AN: Since people seem surprised by how I'm portraying Aurelia and calling it AU or OOC I'll explain that it fits her pre-sequel character better than what was used in Borderlands 3. Aurelia had a bloody character arc people! Not to mention we know she got brought in by the Crimson Raiders to join the vault hunter army! They just ignored all of that for 3 and tossed her aside which I found more than a little annoying honestly. Regardless, this Aurelia didn't throw away all her character development from pre-sequel like the writers (the same people who made Ava I remind you) seemed to.


Chapter 9


"Hah hah hah, made it to Banditville huh? Well done!" the never changing annoyance that was Jack spoke up through their Echoes "It'll be nice to see a friendly face when I'm burning that place to the ground. Oh, and I decided I will tell you my secret later on. Once you've earned it."

"Banditville?" Harry looked around in mock confusion, "This doesn't look like the Hyperion Headquarters, not enough Skag Piss yellow."

"That's a good point, why does he make everything that obnoxious color?" Gaige frowned as she considered the matter, "Is he hoping to blind people who look at his ugly ass robots?"

"Don't get me wrong, yellow's a fine enough color," Harry shrugged "I mean, it's no red or gold but it's fine, just not that shade."

"Um, excuse you, clearly blue is the best." Maya snorted with a mock disdainful sniff.

"Gunmetal grey bitches, that's where it's at!" Axton jerked a thumb at his chest where his dog tags rested.

"I don't know, I think cash money green is the best." Gaige riffled through a stack of bills. Their short time on Pandora already leaving them with more pocket money than they'd ever had outside of the parts budget their parents had given them back home.

"No mi amigos!" Sal denied, "Best color is the color of tequila!"

"CONDUCTOR SAYS PRETTY LADY COLOR BEST!" Krieg picks up Maya and holds her in the sky as if setting an example as the bluenette blushes a nice cherry red.

"Well…it would seem I've been outvoted." Harry mocked sighed before tilting his head, "Wait, Angel hasn't voted yet. Angel?"

"Sorry Harry, my favorite color is white." Angel appeared on their echo as Krieg and Maya cheered at keeping their victory.

"Are…are you ignoring me?!" Jack gaped "And how dare you insult my company!"

"Anyway, we should probably go give this power core to the gate guard." Harry hefted their stolen prize, completely tuning out the pissant that was way too invested in his cosplay if he never took off that mask.

"Stop ignoring me damnit!"

"Does anyone else hearing some buzzing? Like a gnat?" Gaige swatted at the air with a mock serious frown as they climbed the stairs of the guard outpost containing the very obvious shield generator.

"Hey, you're the ones Commander Roland was talking about!" the soldier on duty sounded excited as they approached, "The ones who faced Handsome Jack and lived!"

"Not really," Harry shrugged with a chuckle "Average Joe sent a double in his place, he was too much of a pansy ass coward to come himself."

"I SAID STOP IGNORING ME!" given the soldier's flinch at Jack's angry yelling he heard it too, even if Harry and his team remained unphased by it.

"W-well, regardless, we need your help…bad. But first thing's first, plug that power core into the shield generator." The soldier walked over to the machine to start inputting the necessary codes to allow the core to be swapped out. Moving quickly, Harry and Gaige installed the new core, checking over the machine as they went, the shield flickering for only a moment. "Good, that oughtta last us a bit. Roland was supposed to bring us some intel on how to stop Jack. With him missing, we really need your help. Talk to Private Jessup at the gate, he'll let you into the city." Walking over to the railing, the soldier cupped his hands to shout "JESSUP! Stand up straight ya rookie! We got a Vault Hunter heading your way!"

"Thanks Lieutenant." Axton nodded, the soldier recognizing the rank of the one they were talking to before they made their way to the city gate, the renewed shield overhead rippling as Hyperion tried blasting through it.

