The Woman Who hates Pirates: Alice!

It is during a nasty storm. It rocks the ship from side to side. She takes this chance to escape. Everyone is running around, confused and trying to keep the ship from capsizing. She grabs her bag and sneaks over to one of the life boats tied to the side of the ship. She unties it just as someone notices.

"SOMEONE GET HER!" One man yells. A few of them run over to the edge and try to grab her, but the boat falls into the water and she quickly rows away. She is thankful for the storm.

"Oh no...the captain won't be happy..."

Flapping viciously in the wind on the top of the mast flew a Jolly Roger.

~The Next Morning~

Henry is snoring softly in his hammock and smiles, hugging his teddy bear. "Oh Mr. Snuggles..." He mutters to himself and smiles.

Gilbert is snoring, one leg hanging out of the hammock along with one arm. "No...I'm the best...shudap..."

Mara is currently awake and sitting in the crow's nest. Her eyes are closed as she takes deep breathes, focusing on the sounds of the ocean, shutting out every other sound. Her breathing slows down and she is about clear her mind completely until-

"AAHHHH!" Henry yells and a loud thud can be heard along with shuffling and muffled yells. The hatch next to the mast that leads to the boys room under the deck slams open and a cloud of smoke comes floating out. Henry scrambles out onto the deck and takes a few deep breathes. "Gilbert! You fired a smoke bullet in our bedroom?!"

Gilbert groans, rubbing his eyes and climbing out. "Huh...? Sorry. I like to sleep with my pistols. Sometimes I sleep shoot..."

Henry groans. "That's not very safe. As long as you don't have anything dangerous loaded I guess I can live with it..."

Mara looks down at the two and sigh softly. "Honestly, I thought I'd be able to get some peace and quiet...but I suppose not with these two around." She shakes her head and raises a brow as she sees something lightly bumping against the ship. "Captain!"

Henry blinks and looks up at her.

"A small boat." She points toward the side of the ship.

Right there, lightly tapping against the ship is a small row boat with a girl inside. She has long blonde hair tied up in two pigtails that stop at her hips. She is wearing a pair of shorts that stop just above the knees, a pair of oval framed glasses slightly askew on her face, and a blue t-shirt. A bag is close to her side.

Henry and Gilbert look at each other.


'What happened? Oh right...I jumped ship into a row boat...but...the boat feels...soft..? And...warm...? The bloody hell is going on?!' The girl slowly starts to open her eyes, everything a bit blurry. She sees three faces looking down at her. 'Who are these people...? Where the hell Am I...?'

"Hey she's waking up." Henry says, looking at his crew.

"I wonder how the hell she even got out there..." Gilbert scratches the top of his head.

"Well, she doesn't seem injured..." Mara concludes.

They had moved the girl to the couch in their lounge and set a blanket over her.

When her eyes open, they can see the brilliant shade of emerald green adorn them. "Wha-what...?" She mumbles and slowly sits up, rubbing her head. "Where Am I...? Who are you people...?" She mutters a bit and looks at the three.

Henry smiles big. "Hey, I'm glad you're alright! You bumped into our ship and well, we took you on board. We were all really worried. My name is Henry. I'm the captain." He chuckles lightly.

Gilbert pushes Henry out of the way and grins. "Hallo! I am the awesome Gilbert. I'm much more important and interesting than the captain."

Mara sighs and rubs her temples. She grips the ear of the sniper and pulls him away.

"OW! Hey! Let go! Geeze!" Gilbert stumbles over a bit as she pulls him away.

Henry dusts himself off and walks back over. "Anyways, what's your name?"

She blinks a few times. 'These people are crazy...but, they seem nice enough I suppose...' She clears her throat. "My name is Alice Kirkland. I am a doctor in search of land. Though it seems I've bumped into your ship. My apologies. I must have fallen asleep."

Henry grins big and nods. "Nice to meet you! As I said, I'm the captain, Mara here is my swordsman, and Gilbert is the sniper! So you say you're a doctor? That's so cool! We don't have a doctor on the ship." He rubs his chin in thought. "We should probably get one! Hey do you wanna be our doctor?!" He bounces on his feet.

Alice blinks a few times. "Wait...captain, sniper, swordsman...?" She has a very bad feeling right now. A lump is growing in her throat and she gulps a bit. "Wha-what kind of ship is this exactly...?"

"Oh! Well, a pirate ship of course." Henry smiles and crosses his arms.

Alice nods and smiles nervously. "Oh. Well in that case." She shrieks and a few seagulls that are perching on the ship, fly away.

Gilbert covers and groans. "Geeze! Next time give a warning!"

Alice stands on the couch, holding up her fists. "Alright you filthy pirates! Don't think you can force me to join your crew! Holding me hostage won't help you in the little bit!" She growls and glares at them all.

Henry scratches the top of his head. "I uh...wait what? No one is holding you hostage! You don't have to join! I was just asking!" He puts up his hands. "No need to get to fired up!"

