Third Person POW:

A cheery voice flooded the bleak room.

"Hey sweetie! How are you holding up?" She could almost hear the smile on her lips.

"Your father and I are going through a bit of a rough patch with the farm. But the money you keep sending is helping out tremendously dear." The rabbit smiled a watery smile.

"H-Hey is that Judy? Heeeey Jude The Dude!" A worried male voice replaced the softer one from before.

"Don't you worry about us carrot farmers here! We're doing just fine. Your mother and me, we are so proud of you." She knew that he was probably crying at this point.

"Go make the city a better place! We love you Judy." The female voice said.

"Don't forget to visit on holidays!"

In the darkness of dawn, soft sobs filled the soon to be abandoned apartment. She held the carrot recorder close to her as she wept.

"I w-will mom…"

After a few more minutes of trying to compose herself, the bunny placed the recorder pen in her pocket, grabbed the backpack filled with her stuff and slung it over her shoulder. She took one final glance at the mostly empty room and spotted a can of 'Fox Repellant' on the table beside the door. I'm not going to be one of them. I'll do things right. She grabbed the repellant and stuffed it in a side pocket of her backpack.

The tired bunny slowly closed the door to her apartment and with ears hung low made her way outside and across the street to where the fox, her soon to be partner in crime, was waiting for her.

"What took you so damn long rabbit?" He hissed at her, a cup of coffee in his right paw. Judy looked at the fox in disbelief. He was getting on her ass a mere moment after she left her life behind.

"Are you fucking serious?" the rabbit in question seethed at the mammal before her. Nick didn't even grace her with an answer, he merely shoved the cup at her, almost spilling its scalding content on the bunny.

"Shut up. I'm going to be killing you in the eyes of the public now so turn around." He took a few steps towards her apartment and stopped in the middle of the road. Nick didn't even glance at her.

"Or don't, I don't care either way." He pointed his palm out towards the window of her apartment. Judy stared at the fox in silence and after a few seconds of pure nothingness, she saw a small neon blue line beginning to weave its way through the air and coil at the center of the fox's' palm. The light formed a tight blue orb, floating a mere millimeter away from the paw pads of the one who summoned it.

The black clad fox narrowed his eyes at the housing like it had offended him in some horrid way and he whispered something to himself as the orb of light shot through Judy's window, shattering it on impact.

He lowered his arm and turned away from the building, only to see the bunny staring at him in bewilderment.

"What was th-" An obnoxiously loud explosion interrupted her as the very fabric of her apartment was torn apart and flung in every direction. In the bright blue light of chaos, shimmering in the sky, she saw Nick's outline. Toxic green met deep violet. To her, the fox looked like a demon. To him, the rabbit looked like an angel.

"Don't ask stupid questions." He said through clenched teeth as the fox snatched back his cup of coffee. This time though Judy had had enough and knocked the cup out of his paw the moment he grabbed it. The scorching hot liquid splashed on both of them before the cup hit the ground and remained standing upright with only a fraction of the beverage still left inside. The bunny winced in pain as the burns settle into her fur coat, but the fox remained unmoving, his eyes set in a stark glare that pierced through her to the rabbits very soul. The fox took a step towards her and fiercely pulled her closer by the collar of her shirt.

"I am in a VERY bad mood rabbit. You would be wise to not piss me off further." A low menacing growl resounded in the back of his throat as he bared his fangs at the bunny. Her nose twitching in fright and her ears pressed as low as possible, Judy barely managed to nod at him before he shoved her back and turned to walk down the street towards the train station. She followed a few feet behind, being careful not to irk the fox any further. She had a feeling he wouldn't hesitate to put her in the ground now that everyone already thought she was dead.

They walked in complete silence for what felt like hours. When they finally reached the station, the sun was barely beginning to rise. Nick jerked to a stop a few feet away from the entrance to the train station and turned to the rabbit trailing behind him.

