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Bloom's POV

It has been almost a year now since I found out that I was a fairy and came to the magic dimension to attend Alfea. It is also almost our one year anniversary of the Winx Club! Miss Faragonda wanted to do something special so she asked the Winx and I to come to her office as soon as possible.

"I wonder what Miss Faragonda's special surprise is?" Flora asked sweetly

"Maybe she is going to teach us a new, powerful spell!" Layla said excitedly

We were all thinking what special thing Miss Faragonda was planning, we finally arrived at her office and Stella knocked on the door.

"Come in!" We heard Miss Faragonda say

The girls and I all walked in when we saw Miss Faragonda was with Saladin, he is the Headmaster at Red Fountain school for Specialists. We glanced at each other confused.

"Hello girls" Miss Faragonda started "I asked you all here because the one year anniversary of the creation of Winx Club is near.."

"Saladin and I would like to do something very special, that has never been done before" She continued

"You want to give us no school work for a whole month?" Stella asked

"Stella!" We all said in unison

"Well girls, Stella is correct" Miss Faragonda said

"What? I was right!" Stella said as she did a happy dance

"I will let Saladin explain" Miss Faragonda told us

"Yes girls, until further notice you will no longer be enrolled in Alfea" Saladin started

"If we aren't enrolled in Alfea then were we go?" Musa asked

"Well Musa, you will be the first fairies ever to be enrolled into Red Fountain" Saladin explained

"Red Fountain, but why?" Tecna asked

"You girls are excelling in Alfea's courses so Saladin and I have come to an agreement to enroll you into Red Fountain, to have more diligent courses" Miss Faragonda told us

"Will we be taking the same courses as all the other specialists?" Tecna asked

"Well Yes and No, you will be doing the same work but at a different level" Saladin added

"Do any of the specialists know?" I asked

"No, there will be an announcement made once you get settled in" Saladin implied

"Girls this will be the hardest training you will be put through, can you do it?" Miss Faragonda asked

"We can do it!" We said

"Alright girls go pack up, and make your way to Red Fountain, and be careful" Miss Faragonda said

We left the Headmistress's office right away and went to our room to pack. We never would have figure that we would be attending Red Fountain as our special surprise.

"Girls aren't you excited?" Layla asked as she put her suitcase near the door

"Yes, I can not believe we are going to be the first fairies to ever attend Red Fountain!" Musa exclaimed

"I wonder how the guys will react?" Flora asked as she put clothes into a suitcase

"Oh yea I totally forgot about them, they will probably be excited!" I said

"Stella what do you think.." Musa started "Where is Stella?"

The girls and I all went to Stella's room but she wasn't in there, so we went up stairs where she works on her fashion. She was up there working on a new piece.

"Stella what are you doing? We need to get ready to go to Red Fountain" Tecna stated

"Oh but I am girls, look!" Stella said as she showed us the Red Fountain uniforms

"What about them they are just uniforms?" Musa said

"Well since we are going to Red Fountain I figured we would need our very own uniforms!" As Stella said this she us a spelled to put some modifications onto the old uniform. Stella made each of us a custom uniform that fits our own personal style.

"Wow Stella! Those are amazing!" Flora said

"Now that's better so are you girls ready to go, now that we have our very own uniforms?" Stella asked as she handed us our own styled uniform

"Let's go" Layla said

The girls and I all grabbed our suitcases made our way out to the opening of Alfea, where all the fairies and our Headmistress were waiting to give us their goodbyes.

"I just want to congratulate this group of girls for being the first fairies ever to be enrolled into Red Fountain, we are really going to miss you!" Miss Faragonda said as all the fairies clapped and cheered.

"We are going to miss you all!" Flora said sweetly

"We should get going, so we have time to settle in before our classes start" Tecna stated

We all made our way out through Alfea's gates, turning around looking at our home for the past year. I guess this was really happening, so the girls and I made our way to Red Fountain.

"So I wonder what type of classes we will be taking there?" Tecna wondered

"I bet we will be taking a lot of fighting and combat classes" Layla said as she did a kick in the air

"My biggest concern is how the guys will react because sometimes they can over react, they probably won't even like the fact that we're there" Musa said

"Seeing this face everyday, I don't why my Brandon would hate it" Stella said with a smile

"I don't know Stella, but I hope we get better by coming here, and that this wasn't a bad decision" I added

After a very long walk and listening to Stella talk about her new dress the whole way, we finally arrived at Red Fountain. It was weird because the school was practically empty, except for Headmaster Saladin who was there to greet us.

"Hello again girls, are you ready to start your journey at Red Fountain?" Saladin asked as he showed the way to the dorms

"Yes were are! But why is the school empty?" Flora asked as we headed for the dorms

"Yea where are all the boys!" Stella added

"All the specialists are on a practice mission at Black Mud Swamp" Saladin explained

"Now girls, these will be your rooms" Saladin said as he showed us two rooms "You may choose who rooms with who"

The rooms that Saladin should us and they were the only two rooms in the hall, they weren't even near the other dorms.

"Why are these the only two rooms here?" Tecna asked

"Well these are the prototypes of the new dorms we are getting, also we are completely full in the other dorms" Saladin explained as we headed towards the classrooms

"These are the combat classrooms, this is where you will train to fight the toughest of enemies!" Saladin continued

"We will all have combat class?" Layla asked while glancing into rooms

"Yes but you will have separate times without the guys, because all of our specialists are on higher levels. Once you have gained enough experience you are more than welcome to join their classes" Saladin said

"Well that is the whole school, everything else you can find on the other side of the school! I would like to wish you luck with your training here at Red Fountain. The specialists should be arriving soon, feel free to explore the campus once you're settled in." Saladin implied as he headed back to his office

"Oh Saladin, is it ok if you don't make an announcement about us being here?" I asked

"Yes, it would be easier if we didn't have to get these boys into a room and quiet them down, to hear that a group of girls have enrolled into Red Fountain. Well again good luck with your studies!" Saladin replied

We started to head back to our dorms, when the specialists started to arrive. Since Saladin isn't going to make an announcement anymore, we are just going to surprise all the specialists in the morning at class, until then we all went back to our dorms to unpack our stuff. In my room was Stella and Flora only because we are the only two who can stand Stella's ridiculous amount of clothes. Layla, Musa, and Tecna thought they would be better together in the other room.

Musa's POV

"I am so excited to start training here tomorrow, and finally learn some hand to hand combat skills!" Layla exclaimed as she put her clothes into the closet

"I'm glad at least one person is excited to fight each other" Tecna said sarcastically

"Just give it a chance Tecna, I'm not excited about this either but have you seen the outfits Stella made? They don't even have the silly cape" I said jokingly hoping to get Tecna in a better mood.

"Yea I guess they are better than those uniforms all the specialists have to wear" Tecna said as we all laughed

"Just think girls, I can help you train when we don't have class!" Layla said

"Oh my very own 'special' trainer!" I said and I thought "Even if we're here to train, we are still celebrating the Winx Club anniversary!"

The girls made it to Red Fountain and got settled in. How will the guys react about them being here? Will they even last there?
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