The Hated Prodigy

Hello everyone, welcome to my new fic. I was given this challenge by Animemonk, he has good stories and other challenges if any of you are interested.

As for the story, there will be slight changes in Naruto's age, he will be team Gai's age, which means the Kyuubi attack will move as well. This will be a Narutoxharem, narutoxoc and six other girls (you may give your suggestions, for who you want). I will also be gender swapping some characters to make the ratio between shinobi and kunoichi more even, I mean it is like 1 kunoichi equals 50 shinobi.

(7 years after Kyuubi attack)

'Rain again?' a boy with spiky blond hair with red tips, pale eyes, three whisker marks on each cheek. He had a malnourished body yet it didn't seem to effect him. He wore a orange jumpsuit, which had been torn and ripped in several places, and had multiple bloodstains. 'just my kind of weather' the boy thought with cold emotionless eyes.

"Naruto" the boy turned around to the voice and smiled to one of the people he could be happy around. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to protect you" a girl enveloped him in a hug.

"It's okay Yukari, I am fine really, the drunk collapsed before he could do anymore" Naruto returned the hug before letting her go a moment later. Yukari was a girl slightly taller that Naruto with messy mid length onyx coloured hair, dark silver eyes, she also had a malnourished body. She wore white shorts and a black short sleeved shirt that was ripped and to small for her body.

"Come on let's go home, we need to get your injuries fixed" Yukari grabbed his arm and placed it over her shoulders to help him walk properly. Naruto mumbled a thanks to her as they walked through the village, receiving glares from the adults around them while the children ignored them. Neither of them bothered to care about it though, still smiling because they had each other.

However their smiles disappeared as a group of white eyed adults were standing in front of their apartment. "Well if it isn't the demon and it's slut" the first one spoke with disgust, the others moved to surround them all of them either having a superior smug smirk, other than that they showed little emotion.

"Come on, let's go Naruto" Yukari dragged Naruto, trying to go inside the apartment.

"Hold up" the second one moved in front of them "don't you want to play with us?" they chuckled maliciously.

"How about a game of ninja" some took out kunai and shuriken, while others got into the gentle fist stance. "This is how a real ninja fights" the third member of the group tapped Yukari on the leg, directly on her pressure point making her leg useless.

"Aren't you giving them too much mercy, plus they don't deserve to see our clan taijutsu" the first one spoke.

"Who cares about that" the last one planted his fist into Naruto's cheek sending him flying to the ground before kicking Yukari's ribs with enough force to make a loud snapping sound. The first one shrugged, as the group started beating on the two for a full half an hour "hope you learned your lesson bitch".

"It's what you get for being the child of your whore of a mother and traitorous father" the second one spat "as for you demon, you will get the same as your mother". The Hyuga group left feeling proud of what they done leaving Naruto and Yukari beaten.

(Flash back – 6 years ago)

Two figures were seen to be jumping through the trees at a very quick pace. One male the other female carrying a bundle in her arms. "How did they find out the child was ours, I thought the hokage made sure our child together was kept secret because of a reason like this" the male gritted his teeth in frustration.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is getting away from them and make sure little Yukari is safe" the woman stated her eyes red with three tomoe spinning wildly.

The man nodded, as the veins beside his eyes became more prominent. He looked back his eyes seeing far behind them "they are catching up with us... wait a second there is another group following behind them, they are anbu but their masks are... different"

"I don't care if the hokage sent anbu to stop the Uchiha and Hyuga coming after us, I am not letting my daughter be back in that village". The woman's eyes changed patterns to a hexagon with a diamond for a pupil "if anyone tries I will annihilate them".

"They are nearly here" the male said panicked but didn't show it on his face.

"It doesn't matter we are close to the borders, once we cross them they won't follow"

"They will catch us before we make it to the border" the male sighed as a tear dropped from his eye "Protect her". The male stopped on a branch "Don't you dare stop moving Yuki, keep her safe no matter the cost".

"W-what are you doing idiot" Yuki was about to stop but she was given a glare.

"I said don't stop and I mean don't stop" he gave a smile before frowning at the incoming group "You will not get behind me" he stated towards the group "rotation". The group stopped to avoid being hit by the chakra dome.

Yuki gritted her teeth jumping away "goodbye, Yiashi". She left Yiashi behind, for about five minutes before she herself were surrounded by a group of masked ninja, all of them having blank masks. "Get out of my way" none of the masked ninja said anything but all of them took out a weapon "hn fine as you don't seem like moving I will make you move". Yuki put her free hand over her right eye, blood tears started pouring out of her eyes "Fujin". Black wind started forming around her, "Die" she make eye contact with one of the ninja, the same ninja suddenly dropped his weapon clawing on his throat, unknown to him the black wind had stopped his windpipe from working. Another ninja took advantage of being behind Yuki and threw three kunai into her back.

