Title: Kiss Cam

Summary: Instead of Freddie being Sam's first kiss, what if it was Carly instead? Takes place during the end of the episode "iKiss". Femslash. Carly/Sam, or Cam.

Note: This would be considered as my first fanfic that I have made. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter One: iKiss

Carly was in the iCarly Studio, dumping meatballs from a box into a bowl, which was sat up on a table. Sam was expected to come earlier than usual, but then again, what do expect from someone like Sam Puckett? Freddie had told Carly earlier that he wasn't going to show up. Ever since what happened last week, things had changed for him.

"Okay, that wraps up iCarly for tonight, so..." Said Carly.

"Ah, wait." Said Sam. "Just one more little thing."

"What?" Asked Carly.

"You guys all know our technical producer, Freddie." Said Sam. "Show yourself to the people, Freddie."

Freddie turned the camera towards himself.

"Hello?" Said Freddie.

Freddie then turned the camera back to Carly and Sam.

"That was Freddie, who last week handcuffed me to a nerd. So now guess what?"

Sam walked closer to the camera.

"Freddie has never kissed a girl." Said Sam. "Never. Not once. I heard him say so myself and Carly is a witness."

Sam then backed away.

"Okay, later." Said Sam, as she walked out of the iCarly Studio.

"Sam! Sam!" Shouted Carly.

Carly ran out of the studio, following Sam. "You just ruined Freddie's life."

Sam opened the door, and walked into their studio.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Said Sam.

"You're always late." Said Carly.

"So?" Said Sam. "The show doesn't start for three more minutes. Where's Fred-weird?"

Sam put her phone down to pick up her remote, while Carly finished pouring the meatballs.

"Freddie's not coming." Said Carly.

"What?" Said Sam. "Okay, he stayed home from school all week, missed two iCarly rehearsals, and now he's gonna miss the show? So unprofessional."

Carly put her box down, while Sam took a bite out of one of the meatballs.

"You really hurt Freddie." Said Carly. "Every time he leaves the house, he gets teased because you told the world he's never kissed anyone. You know he won't even talk to his mom about this? He just sits on the fire escape alone because he's too embarrassed to see anyone. I know you do bad things to Freddie, but I didn't think you would stoop that low. You ruined his whole life and you don't even care."

Carly walked over to Freddie's cart.

"Alright, I'll go apolo..." Said Sam.

"It doesn't matter if you apologize." Said Carly. "Kids at school are still gonna give him a hard time, because you can't take back what you said."

"Look, I didn't mean t..." Said Sam.

"You went too far this time." Said Carly. "And you can't do anything about it."

A reminder went off on Carly's phone.

"We got to start the show." Said Carly.

"How can I do the show when you made me feel all depressed?" Asked Sam.

"I don't know." Said Carly. "Just go in front of the camera and do it."

Sam walked behind the table and in front of the camera.

"In 5, 4, 3, 2..." Said Carly.

Carly pressed on the laptop and walked next to Sam.

"I'm Sam." Said Sam.

"And I'm Carly." Said Carly.

"And this is iCarly." Said Sam.

"The only Web show that contains no trans fat." Said Carly.

"And keeps Kitty litter box smelling fresh all day." Said Sam.

"And now, what you've all been waiting for." Said Carly.

"Carly and I are about to have our very first..." Said Sam.

"Meatball War!" Said both Carly and Sam.

Sam pressed a button on her remote, which was the sound of people cheering.

"We have our slingshots..." Said Sam.

"And a hundred meatballs." Said Carly.

Carly and Sam showed their slingshots and meatballs to the camera before putting them down

"But...um...before we start our meatball war, I wanna say something." Said Sam.

Sam stopped the music and leaned closer to the camera.

"On the last iCarly... I told you guys that Freddie never kissed anyone..." Said Sam "...and that was really personal and I shouldn't have said it on the show. And for all you people out there who's been teasing Freddie about it, lay off! Because I bet a lot of you haven't kissed anyone either... including me."

Sam looked back at Carly, who looked shocked.

"Yeah. That's right." Said Sam. "I've never kissed anyone. So if you want to tease someone about it, tease me. Which is a bad idea unless if you live near a hospital!"

