Hello all! Supergirl new season arrived and if you haven´t seen it read this under your own risk there may be some spoilers. If you have seen it that´s great! Keep on reading… so I¨ve to write Alex and Kara relationship while Clark was around and "spoiler" about the possibility of the kriptonian moving to Metropolis and the things that lead her to that thought. So this story will start when Clark arrives to National City and will only focus on how it affected the Danvers sisters.

"Did you know she was bringing him here?"
"No. Is that a problem?" Alex answered to Jonn question as the image of the men of steel was handshaking some of the agents at the DEO. And why are the agents that impressed? They have Supergirl working by their side every day. Alex stopped those thoughts as she knew how much Clark meant for her little sister. She remembered how Kara´s eyes kept her sight towards him when he left her with her new family. He of course kept in touch with Kara but most of that was with phone calls. She knew how much Kara would to spend more time with her cousin and she was sad when Kara wanted to see him and he was unavailable.

Clark approached to her "Alex is good to see you"

"You too" She said showing a little smile over her face.

"Kara told me Jeremiah may be alive. You know your father means a lot to me so if there is anything I can do"
"Thank you Clark"

"Superman. It´s nice to see you again"
"Don´t worry I won´t be staying long"

The tension between Jonn and Clark took the Danvers sisters by surprise. Kara quickly explained why her cousin was there. "I just invited Superman to see our mystery guest"
"Follow me"

Kara stood beside Alex "Your cousin smells terrific!"
"Enough" Kara found funny how Alex talked about her cousin. They didn´t talk about him very much. For Alex it was always like the long distance family that you don´t see but you know they exist. The comment was really what she thought but she also wanted to see Kara´s reaction.

Kara ran to reach her cousin and talk about the mysterious man that arrived on the kryptonian pod. She was so happy to have him around. Alex stayed outside watching how the two cousins talked. As Kara and Clark were going to investigate about the attack to the Venture she decided to do some digging to know what happened between Jonn and Clark. But after she could say something Winn came with the news that Lena Luthor was the target

"Hey Alex"

"Where are you?"
"We just came out from an interview with Lena Luthor"
"She is the target Kara. Someone is trying to kill her"
As Alex finish the phrase Kara was able to hear gunshots

"Clark did you hear that"
Clark nodded "Let´s go"

"Alex Clark and I will take care of that"
Alex sighed "Bring something that could help us to know who is behind this"
"No problem"

Clark came back with the drone components so the DEO could analyze them. Kara decided to go with Lena and be there if it was necessary. Kara believed in her maybe what she said about making a name for herself catch her as she was trying too to find her place in the world.

Alex felt anxious knowing that Kara was alone there but was relieved when Jonn asked her to go there and so she left as fast as she could. Clark and Kara were able to stop the Luthor Corp building from falling and hurting more people.

Alex was able to see Corben, she followed him and saved Lena Luthor from being killed. She fought with him. The adrenaline stopped the pain of the punches she received. She knew she could stop him until she saw the man pointing the gun towards her.

Kara knew her sister was there too so when the building was safe she decided to look after her. When she saw her she was scared as she saw how Corben was pointing a gun towards Alex. She knew she had to move fast but Lena Luthor and Alex herself were faster. Alex tried to get free and she did it just in time before Lena shot Corben. Kara was surprised but relieved to see her sister was safe.

"Nice work Supergirl" Alex said after telling Corben´s status

"I had help" and then they both looked at Superman´s figure flying

At the DEO Alex went for checkup as the common protocol and was hoping to talk to her sister about what happened. But she saw how she was talking with Clark so she went to the main communications screen. She overheard about Clark staying for a couple of days so she informed them about a robbery. The whole day went by and only news about the Super cousins working together came by. It was movie night so Alex left work earlier and went straight to Kara´s apartment. It was closed but she used her spare key to get in. She ordered pizza and bought ice cream. She turned on the TV and still news about her sister and Clark saving the day.

Alex took her phone and tried to reach for her sister "Hey Kara it´s me Alex I know you´re busy with Clark but pizza is getting cold and the ice cream is melting. Please call me" Time went by and at the end she left a note over the pizza box and left.

