Disclaimer before I begin: This story will bounce in between third person P.O.V and first person P.O.V in between scenes throughout the story when it comes to that. Also, my chapters will not have names to them in this story like my other stories do. Other than that, I hope that you enjoy this.

Chapter 1

This was an exciting time for the Ghost crew. After weeks of doing missions and what not, they were finally getting an opportunity to take a vacation for once. For their destination, Hera decided to take her crew over to a tropical planet in the inner rim that has lots of tourists and vacationers there currently. Plus, it doesn't have as much imperial presence down there during summer in the galaxy due to lots and lots of tourist traffic, but laws were in effect. She read up about it, and thought that they might like it. Beaches with crystal clear blue waters, warm climate, fun nightlife, fun activities to do on the planet, what's there not to like about this destination?

When Hera told her crew about where they would be going five nights earlier, they were glad to be going on vacation for a while, and that they were going to have a fun time with everybody on board their freighter. Right now, they were on their way to this planet, and the crew was getting changed into some more "vacation" attire.

For Ezra, the Lothalian ditched his outfit for a v-neck t shirt that was light orange, tan cargo shorts, and white sneakers. He also had sunglasses on him, which were colored in an orange tint. Orange was sort of his color. Kanan ditched his outfit for a light green Henley that was short sleeve, which had three buttons on it, gray shorts, and he wore sandals that were dark colored. He also ditched the thing he wore over his blind eyes for dark colored sunglasses. Zeb wore a buttoned down short sleeve red shirt that had palm trees on it(basically a Hawaiian shirt), black shorts, and he didn't wear anything on his feet because, face it, he's a lasat, he doesn't need to wear anything on his feet. He usually doesn't anyway. Sabine's outfit was consisted of a v-neck t shirt that was colored in magenta, light blue jean short shorts, and slippers that were open toed and colored in purple, but weren't sandals like Kanan's. Finally, Hera's outfit was made up of a white t shirt, khaki colored short shorts, and slippers that were very similar to Sabine's, but were colored emerald.

Eventually, they arrived on the planet. Hera set the Ghost down at a spaceport that was near a hotel she booked for the crew. Hera paid the people running the port to keep the Ghost docked there for the duration of the crew's vacation, which was for about 5 days to a week. The crew got their bags with them, and headed off to the nearby hotel.

As the crew was walking, they took a moment to look around. They saw lots of partying in the streets, heard lots of local music playing, smelled exquisite foods that this planet had to offer, saw the water of the beach that they would be swimming in on beach days, and generally got their first taste of what the planet had to offer. And today was a great day to witness all these things. The skies were blue and clear, the weather was tropical, and it was general weather that the crew, or anybody for that matter, would think for when they would think of vacation in tropical destinations.

Eventually they got to the hotel, and checked in with the manager of the front desk. After Hera informed him of her reservation, he looked to find the crew two to three rooms that they would be sharing with one another. When he found rooms for them, he gave the crew room key cards, and also reminded them that they had a bar and grill on the premises of the hotel, which closes at 22:30, and that they also had a swimming pool and arcade here also. After the manager told the crew these things, he hoped that the crew enjoy their stay on this planet. Hera thanked him, and went to the elevator with her crew.

Before they boarded the elevator, which was still on its way, Hera informed her crew that they could chose who ever they'd like to be their roommates. Kanan went with Hera, Ezra and Sabine tagged along, and Zeb decided to roll on his own in his room, which he didn't mind at all. The elevator eventually came up, and they all boarded. They got to the twelve floor of the hotel, and all of the crew walked with their roommates to their rooms.

Ezra's P.O.V

"Open sesame." I said as I inserted my key card into the door of my and Sabine's room. The door accepted it, and we walked in with our bags. Our room consisted of two beds, which were already set up, a flat screen holo net monitor(or a somewhat television if you wanna look at it that way), charging ports alongside the beds to charge our devices, two lamps, one on my side and one on Sabine's side, an alarm clock where the lamps were, a bathroom with a shower, a closet, and one good looking view of the beach from our window. The rooms for the others were probably similar.

Sabine and I set our suit cases to the side, and dug in for our swimming stuff due to Hera making plans for all of us to go to the beach after we got settled in. "By the way, Sabine, what time is it?" I asked her as I kept on digging for my swimsuit. "Close to 15:20." Sabine answered as she continued to dig for her swimsuit. We eventually found our swimsuits, and put them on one at a time in the bathroom of our room. Mine was light orange with a checkered design that was brighter orange, and Sabine had an indigo colored bikini, which she looked too hot in by the way. She put her shirt and her shorts over it after she was done changing.

