaves with out a driver. Harry wants to follow it but can't. The next day the police are at Sam's. Harry walks over with Daphne.

"Hey Sam, what's going on?" Harry asks.

"My car was stolen, but it's back." Sam says.

"I noticed. I couldn't see who was inside, but then again it was dark outside." Harry says.

"Wait you saw it?" One of the officers asks now paying attention.

"Yeah. I was making dinner when I saw it pull out, but it was a minute after it left that I realized that the Witwicky's were gone." Harry says and the officer writes down what Harry says in a notebook.

"And who are you?" The other officer asks.

"I am Sam's neighbor, Major Harrison James Eveningshade, but most people call me Harry." Harry says surprising the two cops that he is in the Army(2).

"Okay. Thank you. We'll keep an eye on the neighbor hood and others for something suspicious." The first officer says.

"Thanks." Ron says. The police leave and Harry, Ron and Sam standing on the sidewalk, as Daphne had gone back into the house.

"Hey tomorrow I am having a barbeque. You can bring some friends if you want Sam." Harry says.

"What time?" Ron asks.

"3 o'clock and if Judy wants to bring something she can." Harry says.

"Okay." The two say. Harry goes back to his house.

The next day the neighborhood comes over to Harry's for the barbeque.

"Sam! Where have you been?" Harry asks once he sees Sam and a girl with black hair.

"Sorry I was getting a friend." Sam says.

"Hello. I'm Harrison. Welcome to my barbeque. Want a burger or a hotdog?" Harry asks.

"Hello. I am Mikaela Banes and it's nice to meet you. When Sam said that his neighbor was having a barbeque I thought that his neighbor would be the same age as his dad not younger than Sam and I would like a burger." Mikaela says.

"Alright one burger coming up. Yeah that happens a lot. It amuses me a lot." Harry says with a smile as he puts a burger on a bun and puts it on Mikaela's plate.


"You're welcome. Enjoy."

Mikaela and Sam join Daphne at a table.

"Hello Daphne." Sam greets.

"Hey Sam. Who's your friend?" Daphne asks.

"I'm Mikaela Banes. I was in the same grade as Sam. Are you new?" Mikaela asks.

"Yeah. I've been living with Harrison." Daphne says shocking Mikaela. "I'm Daphne Greengrass by the way." Daphne says.

"How old are you and Harry?" Mikaela asks.

"We're fifteen, well I'm fifteen and Harry is almost sixteen." Daphne says shocking Mikaela.

"Where are you from?"


"You're British?"


"How long have you been here?"

"Since June 5th. August 18th Harrison and I go back to Britain for school. We only came for the summer." Daphne says surprising Mikaela. The two then start what is known as girl talk.

"Well they seem to be getting along." Harry says from next to Sam.

"Got that right." Sam says with a smile.

Harry and Daphne are returning home when they see Sam on a bike being followed by his car. This surprises the two. Harry turns right and follows Sam. They see Sam pile it up and it happened right in front of Mikaela. They stop as he rides off.

"Mikaela what's wrong with Sam?" Daphne asks.

"I don't know, but let's follow him." Mikaela says putting on a helmet.

"Mikaela get in!" Harry yells. She nods and hops in the back seat of Harry's truck as Harry floors the pedal burning out and he speeds off to catch up to Sam.

They see him and then his car go into an abandoned car garage. Two minutes later they see Sam running at them with fear on his face and waving his arms. Harry, Daphne and Mikaela stare in shock as they watch a police car transform into a giant robot. Harry slams on the brakes and Sam climbs in.

"Let's go!" He shouts. Harry shifts to reverse and punches it and the robot chases after them. They see a yellow robot appear and punches the other one sending it flying into some abandoned cars. They watch as it transforms into Sam's car. It flashes its head lights and revs its engine and leaves. Harry shifts to drive and floors it and follows the Camaro as the other robot changes back to a police car and chases them(1).

Sam and Mikaela hop in Sam's car and Harry and Daphne follow. They are going through a tunnel when Sam's car stops and the two get out and the car drives off. Harry rolls down the window on the passenger side of his truck.

"Sam what happened?" Harry asks.

"Mikaela said "If it is a advanced robot why does it transform into this beat up old car?" and the car took offence to it."