Kara arrived a little time later with Clark. "I should do this more often Clark it was a great day"
"Well now is time to eat. You want me to cook?"
"You cook?" She turned around and saw the pizza box and the note. "Kara I came for movie night but I saw on the news you're busy. I left you the pizza. Love you. Alex"

"Oh I forgot" She took her cell phone out and saw the battery was dead "I agreed to see Alex today for movie night"
"Movie night?"
"Yeah after work we agreed to have some nights for us to watch movies and hang out. Forget about menacing aliens. Ohh in fact we will have sister´s night in a couple of days. You´re totally invited"

"Are you sure?"
"Yeah you´re family

"Will you call Alex?"

"No she probably is asleep right now. I´ll talk to her later"

Alex was at her apartment trying to get some sleep. She was still thinking about the argument Jonn and Clark had about kryptonite and wondering why her sister didn´t show up of call her. She suddenly fell asleep. She woke up and grabbed her cellphone to check for the hour and also to see if Kara sent her a message but there was nothing.

Kara and Clark spent the whole night talking about kryptonian stories and about the house of El. Both of them loved talking to each other. Kara asked him how it was to discover his powers and when he found out he had them. The time went fast. They both fell asleep on the couch. Clark woke up earlier and prepared coffee for both of them.

"Morning Kara"
"Clark! I smell coffee?"
"I didn´t know if you like it"
Kara smiled and then looked at the clock "Oh my God it´s late we would run!"

Then both hear the sirens "Car chasing!"

"Team up?"

"Let´s go!"

After stopping the cars they stopped at Noonan´s to have breakfast. Alex went there hoping she could see her sister but when she saw she was with Clark she decided to leave. She knew Kara wanted to spend time with Clark still she felt ignored by Kara. Still she knew that would end when Clark went back to Metropolis.

Kara was so delighted to finally hang out with Clark and teaming up. She couldn´t hide her happiness. Days went by very similar. Both cousins saving the day hanging together and Alex and Jonn keeping track of what did do at the DEO. Tonight was sister´s night and so she knew she would spend time with her sister alone something Alex was really expecting. She was tired of the tension between Jonn and Clark so time out with Kara would help.

"Clark is coming to sister night?"
"Yeah he is in town and we are family"
"Sure the more the merrier" It was important for Kara and so Alex fake that she was ok with that. "Kara how are the things with James. You haven´t told me how was your date"
"Oww that´s not happening anymore"
"What?! When?"

"The day we rescued the Venture, we talked and remained as friends"
"Wow! And how do you feel?"
"I¨m sorry Alex I have to leave, today is my first day as a reporter"
"Reporter?! When did that happen?"
"We talk tonight. I have to run. Clark will be with me today at CatCo and I´ve to reach him. See you"

Kara was very nervous because she was meeting her new boss and felt disappointed when things weren't as she imagined. The day went by and finally the time for Danver´s sister plus Clark arrived.

Alex arrived earlier to help Kara. She took two bottles of wine to spend a peaceful evening. Kara spent the whole time talking about she and Clark shared time and how great it was to be with him. Alex listened carefully and she couldn't help it and felt a little jealous. She missed that time with her sister and keep in her mind that everything would be back to normal once Clark left.

Kara opened the door and there it was the man of steel.

"Perfect timing" Kara said smiling
"Hey Clark" Alex tried her best to show courtesy as she saw Clark

"Hey Alex" Clark got in "could you give Kara and me a minute together?"
"Of course!"

Alex left the room. She knew she couldn´t whisper since of them could hear her but no one could stop her thoughts "A minute? He asks for a minute when I´m not able to have my sister for a decent conversation. A minute" She was upset, that wouldn´t be a nice night. She heard the news a jumper at National City Bridge. She was sure both of them were going so the relaxing night was canceled.

"Alex we´re leaving" She heard

"Kara I´ll go to the DEO if you need… something" She finished the phrase but they were already gone.

When she arrived she only saw concerned faces. She saw how her sister was trying to keep Superman safe for what seemed to be Corben

"Is that Corben?"
"Yes, he has some kind of weapon powered by kryptonite?"
"What? Jonn I have to get there"
"You wouldn´t make it in time!"

