Once again our contestants find themselves at the wrap up party. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Vincent is chatting with Katie excitedly while a light music is playing.

Ezekiel, Dawn, Charlie, and Gwen are in a group chatting as well. Gwen raises a glass of punch. "Cheers to all of us for getting out of this with some money, and to Chuck for winning the whole thing!" 3 of them raise their glasses. A confused Ezekiel copies what they're doing. After this, Gwen grabs Charlie's face and kisses it. "And THAT'S from me." Ezekiel puts a finger to his chin. "We all don't have to do THAT, right?" The other three turn to him and let out a laugh.

The DJ is on the stage, when suddenly he receives a tap on the shoulder. He looks over to see Ana standing there with a big smile.

Suddenly, we cut to the the mic turning on. "Hey there everybody!" Everyone's eyes turn to the stage, where they see Ana. "I thought this was a party guys! I'm not seeing a lot of dancing! We need to fix that. Let's have one of my personal favorites!" Pressing a few buttons, a techno dance beat fills the room. Charlie looks over to Gwen and smirks. "May I have this dance?" Gwen Chuckles. "I thought you'd never ask." Together, they then go to the dance floor and starting busting some moves.

We cut to Katie dragging Vincent onto the dance floor, leading to them dancing together. From afar, Geoff turns to Gerdie. "Hey..uh...Gerdie, wanna dance?" Gerdie laughs at this. "Ha! ah...ha ha...I um..I don't dance." Geoff brushes this off. "Come on, EVERYONE can dance! Here, let me show you!" Grabbing her arm, he pulls her on the dance floor. "No, wait, Geoff I-" but her protests are unheard as she's pulled onto the dance floor. Geoff starts busting some moves as Gerdie stands there awkwardly. "Come on Gerd, move your body, like this!" Geoff shows her a few moves. Gerdie tentatively looks at him and then tries. It's awkward at first, but then she tries again. This time it's more fluid. A few tries later she seems to be getting into the groove. "Whoo! Go Gerd!" Danielle yells from the side, dancing herself.

Dawn is dancing very mildly while Ezekiel is doing his best attempt. "I think I might look stupid, eh." Zeke says embarrassed. Dawn giggles. "You look fine Zeke. Your dancing is very...enthusiastic."

The song eventually dies down and everyone applauds. Taking a break, everyone goes back to talking. Izzy walks back to Walter. "Whoo! That was fun!" Walter smiles at her. Looking over to Walter, Izzy sighs. "So, what's up for Walt next?" Walter shrugs. "Well, I was planning on heading off to Europe next. I hear that some charity needs some help there. Not sure for what." Walter rubs the back of his head. "So um... I don't know if you'd be want to but...I uh...I could really use the company if you'd..."

Izzy put a finger to her chin. "So you're asking me if i'd like to pick up my stuff and travel around the world with my awesome boyfriend helping people and going on a wild adventure?" She smiles warmly at him and puts her hands on his shoulders. "I think I can manage that." And with that, she leans in and plants a large kiss on him, which he accepts.

Ana walks over to a small gathering of Grigory, Danielle, Jaylee, and Caden. "Hey guys!" She says enthusiasticaly. Caden, Danielle, and Jaylee all smile at her. Grigory just looks back at her. "H...hello Ana." Jaylee says shyly. Ana continues. "Well, we may not have been there long, but I still really had fun with you guys." Danielle shurgs. "Hey, I ALMOST made the merge." Ana laughs at this. "All right Danielle, fine, you're the best of us here." Danielle blushes. "I..I didn't mean..." Caden smiles. "It was an...interesting experience. Even with grumpers over there." Ana giggles at this. "Haha. Grumpers." She looks over to Trent who's by himself. "HEY GRUMPERS! Get over here!" At first he seems surprised that they're talking to him, then walks over. Ana puts her arm around him. "Trent, you gotta loosen up bud. Thought you'd learn that by now." Trent sighs. "Yeah...I guess I-" He stops as he lets out a shiver as we zoom out to see Ana massaging his shoulders. "Better?" Trent smiles and lets out a "yeah...definitely." This elicits a giggle from Jaylee. Caden smirks. "Jaylee laughing. A rare sight, but nice nonetheless." Jaylee blushes slightly at this. Ana tilts her head over to Grigory. "Now if only we could get HIM to laugh." Grigory stares at her stone faced. "You wulde have a bieter chance of mueving a mountain." Just from the way he says this causes a huge amount of laughter to come from the rest of them as Grigory looks on confused.