"You will notice that the specters do NOT in fact reside in Happytown. Each squad has their own base of operations and ours - soon to be yours too Hopps, is here." He waved one paw nonchalantly towards the station. Walking up to the doors he placed one paw on one of the glass panes, then looked back at Judy.

"Come on Hopps. Time to put it on." He said as he turned to push through the doors, the two elephant sized portals easily swinging open under his weight. Judy cocked her head to the side then scampered after the fox.

The station was gorgeous in the morning light which refracted off of the glass dome roof. The tile floors were a warm peach color and trees were abundant in the metro transport facility. Colorful tubes lined the stairs and water canals, ready for the rodent population to take them above and beyond other mammals. Many a food place lined the walls of the station, offering everything from smoothies to ice cream. Built to suit every kind of mammal those fast food restaurants were quite a sight to see.

Judy noticed the water canals through which the aquatic mammals traveled to and from work, and she saw a few browning leaves floating on the surface. 'Autumn is coming.' She thought to herself as she padded silently after the fox. Her brain finally clicked and she understood what Nick had said.

"Put what on?" She asked with a hint of confusion plainly obvious on her voice. The fox before her smirked to himself as he strode across the station to one of the soda machines that had a strange logo on it's side. An orange F with a fox tail wrapped around it. He stopped in front of the machine and punched in an 8 digit code.

"The last suit you'll ever wear." The keyboard slid up, revealing a fingerprint scanner. Nick grabbed Judy by her shoulder, then placed his thumb on the scanner and in a matter of seconds, the pair seemed to disintegrate into thin air.

When Judy felt the fox grab her by her shoulder, she was about to speak up for him to let her go, when the world around her melted away in a fission of blues and whites. She was speechless as her mind tried to comprehend what she was seeing. After a few seconds of reality bending sights, the world seemed to stretch into a tunnel of unreal shapes and chilling sounds. When it stretched as far as Judy could see, it suddenly all came rushing back towards her, snapping like a rubber band and the bunny instinctively shut her eyes, and raised her arms to defend her head from the impact.

She felt him release her shoulder and a gentle melody filled the space around her. She remained in this guarding position for a while longer as the heavy footfalls of the fox echoed around her. After she was thoroughly convinced that she wouldn't be splattered against reality's windshield, the rabbit slowly lowered her arms and peeked up.

"I'm a castaway ~ and I reap what they sow ~" Nick's voice gently reached her ears and the bunny fully opened her eyes and straightened her back. What she saw left her feeling, underwhelmed. A smallish white room, no bigger than a walk in closet. No decorations what so ever, the room was completely bare with no windows or furniture or even lights! It seemed as if the walls themselves were illuminating the area she was currently in. At the far end of the room she was looking at was a glass sliding door. The kind of murky white glass that you couldn't see through no matter what. A deep dread settled into her as she realized that she was alone. Nick wasn't here anymore and the only way out of the room seemed to be through the door.

"Nick?!" She squeaked, turning her head around frantically looking for her jackass of a fox partner. She turned herself around a few times, subtly noting that there was nothing behind her but a blank white wall. The bunny lowered her ears and gnawed worriedly on her bottom lip.

"Come on Nick, this isn't funny!" Taking a few steps towards the door, she noticed the back of the room grow a bit dimmer. When she came a little closer to the glass door it automatically slid to the side, making no noise at all. She looked through the opening in the wall and saw a very dim, blue-ish corridor running forwards and then bending left at the end. Judy slowly walked through the door and almost as if her very presence resonated with the place, the walls around her grew brighter and the walls behind her grew dark. The door closed behind the bunny.

"Whoah..." She gasped to herself as she began walking forward at a snails pace, observing how the floors and the walls illuminated with her and dimmed behind her. The color of the light slowly shifted to a piercing white as she walked further down the corridor, the soft hum of Nick's voice still lingering in the air around her. Out of curiosity Judy ran one of her paws along the walls and almost immediately recoiled in shock. The walls weren't solid, instead they were a soft almost gooey substance. She once again pressed her paw into the wall, a bit harder this time and it sunk in ever so slightly. When she pulled back her paw print remained but the area around it began glowing a faint red. Ripples spread from her paw print as it reformed back into the smooth wall surface but it didn't stop there. A neon red line began weaving it's way on the wall spelling out 'Print Not Recognized. Please Wait For Inspection.'

