Not Alone

Chapter 1-

Slowly fading away

You're lost and so afraid

Where is the hope in a world so cold

Looking for a distant light

Someone who could save a life

You're living in fear that no one will hear your cries

Can you save me now- Not Alone by Red.

A quiet life away from everything, that's all she wanted nowadays. A peaceful life, she had it for a good few years but as they say, good things never last.

Ruby Rose, the Red Reaper who with her team of Huntresses stopped a coup led by a human proxy using the White Fang as her troops. They fought alongside the Atlas Military, with Ruby striking down many a Faunus and human alike as both fought on either side of the battles.

And while Ruby had her team behind her fighting she was the one to finish the war by killing the leader, Salam and while not public knowledge they only discovered the location of her main base of operations by two defectors.

For their work in stopping the war the pair were given a full pardon and Ruby even got along with one of them well but while her teammates, namely Yang and Weiss drank in the fame happily, Blake not so much but she sucked it up to advance Faunus rights.

Ruby however held a different of all the fame given to them, she hated the looks she was given in the street nor did she like the way they always had special treatment when going out.

So, Ruby did what she did best, she ran. She ran away from it all. Giving up the life of a Huntress and killing Grimm, although most Grimm had been killed, and people so she chose a different kind of life. At least that was the way others saw it.

She chose the path of giving life by becoming a doctor. Her high intelligence meaning she could do almost anything so she became a doctor who specialises in pregnancy and those preparing to give birth and being there for the birth to deliver the baby, though she still did most other tasks as well.

It was a life she enjoyed heavily, having her own small clinic in Patch and it was surprising how little people noticed who she was when she changed how she looked, even subtly.

She had grown her hair out so now instead of her well known short hair she had long hair now with the red tips much more prominent.

Her silver eyes became slightly hidden behind her hair that would cover the tops of her eyes but she also wore a pair of half rimmed glasses as well, and with deep red lipstick on her lips as standard now it meant she wasn't as obvious who she was.

More so was the fact that she had left the cloak behind now and instead an entirely different outfit with her white lab coat over the top of the outfit.

She kept in close contact with a couple people, namely Blake who throughout the fighting she had befriended and became much closer to her than Weiss and even her own sister as the siblings seemed to grow apart.

In turn with befriending Blake, she befriended her girlfriend Winter Schnee who she got along with surprisingly well and on occasion would meet up whenever either of them were in town.

She hadn't spoken to her step-sister or Weiss for several years, she had left so suddenly and without any explanation to anyone that even though she lived on Patch near her uncle and step father, not even they knew she lived there and was lucky enough to avoid them.

Her sudden and unexpected vanishing act caused speculation in the media as there was no sightings and with help from the school she studied medicine in such a way that meant that no one knew.

Ruby ignored all the speculations, even if a couple got close to the truth but she never told anyone her reasons for suddenly vanishing, she simply couldn't.

Her look had sharply changed from what she wore when she went to school and during the fighting. No longer that young, and innocent child people thought her to be.

Gone was her red cloak, now replaced with a white lab coat while working. Next, she had a black skirt on with tights that reached up to her upper thighs alongside black raised boots. Next came a long-sleeved cotton blouse which had an almost window like part which revealed some of her cleavage.

A black corset was placed over the top and a short red cloak was wrapped around her shoulders while she had leather bands wrapped loosely around her upper arms and going underneath her armpits to cross on her back over her blouse, normally a backpack was there but currently she had no such thing on.

On her wrists were leather bracelets that reached just below her elbow, alongside black leather riding gloves she would wear but currently they were on her desk next to her.

Black boots with red tread underneath, that reached up to just below her knee and were strapped up along the boot. She was no longer armed, at least visibly but habits were hard to shake so she had a small dagger hidden at the small of her back, underneath her corset.

Around her neck was a thin black choker, with intricate designs woven throughout as they were a sharp mixture of roses, snowflakes all woven into the leather around her neck.

And underneath her blouse, it was easy to spot a green and red tattoo that disappeared up her arm, only faint hints could be seen.

Now, sitting at her clinic near the end of the day of a Thursday night, she was finishing up on paperwork for the day when her receptionist knocked on her door.

"Dr Rose, I've got a new patient here for you." Her receptionist, Naomi said.

"Has she got an appointment?" Ruby asked, already knowing that whoever it was didn't.

"No, she hasn't, but she says she knows you. I'm unsure though as she's wearing a hood and sunglasses." Naomi said, sounding slightly worried.

"Did she give you a name?" Ruby asked, having put her paperwork down now.

"Um she said her name was Neo." Naomi replied.

Ruby seemed to freeze for a second before recovering expertly to hide behind her doctor's mask. "Give me a minute then send her in." Ruby replied as the other woman closed the door.

As soon as the door closed she went to a draw on her desk, although the woman seemed changed when she defected to the other side with Emerald. She couldn't be too careful so she grabbed her weapons she kept hidden while in the office.

A second dagger and a pistol were hidden away, the dagger inside a draw while the pistol was underneath her desk in a holster attached to the underside of the desk. She was sure it was alright but she hated being unprepared.

Taking the dagger into her hands she waited until she heard the knock at her door, "Come in." She called out.

Entering almost sheepishly Neo removed her hood and sunglasses to reveal red, puffy eyes and slightly frazzled, multi-coloured hair. "I'm sorry, it was rather a long flight to Patch." Neo said softly, stopping just before Ruby's desk.

