I am so excited to be able to finally get to post FanFiction! I finally got an account! This is my first FanFic story, so please make sure to favourite and follow me and the story! Please don't judge too harshly, this is my first!

"Branch? You ready?" Guy Diamond asked him from behind the curtain, in his auto-tune voice. He and Poppy were about to go onstage at the reception of King Gristle and Bridget's wedding. He was dressed in a suit (much to Branch's dismay) that was blue, with a green bowtie.

"I was ready fifteen minutes ago, GD!" He responded, chuckling slightly to himself. He was excited. Sure, he sang to little crowds of kids or people on the street who asked, but he never sang for a crowd this big. It was of all the Bergans and the Trolls! He kept his cool, but actually couldn't wait.

He came out and saw Poppy come out, dressed in a purple dress, but much like her usual attire. Her hair was in the usual ponytail, with purple flowers weaved in.

"Poppy, you look.. Wow." He felt tongue tied. They had been offically together a couple weeks now, since the escape and freedom of the Bergans, but with a wedding to plan after only a week (Bergans would get married extremely fast, it appeared to Branch) they were both helping to set up this green and purple wedding, symbolising the colours of Gristle and Bridget.

The ceremony had taken place earlier that day, and now it was time for the afterparty. All he had hoped for was that Poppy didn't catch the bouquet (Bridget was going to fire off a Troll-sized cannon for the Trolls that Branch had made, and was throwing her bouquet for the Bergans) because he wasn't nearly ready for marriage and commitment, and he might have to if she catches it.

He went up on the stage, the lights in the room dimmed, and made sure that the karaoke music for the background was tuned up correctly. He wanted this moment to be perfect for the happy couple, and didn't want music ruining it.

Poppy and he got ready to walk onstage on the separate sides for their duets. Poppy was starting out on the first song, and they would keep going for however long the couple wanted them, then turn the tunes to DJ Suki, who practically begged for the job.

"Branch," Poppy whispered, her voice echoing across the empty hall. "Love you. Good luck."

"Love you too." He whispered back, and pretended to catch her kiss and put it in his pocket.

Soon enough, Bergans and Trolls alike began filling into the ballroom, and Branch suddenly felt nervous. What if I mess up? What if I miss my cue? What if I trip over Poppy? But as soon as Poppy smiled at him, that fear drained away.

"Heart beats fast,

Colours and promises.." Poppy began A Thousand Years (1) and didn't seem troubled by the audience. Of course, she was used to all this by now. She had grown up with the attention that just comes with being a princess.

Soon, it was Branch's cue.

"Time stands still,

Beauty in all she is." He began, and they finished the song in ease, singing many songs after with no problem. Finally, it was time to end off the night of them singing with True Colours. (2)

"You with the sad eyes,

Don't be discouraged." He sang, not once taking his eyes off Poppy.

"I see your true colours,

And that's why I-" His voice shrieked up, sending a startled look into Poppy's eyes. He sent an apologetic look, and she continued with the song. When he tried to come into his parts, however, his voice would shriek up, and stopped working completely.

They quickly came off the stage, and Branch so badly wanted to tell Poppy what had happened, but his voice wouldn't work. He pointed to his throat, rubbing it, and tried mouthing words, no sound whatsoever.

"He needs a medic. Immediately!" Poppy shrieked at a Bergan working backstage, and dragged him towards the door. He was lead right up to Dr. Plum's pod back at Troll Tree, where he still couldn't speak a single word.

As soon as Dr. Plum looked down his throat, she glared at Branch, causing an almost disturbed look from Poppy, who had refused to leave Branch's side, and the doctor said one sentence.

"Why didn't you come in sooner?"

1) A Thousand Years does and always had belonged to Christina Perri.

2) True Colours was originally written by Cyndi Lauper.

I would like a full disclaimer that I DO NOT own Dreamwork's Trolls, even though that would be extremely awesome! Cannot wait for Trolls 2!

Hope this was a good first chapter! Sorry if I don't update too regularly, I am a busy girl. I will try to as often as possible. Hope this is great! ~ GalaxyMegaGirl

Ps Follow me on Instagram!