Sam backed up next to Carly, while Carly stood there all confused.

"Um...Our meatball war will be happening soon, but for now, please enjoy this photo of a man with shrimp up his nose." Said Carly.

Carly ran over to the laptop and put up a picture of a man with shrimp up his nose.

"Why did you stop the show?" Asked Sam.

"That was amazing, what you just did." Said Carly.

"Eh, it was alright." Said Sam.

"You lied so people would stop teasing Freddie." Said Carly.

"I wasn't lying." Said Sam.

"Wait, you've seriously never kissed anyone?" Asked Carly.

"You shocked?" Asked Sam.

"Well, yeah, but just because you always seemed so...willing?" Said Carly.

"I'm gonna go talk to Freddie." Said Sam.

Sam walked her way towards the door, but then stopped to walk back.

"I'm taking these meatballs." Said Sam.

Sam took a bowl of meatballs with her, before walking out of the iCarly Studio. Carly waited around a minute before taking away the picture from the peoples' computer screens and walking back in front of the camera.

"And we're back." Said Carly. "Well...I'm back. Anyway, Sam and I were going to have a Meatball War tonight, but due to...personal issues, or whatever's been going on the last week, I've decided to end the show here. I know, it was short, but I promise once everything goes back to normal, everything will be just fine. Anyway, I'm Carly, and this has been iCarly."

Carly walked back to the laptop and stopped the recording. After that, she closed her laptop and began to clean up the place.

10 minutes later...

Sam walked back into the iCarly Studio, to see Carly just putting the table away. Carly heard the door opened and turned around, to see Sam walk in with an empty the bowl.

"Where the meatballs?" Asked Carly.

"I got hungry on the way back here." Said Sam.

"How's Freddie?" Asked Carly.

"Oh, he's fine." Said Sam.

"You guys cool now?" Asked Carly.

"Yeah, I guess." Said Sam. "He'll be okay tomorrow. He just wanted more alone time."

"Alright." Said Carly. "Hopefully, things go back to normal."

"Yeah, I hope." Said Sam. "Hey, is it cool if sleep over here tonight?"

"Sure, why not." Said Carly. "You wanna watch some TV downstairs?"

"Works for me." Said Sam.

Both Carly and Sam proceeded to walk downstairs to the first floor.


Carly and Sam were sitting on the couch downstairs, with Sam sitting the closest to the door, watching whatever was on TV at the time. Sam had a bowl of popcorn in between her and Carly and they had a blanket over both of them. Carly reached over the popcorn bowl and looked at Sam.

"So wait, this guy Buddy Hinten...Did you make him up?" Asked Carly.

"No, he's real." Said Sam. "He doesn't go to our school, I just happen to be next to him during a Cuttlefish Concert, and we barely talked to each other. Had a 'great' time with him."

"Good to know." Said Carly. "Why did you lie about having your first kiss?"

"I don't know." Said Sam. "You told me who was your first kiss, and I knew Freddie dated that rotten girl Valerie a while back, so I assumed he kissed her. I knew I didn't kissed anyone and I didn't want to feel...left out."

"Alright, I understand." Said Carly. "You know, there is many other people our age who haven't had their first kiss."

"I don't think any of those people are named Sam Puckett." Said Sam.

Carly chuckled a bit.

"This can be so dumb sometimes." Said Sam.

"What?" Asked Carly.

"How people freak out over things, like a first kiss." Said Sam. "Sometimes I wish I can get my first kiss out-of-the-way. You know, so I can stop worrying about it."

"Yeah, I get what you mean." Said Carly.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Sam. "You already had your first kiss."

"I know." Said Carly. "Before I had it, I felt the same way you are right now."

"Oh." Said Sam.

Carly and Sam continued to eat their popcorn and watched TV. All of the sudden, Sam began to chuckle a bit. Carly checked if anything was funny or somewhat humorous in the show they were watching, but didn't find anything.

"What's so funny?" Asked Carly.

"Nothing." Said Sam. "It's..."

"Tell me." Said Carly.

"It's dumb." Said Sam.

Carly turned off the TV and moved to her side, with her body facing towards Sam.

"Say it." Said Carly.