"Have a seat." Ruby said, replying in a calmer voice than what she expected as she took in Neo's appearance.

Neo smiled in reply, but it was a tense smile as she sat down awkwardly.

"What's happened?" Ruby asked, gently placing the blade down into her boot.

"I um, had some problems recently. I wanted some help with certain things, and well I've heard you're the best. And please don't blame Blake and Winter, I was begging them to tell me where you were." Neo replied.

Unsure what compelled her to do it but she said, "Why don't you come to my place? We can talk more privately there." Ruby said, putting the other information away for later use.

"No. I can't impose, if it's too late I'll come back tomorrow." Neo suggested, putting her hands out in front of her.

"It's fine, really. You've only just gotten to Patch, haven't you? I bet you haven't got a hotel yet either." Ruby replied kindly.

Blushing at the remark, knowing both were true and being caught out by Ruby on this topic. Neo looked down in shame.

"I thought so. Come on, I don't live too far away." Ruby replied, standing up as she removed her weapons and placed them into her bag before taking her jacket and motorcycle helmet.

"I see you're prepared." Neo replied, changing the topic.

"Something that's never left me since my Huntress days. Here." Ruby said, handing the bike helmet to Neo. "I haven't got a spare."

"I never thought you'd be one to have a bike, I thought that was more your sister." Neo commented without thinking but she saw a flash of something flicker across Ruby's face before it was hidden again.

"Well there's a lot you don't know about me it seems." Ruby replied calmly.

When the pair had defected Ruby alongside Ironwood and Ozpin interviewed both Emerald and Neo, while at first Neo remained mute until Ruby attempted to speak to her alone as they were the same age, surprisingly it worked and she got Neo to talk.

She spent days with the woman talking with her learning everything she could, and at one point helping her fit in a little at the school, which was used as a base, but as soon as she had killed Salam and the war ended, Ruby became reclusive.

She avoided Neo and pretty much everyone involved with the war, losing more and more time inside her room lost inside books or other documents recovered from the White Fang and Salam.

Even going as far to avoid her team by requesting to have her own room, which Ozpin granted so she could have remained locked inside for days at a time pouring over the documents.

In the end, she had packed up everything she owned, taken copies of some of the documents and left. No one even realised this until a week without anyone seeing Ruby and her room being locked.

Yang broke the door down only to find a note saying a single word, 'Sorry' This meaning wasn't lost on anyone as she vanished off the face of Remnant.

Neo and Emerald both became lost when Ruby had vanished as she was the one helping them to fit in, luckily Winter Schnee took over for Ruby when she heard what was happening and got them to fit in easily once more.

How did Ruby know all this? Because when she first started speaking to Blake again that was one of the first things she learnt from the Faunus.

Arriving outside the building and going to the side Neo saw Ruby's bike, it was a black Ducati 1098 with dark red highlights mixed into the colours. However, the silver rose and scythe symbol on the side stood out the most.

"My own little guilty pleasure." Ruby said as her reason for it but Neo heard something else in the ton, how it was slightly different making her think that she was lying.

"It's so nice. I've never been on a bike before." Neo commented.

"Well come on then." Ruby stated as she climbed onto the bike, offering her hand to help Neo while leaning the bike down a little for the shorter girl.

"You can hold onto the back, so you go with the bike and don't fall off." Ruby commented as she started up the bike.

With the helmet, firmly on her head, instead of holding onto the back she hugged Ruby around the stomach and leaned into her saying, "I feel safer like this." Neo commented teasingly.

Ruby didn't comment as she revved up her bike before pulling away. Smiling Ruby accelerated a little more before leaning back and raising her wheel up into the air as they drove along.

Neo screamed out in surprise as she wasn't expecting Ruby to do that and made her hold on tightly until Ruby brought both wheels down to the ground. Hitting the laughing woman Neo blushed as she realised how loudly she had screamed out.

She held on tightly to Ruby for the rest of the journey as she seemed to go at high speeds all through the small town.

What felt like almost an hour driving was only a few minutes as Ruby made record time back to her home.

Ruby's home turned out to be a single house that was raised off the ground with a wooden staircase and wooden porch area before entering the house itself.

Ruby parked her bike securely underneath in a small hut before helping Neo off the bike and leading her upstairs.

"This is a bit out of the way." Neo commented as she noticed they were near the forests edge.

Ruby just shrugged the comment off with a simple response, "I rather like the quiet the forest affords me." Ruby stated.

She didn't ask any more questions as they entered the building, where Neo could see Ruby's modest home.

It seemed everything was kept to a minimum, with there only being a single leather couch and chair in the living room and an average sized TV, there wasn't any other decorations on the walls either.

"Can I have a look around?" Neo asked.

"Of course, would you like a drink or anything?" Ruby asked politely.

"I'm fine, thank you." Neo replied.

"Ok. I'm going to cook dinner. Is chicken salad ok?" Ruby asked.

"That's fine, thank you. I'm sorry to intrude on you." Neo stated.

"It's ok, well than explore wherever you want in the place." Ruby said, going through one of the doors to which she guessed was the kitchen.


So this is my new story. Clearly. It's already finished and I'm not sure how I'll be uploading it quite yet but we'll see.

Not much to say but today's my birthday and i thought it would be a nice time to release this but other then that this will be AU as you can clearly see and the endgame will be Ruby and Neo together.

Not much more to say but i hope you like it and please review if you feel so inclined but otherwise until next time.