"Chunin Yuki Uchiha, hand over the child and your eyes" a Kunoichi spoke up presumably the leader, if she didn't look so young. "If you fail to comply we will be forced to kill you and take them by force, you will be free to leave here alive"

"Never, forbidden Uchiha art, Dual Izanagi" her eyes started to lose their patterns and go pale but two shuriken hit her in both eyes. Yuki fell down on one knee holding her eyes 'shit they hit my eyes before I could finish the technique... I can't beat them, I'm not close to being a jonin and they all seem to be mid level jonin' all the ninja closed in "I'm sorry Yukari, I failed you..." Yuki choked on her own blood as multiple blades pierced through her body expertly to not hurt Yukari. Yuki fell down to the ground, having her last breath not noticing other anbu with animal masks had appeared.

(8 years later)

"...look I'm telling you, I am not going to fight you everyday, I have lost interest" Naruto gave a irritated sigh. Naruto had grown in the past two years, thanks to the third hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, giving them proper food for them to grow, clothes and anbu protection, although they knew that because Naruto could see them with his Byakugan. Naruto was now 5'3, slightly below average for his age, thanks to being a jinchuuriki, he looked like he had never been malnourished. His hair had grown thicker and longer, the back of his hair had been put in a small ponytail. Naruto had gotten rid of his orange jumpsuits, after it had been torn beyond all repair, now he wore a white kimono shirt with loose sleeves, black pants and black ninja sandals.

"Just go and fight him already, you know Lei will never give up even by some chance she beats you" Yukari yawned, rubbing her eye "so fight her and she will stop annoying you". Yukari had also grown still being taller than Naruto at 5'5, she had curves all of the girls in the class wished for, having large C cup breasts when she is only nine would make a lot of people jealous. Yukari wore a black shirt with no sleeves and showed off her midriff, small white shorts that just covered her hips and fishnet stockings which showed of her silky legs.

"Fight me, this time I will win this time" Lei pumped his fist as there was a fire in her eyes. Lei had strange black eyes, long black hair and that was a princess cut, Lei also had curves that would make some jealous however she never showed them off, making her small C cups look like large A cups. She wore a white short sleeved kimono shirt with a martial arts belt and black pants.

"I have beaten you several dozen times now, there is no point really but..." Naruto smirked "I like your determination, challenging the top of the class when you are at the bottom of the class, it just makes it all the more interesting" Naruto cracked his shoulder. "So let's do this"

"You changed your mind pretty quickly, did you want to fight her or not" Tenten shouted annoyed "as for you Lei remember what you were told last time, you need an instructor if you are going to fight". Tenten had brown eyes and her brown hair was tied into two buns, however unlike Yukari and Lei, Tenten did not have curves to be jealous of as she only had a small A cup, average among her age. She wore a short sleeved pink chinese shirt and black pants.

"It is pointless for Lei to continue to challenge Naruto to a fight, that's because Naruto has the advantage of..."

"Shut up Katsumi or talk normally so we can understand you, seriously do all Aburame talk like this" Tenten continued to complain while Katsumi gave a plain look. Katsumi had mid length dark brown hair and green eyes. Unlike the rest of her clan she did not hide herself under multiple lairs of clothing, she wore a green shirt with no sleeves, that showed her midriff and was open at the top to show off a lot of cleavage and dark brown pants both of which showed off her mid B cup breasts.

"You do realise you will get in trouble if you are caught fighting without a teacher" Yukari sighed not caring if they fought or not.

"It does not matter, I will win this fight and show my hard work can beat you're talent". Lei ran forward throwing a punch with her right hand but it never made contact as Naruto hit the side of her wrist with his palm, knocking her off balance. "Now take this" Lei used the momentum of her missing to do a handstand, then spin round and kick Naruto. He simply ducked under the kick and swept Lei's arms with his own leg, letting her fall to the ground thanks to gravity.

"You did better that time Lei, you are a lot faster than before however you still don't have any real technique do you?" Naruto stood up straight and put a hand in his pocket. "What have I told you about that, hm... you can't beat me without technique".

"No not yet I haven't lost yet" Lei punched the ground "I will win this fight"

"What is this I hear about a fight"

"Hey Iruka sensei Naruto and Lei were having a small fight" Tenten answered pointing towards them but all that was left of Naruto and Yukari was a small dust cloud.

"You are not going to catch us this time sensei" Naruto and Yukari had already escaped from the chunin instructor with ease, they smiled at each other giving the other a high five.

Chapter end

Review, Favourite and Follow. Well please tell me what you think about the chapter.

Drag out