Vincent and Katie have gone back to talking. "Oh my god you such a good dancer Vince! You are totally coming with me and Sadie out dancing!" Vince smiles. "I'm willling to be anywhere with you." Katie blushes. "You are like so sweet!" and hugs Vincent tightly. "Oh, by the way!" She says as she lets go. "On Thursday I have to go check out colleges. I need to go away for the night and i'm really nervous. I'm going with Sadie, but could you PLEASE come too? I could really use your support." For some reason, Vincent stops for a moment, then smiles warmly. "Yeah, sure. Count me in." She squeals in delight as she kisses him. "Thanks a million! I have to go tell Sadie!" And with that, she's off.

After she leaves, Vincent sighs and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper. Looking back to where Katie was, he puts up a half smile and tears it in half, letting it fall to the ground. He then walks offscreen towards her. The camera moves over to where the pieces of paper were lying, which reveals it to be a ticket for a Hanatha concert, dated for Thursday.

Meanwhile, Eva and Simon are standing to the side. Eva rolls her eyes, causing Simon to laugh. "Party not your thing?" Eva smirks. "What do YOU think?" Simon laughs again. "Yeah, okay true. So what do you- He stops his thoughts though as we notice Eva has turned her head away. Following her gaze, we see her looking at Friedrich and Courtney, who are standing off to another side. Eventually, Eva snaps out of it and turns back to Simon who has raised an eyebrow. "You still thinking about that?" Eva shakes her head. "What? Naw, I'm good." Simon crosses his arms. "You sure?" Eva smirks. "If anybody but you Simon..." Simon smirks. "I am certainly glad I AM me. If it's not an issue, then let's go say hi!" And with that, he begins to alk over. "Simon! Wait! I-" But it's too late as he's already walking over. Sighing, she follows him.

Courtney and Friedrich stop their conversation as they look at Simon, a bit perplexed. He puts on a smile. "Hey guys, how's it going?" Courtney raises an eyebrow. "Um...fine?"

Simon looks to them with a disarmingly kind face. "I know it's a bit weird us randomly coming up to talk to you, but I just wanted to make sure that there's no hard feelings." He holds out his hand. Friedrich and Courtney look between each other, confused, before Courtney sighs and puts up a half smile. "Yeah. No hard feelings Simon." And she extends her hand for Simon to shake.

They both glance at their respective partners who turn to look at each other. After a moment, they each sigh and put up a half smile and reache their hands out, grabbing each other's in a handshake. However Eva's might be a little too strong as Friedrich winces slightly.

Not being able to find Alice, Nate steps out from the party and looks around. Finally, at a balcony, he finds Alice.

"Hey uh, we're missing you at the party Alice." She moves her eye to Nate and then back. "I doubt that. People don't miss me." Nate rolls his eyes. "Alice. You've got to stop with this. You didn't just make the merge, you got in SIXTH place. And that's only because your got YOURSELF voted off by accident. People don't dislike you." Alice looks away. "I think they just forgot I was there." Nate sighs and leans against the railing. "Look, I get it. You're upset because you got burned on your face. You push people away because you're afraid of letting them get too close because you're afraid they'll leave you. But Alice, by pushing them away, you're going to be alone regardless."

