"I swear to god, Gon, if you don't let me-"

"Agh, Killua, I'm almost there...!"



Gon jumps up triumphantly into the air, pumping his fists up high. "I win!"

Killua drops his controller with a huff. "I let you win."

"Don't be a sore loser, princess." Gon grins, reaching out to pinch Killua's cheek.

It was a month after Retz's party, and both boys were having a much easier time at school, no longer teased and bullied.

The reaction they had received after Gon's famous speech and his declaration of love for Killua that ended with him kissing his white headed boyfriend, was not something they had expected.

Silence had filled the room, awkward and tense until the boys had pulled apart, Retz clutching the mic with a murderous look in her eyes until applause ensued, thundering and vigorous, whistling followed.

A crowd had surrounded them, thumping them both on the back so hard, they almost fell over from the sheer pressure of it.

It seemed Gon had been right about Retz, and the reason why people followed her. No one, until Gon that is, had ever had the guts to stand up to her, only because she was rich and her family basically had power, much like Killua's family, except they weren't illegal like the Zoldycks.

Now they were basically famous, popular and were always surrounded by a group of classmates who they weren't sure they were friends with quite yet.

So it was nice to spend a Saturday afternoon gaming alone together without worrying where they stood at school.

"How you think Retz is doing right now?" Gon would ask suddenly, plopping down to lie on his stomach, elbows propping him up, chin in hand.

"Why do you care?" Killua scoffed. "She got what she deserved."

"Yeah, but she hasn't been coming to school. I'm just worried I guess."

Killua shook his head. "You're unbelievable. And too nice for your own good."

"Not when defending my Killua."

"Oi!" Killua brought his hand down to bump Gon on the head. "Don't say embarrassing things, idiot!"

"O-ow! Killuaaaa!" Gon whined, immediately sitting up to rub his head with a pout. "I'm just saying the truth!"

"Hush it."

Smug grin replacing his pout, Gon leaned close to Killua until they were mere inches apart, heart hammering in his chest.

"Make me."

It was a challenge, knowing full well Killua was still well too shy to initiate a move like that. Blinking, he stares at Gon intently before closing the gap and ultimately surprising him by capturing thin tan lips with his own plump pale ones.

When he pulled away, he had the satisfaction to see the expression on Gon's face, one filled with utter bliss and shock.

"There. I hushed you."

Silently, Gon had reached up to run his fingers over his lips that still tingled from Killua's kiss. "Yes you did..."

Now utterly embarrassed from his own action, Killua averts his gaze from Gon, reaching up to scratch his pink cheek. "Well don't make a big deal out of it."

Gon giggles and leans in close to him again. "How can I not? You've never done anything like that before. You're so cute."

"C-cut that out, you moron!"

"You know what to do if you want me to."

"Nice try." Killua's heart hammered in his chest as Gon didn't pull away and instead opted to tangle his fingers with the pale boy's, pushing him back until he was pinned to the ground.

Killua gulped. "G-Gon?"


"We're too young for this."

"I'm not going to do anything, silly Killua." Gon laughed, just leaning down to nuzzle noses with him. "I'm not going to do anything you're not comfortable with anymore. It's a new me. So if you want me to get off of you right now, then I will."

"A-ah. N-no. It's okay." Killua stammered.

This response made a brightened beam appear on Gon's features and he nuzzles his face into the crook of Killua's neck. "It's only been two or three months since we met, but I feel like we've been through a year's worth of problems."

Killua snorted. "Tell me about it."

"But I wouldn't have had it any other way." Gon leans back and looks down to meet the oceanic blue eyes of his boyfriend.

"You're being embarrassing again."

"No, I'm being honest."

"And embarrassing. You're such a sap."

Gon quirks up an eyebrow. "Is that bad?"

Killua keeps his gaze steady with Gon's and shook his head with a small smile.

"Not at all."

"Hey, Killua?"

Curtains billowed in the night, a soft breeze filling Gon's room.

Mildly asleep, black eyelashes flutter open, revealing cerulean eyes to meet caramel brown in the moonlit bathed room.

"Yeah, Gon?"

"I'm going to marry you someday."

Silence. Then...

"W-what brought this on, i-idiot?!"

"My feelings for you. I've decided. You're going to be my husband one day."

"Oh, you decided huh? Have you ever thought about, oh, I dunno, asking me first?!"

Giggling is heard and the shifting of blankets. "Ah, but I already know you'll say yes."

"Confident aren't we?"

"Just a tad bit."

"Have you ever stopped to think about how we're only twelve?"

"Right now. But we're not getting married soon, silly. I'm talking about the future."

Killua rolls onto his back with a sigh. "Whatever you say, Gon. If you want to get married, then we'll get married."

Satisfied, Gon flips over onto his back as well. "I love you." Though it's been said countless times before, this time was different.

"I know you do. I love you too, Gon."

"No...I mean like...I LOVE love you. I'm in love with you Killua Zoldyck." This wasn't confessed out loud since the party, so Gon wanted to remind him just how much he meant to him.

Killua turns his head to face Gon, blinking in surprise before sighing. "I'm in love with you too, baka. Now can we please go to sleep?"

"One more thing..."

More sighs. "Yes, Gon?"

"Promise you'll never leave me?"

"Why are you worried about that? But if it makes you feel better, I promise Gon. As long as you never leave me."

"I promise, Killua."

"Now go to sleep. You're finally going to meet Alluka tomorrow."

"Alright, alright." Snuggling beneath the blankets, Gon lets out a sigh before closing his eyes, smile crossing his lips as he finally allows himself to drift off to sleep, with his favorite boy by his side.

argh, I wasn't sure how to end this Dx but thank you, thank you, THANK YOU all for reading this till the end and putting up with my rewrite, I hope I did it justice! I love you all and your comments made my days a little bit brighter and better ❤️it's sad this has come to an end, but I'm excited to start new stuff. sadly I won't be posting them here, so give me a follow on wattpad and archive of our own as mentioned in previous chapters.

I'll go now before I start crying! Thanks for reading darlings!
