Christmas Miracles

A young girl, no older than fifteen, walked through the darkening streets of Tokyo. She pulled her jacket closer around her shivering body.

Had she had one, her mother probably would have reprimanded her for not doing her jacket up. But she could not. The zip was broken.

The occasional shop had adverts for Christmas deals, but the girl ignored these. She neither knew nor cared that it was Christmas Eve. Today was a day like any other.

Besides, Christmas had always been a disappointment. No amount of Christmas cheer was going to give her what she truly wanted.

Most people striding past the girl barely noticed her existence. They had their heads down, hands in pockets, scarves wrapped high over their ears. Their brains filled with their own problems; getting home, paying the mortgage, getting their car fixed, finding a babysitter…

The girl strayed from the main road into a residential area. Her feet guided her without conscious thought.

This girl had only one problem: finding some shelter for the night. She had long since given up on the idea of food. She would worry about that tomorrow. Maybe…

She looked around for people watching before darting down the sides of one of the houses. This was a safe place, she had been there before. There was a bench in this garden, one just high and long enough for her to fit nicely underneath.

The girl was fortunate. She crept under the bench and snuggled up. The dirt was packed hard, almost frozen from the cold weather. But she had been here before. Enough that there were a few dents premade in the soil where her hip and shoulder rested.

Like a memory foam mattress, she thought to herself. What luxury!

The young girl closed her eyes, listening to the hooting of owls and the wind whistling through the trees. She might have fallen asleep at one point, she was not sure.

But a new sound had caught her attention.

She was not alone in the garden.

Check out the video for this story on youtube!

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