Planet Capella

Alpha Aurigae System

The deep jungles of Capella were known for being incredibly thick and dark, housing several kinds of alien fauna that settlers wouldn't imagine in seeing. Being one of the few outer colonies that survived the Covenants siege of the UNSC colony worlds during the war, Capella has been out of contact for years before UNSC ships returned to the system.

Once they did however the planet had declared independence from Earth and the UEG and demanded to be recognized by them. Not wanting to lose territory, the UNSC forces consisting of the UNSC Tiberius and the UNSC Hannibal, both destroyer-class vessels, sent their contingents of UNSC Marines onto the planet. Little did they know was that Capella had sworn allegiance to the New Colonial Alliance. Before they knew it, several NCA vessels exited slipspace near the UNSC destroyers. The vessels had been stolen long ago, five capital ships…they outnumbered the UNSC forces and the destroyers were annihilated.

The Marines on the planet were then taken prisoner and their executions was broadcasted across the planet's media services. This was a severe strike to the UNSC rule of their former territories. This couldn't stand.

And so…the Office of Naval Intelligence acted. Fireteam Osiris was inbound.

Halo: All Hail

Night time. The two moons over Capella shined over the jungles of the planet. A NCA military outpost sat in the middle of the dense jungle. Sentry units, automated turrets, scanned unknown infrared emissions, non-NCA were to be shot on sight.

In front of the large gate leading into the main compound, the two guards that overlooked the front path into the base were looking into the dark jungle beyond the electrified fences that surrounded the entire facility. "Hey, how long until change of guard?" One of them asked.

"Not long, in a couple of hours." The other replied, "We should really install more lights in this place. The only one we got is the one up in the tower."

"I wonder if Jonesy is having any problems looking into the trees, that light is really weak." The first guard said.

Outside the fences, hiding in the darkness, was a hulking presence. Despite its size, it moved without making a single sound. Taking out a small weapon, the thing aimed it at one of the fence's batteries, the silent shot disabling that small area of the long fence. Another presence, this one smaller and slender, crawled fast towards the disabled fence. With a small knife, it easily cut through the steel fence and made a hole big enough for it to enter.

"Goddammit this is boring." The second guard said, "Pay day has to be worth it, especially with the Colonel making us guard this shithole. I mean, what's so important about a single hole in the ground? They already have hundreds of these all over the planet. I bet the UNSC doesn't have to put up with this shit."

"Yeah well, they're too busy dealing with some ancient thing like they always do. Hey did you see that?" The first guy said spotting something in the air, as if the light had bended…somehow. The auto turrets hadn't picked anything up, "Must be seeing things."

"I'm telling you man, we need to take a nap." The second guard said. The invisible figure tip toed its way towards the back of the building, found the engine that powered the entirety of the outside perimeter of the base and the watchtower. The figure punched it, breaking it with a loud bang. "What the fuck?!"

The watchtower light died and so did the few light posts that were scattered around the base, the auto turrets went offline leaving the guards in the dark. "Alright…this is bad! Open the door! Jonesy!" The second guard called onto the tower sentry.

"I can't see shit!" Jonesy yelled. "Turn on your rifles' flashlights!"

The guards then readied their assault rifles, the weapons' lights illuminating the way they were pointing the barrels of their guns. But these men weren't trained to fight in the dark…

A muffled scream. "Shit! Where are you?!" The first guard called onto his friend, vanishing into thin air. A break in the wind, the guard was scared, his legs shook and sweat ran down his face. "I swear…if it's Covenant…" He mumbled to himself.

Immediately after he said those words, a sharp combat knife slit his throat, killing the guard instantly. He fell on the ground with his assault rifle's flashlight falling as well. The sentry in the tower, Jonesy, noticed this but he couldn't alert anyone. The alarm button had been turned off as well. "Oh fuck me." Jonesy said.

He then felt a presence standing behind him.

"Hope you have life insurance." A female voice said behind him. Before he could even turn around, Jonesy was violently thrown out of the tower. He fell out of a 10 feet tower.

"Team, regroup." Another female voice called out in the radio. Four figures reunited in the middle of the yard outside the front gate of the compound. They were heavily armored, and their visors glowed in different colors. "Step one complete. Next comes the best part, Command wants everyone down in the dig area dead. And all the equipment destroyed after we gather the info these rebels have found."

"Anything else, because this just sounds like par for the course." One of them said, a man.

"For now no, you know your roles. Move in." The team leader responded. The team moved close to the gate, the team leader knocked onto it to see how tough the gate was. "Hm…reinforced steel."

"How about a push?" The taller of the soldiers said. He moved in front of the gate and with a strong kick easily dented the steel gate. He then used his arms to completely make a hole through the metal gate. "Easy as pie."

"Alright, get your guns and silencers ready. Remember, no survivors." The team leader reminded her teammates.

Before they could enter into the deeper dig site, the monitor in front of them lit up showing the face of Colonel Dominic A. Lockhart appeared. "Ah yes, the eyes of ONI were actually on me it seems." He said spotting the soldiers in heavy armor. "This must be the mythical Fireteam Osiris I have been told of."

"Lockhart. How did you know we were here?" The team leader said.

"Did you really think that your prowlers could jam our planetary relays so easily? They were back online a minute you took them offline." Lockhart responded. The Colonel looked to be around 40 years old, he had black hair, fair skin, blue eyes and a blue scarf around his neck. He wore a standard camo outfit common with NCA officers. "We have eyes everywhere here, so if you want to get to me, bitch, you will have to go through hell itself."

Then he ceased communications.

"So much for a routine operation. What do we do now?" The grey armored Spartan said, he was taller than the others and wielded an assault rifle.

"Aside from fight our way in? The mission objectives have not changed, Buck." Team leader said.

"The dumbass wants us to decimate his soldiers on purpose. This can't be good." The white armored one stated.

"Says the one who has a shotgun readied, Tanaka." The red armored and slender Spartan replied. "At least I have a small gun."

"Plasma weaponry is hardly stealthy, Vale." Buck said.

The team leader, who wore black armor and had blue lights running down the armor smiled at the chemistry that her teammates had. They acted not like the death machines she was told they were, they acted normal. "Alright everyone, let's knock some skulls." She said.

"I have your six…Korra." Vale said. The team of super soldiers then proceeded to enter the elevator and sent it down.