Surprise surprise, I've manged to live past ten days into this new year, and I couldn't want to stop that going on anymore than I already do... Anyway, I just had an idea for another idea made with my specialty: under aged incest and smut, but with a lot more plot. So no smut in the first chapter, but there will be a lot of fucking. It's just probably the fact I've been incredibly sexually frustrated and haven't had an actual orgasm since July of 2016... I miss my girlfriend a lot...

But enough with my misery, pain, sadness, and pathetic desperation to get a second chance with the only girl I've loved, I'll just present the story.

And for those wondering why I've been writing individual stories and not updating my old stuff, it's just that I haven't had time to write my serious stories and get into the things I was really passionate about, so easy smutty AU's are just easy to pump out. I still have the full movie of all the cutscenes in Batman: Arkham Origins in a tab on YouTube to go with my RWBY fic... It's still a work in progress. I had it planned to be updated around Christmas time but October happened and... Yeah.

I haven't forgotten about Lancaster Collection either, it's just that it was based off another fic I read from another fan base and something I thought was top quality writing when I was 14, and looking back I realized it really is just a kidnapping with a lotta rape... But I know I have some fans on that story, so I'll finish it up, hopefully by this year.

Ruby sat alone in her room, enjoying the first couple days of spring break, freshman year had been pretty decent so far and she was having a good school year. So far it had been quiet and frankly, boring. Her parents Summer and Taiyang had to work all day and would usually come home in the wee hours of the morning, and her older sister Yang was always busy on the phone in her room. Leaving the young redhead to just read a magazine alone in her own room, it was barely noon and she was incredibly bored.

After throwing the book to the floor and sighing out of boredom, she thought she'd just go down and get some cookies. Yep, she was at the point of boredom that she thought eating would help. She noticed it was a bit colder inside and decided to throw a falter top over her sports bra she kinda wore casually, but still kept on her black short shorts. She opened her door and began walking out, hearing Yang's voice over her phone conversation with an unknown person, she sounded a lot more cheerful and happy than usual.

"You are?! How Long? Oh that's perfect! Man I love you~" It must've been some pretty good news.

Ruby dismissed it and began walking downstairs for some cookies and TV. After eating a majority of the cookies, watching some movie about people born with mutant powers and forming a superhero team, she heard the doorbell ring and got up to answer. And when she did, her jaw dropped and her eyes widened in surprise, seeing her cousin Jaune at the door was completely unexpected.

"Jaune!" She jumped up and threw her tiny arms around his neck into a tight hug, he returned the embrace with his arms around her waist, lifting her up and laughing.

"Good to see you too Rubes." He still sounded the same after all this time, then again, the last time she saw him was only on Christmas break. His signature cologne was potent around him, quite the attractive scent.

"What are you doing here? Did you drive?" She was about to bombard him with questions until he hushed her like one would with a child. She was referring to the fact that he and his family live at least 6 hours away, so visits were quite rare. But still meant a lot to the young girl when they happened, she was mainly confused on why he came alone, he only just got his license as did Yang, but she didn't expect him to drive so far this early.

"I'm here for spring break silly! And yeah I drove, I'm here to see you guys. I've got a surprise for you and Yang... Is she here?" He began walking inside as the door closed, setting his backpack on the table and looking up and down Ruby.

"Uh, yeah. She's in her room. But you might wanna wait, she's on the phone..."

"Oh it's okay, she was talking to me after all..." He chuckled and began going upstairs, a strange look of hunger in his eyes. She wondered why he acted a bit weird when Yang came up, but dismissed it as she began walking up. They had reached outside her door until Jaune turned around to face Ruby.

"Uh Rubes? You think I can talk alone with Yang for bit? Won't be long..." He seemed really persistent with just talking with Yang for the moment, confusing Ruby.

"What?! Buy you just got here! I want us to catch up..." She was trying to open the door behind Jaune but he kept blocking the door.

"Please Ruby, won't be too long. Just wanna catch up with her then you later, we're older so..." He used the typical excuse Yang and him had been using for years, they were the only ones in the family currently in their age group and spent the most time together. Which would seemed normal to anyone else, unless they had any knowledge on what they usually did. But Ruby still got pretty upset whenever she heard it, hating that she was only two or three years apart from them anyway. It wasn't that bad in her opinion, they were all teens, she was just 15 and they were 17, yet they still considered her a bit too young to hang out with. Regardless though, she knew there was no point in fighting, he came over for a good time and she didn't want to take it away.

"Fine... But can you at least tell me your surprise first?"

"Later, I wanna tell you and Yang at the same time. But just give us some time first, okay?" He reached over to her head to playfully rub her hair with a smile before opening Yang's door and walking in. He managed to take a couple steps before Yang pounced at him into a massive bear hug, much like Ruby did, but it seemed a bit more intimate.

"Jauney~!" She called out in excitement.

It didn't look any better considering Yang was still in her pajamas, which was a tight, orange, and thin tank-top that hugged her large mounds. She rarely wore a bra and probably wasn't at the moment, it didn't help that her short shorts were so tiny they were pretty much another pair of panties, something Ruby doubted she was wearing either. Jaune's arms wrapped around the busty girl and held her close while Yang nuzzled her face into his neck, before they departed Jaune turned to Ruby with a sheepish smile and a blush.

"Could you get the door...?"

Ruby's eyes were pretty squinted and her head tilted in confusion. Was she watching her sister and cousin give a friendly reunion hug, or a young long distance couple meet after a long time? She just pushed that question to the back of her head and closed the door. The answer to that question however, would actually really surprise her in just a while.

Well that was a thing, not sure how that came to brain and why I decided to write it... Considering I have so many random prompts that come to mind everyday but I never write them. But I just need some kind of release or distraction for myself for the moment, mainly for the fact I haven't gotten over my breakup and never will. Everyday is constant pain and I cannot sleep or dream easy nor happily anymore. It's like I'm going to just explode one day So I just distract myself with very unhealthy things.

It's been 3 month and 13 days and boy do I feel like jumping off a bridge... I might actually not live to reach the legal drinking age if she never comes back to me, so enjoy these stories while you can. You can expect a lot more plot in this one, as opposed to smutty one-shots that just come and go. Much like my love life, or just life in general. My only complaint about writing stories anymore is that I probably won't be able to read them over Skype with the girl I love just like we used to, which really meant something for us in a way. But at least I still have some readers that enjoy my stuff, so I guess that means something...

Please review and let me know what you think, or just PM me if you're curious.