"I'm sorry." Mikaela says. They all look when they hear tires screech and the passenger door opens.

"What...?" Sam asks as they stare at the 2007 Chevrolet black and yellow Camaro. Sam and Mikaela climb in and they continue to wherever they are going. They soon turn down an alley and stop. Sam and Mikaela climb out and Harry and Daphne climb out of the truck.

The four hear a siren and turn around and see a sports car, a ambulance and a big black pickup. They turn around as they hear a vehicle come from behind. They see that it is a blue semi truck with red flames. It stops three feet from them and starts to transform as well as the others. The semi truck finishes transforming and kneels down near Sam.

"Are you Samuel Witwicky, grandson of Archibald Witwicky?"

"They know your name." Mikaela whispers.

"How do you know my name?" Sam asks.

"Ebay." Harry couldn't help himself and snorts into his hand.

"Who are you?" Mikaela asks.

"I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autonomous Robotic Organisms, but you can call us the Autobots." Optimus says.

"How do you know English?" Harry asks. His mind starts to go into gear thinking about how to tread. Since he is a Major and is conversing with the Autobots, who happen to be a form of an alien species he realizes that this needs to be handled carefully.

"Through the internet." Optimus says. Harry, Mikaela and Sam gawk at Optimus's answer. Harry shakes his head.

"I believe some introductions are in order." Harry says.

"Of course. As I said I am Optimus Prime, the leader. My medical officer Ratchet." Optimus says gesturing to the neon yellow ambulance who sniffs the air.

"My sensors tell me that the boy wants to mate with the girl." Ratchet says and Sam starts to whistle as Harry laughs but stops when Ratchet continues. "And these two..." He looks at Harry and Daphne in disbelief. "Have mated more times than I can count." All five alien robots and two humans stare at the blushing wizard and witch with wide optics/eyes.

"Wow. Is it possible for humans to mate like that?" The sports car asks.

"Yes. Can we please continue with introductions?" Daphne asks embarrassed that a robot could tell that they have been at it like rabbits. Very discomforting.

"O-Of course!" Optimus says. He gestures to the sports car. "This is Jazz. The big black one is my weapons specialist, Ironhide." Optimus says. Jazz relaxes on an abandoned car and Ironhide draws his cannon.

"Feeling lucky punk?" Ironhide says.

"Easy Ironhide."

"What? I was just showing them my cannons." Ironhide says.

"And you should know your guardian. Bumblebee." Optimus says. Bumblebee starts talking through the radio.

"My guardian?" Sam asks.

"Yes. Now who are you three?" Optimus asks.

"I'm Mikaela Banes."

"Daphne Anne Greengrass."

"Major Harrison James Eveningshade." Harry says. He is surprised to see the Autobots stiffen a little.

"Major?" Optimus ask surprised.

"Yes I am a Major in the United States Army."

"Why did you come to Earth?" Sam asks.

"For the All Spark." Ratchet says.

"The what?" Sam asks. Optimus reaches up and pushes the side of his head and a beam shows a projection(2).

"It is imperative that we get to the All Spark before Megatron does, and its location was imprinted on your grandfathers glasses. We need those glasses." Optimus says.

"Right. They are back at my place." Sam says. The Autobots transform to their auto mode as Harry and Daphne hop in the truck and follow behind Sam leading the Autobots to Sam's. They arrive a few minutes later. Sam tells Mikaela to keep an eye on them.

"Optimus can I talk to you?" Harry asks. Optimus opens his door to talk with Harry and Daphne.


"What was this war like?" Harry asks, even though he saw what it looked like, he wants to know more.

"It was a devastating war that consumed our planet. So we fled as it became ruined."

"Excuse me you two." The two turn to see Ratchet pulling over closer.

"Yes Ratchet?" Daphne asks.

"There was something else that I smelled about you two."

"It is because we are magicals. I am a wizard and Daphne is a witch. Watch." Harry draws his wand. "Lumos." Harry says and his wand tip glows white and bright.

"By the All Spark! What is that!" Ratchet exclaims.

"Nox." Harry says canceling the spell.

"That was magic, 'course that was the easiest and smallest spell." Daphne says.

"There's more?" Optimus asks.