Alice remains silent as she looks off. Nate turns his head to see her eye filled with tears. She turns to him, and for the first time, shows emotion by grimacing at him. "And what would YOU know about it? Do you know what it's like? Losing everyone you care about? Everyone abandoning you believing you're a FREAK?!" I..I don't want that to happen again. It's..." She loses her anger and wipes her eye reverting to her monotone. "It's...it's better this way."

This time, it's Nate's turn to be angry. However, he manages to control his rage and says the next thing relatively calmly. "You are so incredibly selfish." Hearing this, she turns back to him. "You think you can just dictate how people feel about you because you're afraid of them not accepting you? People here care about you Alice. I thought you'd realize that by now."

She shakes her head. "I doubt it." Nate crosses his arms again. "Then why the hell am I out here?" Alice stops at this. Before she can say anything Nate speaks again. "It isn't because I have some sort of misguided pity for you, or curiosity. It's because I care about you Alice. And honestly, I think you do too."

Alice's tears begin anew. "N...No Nate. You just-" But she is cut off as Nate grabs her and holds her tightly in an embrace, shocking her as her eye goes wide. "N...Nate?" "Just know Alice. No matter what. Someone DOES care about you. I...I love you Alice."

This is too much for Alice as finally she breaks down and begins to cry loudly in racking sobs. Nate just holds her tightly. Staying in his embrace, she manages to get out a small "I..I do too." And they stay that way, just holding each other.

(Two months later)

Chris stands next to an open bus door, Lisa standing next to him. "All right campers, the 17 of you, on this bus!" The figures who the camera only shows in vague silhouettes all board the bus and take their seats.

Counting heads, Chris sees that 17 are indeed on the bus. The door closes and he stands before them. "Congratulations to the 17 of you! You have been chosen for the next season of Total Drama! I hope you're all ready, because this season's gonna be a doozy. Ha!" He then takes the seat up front, Lisa sitting in the seat next to him. Suddenly a voice speaks up from the crowd behind him. "Uh, excuse me, how are we supposed to get to the island in a bus?"

Hearing this question, Chris and Lisa laugh. Chris turns to Lisa. "Hear that Lise? He wants to know how we're going to get to the island in a bus!" Chris turns back to the crowd. "Oh, that's easy. We're not GOING to the island." This elicits a collective gasp from the unseen crowd. the same voice then speaks up again. "So, um, then, where ARE we going?" Chris looks at Lisa and smiles and then turns back around, placing an elbow on the headrest. "Well tell me, do you guys like movies?"


AN: Holy crud. Done. Doney doney done. I started this in February and got it done in October. Same year. Swish! Man this was a lot of writing. So I guess there's a few things to talk about. First of all, did I enjoy writing this season? The big answer to this is yes. I loved writing this season. I think i've found my groove with mixing OC's and canon. I also find doing so more to my liking than straight OC casts. Yes it means less people can submit their characters, but at the same time, I like writing for canon characters.

Now, I feel I have to address something though. In terms of Charlie, I'll say that looking over his win, I can see it looking as being a tad self serving. However, after coming back from the few month long break of writing this, I looked at the 7 remaining campers and realized that I had written myself really into a corner. The way I had written the story up until this point had really funneled into a Charlie win. Looking back I realize this to be the case. If I could go bak and rewrite I would have changed some things as well as on the focus and elimination order and it would have been a much different resolution. I think I fell into the trap of having too much fun writing Charlie's interaction with Gwen and that lead to the story moving to him as a focal point. Even his introduction immediately granted him special focus. While Charlie is a wonderful character and I love him to death, honestly, I feel like I focused on him a BIT too much. Looking back, if I were to redo the season, Charlie would have probably placed a little more closer to 5th and maybe Gwen 7th, taking out the deal they made, which almost made me trapped into him winning.

Enough of that self flagellation, let's move onto my favorite moments.

Top 17 Favorite Moments

So I couldn't limit it to 10, as there were so many great moments, so I made it 17. Whoops. Anyway, let's do it.

