4 years later.

Serena sat on the couch in the headmaster's office a contented smile on her face. She watched the five children playing on the rug in front of her. Little Rose Weasley the only Weasley with black hair still had the trademark fiery temper that was softened by Arthurs twinkling blue eyes. She was fiercely protective of her little friends even at three. Teddy Lupin currently had teal hair and green eyes he was quiet like his father but had an adventurous streak like his mother. Serena chuckled lightly the time Remus and Tonks lost him for three hours in Diagon Alley because they hadn't known what he looked like. Teddy had sat at Florian Fortescue's eating ice cream and watching his frantic parents. Little blonde Victorie was sitting next to Teddy as always delicately playing with a porcelain doll.

In the middle of the children were Serena's little terrors. Selene with her silver hair and obsidian eyes was small and delicate but with a temper to match her Weasley counterpart the two girls were never far from each other. In fact Rose's first bout of accidental magic occurred when her usually favorite brother Ron had taken Selene's doll. Rose had set the living room sofa on fire nearly scaring Ron to death. He has never taken a toy from Selene again. Serena's oldest by one minute Evander was night to his twin sister's day. His black hair hung to his shoulders (Serena refused to cut it, despite her husband's many protests) and violet blue eyes were shy and sweet he preferred to follow his sister's lead in their adventures. Of which they were many, including sending stinging hexes at Sybil Trelawney whenever she was in their direct vicinity. It seems since Rose's mother and her favorite brother were legitimate seers she had taken offence to Sybil's prattling. So whenever the kids visited her and Severus at Hogwarts they declared it open season on the poor woman.

Thinking of her husband caused Serena to smile warmly. It had been hard after the war. The castle needed extensive repairs and they had lost many to many people. Albus and Minerva had retired to Neoma, though retired was probably exaggerating. They oversaw they building of new homes and shops on its extensive land and Neoma was well on its way to becoming a bustling village with Serena's house at the center. Severus was appointed headmaster within short order and Serena stopped teaching Defense against the Dark Arts in order to be with her children and instead taught the new round of tiny witches and wizards basic magic and elementary studies. Harry taught DADA and he was a much beloved professor his adventures in Hogwarts were well known and earned him the awe and respect of his students. Luna ran the quibbler and was pregnant with the first little Potter.

Little Professor Flitwick was now deputy Headmaster and head of Ravenclaw but no longer taught. The honor of Charms professor went to Charlie Weasley who after being injured in the war wanted a safer job, although Serena didn't see how working with children was safer than dragons or curses but to each his own. Neville taught Herbology and had insisted on Professor Sprout's ashes being spread amongst the Moon Orchids. Where her ashes had spread the delicate silver and white petals had turned pink making an entirely new variety of orchids. The demands were high and the profits from them kept the green houses well supplied. Serena smiled knowing this would have made Professor Sprout happy.

Ron married Lavender and they had a whole passel of children in short order. Lavender was ecstatic. Fred and Hermione worked at Weasley's Wizards Wheezes. The shop had taken off and they now had several locations including one in Japan ran by George and his wife Angelina. Trista still taught History of Magic and Sirius was appointed the Minister of Magic. People were happy now though the remnants of the war were still around. An ice castle that will never melt the face of a boy carved in its walls a smirk of his handsome face. The New East wing that housed the paintings of everyone lost in the war. Denise Creevy's smiling face the new guardian of the Gryffindor tower his camera painted around his neck.

Serena was brought out of her revelry by Selene and Evander climbing on her lap. Selene snuggled her while Evander the taller of the two kissed her forehead like he had seen daddy do when mommy made the sad face. Serena kissed her two children hugging them tightly to her.

"I love you more than the sun the moon and the stars in the sky" She told quietly giving them each one more kiss.

"We know mama don't be sad we'll keep you safe always." Evander told her his violet eyes serious.

"Sweet boy it's my job to keep you safe all you need to do is be happy and mommy's heart will always smile." Evander nodded but shared a look with his sister. Grandpa and Daddy had told them sometimes mommy got a sad face thinking about the bad times but they could keep her safe with hugs. Evander knew his job it was important. He had the most beautiful kind momma in the world and he wanted her to always smile.

"Momma can we sing" Selene asked knowing the ritual never failed to make mommy smile.

"Yes sweet princess of course."

"You are my sunshine" Serena sang softly. The other children hearing their favorite aunt sing gathered round singing the next verse

"My only sunshine"

"When you're not happy" Serena sang again

"My skies are grey." All the kids sang

"You'll never know dears how much I love you."

"Please don't take my sunshine away" They all sang the last line together and Serena made sure to cuddle and kiss each child.

"I think it's time the little ones headed home. I've spoken with Rei and she would love to watch her niece and nephew for the night." Serena jumped at her husband's voice. Then smiled saucily seeing the dark look in his eyes.

"Really now whatever would we do to entertain ourselves with the children gone?" Severus said nothing only strode into the office and kissed his impertinent wife thoroughly.

"Eww" The children cried loudly making Severus laugh Serena was much too busy trying to catch her breath. They had been married almost four years and he could still make her week in the knees.

"OK dears it's time to go home I love you. Selene, Evander be good for Aunty Rei and Uncle Arthur and please don't torture your uncle Ron if he comes over." Serena was still saying goodbye to Rei from the fireplace when she was lifted from behind and tossed over Severus's shoulders. She yelped a goodbye to the laughing Rei and let herself be carried upstairs. Where Severus showed her again and again just how much he had missed her that day. Hours later as they lay entwined together in a tangle of bedsheets Severus kissed her forehead.

"Evander told me you were getting the sad face."

"Evander's a tattle. We should never have told them about the telepathy." Serena pouted.

"Darling those two were using the telepathy with each other since they were infants the only thing we told them is they can contact us. What had you so sad my love?" Severus asked his face full of concern. He hadn't deserved this woman when she burst into his life and crashed through his walls and he didn't deserve her now that she had given him a family but he vowed to make her happy every day so she never regretted giving him a chance.

"Nothing really I promise. I was only thinking about the past the war and everyone. I was sad for but a moment mostly I was thinking how grateful I am for our children and our friends."

"Evander doesn't like to his momma sad but I understand. The war and Voldemort everything we lost its sadness is always there but so are we and our children and I believe there is a soul that is finally ready to be reborn and you did promise him that next time he would get good parents." Serena cried at the news. When she shared her powers with Severus and the children he ended up being the new caretaker of the cauldron. Severus took the souls to their final rest or to be reborn. They had been waiting years for Draco to be ready for a new life. Serena kissed Severus hard.

"Then I guess we should try again just in case it didn't take the first couple of times." With a positively wicked smile Severus agreed and proceeded to kiss and lick his way down her body his last thought before he was conscious of only Serena's moans was that making sure Draco was reborn was going to great fun.


Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing and adding my story to your favorites. It has been a long journey but I am mostly satisfied with this. Sure Bella died like five times but honestly it is no less than she deserves though I will probably fix it later. I don't know how to really express myself without sounding like a dork but I really do want to show you my appreciation. I am getting better at writing thanks to you guys and my next story should be started next week. It will have the same first chapter but this time Serena will pick Sesshormoru. I hope you guys will give it a chance. thanks again!