Chapter 1

"What if he's a eight foot tall grizzly bear in a military suit?" Miko asked Jack while holding her hands above him in a claw like manner.

"Why would the military send a bear to replace agent Fowler?" Jack asked, rolling his eyes.

"Because it would be awesome! Duh." She placed her hands on her hips.

"They are NOT sending a wild animal as agent Fowler's temporary replacement." Ratchet retorted with a glare. "and we don't know if it is even a 'he'."

"Yeah! It could be another robot." She joked.

"No, they are sending a human to keep an eye on us. Now will you get cleaned up? Your latest unauthorized excursion has left you a mess and I want everyone to make a good impression." He pointed towards the restroom. Miko looked down at herself and brushed the dust off her shorts. "Done." Ratchet mumbles to himself about humans and personal hygiene. Optimus Prime stoically enters the room.

"Ratchet, my old friend. Our actions will say more of our character than being clean. Besides, I do not believe that even you can talk Miko into staying clean." This statement elicited a snicker from Jack who quickly stopped.

"Well then could we at least get bulkhead clean? He looks like he fell into a vat of mud." Miko smiled guiltily. "or something else." Ratchet said, staring at her suspiciously. Bulkhead and Bumble bee enters the cave, returning from patrol. They were both laughing as they transformed out of their vehicle modes. Bulkhead held his hands above his head like claws. "... an eight foot tall grizzly in a suit?" Bumble bee returned the gesture while also laughing in his mechanical beeps. Ratchet did a face palm. Then looked at the two of them. "You're tracking dirt all over the place! Clean this up before the agent gets here!" The two large bots looked around at the mess they made then saluted. "Yes sir!" "Veep beep!" Came the replies. Three minutes later Arcee called the coms from the roof. "The agent is here. I'll bring her down." Several harried seconds later arcee entered the room with a young lady by her side. Military uniform, tight ponytail, and an air of authority. She also seemed a little round in the middle.

"I am Commander Kenwyn Jones and I will be your earth military representative until agent Fowler is back from medical leave." She stated, unfazed by the metal giants. Ratchet was impressed, they sent a professional this time. "I am Optimus Prime. Leader of the autobots." He introduced himself. " This is Bumble bee, he is our scout." He indicates Bumble bee who waves at her. "This is Ratchet, our medic and scientist." Ratchet nods, still looking impressed. "This is bulkhead." "I'm the muscle." He proudly interrupted. "You have already met Arcee." Arcee looks down and nods. "And these are our human compatriots. Miko," He indicates the annoyed teenage female. "Jack," Jack smiled nervously. "And... where is Rafael?" Bumble bee beeps an answer. "What did he say?" Commander Jones asked. "Rafael is grounded for sneaking out instead of doing his homework last night." She nods in understanding. "I see, now, where is my new office?" Miko uncrossed her arms and pointed at a door on a second level stair. "Thank you." She began her walk up, minor discomfort showing on her face. Miko and Jack followed behind.

"So, did they just assign you or did you chose this gig because of giant alien robots?" Miko asked, seemingly interested.

"I was assigned. I refused to go on maternal leave so they decided to give me the next desk opening." She stated, somewhat out of breath.

"So, you didn't come for the giant alien robots?"

"No, I didn't."

"How come you're not awe struck or something?" Jack's turn.

"Believe me, I've seen weirder things. My husband was one of them."

They both stopped for a second. "Wait, what?" "Your husband? He's weird?" They caught up to her.

"Back in the EVO crisis, he was a tentacled EVO named Sqwydd. I was a providence agent. He was involved with my first op out of the academy. I was supposed to be undercover at a party."

"Was it love at first sight?" Jack asked, Miko stuck her tongue in disgust.

"No, actually he freaked me out at first. He snuck up on me but, he was the first EVO who hadn't attacked me. Then he complimented my clothes despite my outfit sticking out like a sore thumb." She explained.

"What kind of party?"

"Teenage rock and roll with EVO performers in the Sonoran desert."

"Cool! Let me guess, you were wearing work clothes?"

"Yes. but I can't guarantee that ether of you will meet him. I have paperwork to catch up on." She said, looking at their expectant faces before closing the door on them.

Miko pouted for a moment before challenging Jack to a video game.