[Author's note]

I actually posted this chapter on the 3rd May. Somehow, the update notification didn't inform you guys. Luckily, someone enlightened me that there were no notifications but the chapters were up. So, I'm re-uploading them. Here's the chapter!

Chapter 05: It is time

[Background Music Suggested – This world of all badness ~ Fate Stay Night]

(Shirou's point of view)

It is hell.

Everything is burning and melting.

The heat is unbearable.

"Something is crushing me."

I can't feel my limbs.

My eyes won't open no matter what I do.

"Why is this happening?"

The fire ten years ago wasn't this scary…

I was able walk my way to safety.

Kiritsugu was there to save me.

But now—

"You're mine, Emiya Shirou."

A creepy voice is audible to my ears.

"Who are you?" I inquire.

"I have no need to answer such stupid question."

"Why are you doing this?"

"This is your punishment." She replies.


Wait, 'she'?

[Background Music Suggested – Wataboushi ~ Rewrite]

Immediately, I open my eyes.

I find myself lying on my bed.

But, I wasn't alone on the bed…

On top of me, there's a black haired girl wearing white uniform.

Her crimson eyes are looking at me with crazed glimmer.

She is mounting me…

"Good morning, Shi—"

Chlotz's usual greeting was cut short.

The boy looks at us with his drowsy eyes, feeling confused.

I stare at him blankly, paralleling his confused glance.

"I'm still dreaming…"

The red haired boy immediately flops back to his bed.

Chlotz ends up concluding the situation as a mere hallucination.

"I have you where I wanted." The girl says.

"Reiroukan, are you aware of how inappropriate our current position is?" I point out.

That's right… it's Reiroukan…

What is she doing here!?

"Eh…?" She tilts her head.

A mirror conveniently reflects our current position.

I'm betting in five seconds—

"What's wrong with our position?" The girl asks with sultry voice.

One of her hands runs over my bare chest.

I was wrong…

It didn't faze her in the slightest…


Wait a minute!

"Where's my shirt!?"

[Heart thumping]

With amused face, the red eyed girl slides her right index finger on my chest.

"Quite a muscular one… I like it." She remarks.


This isn't good…

What is she planning to do!?


Abruptly, Chlotz sits up on his bed, across mine.

I knew you were a good friend, Chlotz!

You're coming to my rescue!

The red haired boy jumps off his bed, with his gaze fixed on us.

Once again, he pauses to stare.

"Do you mind? I'm busy here." Reiroukan says with annoyed tone.

The boy blinks his eyes multiple times.

After that, he closes his eyes and folds his arms.

"I see… I'm not dreaming—"

Immediately, his eyes re-open, almost bulging out to be exact.

"—what the heck is going on here!? Who the heck are you!? What are you doing to my roommate!?"

The boy points his finger at the mounting girl.

The place is dark, so Chlotz couldn't see much.

I inspect the black haired girl's face for reaction.

A scowl is apparent.

"What a noisy guy… At this rate, the whole dorm will wake up."

Reiroukan begins dismounting.

I could finally gasp for some air.

"What the—"


Unexpectedly, I overheard a loud smacking sound, cutting Chlotz's speech.

I instantly sit up on my bed and remove myself from it.

"Chlotz, what happened!?"

However, the red haired boy is lying on his bed with his eyes swirling.

The girl in white is standing by his bed with a blank expression.

What is she doing here in the first place?

Reiroukan slowly removes her gaze from Chlotz and her eyes intersect with mine.

[Heart thumping]

No matter how many times I saw them, those red eyes were beautiful.

The black haired girl motions her right arm and touches her own chin.

She's currently in her thinking pose… probably.

A thoughtful face is displayed as she inspects me from top to bottom.

"He's quite short for his age. On the other hand, his body is well maintained. Nothing out of ordinary is visible…" She mutters to herself.

What is she—

I halt my line of thought as I finally realize my current outfit.

Or rather… the lack of it…


I jump back into my bed, covering myself with blanket.

"I didn't expect 'it' to be that big… I thought the usual size was smaller." She comments, ignoring my predicament.

"You… you strip me naked!"

The girl folds her arms with amused face.

"Yes and I like what I saw."

I am curious with her statement.