17: Nobody getting voted off (Nate's scheme): I liked having an elimination ceremony where nobody got eliminated. I wanted to see what would happen if everyone got exactly one vote, and I feel with this cast, and Lisa there as well, that it was great to see this. I loved this cast and here's one of the moments that really showed why.

16: Hug at the end of the first elimination: I know this is cheesy, but after the Courtney elimination, I had everyone on the Raccoons hug. This was very cool because it was a combination of acceptance for Ezekiel as well as a precursor to the feel of the season. Obviously not every season won't have a villain, but, it was cool to try my hand on a season with no villain and I feel this set the stage for the feeling. Also Eva being forced into a hug is hilarious.

15: Ezekiel's sexist comment: This goes hand in hand with #16. One of the big things I wanted to do with Zeke was have him make his stupid sexist comment, but be in an environment of acceptance and care where he could learn from his mistake rather than being kicked off, and being kicked off, learning nothing. I'm VERY happy with how it turned out and Zeke's role in this season was AWESOME.

14: Simon/Jaylee's Breaking into Chris' Room: Okay, this was just funny. Let's take the two shyest characters and have them break into Chris' room and steal something. Their reactions were priceless. "I'm sorry mom!" Haha. Love it.

13: Replacing Sadie with Charlie: Ah yeah, the catalyst that started Charlie as a character. I loved the idea of Charlie, but I feel like for his character, he would never have APPLIED to be a contestant so switching him with another character worked very well. Also I wanted Katie alone so she could develop as a character as well as leave her open for the romance with Vincent.

12: Caden Sticking himself with the Morpheine: It seems in every one of these lists I have to have one subtle moment no one remembers and this is this list's one. I think Caden was a great character and I just think this scene was hilarious. It was after Katie and Vincent became a couple and Caden in a confessional accidentally stabs himself with morpheine. I just found it to be a very funny Caden moment.

11: Reveal of Grigory's Cake: I LOVED the birthday challenge and I think that Grigory's death cake reveal was just too perfect of a way to wrap up the challenge. Poor Grigory. To be fair though, it was priceless.

10: Courtney/Gerdie Elimination: I had never done a double elimination before and I can't think of a duo (except for maybe Eva and Friedrich) that needed to go together more. These two had been at each other's throats even BEFORE Eva and Friedrich. There was no other option than to do thi, but still, it was really funny. I loved how they were so into their argument that they didn't even seem to be bothered at being eliminated.

9: Eva defeating Friedrich: Speaking of, I loved the final showdon between Eva and Friedrich at the Gross food challenge. Eva really is a fun character who deserves more love. She deserved her chance to eliminate her rival and she got it. Not only that, the aftermath was tactful and a good sendoff for Friedrich.

8: Izzy's Decision to become Walter's Girlfriend: Now, normally a romance scene needs mood, setting, and all that good stuff. Not this time! It was great just to write a spur of the moment, out of left field romance moment like this. It was totally the way Izzy would do it and I LOVED it.

7: Simon's Sendoff: Now, Simeva might not be people's favorite romance, but I adore it. I will admit, it DOES have a tiny bit of a Koh/Horus feel to it, but I believe that I took it in a much different direction, and this culminated in Simon's sendoff. I love how Simon secretly helped Eva over and over until he eventually sacrificed himself for her. Eva would be a hard lady to romance, and I believe Simon's elimination did it just right.

6: Return of Friedrich/Courtney: I was being completely honest when I said that I originally had no intention of bringing these two back. I was planning on having NO returnees for the longest time. Then, I thought up Frietney. there were 2 reasons I brought them back. 1 was Frietney while the other was that I wanted to add a bit of drama back into the show. There still wasn't a villain persay this season, but I think these two worked well together and they ARE a cute couple. Plus NO ONE expected this relationship.

