Complicated, Ch 5

by Moonchild DJ and Sukino


Sukino: *sobbing* THEY'RE MAD!!

Moonchild DJ: 'Kino-chan, what's up? *huggles* Who's mad?

Sukino: T-The f-fans. . .w-we didn't f-finished like w-we promised. . .

Moonchild DJ: *hugglenuzzles* Aw, they understand! We haven't gotten flamed, and we're fixing it now, ne?

Sukino: *huggles and nods* H-Hai. . .

Moonchild DJ: *smiles out at the readers* Gomen for the lateness to this last chappie of ! Life kinda got in the way, and we may be a month behind, but you don't mind, ne? More Seto/Jou for you all!

Sukino *clings to Dee* Please don't be mad. . . we love you lots!

Moonchild DJ: *huggles Janelle* You guys are the greatest! We live off your reviews, 'cause we're so thrilled to make you guys happy with what we write! And your reviews make us happy!

Sukino: *nods* Yes! So here is the last chappie for you. ..

Moonchild DJ: Lemons ahoy, by the way..*grins* Fluffy and sweet and scorchy, too! *giggles* Enjoy those...

Sukino: And as always. . .we don't own them .. .*grumbles*

Moonchild DJ: Not yet, at least..and if we did, they'd be yaoi on the anime as well..besides just clues! *sweatdrops*

Sukino: *giggles* will we had better go workon those over stories, ne?

Moonchild DJ: Hai! We're sorely overdue..enjoy, minna-san!

Sukino: Bai!

Moonchild DJ: *bounces away with Sukino* And don't forget to review!


"This is the greatest Valentine's day I have ever had. . . .Seto, I love you so much. . . "

Seto smiled, kissing him gently. "Only the best for my love. I love you..I wanted it to be special for you."

"It was, believe me. . .especially your song. ..arigato, Seto. . .Happy Valentine's Day."

Seto blushed and smiled. "You're welcome. But you know what would make it even more better?"

Jou looked at him. Hmmm. . .what's that?

Seto smiled. I get to make up for that lousy day at school for you...

Yeah. .. where is my ice cream, cookies, and fun. . . Jou smiled. know where the ice cream and cookies are, downstairs in the kitchen...and as for fun...hmm...depends on what your definition of fun is...

Hmm, I think you know that. . . . at least you should. . Jou winked.

Let's see if your definition and mine are the same, ne? the brunette purred, leaning close to kiss him.

Let's see, indeed. . .Jou murmured as he leanedforward, meeting their lips.

Seto purred in pleasure, pulling him closer still as he let his lips devour the sweet lips beneath his.

The blond let out a little moan and arched into him.

Seto shivered and deepened the kiss, reveling in the taste of his lover as his hands stroked along his sides, then moved to remove his clothes as Jou had done for him, his gestures seductive and light.

G-Gods. . . Seto. . he murmured agaisnt his lips.

Hai, koi...? Seto purred against his, then lowered his head to kiss his neck, his fingers making quick work of his shirt.

Hmm. . .just take the clothes off me already. . want to feel you against me. .

The brunette smiled and licked the slim column, easing the shirt away and smoothing his hands over his chest.

Jou shuddered and pressed against him. Hmm. . .

He purred, nipping him slightly, then lowered his head, moving his mouth and tongue across his chest, taking his time and savoring the sounds wrought from his lover.

Jou cried out and brought his hands to tangle into Seto's hair. His body felt as if it were catching fire.

Seto smiled and laved his way to his nipple, raking his tongue across it.

Jou arched further, seeking more.

He purred again and wrapped his lips around him gently, suckling the little nub and nipping it to attention.

Ahh! S-Seto! Jou cried as he felt his body raging.

Gods, he loved the sounds he was able to hear from his koi. There were like music to his ears, something he would never tire of. He kissed his chest, then worked his way over to the twin, lavishing upon it the same attention.

Jou's body was going nuts at Seto's touches as he whimpered, moaned and groaned quietly.

He drew upon the nipple, finally releasing it and smiling at the writhing blond beneath him. Gods, you're so beautiful, koibito..he whispered softly.

Jou flushed, still not believing it. Am not. . . .

Are too. Seto replied, kissing him.

Not. . . Jou bit his ear gently.

Seto gasped, then smoothed his hand along his stomach and down further.

Jou whimpered. he argued biting and licking at his ear, he knew that would drive him nuts.

Seto moaned, arching into him. Ah! T-too, inf-finity..!