However, my current dilemma is… I'm buck naked.

Dammit, she saw me in my birthday suit…

"Well then… I guess I should get going. See you later, Emiya."

Reiroukan nonchalantly walks toward the window.

The girl slides away the curtains.

"Wait…! Where are you going?"

She turns around, facing me.

"I'm escaping. That boy's shouting will probably alarm someone. I had no choice but to retreat."

The girl flings open the window as she declares it.

"It's the third floor." I deadpan.

She giggles at my remark.

"I know. How did you think I came in before?"

What is wrong with this girl!?

She broke in a male's dorm just to strip a guy naked!?

That's the very definition of a pervert!

Ignoring my new dilemma, the red eyed girl disappears from my sight.

Wind starts blowing the curtains, causing them to flutter.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

/~after dressing up~/

[Background Music Suggested – Fate Stay Night ~ Peaceful Scenery]

"Thank goodness, he's only unconscious."


I let out a sigh of relief.

Aside from a visible bump on his forehead, there is no sign of injury.

I checked on Chlotz since Reiroukan attacked him earlier.

I decided to put on some clothes before doing that.

Otherwise, an incident is bound to happen.

Now then—

My eyes wander towards the alarm clock.

"It's almost five a.m., I should get ready."

It's time for my routine.

/~outside, somewhere inside the academy compound~/

I see a red haired girl in white shirt and green track pants doing a stretching exercise.

She wasn't aware of my presence yet.

I'm a bit late today so I wonder how she will react.


Apparently, she wasn't alone.

There another girl by her side.

"Is she a friend of Chloe?" I muse.

The other girl is smaller, almost comparable to a primary schooler.

She had her light blue hair tied as she performs similar stretching exercise to Chloe.

Somehow, I feel like I have seen her somewhere before…

Well, that's enough stalling.

I should greet them.

[Background Music Suggested – Fate Stay Night ~ Surrounded by Smiles]

"Good morning, Chloe-sensei."

I say as I approach them.

The teenage teacher turns around to face me.

"There you are, Shirou! I was wondering when you would show up. Did something happen? It's unlike you to come late."

The girl says when she sees me.

The other girl merely resumes with her stretching routine, ignoring my presence.


Hey, wait a sec…

I think I have met her several times already.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Chlotz had an accident this morning so I had to make sure he's alright."

Chloe nods, believing in my excuse.

"I hope he wasn't delaying you with his pranks. Though, knowing my little brother, he's usually dead asleep at times like this."

"Yeah… He's sort of sleeping..."

Every now and then, my eyes wander towards the shorter girl.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Shirou, meet Serina Leaf. She's a third year Disciple." The girl introduces the newcomer to me.

Hearing her name being mentioned, the girl finally turns around.

"So is this the guy—"

Her statement suddenly goes truncated when she saw my face.

"What's the matter, Serina?" The young teacher asks our new jogging companion.

The girl's face turns into a scowl.

"Why I had the feeling that we had met before?" The short girl says.

I nod at her, admitting the fact.

"Yes, senpai; we did meet about a few days ago."

With a smug face, the blue haired girl folds her arms.

"Hoho… I like your attitude. What's your name?"

"It's Shirou Emiya." I respond shortly.

The girl nods.

"I heard from Chloe that you were a D-rank." Serina suddenly says.

I nod.

The girl's face turns softer.

"It's your first year here, isn't it? Don't worry about ranks. I, myself was a D-rank back in my first year. Now, I'm an A-rank. By the next Rank Check, I'll make sure I'll be an S-rank. Keep at it, kouhai!"

She says to encourage me.

I smile at her as gratitude.

"That's right. I wanted you two to meet since I saw potential in you, Shirou. If Serina can raise her ranking, you can do the same. You're a hardworking young man."

The teenage teacher clasps her hands as she declares that.

She would go so far to cheer me?

Wait, what's the occasion?

It's rather... a sudden move.

What is driving Chloe to introduce Serina to me?

I didn't recall doing anything worth the attention…

It hasn't been more than a week since my enrolment.

I glance towards the red haired girl, trying to figure out her motive.

"Is something wrong, Shirou?" She asks, tilting her head.

