The Lost Maelstrom

IMPORTANT NOTE: Read the damn story before you complain. This is only the first chapter. The how's of Minato being alive will be explained as you progress in the story.

Chapter One's Final Revision Date: November 2, 2018

Chapter One: The Lost Maelstrom is Found

It all began in a place where the world thought no longer existed…

"Well?" The sharp question came from a woman sitting behind a desk. This woman had long red hair that flowed past her elbows. She was wearing a light blue cloak that had the kanji of 'First' at the back. Her face was currently hidden by the hat she was wearing as her head was bowed. There was a man standing beside her, his features currently hidden by the shadow cast by the banner above him. The banner was red and had a circle in the middle. In the circle was a swirl.

The person she was addressing wore the standard ANBU attire, except that his was pure black. He was in a kneeling position as he phased through the floor, appearing before the woman. Upon hearing the question, he stiffened, feeling nervous. The woman took notice of this and knew she would not like what she will be hearing next.

"We found him, Uzukage-sama. He looks exactly like you described and was indeed in Konoha. From what we have observed, he was not being treated well. We noticed how the villagers glared and cast contemptuous looks at him…" The operative paused before continuing. "The first time we found him, he was being surrounded and beaten by a group of drunks. While there were many witnesses, nobody was helping him. My team had to pose as Konoha police to stop them and disperse the crowd. We managed to rescue him from several mob attacks afterwards, without the knowledge of the ninja present in the area."

"The boy is in a terrible state. He is thin and malnourished, hence why he also looked smaller than his age. He does not have a permanent place and sleeps in the darker corner of the streets and alleys, in order to hide himself from the villagers. Your children have stayed behind to fulfill their part of the mission, while I came back here to give you the intel you requested."

The woman waved a hand, acknowledging the report. The operative rose and took off his head gear, revealing a face with a dark blue eye, the other covered by his red hair. This man was known as Kaede Uzumaki. He was the head of STORM, an elite organization that only answered to the Uzukage.

The woman sighed as she put down her hat, finally revealing a face similar looking to the operative in front of her. She was none other than Kushina Namikaze nee Uzumaki. First Uzukage of the rebuilt Uzushiogakure. "You did well. I will send a team back with you to fetch him. Right now, I want you to instruct all ANBU, Jounin and Chunin to meet me at the village's Main Stronghold at sundown. I want all members of STORM present as well."

"Hai! Uzukage-sama." The STORM captain bowed and put back his head gear on before disappearing.

The person standing beside her bent down and captured the Uzukage in an embrace, finally revealing his notable features; crystal blue eyes and messy blond hair that reached his neck. He was Minato Namikaze. Yondaime Kage of Konohagakure. Like the Village Hidden by Whirling Tides and its inhabitants, he was believed by the world dead.

Scene Change – a few nights ago

A young boy who looked no older than 4 was running for his life. His most notable features were his blue eyes, blond hair, and three whisker marks on each cheek. He looked wild and starving. His hair was messed up, his clothes ragged and has blood stains on it. He was being chased by a huge mob he fled from after receiving a few hits.

The boy suddenly screamed and fell as a kunai hit his leg. This gave the mob the opportunity to finally catch and corner the boy. They started to beat him, avoided hitting his head to keep him conscious, allowing them to torment the child even more. The boy was screaming in agony. The boy looked straight at a vacant spot opposite him. He looked straight into what seemed the eyes of the watcher and begged to be saved. He screamed while crying, "Mother! Father! Somebody! Please save me!" as the mob continued to pummel him.

"NO! PLEASE, STOP!" Kushina woke up screaming. She checked the time and found it was past midnight.

"Kushina!" The man sleeping beside her also awoke that very same moment. "What is it?"

"Minato! They're going to murder him! They're torturing him! Oh Kami-sama, we need to save him!"

"Kushina, please calm down. Tell me what happened."

After a few minutes of crying, the distressed redhead finally calmed down and told her husband about the dream she just had. She told him about the boy. She told him about the villagers. She then realized the boy looked somehow familiar.

