I do NOT own the Teen Titans, it's the propriety of DC, the creators of the show and of the creators of the comic books.

Jump City,

I can't believe it. It's so cool ! Before my own eyes, there are my childhood heroes ! Calm down Marthy. Now is no time to get fanboyish. Let's look at them. As expected the five of them were there. I have to try and determine not where I am, when am I ? There is no Terra, so it's either before or after that period. If it's before, at least I'd know what to expect, but it'd be a bit weird to look at her in the face, and I'd know that she was a traitor, and really in the time continuum, it would not make a lot of sense for me to arrive in the past. Even if it was possible, I don't think the Voice would like to give that kind of effort, so I think it's most possible that I am probably after these events.

I look at the team, there is Robin, the leader, and side-kick of the caped crusader, still in his iconic acrobat suit. Then, there was Beast Boy, the green metamorph of the team, he's the unfunny comedian of the group. There is Starfire, the alien, with her famous ribs crushing bear hug that I experienced earlier. From what I actually remember from the show, she is the love interest of Robin. Then came Cyborg, the car loving, technician and muscles of the team. The last one but not the least, the mysterious Raven, daughter of the demon Trigon.

I'm still surprised I remember all of that, it's been quite a long time since I last watched the show. I see Robin approaching me with his serious face, I have to act like I don't know him, that is probably gonne be the hardest part.

- '' Hello, my name's Robin, and the others are with me. We are the Teen Titans. ''

- '' The Teen Titans ? Doesn't ring a bell, who are the others''

They all looked at me with some curiosity, and I sense maybe a bit of mefiance. I don't blame them. I mean, I just fell from the sky, without any visible injuries. I'd be cautious around a guy like this too.

- '' In order, these are Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy. Sorry for not making better introductions, we'd like you to follow us so we can test your condi- ''

Suddenly a giant burst of explosion occured, my ears hurt for a few seconds and I throw myself on the ground. What is happening. My hearing is now buzzing. I see the Titans assemble and see Robin shouting something, he must have said his famous line. So I guess it's a bad guy that arrived. What were the odds? My hearing starts to come back, and I can hear the fighting going on, and it doesn't sound good for the team. I must go help them, wasn't that why I was send here in the first place ? Still on the ground, I decide to test my powers. What did the guy said earlier ? Pretty much anything imaginable. I decide to think of a rock, first of all, and I higher my hands. Doesn't work, come on ! I must look like an idiot ! I take a big breath, calm myself, and try again. I imagine a rock, thinking of every aspect of a rock, then suddenly, a rock appeared out of nowhere. Hell yeah! Time to be a hero !

I run through the streets of Jump City, it's pretty easy to guess where they are. Just follow the trail of destroyed cars and streets. The fighting sounds are getting closer but weaker, I have to get here quick.

I arrive on the scene of the battle to see most of the Titans down, with Raven fighting what I think is Doctor Light ? He shoots light energy on Raven, but she uses a shield to block it. She seems tired, I have to do something and quick. I sneak around the bad guy who is still busy trying to break Raven's defence. Okay, okay, I have to distract him. I imagine a steel beam. It appears in the air, and I lift it with my powers. Then I shout :

- '' Hey ! Light Bulb ! Catch ! ''

I throw it, the villain turned himself around and just managed to dodged the object. Before he as any time to react, I continue and shoot laser out of my eyes. Like Cyclops from the X-Men, I do not know how I just did that. It just comes naturally. I think my luck just ran out, when I finally stop firing, I feel suddenly really tired. It leaves an oppening to Doctor Light to shoot a ray to me. I place my arms in X in front on me as protection, but the ray hit me and send me flying backward. I end up hitting a wall. The pain. I'm not in agony, but my arms and my back still horribly hurt.

The good news is that my distraction gave time to Raven to counter-attack. She said her incantation then throwed a bunch of objects at the criminal that send him flying, he fell inconscious. We won. Well, maybe more they than we because basically, I arrived more in the last 30 seconds of the fight, but in a way, I may have saved the situation, but maybe that they would had reversed the situation and win once again. Oh well. I'm still glad that I helped.

I take a moment to get up, it hurts like hell, but like I said, I expected worse, so I guess I should be glad that I am okay. I just fought a villain with the Teen Titans, that's insane. Never in my life did I ever felt so proud of myself. I walk towards them, when I notice that they were looking at me. Raven was the closest to me, she looked at me and simply said

- ''...Thanks. ''

She then continued her way towards the groupe. Cyborg grabbed Doctor Light and gave him to the police who took him in the car and went away. Now the ambiance was really awkward. Beast Boy was the first to talk.

- '' Soooo... What do we do with him now ? ''

Robin looked at him, then at me with a severe look on his face.