"Daaaaaamn." Gaige breathed out as they saw the force behind each shot as the shield rippled but remained strong, "We're lucky we got that core back here or those shots would have punched right through the shield."

"I might have to make some upgrades for this thing." Harry grunted, cracking his neck "Care to help little sis?"

"Sounds good," Gaige grinned before frowning "we'll need to find a place to live and a workshop first though. Then I'll have to make security bots to keep it secure."

"No hentai bots." Harry didn't even look back as he heard Gaige stumble at that declaration, their new friends all choking on their spit apart from Krieg.

"Harry!" Gaige screamed, her blush audible in her tone.

"I've heard you scream Gaige, what else am I supposed to think?" he shot back before taking off towards the town, an angry sister in hot pursuit as they ran passed a confused Private Jessup by the open gate. Sadly, she was able to catch up eventually as he worked to avoid her choking him out with her metal arm.

"Alright you two, break it up." Maya sighed in bemused exasperation as the others caught up with them in town "We talked to Jessup at the gate and he said this Commander Roland guy left a contingency plan in case he got captured. We need to go meet with the town Mechanic to find out about it and I found out that Hammerlock is hanging out over at a place called Moxxi's."

"Crap." Angel cursed angrily from their ECHOs "I mean, uh…darn. Roland needs your help. Without you, the Crimson Raiders don't stand a chance against Jack. Please find out where Roland's gone."

"You got it Angel." Harry nodded before looking at his group, playful attitude gone for now "Alright everyone, let's split up for now. Maya, I want to make sure that the blow you took to the head back on the Glacier healed right now that we're in a safe…ish place. Go find a doctor, Krieg you go with her and make sure there's no trouble."

"I'm fine Harry." Maya shook her head in denied.


"STRIP THE FLESH!" Krieg roared, picking up Maya with both hands and carrying the squirming Siren away.

"SALT THE WOUND!" Harry shouted back, waving as they disappeared up some steps. Dusting his hands off, he turned to the remaining members of the group, "Well everyone, let's go find the inventor of the Pimentaco."


Frowning, Angel put Harry on mute for now, albeit under recording so she can find out what she missed later, and started scanning for Roland. Every system on Pandora, every screen, every system, every damn ammo vendor was up for use as she began to search. Her eyes turned white, static and code flitting across them as information poured into her mind. She wasn't seeing signs of Roland yet, although she did find some other interesting information.

A small ship flying over from Elpis carrying two women, one of whom had a noticeably familiar sword? She quickly erased any record of them being seen on camera as they landed.

A Hyperion satellite spotting a large battleship which she had found out a while back was run by Aurelia Hammerlock and she'd kept hidden from Jack as best she could? Already cleared to land on Pandora and the information on who gave the owner faked to one of Jack's toadies, complete with fake money trail so he looked bought off.

An old Atlas weapons depot? She'd write down the info on where it was to send to Harry later.

Harry's social media page? Definitely saved for her person use later.

The calculations for some of Jack's scientists including one who wanted to make an AI backup of Jack as well as possibly clone the bastard should anything happen? Shift some of the calculations off by a number here or there…okay, so she admittedly gets distracted easily, sue her!

"What the." Angel looked back at her feed of Harry and the Vault Hunters, turning the sound back on as she saw them entering Moxxi's bar.


Groaning, Harry flopped down onto a bar stool at Moxxi's bar. Not only were the city's flying engines, as extreme as a concept as that was, not working but they had to BUY one of the pieces from some lunatic named Crazy Earl to even make that failed attempt. Now they found out that Roland was in the clutches of a, as Scooter put it, 'mass murderin bounty hunter' named the Fire Hawk. And to top it all off, they wouldn't even be able to leave till tomorrow given the fact that Hyperion was bombarding anything that moved outside town, their moonshot blitz strikes always taking awhile in the company's hopes to punch through the shield. "Why is that jackass even allowed to stay here?" he groaned into the countertop, Gaige sitting next to him as the others spread out through the bar.