"This isn't just an ordinary dream. This is probably some kind of warning or some kind of vision. It's probably happening at the moment or has happened already." Minato absently patted down his hair, deep in thought.

"Minato?" Inquired the woman, feeling nervous.

"Kushina… This may sound odd, but, I had the same dream. Just exactly the same as what you have told me."

They were silent for a few seconds until Kushina's eyes widened and she screamed, "Naruto! My baby boy's alive! And he is in danger! We must find him! LET ME GO!" She roared as she frantically tried to escape from her husband's strong arms as he tried to placate her.

"Kushina, please calm down. I know what you are feeling right now. I am also his parent. I promise you we will do everything to rescue our son wherever he is. But if we're going to find our son we need a clear head in order to plan properly. I'm with you, okay? We'll find our Naruto."

It took a while before the distressed mother regained her composure.

"Kushina, I'm going to check on the children. I believe I felt their chakra spike up. Something's going on."

"Alright. I'll meet you at my office. I'll go find Kaede."

Thirty minutes later

Uzukage's Office

"Mother? What happened? You've been crying." A younger version of Kushina inquired. Her name was Narumi Namikaze. She was the first child and eldest daughter of Minato and Kushina. She was eighteen years old and a jounin.

"I'm fine now, Narumi. I had a bad dream."

Narumi stared at her siblings with a questioning look.

"What kind of dream? What did you dream about?" This time a younger male version of Kushina inquired. He was Minako Namikaze. Second child and eldest son. He was two years younger than Narumi, and also a Jounin Captain of three chuunin.

"Your father and I had a dream about a boy being beaten by a mob. We strongly believe it was-"

"Naruto." Another boy and a girl finished. These two were twins. They got their facial features from Minato. Although unlike her twin brother, Miho got her mother's red hair, while Mio had orange hair. The twins were both Chuunin. They were six years younger than their elder sister.

"We also had the same dream. All four of us. Mio and I were awoken when Narumi and Miho woke up screaming. We were discussing about it before Father called us."

Flashback – Four years ago

Unkown location

"The Iwa, Kiri, and Kumo Allied forces will attack Uzushiogakure in three days. I want you to blend in with them. Your task is to kidnap Kushina Namikaze's newborn son. She's due to give birth two days before the Allied Forces' scheduled attack. Take the infant during the commotion and bring it back here. Do whatever means you must. Failure is not an option."


Uzushiogakure - Three days later

Uzushio Headquarters

"Uzukage-sama! All enemies are within the traps' range. It's time for our counter attack."

"Very well. Begin."


"Father. Let me help."

"No, Kushina. You just gave birth. You still need rest. And you should be beside Naruto. Your son needs you."

"He'll be fine. He's with Miho and Mio. Rin's also with the kids. She's a strong kunoichi."

"I know. But still, your children need you, especially Naruto. Kushina, go to the shelter with your children."


"Go! Worry not, victory will be ours."

Uzukage Estate

"Rin-sensei!" The twins shouted with concern.

"She's dead. And you brats are next! Hmmmm, maybe I should start with the youngest." A masked man entered the estate and started killing the household including the twins' sensei, Rin.

"No! We won't let you harm our baby brother!" The twins moved in front of Naruto's crib to protect him from the masked assailant but the intruder vanished and reappeared behind them and sent them crashing on the wall.

"Say goodbye to your brother! Forbidden Art: Dancing Black Flames!" The masked man shouted as he tossed the infant into the air before incinerating it along with the crib.

"NOOOOOOOO!" The twins watched in horror as their infant sibling became nothing but ashes.

The masked man then turned his attention to kill the remaining witnesses while they were frozen in shock and despair. As he neared the two, he felt a huge chakra signature coming and immediately fled the house.

Ten seconds later Kushina burst into the estate and found the dead bodies of her household. She felt a heavy sensation in her stomach as she rushed upstairs to where Naruto's room was. What she saw made her dizzy. Rin was lying on the floor. Dead. Tears ran down the eyes of her twins who kneeled on the corner, paralyzed with fear and despair. At the end of the room, the crib, where her youngest child slept peacefully only a night ago, was now a pile of ash.

