AnimeFreak: Hello! I'm AnimeFreak; you may remember me from such stories like A Dream in words in YuGiOh, or A Man Changed Forever in DBZ. Today I'm sick and I'm writing about Hamtaro because I have no awareness of what I'm doing and I won't think of myself as a moron for writing a story about a hamster.

Hamtaro: What's wrong with Ham-Hams?

AnimeFreak: Point proven.

Hamtaro: What?

AnimeFreak: Quiet, or I'll eat you for my dinner, and then puke you back up.

Hamtaro: Where is your love?

AnimeFreak: Down the toilet with the rest of the crap I don't need. Anyway, I naturally own Hamtaro. Wait, no I don't… (Thank goodness, THERE IS A GOD!)

Hamtaro: I'm telling Lora on you!!

AnimeFreak: * snorts * Uh, you… are… a … hamster… Was that slow enough for you? Or do I need to spell it? Ok, on with the story!

Ch.1                                                                    If Anyone Ever

"If this fell into the wrong hands-" A tall man with a long white beard walked nervously in circles.

             "Yes, I know my master, but we must transport it immediately. Our forces have dropped dramatically. We cannot maintain it anymore."

             "Are you aware of the sacrifices we would have to make?" the man yelled.

             "Sir, please. If we continue to hold this thing here, we will be making more sacrifices than if we moved it. And they will eventually have access to the castle." The man with long blonde hair and dark eyes sat down at a wooden table. "Look, I'll even personally travel with the transportation group; we must get it as far away from here as possible." He said.

             "Chesk, you know I need you here."

             "Not as much as they need me out there."

             The tall man sighed and picked up a golden wrist plate with a diamond encrusted in it. He handed it to the blonde named Chesk and turned his back to him.

             "I'm putting this in your hands now. It's up to you to get it to safety." He said. Chesk nodded and grabbed his archery set and ran out the door. To his surprise he came face to face with Lord Wolvet. He backed up back through the door and looked out the window.

             "You have something that belongs to me now I believe…" He drawled out. Chesk looked at him with pure hatred and sneered.

             "Evil shall not prevail!" He said. He chucked the wrist plate out the seven story high window into the river below.

             "NO!!" Lord Wolvet stuck his head out the window desperately.

             From outside loud clanks of swords were heard. The fighting continued while the wristband flowed down the river. A bird flew down to snatch the plate, but only grabbed the diamond from it. The bird flew for hours until it finally landed onto a tree branch and pecked at it, but finding it wasn't appetizing it dropped it on the ground where it rolled underneath a rock. For centuries untold the diamond remained untouched; until 2003.