Jou pulled on his ear. Not. . .infinity times two.

He shivered and stroked his fingers along his skin, reaching for his jeans.

I always win. . .Jou laughed biting down on his ear again.

'Cause you cheat too much....he moaned softly, then shifted his fingers to strip his lover of the material, sliding it off deftly.

How do I cheat?.

You distract me too much..

You like it. . .

That, too... Seto agreed, then reached down to stroke his fingers across him.

Jou sucked in a gasp as his hips bucked. S-Sore loser. . .

He grinned. Always. You should know that by now.

Grrr. . .

Seto chuckled and rubbed the heel of his hand against him, stroking him completely.

Jou cried out as his hips thrusted against his hand.

My perfect, beautiful puppy... Seto purred, fingers splaying over him.

Jou moaned and thrusted his hips again as his body started to tense.

He squeezed lightly, then dragged his fingernails against him from base to tip, shifting and lowering his head to nip at the tip.

S-Seto!. . .Gods! Jou cried out as he thrusted against him again.

Seto smiled against him and nipped again before taking him slowly into his mouth, suckling him.

Jou's breath hitched as he felt his body starting down the wonderful preasure whirlwind. . .

He grazed his teeth against him, then suckled him harder, smoothing his hands along his hips.

Jou cried out Seto's name as he climaxed, his head in a tizzy of passion and pleasure.

Seto purred in approval, taking all his love had to give before cleaning him up and sitting back to lick his lips, glancing at him tenderly.

Jou lay back, panting and looked at Seto slowly. Love you. . .

He stretched alongside him, his hand smoothing along his stomach and waist, pulling him closer. I love you, too...

Jou nuzzled against him, purring at the touch. Now about those cookies. . .

He snickered and shook a finger teasingly. Mm-mmm. Our fun's not over yet...

But I want ice cream. . Jou mock pouted.

And you'll get ice cream...and lots more sweets, my sweetheart...but first... He lowered his head and kissed him hungrily, as if to devour him whole.

Mmm. . !! He pulled him closer, loving his taste even more.

Seto purred, surrounding him with his arms as he let his body brush against his. Jou was just too desireable for his own good.

Jou let out a moan and pulled Seto closer.

Seto shivered, letting his body slip to the area to fit against him like the missing piece to a puzzle, moaning softly.

G-Gods. . .S-Seto. . .

he groaned softly, shifting his hips against his.

A-Ah! . . .p-please Seto. . please. . .

He kissed him again, then shifted their bodies and slid into the welcoming warmth of his lover, shuddering in pleasure.

G-Gods. . .Seto! Jou cried as his hips thrust upward.

That movement about undid him, and he pressed back down, gasping sharply.

Jou moaned and thrusted against Seto again and again.

the brunette cried out, then thrust deeply against him, striking the heart of his pleasure perfectly as he held his lover close.

Jou screamed out in pleasure as his body tensed.

He gasped sharply, then rolled his hips to catch that center once again, hitting it dead on as he arched his body into him.

Jou lost it and climaxed, screaming Seto's name.

Seto's body tensed as his lover's tightened on him, crying out Jou's name as it followed after him, pouring into him before sagging bonelessly against him, panting.

The blond was breathless, as well, panting barely realizing Seto was on top of him.

He rested his forehead against his, nuzzling him breathlessly as he twined their fingers together.

S-Seto. . .Happy Valentine's Day. . .

Happy Valentine's Day, koibito...aishiteru...

I love you too. . .

Always? Even if we fight and misunderstand?

Always. . . . .we can talk it out. . . .and have great make up sex after. .. Jou murmured.

Seto blushed, chuckling softly. That part's the best...he purred, kissing his cheek.

Hai it is. . . . Jou nuzzled against him.

Seto smiled. Now...what you were saying about ice cream?

The blond laughed. Later. .. I don't think I can move. . .

Not even for chocolate and vanilla with cherries?

Jou jumped up and pulled on his pants.Last one there is a rotten egg! He giggled as he tore out of the room to the kitchen.

Seto yelped, hopping out of bed and yanking on his pants and racing after him.

Am not! Jou yelled as he skipped down the stairs.

Seto caught up to him and tackleglomped him. Are too...but I'll seal that argument with a kiss...and maybe some chocolate and cherries..

Seto laughed. I take that as a yes?

Hai. . . he sighed.

Mmm...then what are we waiting for?

Jou hugged him. Nothing at all. . .let's go get that ice cream. . .

