Hey guys! Thank you so very much for the break. The daily updates got me so stressed it began to get me sick. Then, I hurt my elbows the next day and couldn't type, and then my Chromebook wouldn't let me update. I had a gut feeling to ask for the break, and feel so very grateful I did the right day! I don't really think I can continue the daily updates, those get me too stressed. I am so sorry. I will update as much as possible, but I don't see how in the world people can do daily updates. I mean, it's probably since I amped up the schoolwork by like three times. Kudos to everybody who updates daily, I am in awe by them! Seriously, I have no idea how I was able to do daily updates before. You guys are the best, seriously, and I can't thank you enough!

Another reason it may be harder is because I am working more on my novel too, so that takes up a ton of time. I had been having writer's block but now I am working more on it.

I wanna be able to do something for you wonderful readers, so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do something like a Q&A or something, so I can know you guys better and you guys can know me better! Anything like that. I love you guys so much, I hope you remember that!

ThatKittyCat- You will see, that isn't cleared up yet. ;) Also, thank you very much for being so supportive! You rock! Also, when my computer wasn't letting me have internet, I tried to do it on my phone and it wouldn't work. How do you update on it?

Guest- It sort of is, you will see. Also, yes, I know it is moving fast. I have so many ideas and not enough time to write them down lol. I am working on it, so make the chapters more descriptive. Sorry, I am trying. I am trying to show that Trolls try to push bad things behind them. People are all like, why did they adopt a son right after dying, but Trolls don't really get too scared, and when they do, they sing and get over it! I am trying to show that.

ThePokemonTroll21- Thank you so much, and yeah. I try to not have filler chapters, no matter how short or long it may be.

BananaQUEEN13- Aw I am so sorry! That must be so scary for all of you! I surely hoped she is safe, you will be in my prayers! It is very scary to have a family member in a position that they are injured or anything. Haha, I don't think that I will be taking a whole month for it, but thank you so much! My brothers are off serving our country so I need to support them and also I am the sitter for my niece and nephews! That may sound like aw man but I am actually so excited!

AnimalGirl1507- Thank you so much, yes it is. I didn't wanna leave you guys with too long of a cliffhanger so I left it at some information, and thank you so very much.

DeZ- Yes, you were. Also, there is a reason that their eyes aren't green, not yet anyways. Hehe. You will see why she was yelling at Branch, though I won't answer that question, at least not yet. ;)

Samantha Peace HeartStar- Yes, you shall see how come their eyes aren't ye green, if they will become green even. ;) I'm glad that it was awesome, :D

FandomsAreLoveFandomsAreLife- I am so glad that you understand, thank you so much. Also, yes there is. Mwahaha, or are there?

Ellohell- Oh my goodness, I never thought anybody would figure that out! Go big or go home, am I right? Nah, JK, but seriously, that is such extensive mesurements, you are very good LOL. We are extremely proud of my brothers, yes, and they are. Haha, I think we all wish we were potatoes, but sadly, we aren't, or else I would've eaten myself a long time ago.. Oh my, such an amazing hashtag, LOL.

Guest- LOL, it could actually be considered Trolls 2, but I don't own or wrk for Dreamworks sadly, so I'm not really too sure. XD


"Great! Poppy and AJ are dead! I call killing AJ!" Marcy ran up to the others, slightly huffing from running. "Sorry, let's go back. I surely cannot wait to see the horror on his face as-" Creek cut her off before she could get too graphic.

"We get it. Poppy, however, is mine to kill. Or at least, I wanna be able to help in that." Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Of course you're helping, silly. Why else would we let you into our troupe so easily?" Satin chimed as she skipped ahead of everyone else.

Psychopaths. Branch thought curty in his head, and one look at the others' faces showed they agreed wholeheartedly.

They trudged down the dirt path, faces painted with an excited smile even though they each had a tug in their hearts, what if their plan backfired?

Another thing nagged Branch in the back of his mind: how come their eyes were green? It was really startling to have those vibrant orbs staring at you, no matter if you looked back or not, you could feel the colour penetrating your soul, as if it was reading your thoughts, bringing out the worst in you. The most frightening of all, just thinking about the colour made Branch feel murderous, feel the surge of rage he had felt when he had seen Peppy stab his wife. The colour really did bring out the worst in you.

It was pretty obvious their old friends were not acting themselves. He watched the other three closely, and every once in awhile, he saw just a tiny flicker of green in the glassy orbs. He shivered to the bone when Creek looked over to him, clearly noticing the change as well, and for almost a full minute his eyes stayed green. He felt like vomiting when he realised what had truly come of these trolls. They weren't truly evil, they were just being manipulated.

He took a deep breath and clenched his fists, trying to shove down that feeling of evil, that feeling to hurt somebody, that feeling of psychopathy.