"Ready to go?" I asked, putting on my back pack to carry sunscreen, towels, and other items on me. "Yup. I'm pretty sure that everyone else has changed." Sabine replied. "Let's go then." I said. I put both of our key cards in my back pack for save keeping, put on my shades, and we walked out the door to meet the others up. Everybody was already changed and ready to go. "Let's go, gang." Kanan said. We all headed to the elevator, took it to the lobby of the hotel, and then we headed out to the beach.

The beach was a public beach, and it seemed pretty full with tourists just as you'd expect on a public beach, but everybody was spread out, which made it easier for us to find a spot. We walked out on the beach, and picked a spot that was close to the water, but was still on dry sand. Back on Lothal, they didn't have as many beaches, so this was a relatively new thing for me, but I already had a good enough of an idea about the beach.

Anyway, we set up the towels on the sand, and we took our tops off, I took my shades off, we sun screened our selves, and then went in the water. "After you." I said to Sabine, being a gentleman around here. "No. After you." Sabine said with a bit of a playful smirk on her face. I recognized that face by now after about 2-3 years with her. "I insist." I said with a smirk on my face. "No. Go ahead, Ezra. By the way, look behind you." she said. "Ok." I said slowly with my smirk still going. I felt Sabine tag my back, and I turned around immediately. "You're it, Ezra!" she said, taking off. "Not if I catch you first, ya Mando!" I playfully said, chasing after her, running into the water.

We both ended up going deep into the water, which was where our chase still ongoing. I didn't see her. "Oh, Sabine, where are you?" I said playfully. She surprised me. "Right here!" she yelled, coming out from underneath the water and putting me in a bear hug. She picked me up, but I got of it quickly, and then got her into one, and threw her into the water. She came out from underneath the water again, her blonde and purple hair more wet that time around, laughing. "Come and get me!" I said laughing, swimming away from her as fast as I can, allowing my body to go along with the waves as I swam away from her. I bet Hera and Kanan liked to see me and Sabine get along well so far on our trip.

After around another half an hour of Sabine and I being a bunch of trolls in the water, with at one point Zeb grabbing me and throwing me in, both me and her decided to take a break, while Hera, Kanan, and Zeb were still in the water. We walked over back to our spot on the beach, and got ourselves wrapped up in our towels, and I put on my shades, and we lied down and hung on the side.

"You know, Sabine, you're a troll sometimes." I joked. "So are you, don't forget that, Ez." she replied and joked. "We can all be, what can I say." I said. "True." she replied. "So, how are you liking our vacation so far, Bine?" "It feels good to go on a vacation. Plus, I find it cool to go some place new, some place that is peaceful and doesn't have fighting and all that stuff. I'm liking this place so far. How about you, Ez?" "This is probably one of the coolest places that I've visited in my life. I'm liking this place too." "Don't you just love the color in the water?" "I'll admit, this is beautiful water here. You ever seen any water this cool looking?" "I've seen it in pictures, but not in person. I love how this water looks though. And, Ezra?" "Yes, Sabine?" "You know that it's hot out here, right?" "Yeah. Why do you ask?" "No reason. I was just wondering if you wanted to go some place with a more 'cooler temperature.'" "Why? Is the water not good enough?" "Oh it is. *Sabine sliding her finger on Ezra's chest and smiling* But I was thinking of some place with air conditioning because it is getting hot out here, and I need to cool off. I dunno about you, but I think both of us could use some AC up in here." *Ezra smiling* "I see how it is, Sabine. I could cool off a little bit too myself." "Great. Let's just be respectful and tell the others where we are going first." "I am with you on that one."

And we stood up, got our shirts on, and Sabine got her shorts on. "Hey guys!" I called out to the rest of the gang. "Yeah?" Kanan said. "Sabine and I are going back to our room. We've just had enough of the beach. You guys could stay in, we're just going back if that's cool." I said. "Do you have the key cards and remember your room number?" Kanan asked. "Yeah. We'll be alright on our own going back, don't worry." I answered. "Ok. We'll tell you when we are back. See you then." Kanan said. "See ya, Kanan." I said.

Sabine and I collected our towels and our items, and we headed back to the hotel room. I honestly had a "bad" feeling about what it was that was about to go down with the two of us in our room.

We got into our room about five minutes after we left the beach, and decided to shower first. We went one at a time in terms of showers. Sabine went first, and I went last. I put back on my shirt, and I put on my shorts. When I came out of the bathroom, the party got started.