"No, it's nothing. Should we get started? I already had my warm-up session before setting out."

The two girls nod.

/~after the jogging session, in a park~/

"I'll be heading back now. See you guys at school!"

Serina waves her hand as she jogs away.

It's still early.

We still got more than an hour before classes start.

I guess I should head back to the dorm and wake up Chlotz.

But first thing first—

I turn my attention towards the girl by my side.

Currently, the two of us are sitting on a bench.

Chloe is quenching her thirst by drinking some sports drink.

The red haired girl places down the bottle and wipes off some of her sweat.

"Um… I can't help but feel uncomfortable if you keep staring at me like that, Shirou-kun."

She claims as she meets my gaze sheepishly.

"Did Fuji-nee told you about my circumstances?"

[Background Music Suggested – Whirlpool of Fate ~ Fate Stay Night]

The teenage teacher retains a blank face.

She quietly breaks our intersecting gazes and glances upward to the sky.

"How did you guess?" She says with soft tone.

As if mimicking her, I stare towards the sky as well.

"You see, there's a huge lapse in your previous decision; that is introducing Serina to me so early in the game." I tell her.

The teacher remains quiet to hear my explanation.

"It's less than a week since I enrolled as a Disciple. Neither my potential nor my skills are known to the staffs of the Academy."

I pause.

"I am a D-rank. Most Disciples with such rank held no promise for the front line. I am aware of this."

I pause again.

"Yes, I am aware that I'm 'special'. My Star Brand is showing my status as a Nemesis Hunter. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean I'm any better than the other Disciples."

"Shirou, stop beating around the bush and come out with it." The girl demands.

"Since I was a D-rank, you assumed that I will be discouraged. Therefore, you decide to bring in a fellow Disciple with similar situation to inspire me to keep going. Nonetheless, as I mentioned earlier, it's premature."

Our eyes meet.

"That means; you have learnt of my past. Only one person here knew about my circumstances."

Chloe gives me a soft smile and quietly breaks our gazes.

"You should stop being so cryptic, Shirou-kun. Though, I can't say I dislike it."


The young teacher lets out a sigh.

"Rin was right. I am terrible with these 'psychological' stuffs."


The red haired girl recomposes herself, preparing to explain the circumstances.

"Ally of Justice, or simply a martyr, is that what you aimed to be?"

Chloe fixates her eyes on mine.

Her purple irises clearly want me to deny it.

"Yes." I answer.

It has always been my ambition.

"Why? Why would you go so far to be one?" She questions me.

Why, she asked?

It is because it's my purpose.

"You survived, Shirou Emiya. Why would you waste your life for something like that?"

I avert my stare to the floor, breaking our eye contact.

Her last statement irks me.

"Listen, Shirou-kun. I know that you feel guilty for the deceased. But this isn't the way to atone for the tragedy. You weren't at fault. You were just a child!"

I remain quiet.

She won't understand…

"Mister Kiritsugu meant it as a joke. I don't think he would want his son to sacrifice himself for the sake of others."

I stand up, feeling a bit angry.

"I'm sorry, Chloe-sensei. But I have to go."

"Huh? Wait—"

Before she could finish talking, I sprint away.

/~back in dorm~/

[Background Music Suggested – Far Away From You ~ Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works]

Upon arriving, I let my body collapse on the bed.

Why are they so against my ambition?

Is it wrong to save people?

So what if I had to sacrifice myself while doing so?

"Fuji-nee, why did you bring outsiders into this?"

I raise my body, sitting on the mattress.

"I need answers."

/***scene break***/

[Background Music Suggested – In Sunlight ~ Fate Stay Night]

(Wake's point of view)

When I open my eyes, I see the white ceiling.

"Figures…" I utter.

I remove myself from the bed, with my eyes searching for the clock.

"Oh, it's 6 a.m. I should get ready."

/~after getting in uniform~/

The aching from yesterday's beating was gone…

I'm still curious about last night.

Someone attacked me and my memory was fuzzy.

Though, I recalled the attacker was female.

"Oh yeah, I talked with Ellie."

She's that first year S-rank Disciple.

I wonder how good she is in combat.

That reminds me…

Yesterday, we poke fun at Alec.