5: Charlie/Gwen's Kiss: Okay, this HAD to make the list. It's the culmination of an entire season of angst. Charlie and Gwen's romance was to me, one of the best romances I have ever written. It felt so genuine while writing it. It never felt forced even once. Unlike Trent or Duncan, Gwarlie just feels like it fits perfectly into place and I have been wanting to write this kiss for the longest time. I'm not going to lie, typing that kiss was INCREDIBLY satisfying. (Also, I got a commission of their kiss done. let me know if you'd want a copy)

4: Gwen/Charlie's Dance off: Last Gwarlie entry. Promise. I would have put Gwen stopping Charlie from saying something stupid here, but that wouldn't have been a moment, that would have been a montage. But the other moment that really solidified these to as adorable was the dance off. I normally wouldn't have considered Charlie as a dancer, but i'm really glad I changed my mind as it really was a good bonding scene for the two.

3: The flour baby challenge endings: I know this wasn't really a moment persay, but there were too many to count in this challenge. All the pairs with their flour babies were hilarious, from the baby scythe of doom, to Vikncent spiking the baby, to Izzy's catastrophic fail. Everyone had a great moment and it was a challenge I could DEFINITELEY have seen in the series.

2: Everyone spying on Ezekiel/Dawn: I LOVE this scene. Just everyone peeking their head around the corner and them getting caught and tripping over themselves was just too perfect. It really encaptured what this season was about and by far and large, how this season was just filled with fun, goofy characters.

1: Izzy's saving by Walter: This was DEFINITELY my favorite elimination of the season. Don't get me wrong, I love Walter, but this way he saved Izzy was awesome. I always felt bad that no one ever really stood up for Izzy in the series, and Owen is honestly TERRIBLE for her (I still haven't forgiven him for pushing her in front of him during the killer challenge). Walter and Izzy just click. I rewrote two canonical scenes in this season. The first being Ezekiel's comment and Izzy's elimination. And I feel that I did those scenes a great justice and changed them for the better. I love the way it turned out and feel this scene by itself made the whole story overall worth it.

So! What were some of YOUR favorite moments?

So, I thought to myself, if I were to go back and rewrite Back to the Island, and come up with a different elimination order, what would I do? And this is what I came up with (no returnees this time)

22: Courtney
21: Nate
20: Alice
19: Geoff
18: Friedrich
17: Danielle
16: Gerdie
15: Vincent
14: Simon
13: Gwen
12: Trent
11: Izzy
10: Charlie
9: Ana
8: Dawn
7: Walter
6: Jaylee
5: Katie
4: Grigory
3: Eva
2/1 1/2: Ezekiel/Caden

As you can see, there's a bunch of changes except for really Courtney still being last. That's pretty solidly there. I would probably do a Jaylee/Trent romance and maybe have done a Katie/Caden one. I would probably have had Eva not be a villain, but more of a powerhouse that for a multitude of reasons couldn't get voted off as due to Friedrich leaving early, their rivalry wouldn't have factored into the story. I woudl nix the Simeva and the Frietney and replace that time with Trenlee and Katden. There are a few characters I regret not spending more time with however, if i had kept them and gotten rid of others I would be saying the same thing now with the other characters I eliminated early in their place. So, it's all relative. Who would YOU have had in the final 3? Let me know!

Well, it looks like i'm doing another season. Because i'm insane. And we're finally moving off the island! Whoo! After two seasons at Camp Wawanawaka, my brain is kind of fried for camp related challenges. So, it's time to move onto Total Drama Action. This time around though, I am cutting down the amount of contestants. Only 17 this time around and 9 of them will be canon characters. 8 will be OC's. One of them is mine which leaves 7 up for grabs (4 women 3 men) I'll be putting up more details on the first post as well as my profile page (don't send apps until you see the new sheet)

As for Back to the Island, we are DONE! it's been a wild ride guys. I loved these characters to death and I'm sure as hell going to miss them. Well, until next time, this is Hideki_sohma, signing off.

P.S. Yeah, i'll probably get around to writing the alternate ending at some point in the next few weeks or something