The first thing I saw went I came out was Sabine, and she was wearing a black tank top with her jean shorts. She did a "come here" notion with her finger, and had me sit in a chair that was in our room. I had an extremely good feeling of what was to come. I sat in the chair, and she began to dance for me, and I mean it was that kinda dance. She did one of those dances that you'd see at strip clubs, and this was the life right here. I had never experienced her this way.

As the dance continued, she took off her tank, revealing her bra. I was stunned, and it felt awesome to be stunned. Next, she unbuttoned her jean shorts, continued to dance a little bit more, letting off a few moans for my and her pleasure, and then took them off, revealing her panties. Now I was really stunned. Sabine then came over, got on top of me in the chair, and began to grind her hips on me. Shit was getting serious. Next, we started making out, which was an amazing feeling for the both of us.

While we were making out, I picked her up, her legs wrapping around me, and then fell back on the bed, where we continued to make out, this time getting more serious. Next, she pulled down my shorts, and went in for the inside of my boxers, and started to jerk me off. After a minute or two of jerking me off, she looked up at me, gave me a wink, sexually, and went as far as to take my dick out by sliding it through the little hole in the middle of my boxers, and looked at it with big eyes that were begging for it. Next, she went as far as to blow me. Now we were talking here.

As Sabine blew me, I felt my dick get slightly harder than when she jerked me off, though let's be honest, I was already hard from the dance earlier. It felt good also, and it gave me pleasure as I moaned throughout her blowing me. She took it out of her mouth for a second, and licked the tip of my dick, swirling her tongue around around it. She grabbed it with her hand, jerked me off a little bit, and then went back to blowing me. It continued to feel good. I begged god to let this keep happening cause it felt so good, but I told myself to not just get ahead too quickly, and wait for the good part. Eventually after another minute or so of blowing me, I felt myself about to cum.

"Sabine...I'm... I'm gonna..." I couldn't get the last word out, and I came. I had a damn good feeling that a lot of my stuff just went into Sabine's mouth, and I was right when she opened it up to show me, and she had a lot of my stuff in there, which she swallowed, and said that it was "tasty" as it turned out. For my first time at anything serious with her, this was awesome by far, but I told myself, again, to just wait until the good part, the better part that is, whenever that would be coming.

After that was over with, she got on top of me in the bed, where we switched positions, with me being on top of her. Next, Sabine pulled me in and started to make out with me in the bed. While we were at it with our make out session, I went towards her neck, and would kiss her on the neck and would suck her as well, the Mandalorian moaning in the process. She came up on the bed, and undid her bra, revealing her tits, which I squeezed hard. We fell back down on the bed after she tossed her bra off to the side, and made out again, going even more serious at it now in the process. We made out hard with one another that both of us were practically running out of breath, but we kept going in the bed because it was awesome. However, though we were getting intimate with one another, we weren't getting THAT intimate due to yours truly not having protection on him, and Sabine was aware of that.

Next, we switched positions, and she began to ride me, grinding her hips on top of me. Like I did earlier, Sabine went in for my neck, kissing it and sucking me in the process. When she came back up, I squeezed her tits, came up, and sucked both of them, which cause her to moan in the process. Before I came back down on the bed, Sabine took my shirt off, and tossed it to the side. And then when I did fall back on the bed, Sabine began to suck me on my chest, and then that was when I pulled her in and made out with her, this time using up all of my energy in me to go way harder with this session this time around. We were really running out of breath that time.

We switched positions again, and this time I removed Sabine's panties, revealing her pussy. The sight of it turned me on, and then I went in for it, and started to eat her out. She moaned like crazy. "Yes, Ezra! Keep going, just like that!" she exclaimed as she was moaning. I went even harder that time around, thrusting myself in as I ate Sabine out some more. I knew that it made her feel good, and I kept it that way as I went slightly harder as I ate her out. After some more of eating out Sabine, I stopped doing it, already out of breath from making her feel good. She too ran out of breath after holding in during her moans as I did it.

As we lied on the bed catching our breath, we heard a knock at the door. It was Hera, and she informed us through the door that she and the others were back from the beach, and she informed me and Sabine to get changed for dinner. We said that we would get to it, and so the twi'lek left to her room to get changed for dinner as well.

"Damn." I said still catching my breath. "That was fun while it lasted." "Yup. And I think that it's safe to say that this vacation for us is gonna get more interesting and more fun, Ezra." Sabine replied as she put back on her panties and her bra. "For you and me that is." I said as I put my shirt back on, and then my shorts. So far for day one here, it was awesome, and it looked like it was gonna be that way for the next couple of days.