- '' Now, we have a bigger reason to examinate him. We have to make sure he isn't a threat. ''

Well that made sense, it's just a bit weird that they didn't even asked my name, they directly went to the examination phase. It's a bit weird, but I think I can find some sort of logic in that. If they would find me to be a menace they would have to kick my butt, so there would not be real point to know me. So I guess I'll just have to wait until they search what they want to know. I have to remember, I have to play like I know nothing, if I mention something like Slade or Terra, things would get very ugly for me. So, I have to be very careful about what I say and do in their presence. I'm don't listen to what they say, but I quickly lose consciousness after that.

Teen Titans Tower

Oh, god, where am I? Why does my head hurt so much ? I look around to observe my environment, it looks like an hospital room, or an infirmary. Okay, let's think about what happened when I blacked out. They most likely brought me to the Tower, which is freaking awesome, but like earlier, no time for fanboying. How much time was I out ? That's the question right there.

No one seems to be here. Okay, I'll try to stand up and...OW! I lay down in the bed in pain. Why does my body hurt so much? Then suddenly I see a note on the table on my left, despite the pain, I go and take it. I didn't recognize the writing but I still read.

'' Dear Marthy,

If you read this, it means that you are now in horrible pain. Don't worry, that's normal. It's just a fact I forgot to tell you earlier. Your body is now adapting itself to a new environment. If not, you would be getting sick, and hurt all the time. So it's a good thing. And if you want to live, please, keep your name a secret. Don't tell it to ANYONE, call yourself anything you want, but please anything but your real name.

With Love

The Voice, XOXO ''

What the hell ? I don't remember being this familiar with this guy... Wait, that's not the problem right there ! What does he mean by my body is adapting ? Am I going to turn into a mutant ? Will I look like Beast Boy, oh by the love of god no ! Everything but that ! No offence to him, but green isn't really my color. I will have to cope with that for a bit I think.

When suddenly I hear the door opening. The first one that I see entering is Starfire, oh no, I know what's coming... I see her almost shining with joy when she see mee awake. She fly towards me and crush me in her hug. I'll compare my immediate pain, as being crushed by Godzilla, then getting rolled over by ten successive bulldozers. Seeing me grince from pain, she released me from her bear hug.

- '' Oh sorry dear friend, I was just so happy to see you awaken that... ''

- '' Oh, you're forgiven, no hurt has been done ''

She smiled and exited the room, a few minutes later the rest of them, excepting Robin for some reason has entered the room. I don't know why, but seeing them there, in this room, is a lot more impactful in my head than earlier in the streets. I don't know why, maybe that earlier, everything else was so overwhelming that a few cartoon characters being real wasn't a big deal at that point ? I don't know the reason, but seeing there in group made me realise the reality of the situation. It's really strange to say the least, I don't how to feel about this. Should I feel nostalgic, destroyed, fanboyish, how should I react ? I feel so confused about the situation, all I'm able to do is just mutter.

- '' So... you're all real, huh ? ''

Damn... Did I just said that out loud ? They all look at me, yeah, I really screwed up. Beast Boy starts to laugh.

- '' Nah, we're the Christmas Ghosts. Past, Present, Future and... Robot-Christmas. Seriously dude, why wouldn't we be ? ''

I just scratch my head, trying to come up with an answer. I suppose I will have to play with the amnesia and the fact that I fell from the sky thing.

- '' Well, I thought that were all from my imagination probably due to my fall on the ground. I should had known that you were, I don't even have enough imagination to create those kind of things. ''

I realise it may have sounded like an insult, but they don't seem like they took offence so I think it's okay.

Cyborg just sighed, and look at his arm. I guess it has a clock in it. I mean, he is a cyborg, it's gotta be included somewhere, right ? He looks at me and says.

- '' Robin said that he wanted to meet you, in private, you don't want to keep him waiting, he's a bit irritable when people keep him waiting. ''

I just nod, of course the leader would want to see me. I wonder if they already tested me when I was sleeping. I suppose it's not really important right now. Covincing Robin that I am not a threat to the city, nor a spy to a random criminal organisation is going to be the tricky part. Since Terra, I'll guess that the group will be a lot more careful on who they trust. Personally, I know that I'd never betray them, but they don't know that.

There is a lot of mysteries in this world, who is this girl that looked like Terra? Is it really Terra or just some girl ? Is Slade really gone, or was it just another of his sladebots? I figure, that while I'm there, I should help them discover all of this.

I look at Cyborg with a serious look on my face, ready to face what this world has to make me face.

-'' Lead the way.''

And that is it for the second chapter of Teen Titans and the Paradox !

I hope you enjoy this story, thank you a lot for those reading it.

If you enjoyed it, or not. Please leave a review, to see what I did good, and what is left to improve.

Have a good time, and goodbye until the next chapter ! Xenofan1