"And who're you talkin about sugar?" hearing a new voice, Harry looked up and flushed at the very revealing outfit the bartender was wearing, her smirk making it explicitly clear that she saw him look and she didn't care.

"That weirdo Earl." Gaige made a face; his sister having moved behind him after some of the looks the black-market salesmen had sent her way.

"I mean, he stole a fuel cell from Scooter that was apparently part of a city defense plan that Roland had helped set up but he's allowed to just stay in town and demand what he wants?" Harry threw his hands up irritably.

"He did now huh?" the buxom brunette narrowed her eyes, "I'll have to have a word with my dear neighbor about doing that to my boy."

"Your boy?" Gaige tiled her head at that as the woman slid them a couple beers…ones pulled out of her cleavage, the same place their payment got shoved with no appearing or vanishing protrusions. He'd call bullshit but he was a wizard and didn't exactly have much room to talk when it came to making physics one's personal bitch.

"Names Moxxi sugar, and Scooter happens to be one of my kids." The now named bar owner grinned as Harry worked to process this woman and Scooter being related…on second thought, he wasn't going to think too hard on that one.

"I'm Harry and this is my sister Gaige." Harry nodded as he popped open the top of his drink, Gaige using her robot hand to do the same for herself "We're part of the new vault hunter unit."

"Oh, I heard about you lot." Moxxi sent them an appraising gaze which was much less flustering for him now that he'd figured out looking at her eyes instead of the cleavage meant less blushing on his part. It was truly a discovery for the ages. "They say you met Jack and lived to tell about it."

"Nah, Average Joe didn't show up in person." Harry shrugged as he took a swig, "He just sent a cheap mannequin stand in to do it for us. Probably knew that Krieg could already pull off the crazy guy with a mask look better than he can. Isn't that right guys?!" he turned to the table where the others were sitting around a pizza as they all cheered with drinks raised.


"SALT THE WOUND!" he and Gaige shouted back with a grin. Hearing laughter, he turned and saw Moxxi struggling to hold herself up as she bellowed out her laughs, his flush returning at the various jiggling her amusement was causing.

"Average Joe, oh I'm remembering that one sugar." Moxxi chuckled "Tell you what, I heard you lot were all looking for a place to stay when not on jobs. I own the apartments behind the bar, and we got plenty o' empty ones. You six take your pick, we can discuss rent after you get Roland back."

"Actual beds! Yes! You are amazing!" Gaige fist pumped as Harry gave Moxxi a nice tip.

"Oh, just when I thought you couldn't get any more attractive." Moxxi purred at him teasingly as his blush renewed.



Flopping on his new couch, Harry stretched with a groan. Down the hall he knew Gaige was talking with Moxxi's other son who lived back here, the guy being around their eyes and much more 'Moxxi' than 'Scooter' to put it politely. "Well, I finally have my own place…now what?" hearing a buzz, he looked down at his ECHO and saw a message from Angel. Opening it as he took a sip of his drink, he ended up choking on it as he saw another pin up drawing of the cyber beauty. This one showed Angel relaxing in a giant cocktail as if it as a hot tub, wearing a very revealing cocktail dress. The caption asked, 'Would you rather have a drink on me…or one 'off' me?'.

"I told you I'd start giving you a collection 'Captain'." Angel's voice purred in his ear, flustering him far more than Moxxi had.

"W-w-what caused this one Angel?" Harry gulped, tugging at his collar.

"Oh, just wanted to make sure I still had your attention. Although who knows, I might have to do something a little 'spicier' next." Angel's laugh sent shivers down his spine "Now, I'm sure you'll need your rest for tomorrow, so I'll let you go. 'Sweet' dreams Captain." After hearing an audible blown kiss, he saw the ECHO line with Angel close.

"Y-yeah," he got up, "I should get some sleep." But first a cold shower. He glanced down at his ECHO were the image still sat there…click 'Image saved to device'.