"Naruto! Miho! Mio!"

"Mother…! Naruto… gone… incinerated…" Miho said between choked sobs.

"Rin-sensei dead… Masked man… he killed our baby brother…" Mio whispered weakly as tears came down streaming his face.

Kushina fell to her knees as she stared at the pile of ash. Tears began to flow as her body shook, wracked by sobs. "No… Please, Kami no. My little Naru-chan… NO! NAAARUTOOOOOOO!"

Uzushiogakure - Three days later

Dead bodies can be seen everywhere along with debris from fallen buildings. The once strong and standing village were now in ruins. Small fires can still be seen around. The place stank of dead flesh and burnt wood. A small party of Konoha shinobi were inspecting the area, checking for survivors.

"Hiashi. Do you see anything?" A man with long, spiky white hair asked.

"Nothing, Jiraiya-sama. They're all dead. I can't see a chakra signature. The only ones alive in this area are us." Replied a man who had white eyes with bulging veins around them as he inspected the now ruined village.

"What a waste. They were our allies! Sarutobi! I told you they needed our help. If you ordered us to assssssissssst then there might be survivors." A pale man with long raven hair shouted. His words prolonging into hisses as his anger rose.

"Shut up teme. If you wanted to help then you should have gone without us."

"Yes, I really should have. But Sarutobi stopped me from going! I was restrained! And you wouldn't even care because you were too busy peeping on women! I would have chosen being branded as someone who disobeys orders rather than someone who abandons their comrades!"

"Hn. I thought the Uzumaki clan were strong. But look at them all, dead. The weaklings do not deserve saving." Scoffed a man with long black hair and red eyes.

"You fucking Uchihas think you're mighty and high. Admit it Fugaku, you Uchihas are afraid of the Uzumaki Clan. They are far stronger than yours. You fuckers hate them because you can't copy their jutsus with your fucking eyes."


"That's enough, Orochimaru. Everyone! We're going back to Konoha." An old man with a pipe said.

"Yessss. I've had enough, Sensei" Orochimaru spat the word with venom. "I'm no longer affiliated with Konoha. I'm cutting my ties to it from now on. I'm ashamed of a village who abandons their allies." Orochimaru proclaimed as he untied his hitai-ate and tried to shove it onto his sensei's hands, who would not accept.

"I won't allow you to leave Orochimaru. You are a great asset to Konoha. If you do leave, I will mark you as a missing-nin." Sarutobi threatened as he refused to take his apprentice's hitai-ate.

"Fine then." Orochimaru replied as he took out a kunai and made a long gash on his forehead protector, signifying his disowning of his now former village.

"Orochimaru, you can't do this!" Fugaku exclaimed.

"Oh. But I already did. Good bye you traitors." Orochimaru said as he morphed into a small white snake and went underground.

"He's gone. I can't see his chakra signature." Hiashi said.

Sarutobi sighed. "We should hurry back to the village. We have to inform the council of Orochimaru's defection."

Jiraiya refused to leave and waited for his teammate to return but after a few minutes he too just sighed and nodded to his sensei. And with that, the four remaining Konoha-nin left.


Unkown to the Konoha-nin, they were being watched. The clan they believed to be extinct were simply hiding underground, protected by strong seals that blocked all senses coming from the outside.

The dead bodies that littered the village were in fact the corpses of the Kiri, Kumo, and Iwa Shinobi. All dressed up with Uzushio hitai-ates, clothing, armor, and weapons. Their hairs were dyed red to make them look like the fallen Uzumaki. The ruined city was only an illusion. Only a few buildings were actually destroyed. There were less than fifteen casualties and those were the Uzumaki Main Branch Household. The Uzumaki Clan remained and still stood strong.

A week before the assault on their village, they were tipped off by someone unknown. They were informed that a combined force of Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri were going to try and assault their village. Driven by fear and envy, they formed an alliance and shared one common goal. That goal was to stop Uzushiogakure from growing stronger and becoming one of the five great nations. Thanks to the warning, they were able to prepare defend the city and evacuate all villagers to the underground shelters.