Judy felt the floor beneath her soften and she began to sink very slowly. When she tried stepping from this soft spot, the bunny found her paws bound to its gooey substance which prevented her from walking or moving from her spot in the corridor. A crackle came from somewhere above her and a very irritated voice growled at her.

"If you're Nick's new partner, STOP TOUCHING THINGS! Yer not in the system and yer causing all sorts of lights to flash here and I'm TRYING to SLEEP!." Judy pulled her paws closer to her chest as she shrunk into herself under this angry voice. She spared a quick glance over at the red writing on the wall and noticed that it had changed to 'Inspection In Progress'. Looking around herself once more, she desperately tried to find her fox and stop this situation from getting any worse.

"NICK. Get down there NOW!" It yelled again and Judy heard an exasperated groan from somewhere down the hall. She could see the dim glow of approaching light from somewhere beyond the curve in the hallway, soft claw clicks tagging along with the approaching brightness.

"Shove it Finnick!" She heard the now familiar voice grunt out just as he rounded the corner, the walls around him illuminated a soft neon green, a stark contrast to her sterile white. He had his paws in his pockets and his back was slouched over a bit as he strode towards her temporary imprisonment. He stopped mere inches away from her, gazing into her big violet orbs, his own green ones mirroring and exhausted sadness. This was Nick. Without his mask.

"I-I'm sorry..." Judy stuttered out, averting her gaze to the floor and her trapped paws. She didn't want to cause any trouble in the few moments after she arrived at the Specter base. Yet somehow she did, and she managed to get some bossy asshole on Nick's back. She heard the fox sigh and she could feel his warm breath on her fur. She shrunk down further. Great way to start your specter work Judy... The bunny mentally scolded herself. A few seconds later a cold paw gently brushed under the tip of her drooping ear and rested on her shoulder. She didn't want to look at Nick, to see his anger or disappointment directed at her. She would much rather just stay here, trapped in the floor and be ignored than to confront him. Another paw ran gently along her forearm and rested on her balled up fists, which clenched her shirt for dear life. Judy shut her eyes tightly and waited for the harsh words of how he she's just a burden or how he made the biggest mistake of his life by choosing her. The alien paw merely pulled at one of her fist until she relented and let it guide her paw freely. She felt it being pushed open and the soft fur and leathery pads of the fox which stood beside her press against her paw, a comforting warmth enveloping it, ever so slowly spreading through her arm and filling her entire form. Slowly Judy opened her eyes and saw a faint purple glow shine from the depths of her chest, barely making it through her clothes. Slowly the floor beneath her grew solid once again and she felt herself rising back up. The paw which was resting on her shoulder slowly pulled her closer, pressing her to a hard chest covered in plush fur. The bunny felt an arm wrap around her and hold her close.

Judy stood motionless as the cold fox was hugging her. Soon he rested his head on hers and slowly exhaled a breath she didn't know he was holding. The walls around them began dimming ever so slightly, the neon green fading to a deep forest green, shinning behind the fox. Her sterile white faded almost completely and it was slowly replaced by the same purplish color that she saw from herself a few moments prior. The two halves shone against each other, touching and flowing from one into the other. A beautiful swirl of color enveloping the two mammals. And then she heard him speak, quietly, almost a whisper.

"Don't be sorry. Be defiant. Yell at me, hate me. Anything... Just don't forgive me, please."

Her side of the walls dimmed completely. She grabbed at his shirt, the fox lacking the black coat from before. Tears prickling at her eyes, she let him hold her for a while longer.

"I can't hate you Nick. I don't want to."

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed :D

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