He bit his lip when he remembered the true look of betrayal on Poppy's face. Of course, she flashed him one small grin to show she knew what he was doing, but it still hurt to remember the look. If he didn't fight down the feeling, that look would be true. He shuddered at the thought.

He was so deep in thought he didn't realise everybody else had stopped and nearly knocked Chenille down. She steadied him and nodded in approval.

"Good, this means the blessing is overbearing him best. If he tries to fight it, then it can overcome him faster. Okay, Branch, you should be wearing this necklace."

If Branch processed these words, he showed no emotion to them. The others, however, realised what they had said and quickly stopped fighting the urge of evil, feeling it sink away and they had control of themselves. It was clear, however, that Branch had no control whatsoever. His movements were jerky and rugged after Satin had strung a bright green, the same jade shade of their eyes, around his neck. His eyes stayed permanently green after that.

The other three found that after the leather cord necklace was laced around their necks, they were still in control, unlike Branch, who was jerking around in robot movements.

"He needs to stop fighting it," Biggie muttered. "He's only hurting himself further, sucking away his strength."

Creek realised they would have to carry on the plan without their ringleader, which was a huge disadvantage. Then Creek realised, maybe he wanted to suck away his energy, his strength, so he wouldn't have to suppress the evil outcome of the curse, or in thier words, ahem, blessing.

Still, even without Branch against them, without his strength and capability to lead and fight on their side, it was a slim chance of actually making it. They slowly walked, trying to save their energy.

Creek, DJ Suki, and Guy Diamond had all been awarded with green crystals soon after, turning their eyes a permanent green, Though since they didn't try and fight the curse, they still had their control. Sure, they suppressed the urge of evil doings, but it was a small pinch instead of actual control.

"You guys, I am so glad you joined the Evils. Branch seemed a little unsure, but we expected that of him and it's actually a pretty good thing too. The more you try and fight the blessing, though who would want to, the more control it has over you. Oh my, we are here already." Chenille exclaimed as they stopped outside of Lavender's small house. Inside the almost hut-like house there were two sets of stairs. They all took the first set. They reached the prison that Poppy, Branch, and AJ had been locked in not even a day previous. Creek saw a single strand of Branch's azure hair in the lock of one of them and pocketed it, just in case.

They clambered down a spiral staircase quickly, and as sunlight began to stream in from the small single window way at the top of the very tall dungeon Creek could see it more clearly. There were Poppy and AJ, still being supported upright by the many chains. As soon as Poppy saw Branch swaying from energy loss, her eyes widened and she looked truly worried. She mouthed to Creek asking what happened, but he waved her off before the others could notice. The stone-cobbled floor was cold to the touch and Creek shuddered slightly as crumbly plaster fell from the unstable roof.

"Now, are you guys ready? Branch, do you want the honours of-" Branch went completely unconscious, falling towards DJ Suki, who dodged him and their was a sickening crack as his skull hit solid earth beneath him, loud enough to make Creek nauseous. Poppy began trying to fight the chains once again, only causing them to get tied tighter.

As Marcy drew a sword on AJ, she began to swing forward. Instead of hitting skin, it connected with hair. It sliced through the hir like soft cheese, but set the sword off course just enough to free one of AJ's arms from the chains. Poppy glanced up and smiled at Guy Diamond, who had just saved him.

Marcy didn't seem to understand what was happening and swung again, but before Guy Diamond could block it Peppy grabbed his hair. Creek's reflexes were fast though and he grabbed the sword with his hair, bringing it into his hand and standing in front of AJ and Poppy, cutting through their shackles.

As soon as Poppy was released, she tried to go to branch but was blocked by Satin. Creek felt a sharp pain in his side but felt adrenaline as Peppy grabbed AJ's arm harshly, and Suki quickly knocked him out with a roundhouse kick. Chenille tried to hit Guy Diamond, but he quickly dodged and she ended up hitting Marcy instead, who was trying to stab Poppy.

Creek collapsed, breathing heavily. His hearing clouded and his vision went blurry, time seemed to have slowed down. He saw AJ diving to catch him, covered in.. blood? Poppy was smacked by Satin when she turned and saw Creek fall. He had been stabbed right between the ribs, puncturing through his stomach. He gasped for air, AJ pushing hard on his chest, before everything went black.

Creek opened his eyes drowsily, seeing everybody dressed in black. He sat up, no longer feeling any pain. He looked to his right and nearly jumped when he saw Branch, only in a ghostly form of himself. His body was laying on a table, neatly in a white suit. He looked down slowly and nearly jumped out of his skin when he realised he was only a ghost, so he didn't have skin to jump out of.

"Creek, I think we died." Branch said slowly, eyes wide.

"No dur, Mate. Welcome to yesterday."

Come on, when I come back, it's only fair to leave you with a cliffhanger once again. Hey, I could've been even more meaner and left it a tad shorter but now I can let your minds wander.

Once again, thank you so much for understanding. I love you all so much.