Despite their victory, the whole clan were mourned for the fallen. Especially the Uzukage's youngest grandchild, Naruto – believed incinerated by a masked assailant.

The Uzukage's daughter, Kushina, was still distraught and mourning but deep inside, she believed that her son was alive. She simply did not have any leads or clues on where to find her little Naruto. And due to the orders of the Uzukage, they were to remain hidden and to wait patiently.

There will be a time for them to strike back and unleash their vengeance to those who were responsible of their village's supposed destruction and Naruto's death. For now, they were to make the world believe that the Uzumaki Clan no longer existed and Uzushiogakure were now in ruins.

Flashback end

The family were silent for a few minutes until Kaede spoke. "Alright. Sister, could you tell me about the dream? How did my nephew look like? What of his attackers?"

Seeing his wife about to cry again, Minato decided to fill in his brother-in-law about the dream.

"I think the place looked familiar. What do you think Minato?" Kushina asked.

"I believe the place was near Konoha's outer skirts. How he got there, I do not know." Said Minato.

Kushina was silent for some time, her head bowed. When she finally spoke, her demeanor changed. Her voice now carried power. "Alright everyone, listen up. I'm giving you a mission. Kaede, Narumi, Minako, Miho, and Mio. You are going to Konohagakure No Sato. Kaede, I want you to gather information about my youngest son. Find out why they have him. Find out why he was being mistreated. Find out why nobody looks out for him. Everything related about him, I want complete details.

Narumi, Minako, Miho, Mio. Find your little brother. Keep him safe. Earn his trust. Tell him he's going to be alright. Tell him that we will rescue him from that stinking place. Do what you must. Once you find him, stay inside the Namikaze Estate. Nobody will know you are there. The house is protected by seals and will only respond to those with Uzumaki and Namikaze blood. Kaede, I would also like you to find Nono Uzumaki. I believe she goes by the name Nono Yakushi. She also has a son named Kabuto. Get in contact with them. She doesn't know Uzushio still exists. Here are their pictures. When you return, we will discuss about what to do next."

Present Time


The boy from the dream was running for his life… again. This was a daily routine for him. He will wake up early to scavenge for food while staying out sight. During the afternoon, he would be found and a man hunt would commence. The villagers seem to have some kind of tracking device on him. Every night he will be taken to the hospital to get his injuries treated only for him to get hurt again the next day. Morning was the only safe time for him since the villagers were busy with their work while some were still asleep.

He didn't know eyes always followed him. Eyes from the shadows. ANBU, the black operatives of the village, the ones who tip off the villagers of his location.

Unknown to all, four outsiders were watching the whole scene.

As the boy turned into a corner, the outsiders sprang into action and snatched him away.

A hidden seal activated, and a clone of the boy appeared. The watching ANBU failed to notice this as the exchange happened at a blind spot. The mob were none the wiser and proceeded to pummel the clone.

Namikaze Estate

"Phew. That was close."

"Hey kid, are you alright?" Asked the leader of the four.

"Yes." Whispered the scared and baffled boy. "What happened? We were there – and now we're here!"

"We saved you. We used fuinjutsu that activated once we got you out of there. The seal produced a clone of you. We added a genjutsu to make the transition perfect. It's the clone who'll they think they'll be beating." Replied one of the four.

"Who are you? Why did you save me? Did you really save me? Or are you four going to beat me just for yourselves?" Asked the boy, fear once again gripping his heart.

He yelped as he felt arms wrapped around him and started to cry. "Please. I haven't done anything wrong. Why can't you see that? I'm not a monster. I'm just a human like you."

The eldest of the four engulfed the boy into a hug as he started crying. "Calm down. We're not going to hurt you. You're safe with us."

"Really?" Asked the boy between sobs.

"Yeah. My name's Narumi."

The boy nodded and instantly became cheerful. "My name's Naruto. Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto! And I'm going to be one of the greatest ninja ever lived. Believe it!"

His rescuers smiled at him. Glad that he was still cheerful despite what happened to him earlier and the days before he was rescued by them.