She blinks and stares at him. "Yeah right! You're just trying to make me lower my guard! You pirates are all the same! Where's my bag?!" She growls, ready to fight her way to freedom. Mars holds it out to her, surprising her a bit. She quickly takes it and looks through it, making sure they didn't take anything. "Alright! Now...let me go! Or else!"

Henry rubs the back of his head. "'re free to one is making you stay here..."

Gilbert groans and crosses his arms. "He's right. So go on and go if ya wanna go. The sooner the better if you ask me."

"Gilbert! Don't be rude!" Henry crosses his arms and looks at him.

Alice isn't sure what to think at the moment. Are they seriously letting her go? She slowly gets down from the couch and walks toward the door.

Meanwhile, sailing across the ocean is a marine ship. One of the marine's is looking through a pair of binoculars for any pirate ships. He gasps and stops when he sees Henry's ship. "PIRATE SHIP SPOTTED STARBOARD BOW!" He calls down. The ship starts to turn and the captain of the ship grins and nods. "ALRIGHT MEN! PREPARE TO SINK THIS SHIP! FIRE THE CANONS!"

Alice sighs as she is about to climb down to her row boat. "The sooner I get away from these pirates the better...I best hurry before they change their mind and try to keep me here or something." As she is was about to climb down the rope ladder, she hears a cannon fire from the distance. It hits the water close to the ship, making it rock and throwing her on the deck.

Henry rushes out to see what's going on. "Marines!" He grips his hair. "Get the cannons! Protect the ship!" He waves his arms around.

Gilbert runs out and laughs, running to the storage room and pushing out one of the canons. "I've been waiting forever to fire one of these babies!" He licks his lips and aims carefully, loading the canon. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" He fires the canon and cackles loudly watching it fly and hit the side of their ship. "BULLS-EYE!"

Henry whistles, impressed. "Whoa! I was totally right in making you the ship's sniper. You're really awesome Gilbert!" Henry laughs and watches a bunch of canons coming their way. "But they aren't giving up!" He cracks his knuckles. He stands on the railing of the ship with Mara.

She pulls out her two swords and jumps up in the air, looking at the three incoming canon balls. She swings her swords and lands back on the ship's railing. The canon balls all split in half and exploded in midair.

Henry laughs and gives a thumbs up. "Good job Mara. You're the strongest swordsman I've seen." He looks at the three canon balls coming his way and cracks his knuckles. He jumps up and catches one before throwing it at the other, causing them both to explode and the third one to be knocked off course into the ocean.

Alice's eyes are wide with shock and amazement. "They are...strong. Very strong...could they really be pirates...? They seemed much to nice to be honest..." She mutters to herself.

Henry hops off the railing. "Alright! I'll turn the ship! You guys keep them busy!" He runs off to the lounge and grips the steering pole and pulls it to the left, turning the rudder. The ship creaks slightly as it turns from the marine ship.

Gilbert aims the canon a bit more upward and fires. The canon hits the main mast of the ship. "Ha!" He laughs and grins big. "You don't mess with the Beast Pirate's Sniper."

"OH NO! WATCH OUT!" One marine yells and they all scramble as the mast begins to fall. It doesn't fall all the way over, but is in a big slant. The bad condition of the main mast is preventing them from sailing. "Damn those pirates!" The commander of the ship growls and grits his teeth. "Ready the repairs!"

Henry pokes his head out and smiles as they are sailing away. "We did it! Good job crew. I'm proud of all of you." He chuckles lightly and smiles.

Alice finally stands up from her spot and dusts herself off. " if you will excuse me, I shall take my leave. I can tell being on this pirate ship will bring me nothing but bad luck." She goes to climb down to her row boat, only to nice it's gone. "HUH?!" Her eyes bug out a little bit.

"Well, your boat wasn't tied down to anything, so I suspect it simply drifted off in the midst of our escape." Mara looks down where her row boat use to be. "Unless you wish to swim somewhere, I suggest you stay here and wait until we reach land."

Alice's eye twitches and she sulks in the deck, on her hands and knees. She sniffles as tears stream down her face. "No...not again...I can't be stuck with a bunch of a blood thirsty pirates..."

"Hey Gilbert, you wanna play cards?" Henry bounces up and down, all excited. It would be some time before they reach land so he thought it would be a nice way to pass some time.

Gilbert rubs his chin in thought and nods. "Sure! Why not? I always love a good win." He cackles and pulls out his deck of cards.

Alice sweatdrops as she watches the two play cards. "Couldn't they be...I don't know...doing, something? Am I dreaming? What's going on?"

Mara walks up next to her. "I know. They are both a couple of care free idiots, but they mean well. No need to be so worried. We may be pirates, but we aren't bad."

Alice groans and rubs her temples. "Sorry if I find that hard to believe. I have to ask. You seem sensible. Why exactly are you even here with these guys?"