I should apologize for making fun of his voice…

I hope Chlotz and Shirou are willing to make amends.

/~outside the room~/

[Background Music Suggested – Peaceful Scenery ~ Fate Stay Night]


Speak of the devil…

Coincidentally, Alec was walking pass my room.

"Good morning, God's Gift."

The blond boy suddenly greets me.

"Oh— Yeah, good morning…!"

I accidentally raised my voice while greeting him…

The red eyed boy nods before walking away.

I scratch my head out of confusion.

"How am I supposed to say it?"

Should I be blunt and be out with it?

Alec hasn't gone far and I still can catch up with him.

A man gotta do what he had to do…

"Alec…!" I call out his name.

The boy turns around with confused expression.

I jog towards him.

"Listen, about yesterday—"

He places one of his hands on his waist, waiting for me to complete my sentence.

"You see… we played a prank on you."

A soft smile appears on his face.

"Oh that? Don't worry about it. It's nothing compare to what Rin used to play on me."

"So… you'll forgive us?"

He lets out a chuckle.

"Like I said; it's nothing compared to Rin. I forgive you all."


I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness… I was afraid that you'll hate us."

"I see… The two of you are similar." The blond boy suddenly utters.


He lets out another chuckle.

"Well, we should get going. We don't want to be late for class, do we?" Alec says with a sense of hilarity.


"You're right! We'd better hurry!"

A sweat drop is clearly on his head.

"You… You're a bit overdramatic…"



He lets out sigh.

"Never mind… Let's move." He suddenly says.

/~the path to the Academy~/

[Background Music Suggested – Routine in 366 Days ~ Conception 2]

Come to think of it, Alec has always been living in the same dorm as mine.

But this is the first time we actually walked together towards the same destination.

"You seemed perplexed, God's Gift. Is something troubling you?" Alec suddenly questions me.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was wondering why we never walked home together."

With his usual serious face, the blond boy gestures his right hand.

"It's only natural. You always hanged out with your merry friends before heading back. As for me, I head straight to the dorm. Sometimes, I walked with Rin."

"You know, hearing you talk about Rin… It's kinda sound like you're dating her."

And his serious expression is replaced with a blush.

"Me…me dating her…!? I'll think multiple times before making such arrangement. She's not an easy target. If she disliked the notion, she might make fun of me."

He didn't deny it…

Though, it sounds more like 'if Rin disliked the date, she'll ridicule him'.

"Yo, Wake!"

Chlotz calls out my name from far, waving his hand with a cheerful face.

The red haired boy shows up with a number of Disciples.

As usual, Fuuko and Shirou are among them.

This time around, Issei and Shinji also tagged along.


It appears Fuuko is not looking well.

Is she feeling ill?

The large group successfully conjoins the blond boy and I.

"Hey, look who is here? It's Alec!" Chlotz says with a grin.

The boy in question responds with a snort.

"Hey, hey, hey…! Don't give me that! I was trying to be friendly." The red haired boy says, while shock is apparent on his face.

Alec places his right arm on his waist and his usual stern expression is intact.

"Good morning, Shirou Emiya and others."


Did he just deliberately address Shirou?

"Ah… Morning, Alec."

The amber eyed boy responds half-heartedly.


Shirou seems out of it.

"Something is obviously bugging you. I shall leave you to your own device." The blond boy suddenly says.

"Well then. I'll be on my way. I'll be seeing you in class."

He walks away from the crowd.

"That Alec is still that withdrawn, huh? I suppose we should let him be for the time being." The only bespectacled boy in the group comments on the blond boy's action.

"Huh…? Seems to me like an arrogant dick. He's always like that." Shinji adds his two cents.


"Surprisingly, I agree with you on that, Shinji." Chlotz says after letting out a sigh.

Meanwhile, Shirou remains unconcern with the current issue.

"We shouldn't be antagonistic towards him, Chlotz, Shinji. We did made fun of him yesterday. It is only expected for him to act hostile towards us."


That's right!

These guys haven't apologized yet!

"Eh…? Wait what!? Why the hell are you including me!? I have done nothing!" Shinji argues.

Chlotz places his left hand on Shinji's right shoulder.

"Take it with a grain of salt. Alec hates us all." He says with a serious expression.