"Say, Naruto, why don't we go to the kitchen and we'll get you something to eat, hmm? I'm sure you're hungry." Asked Narumi while the boy nodded. His stomach growled when he heard the girl mention food. She then motioned the other three to prepare something to eat.

"Where are we by the way?" Curiosity once again filled Naruto.

"We're here inside the Yondaime's Home. Our father's home. This home is protected with seals. Nobody except us five know we are here inside. I'm the eldest. Minako, he's two years younger than me. Mio and Miho, are twins. They're four years younger than Minako."

"Oh." Said Naruto, feeling jealous and sad. As he didn't have anyone to call family. "I wish I had a family too. I wonder if they're still alive. My kaa-san, and my tou-san. I wonder if I have siblings too."

His four rescuers just stared at him with sad eyes.

"Say, Naruto. While you're eating. Would you mind telling us your story?" Asked Minako.

"Well, as you have seen, the villagers here hate me. Every day I have to run for my life to not get beaten, but they still catch me. I have no permanent place to stay at so I hide in the village's darkest streets. When I was three I was kicked out of the orphanage. I never understood why. They called me a monster. An abomination. And I don't even know what that meant. They blamed me for killing a lot of people. They blamed me for killing the Yondaime and his wife. But how can I do those horrible things? That's just stupid. I think they're just giving themselves a reason to beat me and hate me. Besides, I don't even know what a Yondaime is. But you know, I heal fast. Maybe that's why they call me monster and loved to beat me."

Narumi nodded, urging him to continue. She understood about the fast healing since it's one of the abilities of the Uzumaki Clan's Kekkei Genkai.

"Ever since I've been kicked out from the orphanage, I've been wandering the streets. I slept at random places in the village where it was dark so I can hide from the villagers. I got my food from dogs and in some occasions, from foxes. They were the only creatures that were friendly to me. I do not know why. But they nicked food for me so I could eat. There were also some snakes. At first I was afraid of them. But I started to like them when they saved me from a mob. The stray dogs, snakes, and foxes are my only family."

"Naruto. Do you have any clues who your parents are?" Asked Narumi.

Naruto shook his head. "My nurse told me my parents were dead. She figured that I was brought here from Uzushiogakure. She told me that the place I came from was destroyed. She also came from there when she was younger before she had her son. Nono-chan and Kabuto-nii were the only humans who had been good to me. They tried to adopt me but the villagers found out and asked for help from the bad clan heads. After that I never saw Nono-chan and Kabuto-nii again. Although I did believe the snakes were from them.

Anyway, I can remember how my parents looked like although the memory's when I was still a baby. Don't ask me how I remember it, I just do. My mom was beautiful. She had long red hair. My dad had yellow hair, and his eyes were crystal blue just like mine."

The four stared at him feeling excited. He just described how their parents looked like.

"You know, I dreamed of them a few nights ago… I was getting beaten by a mob. And then I saw them. I knew they were my parents. I just knew it. So I tried calling to them. When I did, I woke up from my sleep. It was some kind of a beautiful nightmare since I was getting beaten by a mob even in my dream, but at least I got to see my parents!" Naruto cheered at the last part.

The siblings couldn't help but smile at Naruto's cheerfulness. They've also heard enough. The dream wasn't just a dream. It was a link for them to find each other. They've decided to tell them who Naruto really was, and who they really were.

"Naruto." Narumi interrupted. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves yet. We had to confirm your identity first. But now we're sure. And the dream you mentioned was more than enough evidence..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asked a confused Naruto.

"Naruto, your parents are alive. You have a family. You have siblings. There are more than one person who loves you…" Narumi said in a whisper.

"We thought you have been killed when Uzushio was attacked by Iwa, Kiri, and Kumo. The whole clan was so devastated upon finding out. We still had hopes you were alive. We just didn't know where to look at. Since we also had to lay low after the attack and made the whole world think Uzushiogakure no longer existed along with the Uzumaki Clan. But a few nights ago, we four and our parents had the same dream just like what you told us, you were calling to them. They told us about it and recognized this place, so were sent out to look for you."

