The four along with Klein, Penny and Anna managed to attend a funeral service for Wesker.

Where each of the four girls gave a small speech about their impressions of Wesker.

Anna cried as they lowered Wesker's coffin into the ground, though both Yang and Ruby were tearing up.

Wesker had left birthday presents for Anna, one included a top of the range mobile phone, which Ruby didn't waste time giving Anna her sister's and her girlfriend's number.

Weiss arranged a place for Anna to stay after she was discharged from the hospital, though that would take a few months.

Ruby, Blake and Yang packed their things and were ready to depart back to Patch.

A few months have passed since Wesker's passing, summer has now turned to winter.

The summer heat now faded into a frigid cold, winds sweeping over Patch.

Snow occasionally fell, leaving several inches of freshly laid snow on the ground for everyone's delight.

Weiss had chosen to spend the rest of her summer apart from everyone, she remained in Atlas to deal with the mass media badgering her about the arrest of her younger brother.

Weiss personally oversaw Anna's recovery and rehabilitation enlisting the help of Penny to act as a bodyguard for Anna.

Weiss, of course, kept in touch with Ruby via video calls on Ruby's laptop; Weiss did miss the feeling of touching Ruby's soft skin and feeling her silky-smooth hair through her fingers.

With University to start in the next week, Yang decided to head there early now that she was no longer in a wheelchair.

Blake went with Yang, leaving Ruby all on her own in Patch.

The leaves fell leaving trees bare and streets covered in snow up to your knees.

Ruby walked through her house, it was quiet since her dad had stepped out to grab some groceries, Zwei ended up following him.

"I wonder what Weiss is doing right now?" Ruby thought as she planted herself onto the sofa with a thud whilst her legs went high up in the air before falling back down.

Ruby checked her phone, it had cracks all along the screen, it was completely useless after being shot out of her hand.

"Maybe it's time I upgraded my phone" Ruby spoke aloud.

Ruby hated being alone, it was one of the reasons why she had pursued self-harming.

The thoughts of anxiety and depression creeping up on her like a ninja and then stabbing her right in the back when you least expect it.

They never went away, they were always there just waiting in the shadows.

Taiyang unlocked the door and stepped inside, carrying all sorts of bags.

"I'm back!" He spoke up as Zwei followed suit with a bark.

Zwei jumped up onto Ruby's lap as Taiyang packed the groceries away.

After a while, Taiyang entered the room and placed a box in front of Ruby.

"I figured you'd want one after you lost it back in the Schnee manor incident"

Ruby carefully opened the box to reveal a brand new mobile phone.

Ruby could only just about grip properly again, the wound she had was gone sure, but she had a scar from where she had been shot.

"Luckily I remember my friend's numbers off by heart" Ruby seemed almost proud to have remembered everyone's numbers.

Ruby spent the next half an hour setting up her phone.

After doing so and putting it on to charge, Ruby saved each and everyone's number.

Sending out a mass message to all her contacts.

"Hey everyone, it's Ruby. I have a new phone and a new number!"

Ruby soon received various responses.

"Hey, Rubes. It's your sister but knowing you, you've probably memorised everyone's numbers anyway"

"Ruby, are you free to help me and Ren do some baking tomorrow or the day after? Could do with an extra hand"

"Ruby! I hope you didn't get another flip phone, I'd have to berate you for that. P.S I love you, you dolt"

"Hi, Ruby! I'm glad you didn't break any of your legs, otherwise, I'd have to break someone's legs"

"Ruby, hope you are recovering well with the injury. I'm here if you need me. Jaune"

"Ruby, Blake's probably already asked you about baking, but I could do with help keeping Nora away"

So, Ruby could figure out who sent what text.

The first one was obviously from Yang, the second was from Blake.

The third was from her girlfriend Weiss whilst the fourth was evidently from Nora.

The fifth was from Jaune and the sixth was from Ren.

Ruby was happy that she could finally text her friends again, now she didn't feel so alone.

Ruby responded to everyone's messages accordingly, with Yang's being the first.

Hours went by and Ruby was bored, she decided that heading up to Beacon wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Packing her things, Ruby said goodbye to Taiyang and Zwei before setting off for Beacon University.

Beacon University

Ruby arrived back at Beacon, where an eager photographer that she recognised to be Velvet greeted her.

"Hello, Ruby! How are you feeling?" Velvet's chipper voice cut through the air like a gentle breeze.

"I'm somewhat ok," Ruby looked to her hand before looking back to Velvet, "I've got good friends, like you who look out for me"

"That reminds me! I don't have your number. If you ever need me or Coco, you just send me a text alright?" Velvet informed as she exchanged numbers with Ruby.

"Thanks, Velvet. I best head up to my dorm" Ruby waved goodbye as she hauled her bags up to the dormitories.

When Ruby arrived at the dorms she opened the door to find Yang and Blake sat on their respective beds.

Blake turned to face Ruby with a smile as Yang was quick to dart off her bed and envelop Ruby in a hug.

"Love you too, Yang" Ruby choked out as Yang was squeezing a little too tight.

"Good to have you back" Yang let Ruby go as she pulled Ruby into the room.

"Another year huh?" Ruby sighed as she realised she would now be a second-year student.

"Yup, let's hope we don't have as much excitement as we did in summer" Yang stated as she fell backwards onto her bed.

"A lot has happened hasn't it?" Blake cut in, she was right of course.