"Oh, fine." Said Sam.

Sam did the same thing Carly did, having her body face Carly.

"You remember when I was said that I wanted to get my first kiss out of the way?" Asked Sam.

"Yeah." Said Carly.

"Well, I was thinking..." Said Sam.

"You want ME to be your first kiss?" Asked Carly.

Sam just stared at Carly with a shocked expression on her face, while Carly waited for an answer from her best friend.

"I should just..." Said Sam.

Sam got the blanket off of her lap and proceeded to stand up, but Carly grabbed Sam's arm.

"Sam, wait." Said Carly. "Let's just talk about this."

Sam agreed to Carly's suggestion, as she sat back down on the couch. A couple seconds past, and none of them has said a word. Sam began to notice Carly looking at the ground.

"What are you thinking?" Asked Sam.

"It's just..." Said Carly. "I think it's a little weird for two girls to...you know, kiss."

"What if both girls...liked their kiss?" Asked Sam. "Would that be a little weird?"

"I don't know." Said Carly. "You really want me to be your first kiss?"

Sam took a couple seconds to think about that question.

"Will you?" Asked Sam. "Just so I can get it over with?"

"Hmm..." Said Carly. "Just to get it over with."

"Just to get it over with." Said Sam.

"And you promise not to tell anyone about this, especially Freddie." Said Carly.

"Oh c'mon." Said Sam. "I can't tell Freddie that I've kissed you before he has?"

"Sam." Said Carly.

"Okay, okay." Said Sam. "I promise."

"Good." Said Carly.

They both, again, just sat on the couch and didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Well?" Asked Sam. "Lean."

"Sorry." Said Carly. "I'm just nervous."

"It's cool." Said Sam.

Carly moved the bowl of popcorn to the coffee table and scooted closer to Sam, with their thighs touching each other. Carly stared right into Sam's blue eyes, which stared back at Carly's dark browns. Both girls began to lean towards each other, Carly tilting her head slightly and leaning in a slightly faster rate. Both girls could now feel their noses grazing against one another and as well as their breaths on each other's lips. Carly closed her eyes and leaned in a bit more.

Carly could now feel Sam's lips on leaned in closer and puckered her lips more, so her lips were now pressed against Sam's. Sam found herself closing her eyes and kissing back. Their kiss lasted around ten seconds, before Carly broke their kiss and leaned back. Both girls then scooted a couple of inches away from each other and avoided eye contact.

"Well, that was um...nice?" Said Sam.

"Yeah, nice." Said Carly.

"Good...work?" Said Sam.

"Thanks." Said Carly.

She began to slightly smile at Sam, who smiled back.

"Let's just watch some more TV." Said Sam.

"That works." Said Carly.

Carly grabbed the remote to turn on the TV, while Sam grabbed the bowl of popcorn to...eat more popcorn. Sam sat the bowl on her lap, while both girls scooted closer to each other. Sam was about to eat another kernel, until Carly asked:

"You wanna kiss again?"

Sam stopped in her tracks and dropped the kernel back into the bowl. Carly turned her head to look at Sam, who was slightly smiling at her.

"Yeah, I do." Said Sam.

Both girls chuckled a bit, as Carly turned off the TV again, while Sam put the bowl of popcorn back onto the coffee table. Once Carly put the remote down, both girls leaned in and pressed their lips together, kissing for the second time. Their long kiss would turn into little pecks, as their kiss got more passionate. Sam had on of her hands caress Carly's right leg, while Carly rested both of her hands on Sam's shoulders, one hand on each shoulder.

Carly then began to move both of her arm around Sam's neck, her hands resting on her own arms, and found herself straddling on Sam's lap. Sam moved her hands to Carly's hips and found herself leaning her head back on the couch. After about half a minute of making out with her best friend, Carly breaks their kiss. Both girls were now staring at each others' eyes and feeling their gasping breaths on their faces. Carly looked up to check the time.

"It's getting pretty late." Said Carly.

"You wanna continue this in your room?" Asked Sam.

"Yeah, I do." Said Carly.

She pecked Sam's lips before getting off of her and stood up. Carly took Sam's hand into her own and proceeded to lead her upstairs to her bedroom.

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