"Schools about to start and I don't even have a job yet." Asher yelled angrily.

"Not everyone is like you we can't just move on like its normal." Michaela stammered.

They swarmed her this morning as the first week of class registration loomed over there heads. A bundle of nerves and fears that she was suddenly responsible for. Bonnie stood next to her looking bored with it all. While all she wanted to do was scream and tell them all to get out. She stood in the living room clenching and unclenching her fists behind her back.

"I don't want Oliver working here." Connor chimed in.

"How can you be sure that everything is fine?" Laurel said, her leg shaking a mile a minute. Looking both relaxed and stressed as she leaned back in the white arm chair.

Frank descended the stairs and sent out a loud whistle stopping everyone in there tracks. "Shut up and back off, all of you."

Laurel's eyes narrowed. "Did you just come from upstairs?"

He ignored her question. "Asher, get a job like every other red bloodied person in America."

"Oh and Connor last I check she can hire whoever she wants including your pipsqueak of a boyfriend."

Annaliese put her hand on Frank's arm as a signal to quiet him. "I get it schools starting in a few weeks and everyones nervous about something."

Laurel stood up, ignoring the beginning's of Annaliese's little speech. "I can't believe you're rubbing it in my face. You'd think that you would be greatful that I didn't tell anyone," she said shooting daggers at Frank with her eyes.

"Come off it." He frowned. "Not everything is about you. Especially not this," He said, pulling the ring out of his pocket and getting on his knees. "See I asked her last night and she wasn't ready to give me an answer. I'm sure most of that was her lingering doubts about my committment."

Michaela looked on wide eyed. She turned to Laurel forcing her friend to face her. "You knew they were sleeping together? Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well no wonder he got so angry over what we said. I knew he was tapping that." Asher commented to no one in particular as he stood by the window. He crossed his arms in front of him waiting for the whole drama to unfold.

"And apparently Bonnie did too. She doesn't even look surprised." Wes said observing Bonnie who stood next to Annaliese.

"Who the hell knows. That could be Bonnie's surprised face." Connor said annoyed.

"Don't think about them." Frank said not taking his eyes off of Annaliese. Her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I didn't. Because the only answer in this room that matters is yours. Anna will you marry me?"


"Oh My God she said yes." Michaela said astonished. "How does she get everything?"

She pulled away just long enough to look at her ring. "It's beautiful."

He picked her up and swung her around. "You may want to go call your mom and thank her."


"Because I called her when I was picking it out. She said when you were little you used to scribble hearts all over your notebook."

"My mom hates everyone and you're telling me she helped you pick out the ring."

He shrugged a bit proudly. "I guess I just have a way with woman."

She bit her lips. "All of you get out. I'm still on vacation and plan on enjoying it. You don't have to pretend you're normal. You are normal and the sooner you believe it the better." She grabbed Bonnie's hand and pulls her upstairs. "I have to go call my mom. You have no idea she hates everyone. It' got to mean something that she gave Frank her blessing."

Bonnie smiled. "I'm happy if you're happy."

"Ugh, Congratulations." Asher said patting Frank awkwardly on the back.

"This is just one big circus isn't it. And the tricks on me." Connor slammed the front door behind him.

"Don't you have any decency. I thought you loved her. Now you go and do this in front of her face." Michael said reaming him out.

"I'm marrying her boss. Who happens to be my boss too. What was I supposed to do go hide in a corner? I'm done with that. I don't owe her anything. And Annaliese doesn't owe you guys anything. We give up our blood, sweat and tears for you people. I remember when we used to have a life before you walked in. I'm just taking it back."

Wes shook his head. "There was a better way to do this." He looked at Laurel who was wiping tears from her face. Her nose turning bright red. "Let's just get out of here."

She nodded and followed them out. "To think I was actually going to keep your secret and not tell anyone that you killed Lila."

The room went silent as her words sunk in.

Annaliese came back down the stairs and leaned over the railing with Bonnie in tow. "She actually, wants to help plan the wedding. My mother. I can't believe it."

Bonnie walked down the stairs picking up the tension in the air. "What's going on?"

Wes looked on angrily. "You killed Lila?" He threw the case in the hallway on the ground shattering it into a million pieces. Picking up one of the shards and putting it to Franks throat. He shoved him against the wall. "Tell me why we shouldn't kill you? The man that started this whole thing. That doomed us all."

Bonnie disappeared into the kitchen and returned pointing a gun at Wes. "Let him go."

"You're going to shoot me."

"Its Annaliese thats obsessed with you not me." Bonnie said unwavering.

Annaliese rushed down the stairs and stood between the gun and Wes. "We all just need to calm down and take a breath. Bonnie put the gun down."

"He's holding glass to Frank's neck. Our Frank."

Annaliese swallowed the panic and fear that wanted to over take her. "Wes step away from Frank."

"She's just going to have to kill me then because there's no way I'm leetting this bastard get away with it."

Laurel put her hand on Wes's shoulders. "He's not worth it. We're better than him. We're better than all of them. Put it down." She put her hand over his shaking had. "This began with murder. It can't possibly end that way."

He dropped the glass shard and stepped back.

Bonnie slowly lowered the gun once she was sure that Frank was out of harms way.

"Fine, we're turning him in."

Annaliese went to Frank's side pulling him away from the students. "That's not going to happen. You can go and spin your little tell if you like, but we're better at this than you are. Frank won't spend a minute behind bars. But i'll make sure that you will for killing Sam and shooting me."

"Get out of here. It goes without saying that you're all fired and if you even think about going against us. It will be the last bad decision you ever make." Bonnie said putting the gun on the nightstand as if it were nothing more than a purse accessory.

"Bonnie, don't do that we don't have to be enemies." Annaliese piped in.

"If its war you want. You got it." Wes said pulling a visibly shaken Michaela and a very livid Laurel behind him.