Naruto was silent. So Narumi continued, "And so we came here and found you. Naruto, our parents are also your parents. We are your siblings."

Silence filled the room after the revelation. Naruto was thinking hard. After all these years, he thought he had no one. He thought his family was dead. The dream he had, was linked to his parents. That gave him hope. Now, his siblings have found him when his parents asked them to look for him. He has a family! A living family!

Naruto slowly rose from his seat and then rushed to his siblings. Tackling them into a hug. He was crying from both joy and sorrow.

"Onee-chan. Onii-san." The four went to embrace their little brother. They were finally united. They stayed embracing for about five minutes. Naruto was in Kasumi's arms as he cried himself to sleep. The news for him were too overwhelming. For the first time, he slept in peace, knowing he had someone who'll look out for him. When he wakes up, he won't have to worry about the mob trying to kill him, for he had a family who'll protect him.

Narumi carried Naruto to the bedroom and stayed with him while he slept. His head on her lap while she caressed him.

"Sleep well, otouto. Uncle Kaede will be back soon. We're going home and our family will be whole again." Whispered Miho as she kissed Naruto on the forehead.

Back in Uzushiogakure

"Backstabbing traitors!" Cried Kushina as she read the files Kaede gave her. She found out that it was the Sandaime Hokage who gave the orders not to help Uzushiogakure during the day of the attack. It was the Sandaime who made the proposal with Iwa, Kiri, and Kumo to destroy Uzushiogakure, giving them information on how to get inside the village.

She also found out that the same man was the mastermind behind Naruto's kidnapping. The Namikaze family were made to believe that Naruto had been killed when the allied shinobi forces attacked their homeland. It was part of the plan to kidnap Naruto and destroy Uzushio. The report stated that it was Fugaku Uchiha who broke inside the Uzukage's House, killed the household including the Uzukage's daughter's apprentice, Rin Uzumaki, and cast a strong genjutsu to make the twins see their little brother incinerated in front of them, putting the twins into a trauma that haunted them for a year.

Naruto was brought back to Konoha and was used to become the Nine Tailed Demon Fox's jailer. The Yondaime was oblivious to the fact that it was his son he was condemning to a harsh life. The use of the Shiki Fujiin cost him his life. The Yondaime's last wish was for the child was to be seen as a hero by the villagers, and not a demon.

The Sandaime of course spat on his last wish. He was one of those responsible for the whole village's hate on the boy. It was him who spread the false rumor that it was the boy who killed the Yondaime and his wife, Kushina Uzumaki. Konoha intended for him to become a jinchuuriki – a weapon of the village. The worse part was, Naruto would be a mindless drone. Having no free thoughts and only answered to the Hokage.

The main conspirators along with the Sandaime Hokage were the village elders Danzo Shimura, Koharu Utatane, and Homura Mitokado. They were the ones who kindled the fire that was already with the villagers when the Kyuubi attacked and killed their families. That made the whole village hate the boy and gave him a harsh life.

It was the council's objective to have the boy beaten and tortured every day so that when the boy reaches the age of five, they will pretend to be good on the boy to gain his trust and unknowingly play by their hands, following their orders and becoming loyal to the village. Thus making him Konoha's ultimate weapon. A tool who was afraid of getting beaten so he follows his superior's orders.

Along with the files were Naruto's medical history. They found out that Naruto had been hurt every day since he got kicked out from the orphanage at the age of three. They would rough him up and then he'll be healed in the hospital only to get mauled again the following day. It was stated in the files that the Konoha Interrogation Division would try to erase Naruto's memories every time he was beaten. They didn't know that one of the nurses really cared for Naruto and she found out that Naruto remembered everything that was done to him. The boy had a total of about six hundred medical records. One of the files was about him getting thrown outside the window of a high story building when he was one year old. Another one was him getting him stabbed and electrocuted multiple times, burning his insides. That was when he was two years old. Another incident happened during the Fox Festival, October ten, Naruto's third birthday. He was raped by a gang of drunk villagers. The boy had been tortured and beaten physically and mentally by the villagers countless of times. Some of the incidents were not listed with Naruto's medical record.

