A/N: The last and final chapter, taking place two years later.


Nicky fiddled with her fingers, head turned so that she could gaze out the window. She sighed tiredly and leaned her head against the glass. So exhausted was she, that she doubted whether or not she had the strength to go through with this.

The opposite passenger side door opened and Nicky turned her head, eyes widening at Red's sudden presence. "Ma?" She questioned, eyebrow raised high in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I was going to let you do this alone, did you?" Red asked with a small smirk. She turned to look at the cab driver and inclined her head in acknowledgment. "Ready when you are."

The gentleman smiled and turned back to the road, putting the car in drive.

Nicky sighed a breath of relief and reached her hand over so that she could intertwine their fingers. "Thank you." She mumbled, generously squeezing Red's hand in appreciation.

Red smiled and moved to wrap and arm around Nicky's shoulders, pulling her close. "You don't have to thank me, Nicky. I want to be here."

Nodding, Nicky leaned into her heavily, closing her eyes as she tried to take as much strength from her as she could. After a few moments, she pulled back to resume looking out the window. It had been a long two years, an incredibly difficult journey. She wasn't sure if she would have made it without Red and her unwavering support. This was a debt she would never be able to repay.

Watching her girl distract herself with the passing by scenery, Red shook her head gently. In the two years since she and Nicky had been released from Litchfield, Red had never once broken her promise. She had never even left her side. They had established a new normal and had gotten an apartment together in Queens. Life had been kinder to them for the first time in a long time, and they had worked past nearly every hurdle. They lived a comfortable life and had laid nearly every demon to rest.

This was the final one- the final goodbye.

Nicky grips tightly to the carnations in her hand. Her nose crinkled in disgust. "Ugly fucking flowers," she mutters, "What was your deal with these, Marka?" She smirked slightly and shook her head in amusement. Her mother had always had the most bizarre taste. Walking along the soft grass, she came to approach a large stone and her smirk fell into a sad smile. She read the script that had been engraved into the marble and traced every letter with the index finger of her left hand.

Marka Nichols

Beloved Mother & Friend

December 30, 1957 - October 22, 20106

It was simple and plain, and Nicky couldn't help but smile at the fit Marka would probably have if she saw it. She bent down, falling to her knees and gently laid the flowers down in front of the stone.

October 22, 2016, the day she had gained her freedom from the chains that had always held her captive. Her head hung in shame and she felt her bottom lip tremble. She quickly pulled it between her teeth and bit it roughly.

"Hi, mom," she whispered into the air. "It's been a long time since I've called you that to your face." Despite her best efforts, a lone tear trickled slowly down her cheek. "I'm sorry that we never got to fix things between us." She paused and looked down at her hands which tangled together nervously in her lap. "I'm sorry I wasn't what you wanted… but I- I just wanted you to know that I'm good. I'm okay." She shook her head and brought her hand up to lovingly trace her mother's name.

Red leaned against the side of the cab, arms crossed over her chest. When she saw Nicky fall to her knees she had debated about going to her but decided against it. Nicky needed this time to herself. She needed to say goodbye in private.

Lifting her head up just in time to see Nicky walking toward her she exhaled a shaky breath. "Nicky," she whispered, pushing herself forward. She took slowly, easy steps until Nicky was just in her arms reach. She shook her head at Nicky's tear stained cheeks and her brows knitted together in confusion at the small smile on Nicky's face. "Are you okay?"

Nicky nodded, pulling her into a tight hug. She squeezed her tightly and more tears fell uninvited. "Yes." She whispered. Pulling back she offered a sincere smile.

"How do you feel?" Red asked, hands coming to cup her girl's cheek, thumb moving over the skin to wipe away her tears.

Nicky's smile widened as she leaned into her touch. "Free," She whispered. Pulling back slightly, she placed a light kiss to the inside of Red's wrist. "Let's go home."