(A/N: A lot of the characters are gonna be a little OOC at the beginning, but I will return them to normal later

Lucy's POV

People always say that life's unfair.

I should know.

It took my mother after all. My favorite memories are of her. Baking cookies, going on walks, watching movies, cuddling together on New Year's Eve by the fireplace, each of us with a cup of her warm homemade hot cocoa in our hands. I wish I could have had more time with her. I still remember that day, how could I forget? Even if I tried, my dreams wouldn't let me.

The sound of gunshots echoed through the long halls. She fumbled for the gun that rested on the shelf on the bookshelf we had backed into. Of course people are going to try to kill the richest family in Fiore.

"Mommy, what's going on?" my innocent high-pitched voice asked. She sent me a loving smile. I nearly ignored the fact that she had a gun in her hand. She didn't say anything, just pulled me behind her.

"Mommy, I'm scared," I my young voice whispered. She looked back and me and warmly smiled again.

"Shhh, darling, everything is going to be fine," she comforted. I hugged her waist tightly, my eyes forced shut. The sound of the door opening startled me. I refused to open my eyes. I heard two gunshots, one from my mom, the other from somewhere else. Then I heard the agonizing cries of my mom. One the other side of the room I heard someone fall to the ground. I felt something wet and sticky on my hand. After a few more moments of silence, I opened my eyes, shocked at the horrid scene. My mom lay limp in front of me, blood splattered on the ground. My eyes moved farther, noticing another man who laid on the floor. He had a hole right through his head, blood oozing out of it. I looked closer at the man, the shade of blonde and mustache seemingly familiar. My eyes wided

"Father..." my high pitched voice forced out. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My mother just saved me from my father, who was trying to kill the both of us. I ran out of the room in tears. From that point on, I was orphaned, and took in by one of the servants named Amy. We were unable to stay in the mansion, for I was not old enough to receive inheritance, so I decided to take some of mother's and father's belongings and sell them off for money to help Amy get by. I had taken most of my clothing and brought with me one toy my mother had given to me as I child. It was a doll named Michelle. Amy and I had found a home in Magnolia by the time I was in Highschool we were able to afford in Magnolia, and quickly moved over. I was sent to Fairy Tail High for my Junior year and nothing seemed to get better after that. Unless better is being bullied and hated by everyone. Screw school, screw homework, screw bullies, screw friends, SCREW LIFE! This became my motto. The only one who I showed decency to was Amy. But with my luck, she died of cancer during my last few months of Junior year. Now I had returned, ready to fail all of my classes and get picked on by literally everyone.

WAA! WA! WA! My alarm blared me awake. In annoyance I punched the phone 'till it shut up. I lazily climbed out of bed and pulled on a white shirt with black leggings and a black hoodie. I stared at myself in the mirror. I'm so ugly... I insulted myself. The bullies had gotten to me, and forced upon me the idea that I was an ugly slut whore who deserved to die. I had expected myself to cry, but I had become numb to their insults since the last month of Junior year. I forced myself out the door, ignoring breakfast, nearly limping outside. The beautiful autumn leave ment nothing like they used to, Autumn used to mean my birthday, but now it meant my mother and Amy's death, and the start of hell. Or school, whatever you call it. Then I noticed an unfamiliar face. A pink haired kid had exited his house, which was a few blocks away from mine, and was talking with Gray Fullbuster. I assumed he was new, or I would've known of his presence. Last year's me would've thought of this as a chance to make a new friends, but I had given up on that dream a long time ago. Rumors spread fast, and especially since he was with Gray. He was probably getting his ticket up the food chain of school. Meeting a cool kid first day of school was basically your ticket to popularity. I snapped out of my thoughts, noticing he was staring at me.

Natsu's POV

My eyes had found their way to this girl. She had blonde hair and wore a black hoodie over her head. I tried to get a look at her, but I was stopped by my companion, Gray.

"What are you looking at?" he examined impatiently. His eyes followed the direction of my own, landing on the girl.

"No," he stated simply.

"What?" I questioned.

"Don't think about it, you don't want to become friends with her," he answered.

"Why?" I pushed curiously.

"She's the outcast of the school, rumors are spread about her everyday, and I'm pretty sure all of them are true. Plus, becoming friends with her is like social suicide," he explained. I looked back at her, she looked, empty. Part of me longed to be her friend, but it was my first day at Fairy Tail High, and I did not wish to start off bad. "Hey, why don't you sit with me and my friends at lunch," Gray offered. I nodded silently, sending him a toothy smile. I stole a glance at the girl. Is she crying?

(A/N: I hope you liked this, it's my first fanfiction on so it might not be up to par with what you guys expect, but I hope you guys like it. Next Part will probably come out really soon. I accept prompts, idea's and feedback, so anything helps! Anyway, I hope you have an AWESOME day! BOIIII! xD )