Kushina broke down crying as she read the files. She couldn't believe that Konoha did those horrible things to his baby boy. They did to a four-year old. An innocent child! Those monsters!

Minato was shaking with rage as he too read the folders' contents. The village he once served betrayed him. The worst part was they defiled his youngest son. They treated him like a monster. They starved him, they tortured him, and they beat him every day. They were molding him to become the village's weapon.

Minato hugged his crying wife. They had to be strong for their son. After all, they found him now. They were doing everything they can to rescue him and bring him back to where he actually belonged. To his homeland, Uzushiogakure. To where his true family lived.

Three hours later

Inside the Uzukage's conference room.

The whole council was silent when Kushina finished telling them about the dream about her son, about the files they recovered, about what Konoha did to their son, and lastly, about Konoha's betrayal to Uzushiogakure. Along the council with them were all Chuunin ranking and up.

Most of the council members shook in rage as they listened to their village leader's tale and saw the documents. They finally knew who the mastermind behind Uzushio's supposed to be downfall was. They also knew now about what happened to the Uzukage's youngest child. Needless to say, they were disgusted with Konoha. Most of the women in the council were crying as they read the report.

Minutes of silence finally broke when someone whispered but loud enough for all of them to hear, "Konoha will pay for their crimes."

There was a low murmuring among the council, all of them agreeing. Konoha has stood for so long with their wrongdoings unpunished.

"When this news goes out, it will spread like wildfire. Soon, all of Uzushio will demand blood." One of the village representatives said.

"Agreed. But we cannot go to war yet. We must plan this thoroughly. Uzukage-sama's children are still in Konoha. We must decide first about who we are sending with Kaede back and assist the rescue team that was sent." Said by one of the clan heads.

"I second the opinion." Said by another one.

"But who are we sending to retrieve them?" Asked by one of the Jonins.

"I'm going." Minato said. All eyes were on him now. "I'm going inside the Estate via Hiraishin and then I'll bring the children back here. We can decide about Konoha's fate later once the children are safely returned here. But I'll be needing five squads with me. We're conducting a little raid." Minato coldly said the last part.

All shinobi present at the meeting wanted to volunteer for the said task. They wished to bring honor to their homeland by avenging it and the Uzukage's youngest son. It took about fifteen minutes for the council to make their decision and members for the five teams were picked.

"First squad will go to the Namikaze Estate and take all of its belongings. Same goes with the second group going inside the Uzumaki Estate. As soon as teams one and two arrive at their destination they are to begin immediately sealing everything. The third squad will go to the Hokage Tower and take all Namikaze and Uzumaki Clan's jutsus, and that's ranging from D to Forbidden. The fourth group will provide the first wave of chaos while teams one to three do their work. The fourth squad will blow up the Hokage Mountain. More specifically, my face. They think of me as their hero yet they treat my son like some kind of monster. Those fucking hypocrites. Fourth Squad will also destroy as many buildings near the Hokage Mountain. Fifth squad will be coming opposite the direction of the Mountain, also destroying as many buildings as possible.

While we're there, make sure you're all covered up. We're not to use any Suiton jutsus to not blow our cover. We won't be wearing Uzushio headbands. Once the first and second squads are done sealing everything, they are to blow up and destroy both Namikaze and Uzumaki estates. Once done, they are to head out to trash the eastern and western part of the village respectively. Kaede and I will blow up the market district and aid other teams via Hiraishin. Once the third group are finished taking the jutsus, they are to blow up the Hokage Tower. That signals the end of the raid."

"Well then, are all instructions clear?" Asked Kushina.

"Hai. Uzukage-sama."

"While we're going to raid Konoha for a bit, we'll bid more time and hasten strengthening our forces. We will gather some allies as well before we truly destroy Konoha. And if I remember correctly, Orochimaru is and still remains a friend of the Uzumaki. We also need to get in touch with him."

"That is all for today. The council look forward to Naruto-sama's retrieval."

"Very well. We will meet again once my baby's back in my arms. This meeting is adjourned."

Chapter One End