This is my first OITNB Fan Fiction. I love Red/Nicky. Their mother/daughter relationship is so well acted and so real to me. I wanted to write a fan fiction about them, and how they would handle it if Red got sick. A lot of the Red/Nicky stories that I have read have a lot of Red caring for Nicky, and while this story has PLENTY of that, I wanted to explore Red's vulnerable side too. Hope you enjoy this, and please review if you do!

Title from Adele's song called "Remedy" - to me it's Red & Nicky's anthem! You should all give it a listen if you haven't yet!

Nicky was tired. How many times could she detox, how many times could she feel the pain of withdrawal before literally dying?

She knew that if Red hadn't been there with her, through every screw up, every disappointment, every insult she has thrown her way, she would be dead by now.

Nicky was tired. But mostly...she was scared.

She was 3 months sober now, and she had no intention of ever going back. Of course, she had no intention of going back after three years and that didn't stop her. This place, prison, it was a cess pool for junkies like her. It felt like wherever she turned, whoever she talked to, she would find that "love of her life" again, and this time, she wouldn't turn back.

But that wasn't what was scaring her.

Red was sick. She had been drawn and down lately, no appetite or energy. Pale, even.

The CO's took notice and Caputo sent her to medical for an examination, and because of her dehydration, they put her in the hospital to be hooked up to an IV for a few hours and to have some tests taken.

Nicky couldn't stop pacing her cube. After awhile she gave up on that and went to Red's bunk. She sat down on her bed and cradled her crocheted blanket around her shoulders. It smelled like Red. It brought her comfort from the unknown. It had only been a few hours, but Nicky could feel her absence so clearly already. As if she had been gone for months, years even.

She was her mother, after all. And because they both made mistakes, horrible mistakes, they had found each other. Nicky couldn't regret her time in here if it meant that she had Red in her life. The only thing she regretted now was not having the luxury of sitting with her at the hospital, to hold her hand, to crack jokes, to make her feel better. To find out what was wrong. Because something was horribly wrong. Nicky could feel it. She didn't want Red to be alone.

It was a couple of hours after lights out, that Nicky could hear the CO's bringing Red back to her bunk. She heard Piper ask Red if she was okay once the CO's left, and Nicky couldn't hear her response because it was so quiet. Red probably just wanted to sleep. But Nicky couldn't wait. She had to see her. She had to make sure that she was okay. Red would do the same for her.

She grabbed her toilet paper and tip toed out of her cube, sneaking past the night CO's and into Red's cube. Her eyes were closed but Nicky knew she couldn't have fallen asleep already.

She quietly sat down on Red's bunk. "Ma?"

Red opened her eyes, and smiled lovingly at her. "Nicky? What are you doing up?"

Nicky shrugged. "You were gone awhile. Wanted to make sure you were doing okay."

Red reached over and squeezed her arm. She wasn't okay, but for Nicky, she would be. "I'm okay, sweetheart. You don't have to worry about me."

Nicky shook her head. "But I do, Ma. Someone has to." She smiled sheepishly at her, trying hard to keep the mood light.

Red swallowed hard, her eyes watering before she broke eye contact with her. "I'm tired, Nicky. I'm sorry. We can talk more tomorrow, ok?"

Nicky nods, not wanting to leave her yet. "Okay. You want me to stay until you fall asleep?"

Red reaches over and takes her hand before closing her eyes. "I'd like that."

Nicky's eyes fill with tears. A tear escapes before she can stop it. "Okay, Ma. I'll stay right here. I promise."

Red squeezes her hand gently and rubs her thumb across the back of Nicky's hand. "Love you, Nic."

Nicky reaches down and kisses her forehead. "I love you, too, Ma."