"Then you have to go! They need help don´t you see that is Kryptonite. Whoever did this they want to kill them. They know their weakness. I told you we have to look for that missing kryptonite" Then she saw at the footage and how Kara received the kryptonite blast "Kara!" Then she saw how Clark lifted her and flew away

"He better bring her here I´ll tell Hamilton to prepare the solar emitters"

She turned around and looked and her sister walking thanks to Clark´s help. She felt relieved to see her. Clark and Jonn left and with that she would be able to take care of Kara

"How are you?"
"Still dizzy" Kara then turned her sight to Alex "Did you know about the missing kryptonite?"
"You need to rest Kara" but she knew that wasn´t the answer Kara was expecting "Yes I knew and I´ve done all I can to find it"
"Seems to be you haven´t done enough" Kara regret what she said "I need to go I´ve an editorial meeting and I can´t be late"

"Kara we need to talk"
"I´ll see you later Alex"

And that´s it the longest conversation they had and of course it had to go wrong. Kara felt dissapointed knowing that her sister knew about the kryptonite. Maybe Clark was right about not working with the DEO while they have that kind of weapons. But now it wasn´t time to think about that. She needed to focus on her new job.

By the time she left CatCo she couldn´t fell worst. Miss Grant was leaving her new boss hated her. Knowing that Kara was alone now that Clark was with Jonn at the Fortress Alex used that as an excuse to spend time just with her sister. Something she has missed since Clark arrived. They both went into Kara´s apartment. Alex listened at her sad sister

"Cat is leaving. Clark is leaving too everything is changing"

Alex knew how difficult changes were for Kara and she just wanted to make her sure that she was still there for her. "I´ll get us some ice cream Things will be better tomorrow"

"I¨ve been thinking tough. What if I move to Metropolis with Clark?"

"Metropolis?" Alex turned around and saw Kara´s face as she fell how her heart was torn just by the thought of her little sister leaving the city.

"Just think about it. You wouldn't have to take care of me anymore. Jonn wouldn't be uncomfortable with kryptonite around me and I could learn more from Clark and take care of each other" Kara noticed how Alex's face was sad and Alex saw how Kara was really considering the option "When I'm around Clark I don't feel alone anymore. He understands completely how it is to be me I feel connected with him, with home" She just regret saying that but it was too late, it went out. She knew Alex had always done her best to make her feel like home and now she was letting her know she still felt alone. For Alex the words hurt. They hurt more because there was no red kryptonite to blame it was Kara´s true feelings. "So what do you think?"
"I think I kept my mouth shut the entire time Clark is being here while you just ignored me. And now you want to move away?"
"I thought it would be good for you. You can work at the DEO without worrying about me"

Alex noticed the sincerity in Kara. She really thought that by leaving National City the city would be safer. That she would have a life aside from protecting her. "What about taking care of each other?" Alex sighed "Is this what you really want to do? Would that make you happy?"

"I want to be with Clark. I want to get to know him better and learn from him"
Alex tried so hard to keep the tears from slipping "Ok then do what makes you happy Kara. I´ve to go"

She didn´t let Kara say anything else and left the apartment. Kara was sad knowing that Alex didn´t support completely her idea but she was sure it was for the best. She didn´t have a job at least that was her new boss said. Miss Grant was leaving, things were awkward with James and Winn was working at the DEO. Alex… well she was sure she would be fine.

On Alex´s side she felt like she failed being a good sister for Kara, if she knew that Kara was feeling alone maybe she would have been closer or she could talk with Clark and ask him to be around more often. Everybody loved Superman but she was unsure about her feelings for him. He was family; he was Kara´s cousin so he was kind of hers too. Oh and her parents had a special connection with him. Still she always felt him like he was very far from Kara. He rarely showed up and now that he was around he filled the sense of loneliness Kara had. Loneliness that beside all her efforts she could never fill. She quickly arrived at the DEO decided to clear her mind with work. She went to help Winn with the new suit for the superheroes. But then Winn said something about Kryptonite.

"Kryptonite leaves a residue?" Then an idea came to Alex´s mind. If that was the last thing she did while Kara was around it would be keeping her safe from kryptonite
"Yeah just like any other radioactive substance"

And then the plan went on. Alex knew she couldn´t call for backup she wanted so bad to find her dad and to keep Kara safe. She followed McGill and will make him talk.

After Alex left Kara started to make the idea of moving more clear. She will talk to Clark and Miss Grant about her decision. She started to clean up her living room and looked at the photo she had of Alex and her as teenagers. She knew Alex was sad about her leaving. She remembered what she said "I think I kept my mouth shut the entire time Clark is being here while you just ignored me. "And now you want to move away?" It was true they haven´t talk and they didn´t have their sister´s night. Maybe she was moving too fast and it was like what Miss Grant said she had to own her power and let her new boss know what she was capable off. Metropolis was an excuse. Deep inside her she knew it. She left the photo and called Alex.