"We should ask for forgiveness. Let us make a group apology during lunch break." Issei suggests to the group.

"Like hell I'm doing that! I'm not even involved in that scheme!" Shinji retorts.

Once again, Chlotz repeats his action by placing his hand on Shinji's shoulder.

"Just deal with it, seaweed."

"Shut up, you third rate!"

Meanwhile, Fuuko and Shirou remain remote from the conversation.

"Hey Fuuko, you seemed out of it."

The pink haired girl startles from my sudden addressing.

In the meantime, Chlotz, Issei and Shinji resume their banter, ignoring us.

Shirou retains his absentmindedness.

I wonder what's on his head.

[Background Music Suggested – Melody of Footsteps ~ Conception 2]

"You surprised me, Wake." Fuuko finally replies to me.

I scratch my cheek, feeling guilty.

"Sorry… I had to ask though. Why won't you join them in conversation?"

The girl fiddles with her hair.

"Well… It's awkward… I'm the lone girl of this group." She says sheepishly.

Oh yeah, I just noticed…

"I see… I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it! At least, I'm not a bother to anyone, right?" The blue eyed girl says with a cheerful face.

"Well, it bothers me. I don't want you to feel awkward with your friends."

"Eh…?" The girl tilts her head.

"Maybe we can invite Rin to join us next morning. That way, you won't be the lone girl of this group again."

"Really…!? That's great!"

Surprisingly, it was Shinji who responds excitedly to me…

"Oi, oi…! Don't change the topic, seaweed!"


Chlotz punches the purple haired boy on his back.

"How dare you, third rate!? I'll have you know—"

I ignore the rest of their conversation and turn my attention towards the girl with long twin tails.

She's covering her mouth, trying not to laugh from Chlotz and Shinji's antics.

"Thanks for the suggestion, Wake." The girl nods, feeling a bit better.

I'm glad I can make her smile again.

Now then—


We have arrived at the Academy's gate.

I didn't realize it at all…

/~at the classroom~/

[Background Music Suggested – Melancholy of a Noisy Girl ~ Little Busters]

When we arrived at the class, Rin is already sitting on her seat.

But she seems exhausted…

"Good morning, Rin." Fuuko cheerfully greets her.

The black haired girl turns toward her and smile tiredly.

"Oh, it's you Fuuko. Morning…"

"What's the matter, Rin? You don't look so good." I ask her.

The girl almost slump her face to the table but manage to prevent it.

"You should worry more with yourself. I'm just like always." The girl says with a smile.

However, she wasn't facing me…

Rin was facing no one in particular.

"Good morning, everyone…! Is everybody here?"

Chloe-sensei enters the class.

As if trying to answer her question, my eyes scan for the attendance.

Misaya is already here, standing by her seat but looking outside the window.

The boys that I know; Alec, Chlotz, Issei, Shinji and Shirou have already taken their seat.


For some reason, Shirou is staring at Chloe-sensei blankly.

The teenage teacher is also returning the same blank stare.

"Rin, you look terrible!"

Chloe breaks their staring contest to address the black haired girl.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine." Rin replies to her.


"You've been up all night again, haven't you?" The red haired girl says after sighing.


"I knew her for a long time. She's always like this when she's working on her experiments." The teacher suddenly informs me.

"I see…" I nod.

"That being said; please take your seat, Wake-kun. Everyone else is already seated."


"Sorry about that!"


And I became the class laughing stock for the day.

/~after class, lunch break~/

[Background Music Suggested – Routine in 366 Days ~ Conception 2]

"I apologize for my misconduct." Issei bows at the blond boy.

However, Alec was surprised by his action.

"What is the meaning of this, Class Rep?"

The bespectacled boy recomposes himself.

"I was aware of yesterday's incident. Yet, I refrain myself from stopping them. Therefore, I am guilty." He informs the victim.

"As serious as always, Class Rep. Well, you wouldn't be the representative if weren't for your dedication. Apology accepted."

A rare wide smile appears on Alec's face.

"Attention to Chloe Genus, God's Gift and all S-rank female Disciples. You are summoned to the Headmaster's office."

Abruptly, an announcement was audible.


What's going on?