"Yes some of which is bad. There's one called the killing curse. If you are hit by it, instant death." Harry says shocking the bots.

"Harry, Daphne I have a question." Optimus says a minute later.

"Yes Optimus?" Harry asks.

"Would you two like to choose one of us to be your guardian or you each can choose one." Optimus says surprising the two. Harry turns to Daphne.


"I think that it could be beneficial. We could learn something new from them."

"Okay so do we choose one for the both of us or do we choose separately?" Harry asks.

"I think we each should choose one."

"Okay." Harry turns to Optimus. "Okay Optimus, we have decided."

"What is your answer?" Optimus asks.

"I would like to choose Ratchet. I am studing to be a medic and with Ratchet as my guardian I can learn from him." Daphne says.

"I would be honored to be your guardian Daphne." Ratchet says.

"And you Harry?" Optimus asks.

"I would like you, Optimus, to be my guardian." Harry says surprising all the Autobots.

"I would be honored Harry." Optimus says.

"I got them!" Sam says(3). Mikaela walks out a second later after sneaking in.

"Thank you Sam." Optimus says taking them.

"Optimus, I believe you and the others need to hang low till you use the map and find the All Spark." Harry says.

"That sounds like a good idea, but we need a place to train." Optimus says.

"I know of a place. I own some property that is in Nevada that is two hours north of Las Vegas that you guys can use to train at." Harry says.

"Okay." Optimus says.

"For now I happen to have an abandoned warehouse that you can stay in till I get facilities built for you." Harry says.

"Okay, but Ratchet and I will return with you." Optimus says.

"Okay." Harry says.

Four hours later Optimus and Ratchet returns to Harry's and Daphne's.

"Optimus can I talk to you?" Harry asks walking into his backyard where Optimus and Ratchet are parked.

"Of course."

"Optimus, tomorrow Daphne and I will be gone for three weeks to Washington D.C as that is where I really live." Harry says.

"Is this to do with your job in the Army?" Ratchet asks.

"No, well a little. We are going to get Daphne familiar with D.C before we have to return to Britain in a month for school." Harry says.

"Okay. Thank you for telling Ratchet and I." Optimus says.

"We'll see you two and the others in three or four weeks." Harry says.


"And try not to draw attention to yourselves." Harry says.

"Of course Harry." Optimus says.

July 19th, 2006

At 9:30 A.M the plane takes off from LAX and makes its way to Ronald Reagan National Airport. The plane lands at 1:45 P.M. The plane connects with the gate and passengers walk off the plane.

"Welcome to Washington D.C, Daphne." Harry says. The two pull their suitcases to the subway station(5). The two walk up the escalators to the train platform. They get to the top and there are two trains in the station.

"Alright we need a Yellow Line to L'Enfant Plaza so we can use the Red Line." Harry says. The two trains leave and another one that says Mt. Vernon in yellow pulls into the station and it is the one that they need.

"Now arriving Yellow Line." The stations intercom says as the train stops. The train stops and the doors open and people walk on and off. Harry and Daphne walk on and find two seats near the doors.

"Doors closing. Please stand back." The P.A says. The doors slide close and the train leaves the station.

"This is the Yellow Line to Mt. Vernon Square." The conductor says over the P.A.

"Next station Central City." The P.A announces. The train pulls into the station and stops. The doors open and people walk on or off. The train stops two more times.

The train crosses the Potamic River and enters a tunnel and goes underground.

"Next station L'Enfant Plaza." Harry and Daphne get off and use a Blue Line to Metro Center.

"Next station Metro Center. Red Line upper level." The P.A says. The train stops and the two walk off and go up the escalators to the upper level.

"Now approaching Red Line." The P.A says. The train stops and the two board and the doors close and it leaves the station.

"This is the Red Line to Shady Grove." The conductor says. The train stops four times.

"Next station Tenleytown. Doors opening on the left." The train stops and they walk off the train and walk through the ticketing gates and use the elevator to go up to the street. The two walk for six blocks till they come to a neighborhood and walk four more blocks. They stop in front of a four story home.

"Here we are." Harry says.

The two walk inside and take their suitcases to the master bedroom that is on the fourth floor.

Next chapter is 7/21/17. And as always leave reviews.