"Pick up, pick up Alex please" but it went straight to voice mail. She felt sad thinking that maybe Alex wasn´t ready to talk to her so she decided to go to the DEO.

"Winn have you seen Alex?"

"Alex, Alex Danvers why?

"Ah yeah. I need to talk to her I haven't been very fair to her lately" She quickly noticed how Winn was acting strange
"Well she is not here"

"Where is she?" but Winn didn´t look at her. Something was wrong "Winn where is Alex?"
"She found who the mole was. The guy that helped CADMUS to stole the kryptonite. She went to expose him and make him talk"
"She went alone?"
"Yeah well she is a well-trained agent and…Kara she was feeling bad. She told me you wanted to move and she felt it was because for the Kryptonite leak and she said something about not being a good sister for you"
"How could you let her? Does Jonn know?"

"No, but if he finds out I´ll be so fired"
"Tell me where to find her"
"Ok as I told her Kryptonite leave traces so I´ll look for it. There she is!" Then he just felt how Kara left at Super speed.

When Kara arrived to the place she used her X-ray vision to look for Alex. She saw how she was fighting and then a man standing in front of her pointing a gun against her. She moved quickly and knocked him out.

"Are you ok?"
"Yes thanks to you. We have to move there can be more guards"
"Yes" There was so much to be said but that wasn´t the moment. "Alex I¨m…"
"We need to go Kara. Thank you for helping me we always work better together"

Both of them left and by the time they arrived to the DEO the plan to defeat Metallo was ready. Kara would fight with Alex and Jonn and Clark together. The plan worked and by the end of the day both Metallos were defeated. Jonn gave Clark all the kryptonite the DEO had and then the Man of Steel left. As soon as he was at Metropolis he sent a message to Kara saying how much he missed her and Kara said that too. Then she went to look after Alex.

"Jonn where is Alex?"
"I made her go with Hamilton. The suit protected her but I want to be sure she is ok"
Kara stayed outside the med bay while Hamilton checked Alex.

"Agent Danvers do you feel any pain"
"I´m fine I´m just here because Ouch!" Hamilton was checking her right side as a big bruise was forming
"You´re not fine agent. Two broken ribs is not being fine. That suit helped but Metallo was a tough opponent" Kara heard that and she also remembered how Alex was about to be shot twice in the last days. First while saving Lena Luthor and then by CADMUS agents. She could have lost her and if that happened while they were apart… The thought made her cry and she just wanted to hug her sister so she went into the room leaving Alex and Dr. Hamilton surprised.

"Alex I´m sorry, I´m sorry" Kara said sobbing. Hamilton left the room as her job was finished. "My place is here Alex I won´t move to Metropolis"
"ouch!" Kara wasn´t measuring her strength
"Did I hurt you? I´m sorry"
"Hey I´m fine" Alex was really happy hearing Kara´s decision about Metropolis "Why the change of mind?"
"You´re my sister Alex, I can´t leave you alone. I´m not alone when I´m with you. Maybe everything is changing but we are the Danvers sisters we are always supporting each other and taking care of each other I don´t want that to change. You´re my family and I´m at home when I´m with you"
"I didn´t want you to leave but all I want is that you´re happy. I´m glad you changed your mind. I care so much about you Kara and if you ever feel lonely I´m here Kara I´ll always be here for you"

Kara smiled and she sat beside Alex letting her head rest against her sister´s shoulder. "I missed you Alex. I´m sorry if these days I ignored you. You were right I let my excitement for Clark being around blind me. You´ve always been here for me. Thank you"
"I missed you Kara" She turned her head and gave Kara a kiss over her forehead
"I love you Alex. Do you have to stay her? I heard about the broken ribs"
Alex smiled "I can go home. I just need some pain killers"
"You can come to my apartment. Movie night?"

"Will we have pizza?"
"All you want"
"Fine I missed our nights together"

And that´s all. I feel better now than with the way the writers portrayed the Danvers sisters relationship. Let me know what you think. Please review, follow and favorite. I think I¨ll keep updating these with one shots as the season goes on. Have a great day