Seto kissed his temple, then followed him into the kitchen, looking forward to everything sweet...both the ice cream and his koi. This Valentine's Day was shaping up to be rather yummy, indeed.

Jou skipped happily into the kitchen. Valentines day wasn't a curse. .. in fact it was a blessing one that Jou was happy he had. Seto had always been and always would be his blessing.


Seto sighed and cuddled Jou later that night in their bed, sighing contentedly. All in all..not a bad Valentine's Day, if I do say so, myself..even for Ryou and Bakura practically glued at the lip..

Jou sighed. I'm sorry about the way I acted. . .I was just scared that my nightmares would come true and you would leave me. . . He nuzzled closer.

I'd never leave you, Jou-koi. I love you too much for that. Even if there was bad times, you wouldn't be able to get rid of me, I'd be pestering you like crazy to come back to me. I love you, always remember that.

Oh. . .so you would become a stalker. . .Jou teased. I love you too, even if you do become a scary, insane stalker. .

Ha ha ha...would a stalker buy you chocolates? Seto smiled and reached under the pillow, where he'd hid the box of chocolates that he'd gotten for his lover and placed them in his lap.

Seto. . .you didn't have to after everything else you got me. . . Jou kissed him gently. You are going to spoil me. . .

That's my spoil my puppy rotten..Seto purred and nuzzled him. Valentine's Day is a holiday to spoil your sweetheart silly, ne? Well, that's what I'm doing. He nuzzled the blond hair affectionately, stroking his cheek.

Jou smiled. I don't know what I did to deserve you . . .but I'm glad I did it . .

Same could be said about me to you, koi. He kissed his cheek, then eyed the box. Are you gonna open those or not? I want some sweet stuff to go with my puppy..

The blond boy flushed and opened the box of chocolates. They look delectable. . .

Then try some..

Jou picked up one of the chocolate truffles, biting into it slowly. It melted im his mouth as he let out a small moan. Seto. . .the taste is heavenly. . .

Seto purred at the sight. God gods, Jou with chocolates...the best kind of hentai dreams, he could now see. Let me taste.. he murmured, his arms wrapping around his waist, chest leaning into the blond's back.

He held up the truffle putting it to Seto's mouth. They are to die for. . . .

The chocolate did indeed melt on his tongue, and they were delicious, but so was his koi. As he took the truffle, he took a finger as well, suckling it playfully with a scandalous wink.

Jou let out another of those low maons, as his eyes flutter shut and laid back against his brunette lover.

Seto grinned around the chocolate and nipped at the finger lightly before slowly releasing it to eat the chocolate. he purred.

Jou nodded fainly. Told ya. . .

He smiled and picked up a cherry-centered chocolate, raising it to Jou's lips. Here..your turn..before it melts..

He bit into it slowly making sure his tounge stroked against Seto's fingers a bit longer that it should have, his teeth nipping at the tip of his finer as well.

Seto shivered at the touch, tilting his head over him to kiss his nose. Aw..look what waited too I have chocolate on my fingers..

I believe I can help with that. . Jou murmured, taking Seto's chocolate covered fingers into his mouth and suckling them slowly.

He moaned softly, shivering again at the touch. Mm..yes..should work fine.. he replied faintly.

Jou licked the last bit of chocolate off. There you go. . .all clean. . .

But you're not..

Hmm. . .I wonder who can fix that. . .

Hm..I wonder, indeed.. Seto dipped his head and traced his tongue along the sweetened lips of his lover, purring at the taste of both the chocolate and Jou himself.

Jou's arms encircled his neck, fingers burying into the brunette locks as he pulled him closer.

He moaned against his lips, hands tightening on him as he deepened the kiss, one hand reaching out and fumbling for the chocolates to push them aside, having found something else much sweeter.

Jou let out a moan and pressed himself closer against Seto. you... he murmured between kisses, pulling him further into the bed.

Gods. . .I love you too. . . Jou murmured back, straddling his hips.

Seto replied as eager hands pulled him down for a hungry kiss that had nothing to do with chocolates and everything to do with the beautiful blond in his arms.

Jou returned the kiss gratefully, pressing against Seto. He still didn't know what he had done to deserve him, but he was thankful to the Gods that he did it.

Happy Valentine's Day, koi... he whispered as his hands began to undo his lover's clothes with a seductive smile.

Talk about a one track mind. . .the blond giggled, licking at his neck. Happy Valentine's Day.

And here's to many more..