"You should go, God's Gift. It's finally time." Alec suddenly addresses me.


"Wake, let's go." Fuuko invites me to walk with her.

I nod reluctantly, feeling a bit confused by the current situation.

/~on the way to the office~/

[Background Music Suggested – Melody of Footsteps ~ Conception 2]

Fuuko and I walk together.

I wonder what the Headmaster had in store for us.

"I hope it wasn't that Classmating thing again… I'm not ready for that…" The pink haired girl mutters.

"Hey Fuuko, why are you so against the idea of Classmating?"

The girl startles and starts blushing.

Did I ask the wrong question?

"W-Wake, Classmating is a ritual that will bear a Star Child." She stutters to tell me.

"So I've heard. But I don't see the fuss over it."

"That's because you're a guy! You won't understand a girl's feeling when asked to bear someone's child!"


"I-I see… I think I can relate a little…"

I say while scratching my cheek.

"But still… I'm curious. How a Star Child is conceived? Are they born like normal children?"

The girl blushes even more.

I am making this more awkward…

"Wh-why are you asking me? It's not like I have done this before." She responds to me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't bring up the topic."

Then, the pink haired girl makes a pondering expression.

"Though, you have a point. The explanation regarding the Classmating session sounds a bit vague. They say the female Disciple had to carry the male's Ether into a Star Womb. But, what is a Star Womb anyway? I never saw one." She mutters to herself.

"It can't be Fuuko's womb, can it?"


"Ouch…! Why did you hit me?"

The girl stares at me with tearing eyes.

"That's so dirty! You're terrible, Wake!"

"I'm sorry… I only meant it as a joke."

"It's Chlotz, isn't it? He taught you those dirty jokes." The girl averts her attention to the floor, still half crying.

"Nah, it wasn't Chlotz. I thought about it myself."

"Eh…?" The pink haired girl tilts her head.

"I'm not going to shift my misdeed to someone else. I am guilty of that offense."

"Pfft…!" Fuuko covers her mouth.


"Wake, you took things too seriously! I can't even be mad at you anymore." She giggles as she says it.


"Well, I'll forgive you just this once. Don't ever make that joke again." She says at me with a smile.

"Yes ma'am."

I'm not sure if I get she said…

Girls are so confusing…

/~inside the office~/

[Background Music Suggested – Serenity ~ Resident Evil 4]

Instead of Mattero, a different man in priest clergy is standing by the headmaster's seat.

The man was tall, easily looming over all the other occupants of this room.

His blank eyes are scrutinizing us, as if judging our very souls.

"To think you were the one who summoned us… What do you want, Fake Priest?" Rin folds her arms while addressing the 'priest' with hostility.

The adult man chuckles at her remark.

"Allow me to introduce myself to the newcomers. I am Kirei Kotomine, a priest of Aterra church. I welcome you to this Academy."

He opens his arm wide, as if expecting us to embrace him.

Fuuko was intimidated by his presence for some reason.

"Heh… If it's the Fake Priest, which means we got an extermination assignment." Misaya says eagerly.


The 'priest' lowers his arms and hides them from our sight.

"You are correct." He says with a smug face.


"As always, you'll be on a solitary mission, Misaya Reiroukan. Your destination is the southeast area of this island." The man informs her as he walks toward a white board.

"Similar to her, you'll be heading for the northwest, Rin. Take Alec with you. We got Nests to dispose."

"I can handle it alone. Are you looking down on me, Kirei?" The girl narrows her eyes.

"Ah… Need I remind you of your tendency to mess up at critical moments? You inherit it from your late father."


The blue eyed girl snorts at his remark.

"As for the rest of you, you'll be heading to a different island. Chief Ruby will explain the rest. Please head for the R&D lab immediately after this."


"Wait what?"

What is going on?

Who is this guy?

Why is he telling us what to do?

Why are we being sent to another island?


The man begins writing on the white board.

"Sterilizing Dusk Circles?" I read it aloud.

A smug appears on his face.

"That is correct, God's Gift. It is finally time for us to delve deep inside a Dusk Circle."

#Chapter End#

[Author's note]

I hope I wasn't so lazy.

Truthfully, this story could have progress further if the author didn't procrastinate.

Well, thanks for reading!