Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, they are property of Akira Toriyama and Naoko Takeuchi.

Serena was walking through the streets of Tokyo city, still thinking of what happened the other night, Why would the princess showed herself?, that never happened before, there was a time with the outer senshi but they were her friends since her other life so is considerable but Goku, he met him days ago, it didn't make sense.

She needed to trust Serenity and deep down she knew that it was the best choice but the problem was telling her friends that the guy he met the other day, now knew about they and princess Serenity. The only thing that he didn't know it was their real identity's, he didn't know about that behind the stronger warrior and the princess of the moon, was the clumsy Serena Tsukino, the girl who wasn't that good in school and who likes to eat a lot, if he could see the real her…

A little kid was sitting in the fountain of the central park of Tokyo, waiting for his dad, remembering what his brother said to him before going out.

"Goten, don't forget to wait for dad at the fountain in the park, he knows where is it so he will be there as he finish his training with Vegeta, so don't move around to much, got it?"

Goten was thinking of what to do before getting bored, maybe he could put out his hat and play with it a little bit, actually no, better not do it, because it was a memento of his mother, his brother told him that she bought it when she was pregnant, thinking it will look good at him later on and he needed to stop thinking about her or the tears will come out again, he was strong, no need to cry.

"Hello little boy, what are you doing here alone?"-asked a blonde girl, sitting beside him with a smile in her face.

"I am waiting for my dad, miss"

"Oh, that's okay, then is better that I stay with you a little bit"


"It's dangerous to be alone at times like this"


"Yes, recently there has been attacks of monsters, here in Tokyo are in red alert"

"My dad and I can beat them, don't worry!"

"Yep, I bet you could" she said with a smile giving him the thumps up signal.

"My name is Goten" he said smiling

"Well mine is Serena, the powerful Serena" she said jokingly as she put her arm showing him her muscles in a funny way, making the little boy laugh.

"I never through that the people of Tokyo were this funny"

"You aren't from here then?"

"Nop, I am from the mountain, there are close from Satan city"

"Satan City? Never heard of that but is sounds like a good place"

"Yes, dad, brother and me live there"

"That's cool!"

"Miss, you're not going to ask me about my mother?"

"Well, I don't think is it ok for me to ask about her"

"but why?" he asked curious


"All the people always ask about her"-he said looking at his feet.

"Because if you didn't said anything at first it kinda explains that you don't wanna to talk about her "

"Why are you so considerate with me?"

"Because you look like a good boy" she smiled.



A strange creature began to shout as he throw a thing that looked like a ball near Goten and Serena, reacting as fast as he could, he pushed Serena before the ball exploded releasing some kind of dust making the people nearby to fall sleep, Goten who received more the impact began to feel sleepy himself.

"Goten, please don't close your eyes"- Serena said going towards him, when she checked over him to see if he was ok.

"I am ok, only a little bit tired"- he said.

Serena returned to look at the monster, there was a change to escape if she went to the street at her left when he wasn't looking, she only needed something to distract that thing, anything to create sound in the opposite way, with an objective in her mind she started searching while crawling in the floor, thanks to the fountain that helped her to go unnoticed for the creature view, thankfully she found a rock and without taking so much time she threw it to the street in her right, praying to hit something to make enough sound, the rock hit the trash can nearby the right street.


Serena saw the monster going in the direction she wanted and when he literally was facing Serena with his back, she carried Goten in her arms and started to run in the opposite direction.

"Damn, I need to put Goten in a safer place before I transform,"

While running she tried to remember the streets and directions in her memory that could help her it wasn't even a long distance that she crossed when she heard something, it was a growl, feeling her heartbeat stronger by every moment and her legs started to go faster thanks to the fear she was beginning to feel , then another growl was heard but this time it was closer, her brain was thinking faster now, If I am not mistaken this is the lotto street so that means that in a few meters turning right there is the sakura street where is that hole in the wall, the one Miss Takashima said was gonna be covered the next week.. There was the possibility that the hole wasn't going to have enough space for the two of them but it was the only hope she had right now, so with the adrenaline that she had in the situation, she ran the faster that she could do and when there was a respectable distance between the thing that was following them, she turned right, stopping for a moment to search from the hole, she found it quickly and she crawled fast there with the little boy in his arms because the hole entrance was little.

Inside in Serena lay on her back in the wall, recovering her breath while hugging Goten, she stayed like that long enough, it was the first time she ran like that.


She hold back her breath when she heard the voice that came from the streets, where they were a moment ago, it was strangely familiar but she didn't know why.

"Serena?" Goten whispered, he was with his eyes half open as he looked at her, the feeling of slumper was still in him, making him feel tired.

"Shh….I am here, don't worry "she said in a low voice, smiling to him.

"Forget it, a pity human can't be useful even if the master said so, it's better to find Sailor Moon, her energy is a lot more useful" Said another voice more preminent.


"Shut up and don't you dare shout at me like that ever again, I can hear you perfectly, you idiot!"

"Yes sir!"

"Then let's go to search for more energy until we find the leader of the guardians, tonight will begin the massive gift"

"But, Sir if we don't find that girl…"

"Don't worry, this entire city will replace her energy if we don't find her, I don't care if we have to dry off the life of every human in this place ."

And with that she heard the creatures run far from they were, hopefully searching for the other street, blaming herself for letting her guard down because she didn't hear the footsteps.

But now there is a more important thing, they were looking for her, and if they don't find her the people in this city will be in great danger.

"Are you okay?" said the little boy in her arms, looking at her worried, his gaze was still weary.


"But, why are you crying?"


She felt the tears in her eyes, I am stronger than that, don't need to cry after all she is Sailor Moon and still she couldn't deny the shivers in her body, she wasn't alone in this moment, she had Goten and she needed to protect him without being her alter ego for now.

She removed the tears in her eyes with her hand, there is no time to lost.

"Don't worry about it, something some vitamins with strawberry flavors couldn't help" She said with a grin in her face.