Mara looks up and takes a deep breath. "Well...I was the first to join Henry's crew. He helped me with a small mission I had to do. He didn't ask for anything. He simply just wanted to help. I found that quite surprised to be honest. He's a very nice man with a very big heart. I decided to join him for one simple reason. I think I can become stronger if I sail with this man." She looks at Alice's confused face. "I can tell you're confused. Don't worry about it. I am not sure how it is possible either, but that is what I felt so I'm sticking with my decision."

Alice sighs and rubs her temples. "I just hope land will come soon. I don't know how long I can handle being on this ship. But I suppose it could be worse." She shakes her head and leans her back against the railing of the ship. She closes her eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.

~A few hours later~

Henry walks over to the sleeping Alice. Food is ready and he doesn't want her to starve. "Alice?" He says softly, but she isn't waking up. Henry lightly shakes her shoulder. "Hey. Alice, wake up. It's lunch time. Come on you need to eat something you know."

She groans a little bit and opens her eyes. She is a bit groggy and disoriented. She jumps a bit and glares at him. "What? Are you going to feed me the scraps no one else ate?"

He blinks and shakes his head. "What?! No! Mara just made us some lunch. Well, figured you were hungry. So we were going to eat. Come up if you want." He nods and stands up, walking up the stairs to the lounge.

Her stomach growls and she sighs. "Well...if I don't eat something soon...fine. I guess it can't hurt." She groans and walks into the lounge where the three are sitting at the table.

Mara made sandwiches for everyone to share. Nothing to fancy, but still good. It's hard to tell, but she looks rather proud of herself.

Gilbert grins and waves. "Look who decided to join the big scary pirates." He wiggles his fingers. "Ooohhhh~" He laughs and leans back. He earns a smack upside the head from Mara.

"Don't be rude, Gilbert." She crosses her arms and looks at Alice. "Sit." She says.

He pouts and rubs the back of his head. "Don't have to be so mean. Geeze."

Alice sits down at the table. "Right. Maybe for a bunch of pirates, you're not ALL bad." She mumbles.

Henry smiles. "I'm glad you're starting to come around."

Alice is surprised how nice it is to eat with the small crew. They joke around and laugh. Well Gilbert and Henry did most of the laughing. Every now and again Mara would give a smiles for about a second. Alice even laughs herself every now and again. It is hard not to. They are a silly bunch after all. Once lunch is over, Alice helps with cleaning the dishes, feeling she owes that much at least.

Henry is sitting on the wolf head, looking outward. " that..?" He grins and jumps up. "LAND HO!" He jumps down and runs around the deck. "LAND I FOUND LAND!" He laughs and jumps up and down.

Alice runs out, looking down at Henry. "What?! Really?! You found land?!"

Gilbert takes out his binoculars and adjusts them a bit. "Yep...their is land! Just a few minutes away!" He cackles and grins. "So get ready to land!"

Alice sighs in relief. "Oh thank goodness..." She is worried she'd be stuck on the ship for way longer than she needs to be! But what is she going to do when she gets off the ship? Well, she'll figure it out once she gathers her thoughts.

Henry pokes his fingers together. "Well, it was nice meeting you Alice. Sorry you can't join our crew. But if you ever one day change your mind and we meet up again, you'll be free to join!"

She chuckles and rolls her eyes. "Right, right, but trust me. I'm not going to join any pirate crew anytime soon. But thank you for the offer and your hospitality. I wish you and your crew the best of luck on your adventure."

They arrive at the island and the anchor is lowered. Alive throws down the rope ladder and starts to climb down, her bag on her back. They are a nice lot and she just might miss them a little bit, but she is sure she will soon forget them.

"So. Should we go and explore and get some supplies?" Henry scratches the top of his head.

Mara nods. "That would be a smart idea."

"Awesome! I think it'd be nice to walk around on land." Gilbert smiles and stretches.

So with they, they climb down the rope ladder and hop off, landing on the dock. Henry blinks and looks over to see Alice standing there, with her arms up, body trembling.

He walks in front of her and tilts his head a bit."Alice? What are you doing? I thought you were gonna go off and do other stuff...what's with the scared look?"

"Uh...captain...I think you should turn around..." Gilbert says, gulping and laughing nervously.

Henry blinks and turns around. "Oh..." Surrounding them on all sides are a bunch of armed guards. "I see..."

"Put your hands up! You pirates are all under arrest by order of King Jojo!" One of them says, cocking his gun.

Alice's eyes twitches and she grits her teeth. "BLOODY HELL! WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?!" She yells toward the sky. "I'M NOT A PIRATE!"


Henry: Looks like we're in some serious trouble and we just landed! But I'm sure we can get out of it, right guys!

Gilbert: HELL JA! Kesesese~!

Mara: We don't have any other choice but to get out of it.

Alice(Fem!England): But I'm not a bloody pirate! You bloody wankers better get me out of this situation! ASAP!