"First Yang and Wesker met, then the scandal came about, and all hell broke loose" Ruby stated as she closed the door and set her bags down.

"Then Yang came to visit me in Menagerie, but I had left before the scandal" Blake added.

"We told your parents about us taking it slow. Don't forget that" Yang beamed with a huge grin.

Blake rolled her eyes but looked back at Yang with a smile.

"Wesker ended up in hospital after fighting Adam" Yang sounded rather bitter.

It was most likely because they both could have died in Menagerie.

"You met your mum, Raven" Blake sounded displeased with the meeting of Yang and Raven.

Yang gave an exasperated sigh as she laid back on her bed.

"Then we all went to Atlas where I punched little Shitley," Ruby paused as Yang burst into a fit of laughter.

"Little Shitley? I have got to remember that!"

"Whitley invited the White Fang into Atlas where hell broke loose again" Blake recalled the events where Adam had appeared at the restaurant where she and Yang were at that night.

"Penny lost an arm, I got shot in the hand, Wesker died and Anna woke up" Ruby finished off.

It all seemed so surreal, all the events that had happened would probably leave them with a few mental scars for the rest of their lives.

"Don't forget Wesker's funeral and Weiss staying in Atlas" Blake added much to everyone's chagrin.

"I'll miss Wesker. As much as he did snoop into my life, he was doing it to keep Anna alive" Ruby admitted, she respected Wesker for that reason.

"Maybe in the next two years, we'll see Anna as a student here," Said Yang full of vigour.

"That would be amazing! Could you imagine that Blake?" Ruby seemed rather excited at the idea.

"It would be weird but first. We have to wait for a certain ice queen to return as well as exam prep" Blake pointed out as she snapped her book shut.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Ruby opened it up to reveal said ice queen with her bags.

"Weiss!" Ruby cheered with excitement as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend.

"It's good to see you dolt" Weiss smiled as she kissed Ruby on the lips.

Coming into the room and putting her bags down Yang was the first to ask the question.

"Why are you back here?"

"Anna's recovery is now being handled by Mr Polendina. Her academic studies are being handled by Mr Ironwood himself. She'll be fine without me"

"What makes you so sure?" Blake inquired.

"She has Penny as her personal bodyguard and assistant" Weiss sounded a little smug at this accomplishment.

Weiss started talking to Blake about the media situation back in Atlas and what happened with her little brother.

Ruby stood there and took it all in, a huge smile on her face.

After several hours of catching up, Ruby decided to take Weiss out onto the balcony.

"Back in a bit you guys!" Ruby called out to her sister.

As the duo arrived onto the balcony overlooking Vale.

Ruby turned and kissed Weiss, after pulling away from the warmth that parted from their lips, allowing the cold frigid air to rush in to cool the sudden heat away.

Ruby had a growth spurt and was now a few inches taller than Weiss, but Weiss didn't mind it.

Looking over the street lights basking in the winter night, whilst snow as soft as the serene silence fell from the sky.

Their relationship happened so quickly, a moment of drunken intimacy shared between the two, yet Weiss nor Ruby minded.

The rest of the world carried on with the winter festivities as Ruby gaped back at blue eyes staring at what could only be described as her soul.

Both Ruby and Weiss smiled nervously as their faces began to turn red.

Weiss looked in wonder at Ruby's calm silver eyes. She had missed them, and whenever she gazed upon them in such a manner she could feel all her inner demons becoming silent.

Before Weiss met Ruby, her demons would usually taunt her, scream at her for all the choices she made.

Coherent thoughts becoming nonsensical noise, but Ruby made everything seem alright.

And the opposite was true too.

Weiss had helped Ruby open up as well as accept another person into her life. Despite everything, Ruby has been through with Weiss.

The only person that made sense to either of the girls, was both of them.

To Weiss, it was this dunce.

To Ruby, it was this ice queen.

"I love you" Ruby spoke to the white-haired heiress, the words clearly didn't reach her since she was in a state of awe.

"Could you repeat that? I wasn't paying attention, sorry" Weiss spoke up, as Ruby glanced at blue eyes with a sweet smile.

"I said, I love you" Ruby repeated as Weiss shook her head.

"What's the matter ice queen?" Ruby playfully mocked.

"I'm getting an incredible sense of Deja vu" Weiss took note of her surroundings, the fact she was next to Ruby.

Ruby had silver eyes.

"Haven't I seen this somewhere before?" Weiss thought as Ruby kissed Weiss ever so softly.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. Are you ok Weiss?" Ruby asked as a look of concern was all Weiss could see.

"It's just, I keep thinking the town is going to vanish and so is the platform. Only to wake up in my dorm room"

"Wait, are you saying you've seen this before?" Ruby inquired.

"I think so, in a dream perhaps. Earlier this year"

"You may have had what is called a premonition" Said Ruby who sounded like she knew a bit about this.

"Do enlighten me"

"A premonition is often a strong feeling something is about to happen. Usually unpleasant but is also usually of a future event"

"Are they all unpleasant?" Weiss asked, worried about Ruby burning away into rose petals and scattering in the wind.

"No, not always" Ruby smiled as Weiss hugged Ruby tight.

"Well, aren't dreams the strangest things" Weiss muttered to which Ruby smiled.

I do not own RWBY the show and its characters belong to RoosterTeeth.

A/N: So, I'll be taking a hiatus for a while! I figured I'd end the chapter like this so if I decide I can't add to it, then it sort of finishes on a pleasant note.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, do let me know what you think of it!